Chapter 365 Leadership Office

It is to let people on our planet know how their advanced alien creatures can wreak havoc on their planet.

Gu Yunqing has a certain sense of guard against these higher alien creatures in his heart. They are too powerful, even Gu Yunqing can only tie them with them, so it seems that it will not be earlier or more in-depth. If the material energy is extracted to the military aspect of mankind, there will definitely be major problems.

National leaders were not surprised to see this advanced alien creature.

how to say?

Although he did not create a very glorious era that belonged to him because of the wrong time, he still has a very calm and introverted heart, and a very leading national leader.

The advanced alien creatures also admire him when he is not surprised. After all, to humans, now they are like nuclear weapons that destroy the Blue Star. They can easily destroy the planet with just one click, but This human being can stare at him in front of him unchanged.

That’s right, just staring at him.

The leader of the country has no guilty conscience, and Hao stared at the alien without fear.

Because he knows that this advanced alien creature spends so much energy to observe the shape of the blue star first, and then send a senior alien creature over, it definitely does not mean to attack, otherwise, why not at the beginning, just How about directly destroying all human beings on this planet?

Also engage in these twists and turns.

So he knew that the purpose of this high-level alien coming was not simply to occupy the planet. There must be a deeper reason.

This strip-shaped human alien also showed a weird smile.

The sergeant chief looked at him, and had to admit that there was a certain amount of fear in his heart in the atmosphere of tension just now.

After all, he still doesn’t want planet Own to be destroyed, but now the smile of this alien creature is even more permeating, making him feel as if his back is cold.

Maybe it’s because this alien creature looks too strange.

The alien creature glanced at all the people in the office with a slight smile.

In fact, there are not many, there are only three, one is the national leader, the other is the sergeant chief, and the other is Gu Yunqing. The others are not qualified to enter the office of the national leader.

Of course, Gu Yunqing was acquiesced to be able to come in at any time, and because the Sergeant Major was the highest-ranking officer, plus this was originally the planet’s military exchanges with other creatures, the Sergeant Major could also come in.

There was no communication between the three of them and an alien creature in a short period of time. The three humans were waiting for the alien creature to make a statement. What do they want to do?

What the hell did Bluestar do?

Why do you want to get an iron ball dangling here, why do you send an envoy to negotiate?

Because they don’t think there is anything on the planet Own worthy of their negotiation, either to destroy them, or to let them go, no matter why they come to negotiate?

Is there anything more valuable on their planet?

All three of them thought this way. At this moment, the high-level alien suddenly turned his head, and looked at Gu Yunqing with a meaningful smile.

Although this alien creature doesn’t have a human face at all, Gu Yunqing thinks he is meaningful.

Soon, the alien creature began to talk, but he didn’t use his mouth to make no sound, because he didn’t have a mouth at all.

But through this iron ball.

He introduced to everyone that this iron ball is a universal high-tech product on their planet.

If people on their planet want to negotiate with people on other planets, they can touch this iron ball to transfer the consciousness in their mind to this iron ball, and this iron ball will automatically be converted to this planet. The language used by humans.

Of course, some people may wonder, why does an iron ball know how to use the language of this country?

It’s actually very simple, because this iron ball has come to the blue star to observe for a long time, and at that time, he was already actively learning human language, culture, military battle conditions and the entire planet.

Everyone can’t help feeling the creeps.

Because their planet can easily come in as long as aliens want to.

Steal all their things easily.

The resistance they made seemed to be futile in terms of these higher alien creatures.

Because in the face of true strength, all weaknesses are indifferent.

The crowd took a deep breath and continued to listen to this higher alien creature, telling their purpose of coming to the planet.

“We are not the same as those low-level alien creatures. If we want to, your planet is already under our control, and this time we came here purely because we saw someone on your blue star.”

This person can’t help but wonder, what kind of person is worthy of higher aliens to come and look for him?

And they have never heard of any peerless talents on their planet!

Besides, how did the higher aliens know his existence?

When everyone was still in doubt, Gu Yunqing had already started to shake his heart.

The Sergeant Chief lowered his head and pondered, suddenly as if he had thought of something. He turned his head and looked at Gu Yunqing. The eyes of the two people met in the air, and both understood what they were thinking.

Could it be…

At this time, the alien creatures continue to speak again. This time our purpose is only for him. If your planet agrees to hand him over to us, then we will not attack your planet, and will protect your planet from others. Invasion of low-level aliens.

In their eyes, the giant iron armor or the army of alien creatures were not worth mentioning. Those were ants-like existences to them.

It can be wiped out immediately with a small hand.

The national leader also spoke at this time.

“Who are you looking for?”

“What do you want him to do? What is the purpose of doing things? Will you hurt him? Is everything you just said represents the most authentic statement on your planet?”

If the purpose of these extraterrestrial creatures is to take their human beings for experimentation, or other cruel behaviors, then national leaders will absolutely not agree, because even if it can be sheltered by higher alien creatures, but This human being is also their compatriot, and they will never allow compatriots to sacrifice in exchange for the life of surreptitious life.

Therefore, the sergeant nodded and agreed with the leaders of the country.

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