
Lu Fan teleported and disappeared in place with the Super Dragon Ball.

Rumsey also immediately followed.

The location where the Dragon Balls are stored is not very far from the God of Destruction Realm, which is the straight length from Earth to Uranus.

This distance is nothing for the God of Destruction.

At this moment, seven dragon balls were suspended above this starry sky, emitting golden light.

"Finally put it together." Lu Fan breathed a slight sigh of relief.

"It went a lot more smoothly than we expected." Rumsey smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to make a wish now." Lu Fan greeted, "Don't come out when the divine dragon comes out, you grab your wish with me." "

Rumsey: "..."

"Say what? Am I that kind of person? Rumsey's face darkened.

"That's good!" Lu Fan nodded, "Hurry up and summon the divine dragon." "

"I don't know the recipe, but Kess knows, wait for her!" Rumsey suggested, "You need to resurrect your parents, and Kex is your future wife, so you have to involve her." "

"You're right! What is Kess grinding underneath? Lu Fan asked.

"Bardos contacted Kesi just now, it should be suspicious of us." Rumsey grinned, "But now it's useless for them to even know, and by the time they come over, we'll have already fulfilled our wish." "

Lu Fan nodded gently.


Planet Rumsey.

Kesi also immediately contacted Bardos.

"Xth, I ask you! Did Super Dragon Ball snatch it from you? Xiangpa asked directly.

"Oops... Was it known by Lord Xiangpa so quickly? Kesi smiled and corrected, "However, Super Dragon Ball was not stolen by us, it was stolen!" "

Xiangpa: "..."

"Is there a difference! I knew you did it! Elephant Pa shouted angrily, "Hurry up and return the Dragon Balls to me!" Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind! "

"Lord Xiangpa, forget it, this matter has been approved by the Great Priest." Kess answered truthfully.

"What... What the? Xiangpa froze for a moment.

"I can only say so much about specific things, we are going to make a wish now, goodbye." After Kesi finished speaking, he directly ended the call.

Xiangpa was stunned for a long time.

Bardos is also a little confused.

"Bardos, what did she mean just now?" Xiangpa asked, "What does it mean to be approved by the Great Priest?" "

"Maybe Lord Archime already knows about our collection of Super Dragon Balls." Bardos mused.

"You... What did you say? Xiangpa's face changed color, "Lord Grand Priest already knows? So...... Did Lord Archime call you over this time because of the Super Dragon Ball thing? "

"Not really, I don't know exactly what it is, but it's okay now." Bardos replied.

Xiangpa: "???? "

Xiangpa was even more confused.

What is it called something that you don't know, and now it's okay again?

"No, now the main problem is... What the hell is Super Dragon Ball? Xiangpa's face darkened.

"It's hard to say." Bardos shook his head.

"Since they snatched the Super Dragon Ball, I just want to know, what wish did they fulfill?" Xiangpa gritted his teeth and asked unwillingly.

"This... After they get their wish, let's investigate. Bardos mused.


The tenth universe, cosmic space.

After ending the call, Kesi also appeared near where the seven super dragon balls were located in an instant, and converged with Lu Fan.

"Okay, the people are together, you can summon the dragon of the gods, Lu Fan." Rumsey patted Lufan's shoulder.

Lu Fan nodded solemnly.

There was a brief silence.

Keth and Rumsey looked expectant.

"What is the spell that summons the dragon?" Lu Fan turned his head and asked.

Rumsey: "..."

Kers: "..."

"Forget it, Kess, you come to summon." Rumsey's face darkened.

"Okay." Kess replied, shouting in the language of God, "Come out of the dragon of God!" Please grant my wishes, hairpins! "

After the words fell, an even brighter golden light flashed on the seven huge super dragon balls.

Golden rays of light rose up into the sky and quickly converged together.

The golden light transformed into a huge golden divine dragon.

Looking at the past, the dragon of the gods is boundless, and its body is the size of a galaxy.

The divine dragon is suspended in the starry sky, with endless majesty and sacredness.

"People who gathered the seven dragon balls, please say your wishes, I can grant any one of your wishes." The voice of the Divine Dragon sounded.

"Lu Fan, hurry up and say wishes." Rumsey patted Lufan's shoulder.

Lu Fan: "..."

Lu Fan originally thought that Rumsey would grab the wish.

If Rumsey really grabbed the wish, Lu Fan decided to give it to him, which was his care for himself over the years.

It's just that what Lu Fan didn't understand was that this product actually gave me his wish.

It seems that I am biased against the God of Destruction.

Rumsey, the destroyer of the tenth universe, people are really good.

Also, how do I feel that you want me to make my wish come true as soon as possible?

You and I wouldn't be half-brothers, would we?

How do I feel that you want to resurrect my parents more than I do?

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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