"Yes, yes." Kess nodded.

"I thought I would stay in our tenth universe." Rumsey sighed.

Immediately afterwards, Rumsey and Kess looked at Lu Fan without blinking, wanting to see his confused appearance.

It's just that what makes Rumsey and Keth a little confused is ...

Lu Fan seemed to be calm.

There is no sense of ignorance at all.

That's kind of weird.

After Ji Nei was resurrected, he also immediately looked back and forth, left and right, and noticed Lu Fan on the opposite side, as well as Rumsey and Kesi at a glance.

Lu Fan was only 5 years old when he left.

Now I am an adult.

However, Ji Nei immediately recognized Lu Fan.

Because, Lu Fan's appearance is very similar to Bardock.

Although it is not similar to Kakarot, there is also Bardock between the eyebrows.

"Am I not mistaken? Are you Lu Fan? Himeuchi spoke.

Lu Fan: "???? "

Lu Fan was a little confused now.

Although more than 20 years have passed, Lu Fan has not forgotten Ji Nei's voice.

As soon as Ji Nei spoke, Lu Fan also felt that this voice was very familiar.

Do Saiyan sisters not only look alike, but also have the same voice?

That's not right!

My mother must have never met me!

How did she know my name was Lu Fan?

"You're right, he is indeed Lu Fan." Rumsey smiled triumphantly.

"My child!" Ji Nei was very excited and stepped forward to hug Lu Fan.

Lu Fan was still a little unresponsive.

"Wait a minute..." Lu Fan gently pulled away from Ji Nei's embrace, looking her up and down.

Rumsey smiled.

Kess smiled as well.

How happy and happy the two are.

"You... Are you Himechi? Lu Fan felt more and more that something was not right.

"yes..." Himeuchi nodded.

Lu Fan: "..."

Lu Fan was stunned at that time, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

What wish did I just make?

I obviously made a wish to resurrect my mother.

How did Himeuchi come back to life?

"By the way... Do I remember I wasn't dead? Am I resurrected again? Ji Nei also lightly patted the door of his head at this time, and suddenly came back to his senses, "Is all this a dream..."

The mother and son are even more confused than the other.

After a brief moment of confusion, Lu Fan immediately turned his head to look at Rumsey.

"Rumsey, what are you doing? Did you do something small? Lu Fan said with a dark face, "Are you so interesting!" "

"I didn't do anything... I have always been fully cooperative with you. Rumsey smiled.


Lu Fan quickly drew a closer distance between Rumsey and glared angrily at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Rumsey laughed.

"You resurrected Himeuchi first?" Lu Fan questioned.

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense? Isn't it a wish you made? Rumsey's smile grew brighter, "You think I can make small gestures in front of the dragon." "

"I remember I made a wish to bring my mother back to life... Although Himeuchi is resurrected, I am also very happy... The problem is that this kind of thing has to be a first-come, first-come. Lu Fan frowned.

"Huh." Rumsey snorted and said no more.

Kess also pursed her lips and held back a laugh.

"That's not right... There must be something wrong with this! Lu Fan's mind flashed, "Could it be... Himeuchi is my real mother? "

"You finally reacted?" Rumsey was overjoyed.

"You... Have you known for a long time? Lu Fan was stunned.

"Hehe, of course." Rumsey smiled triumphantly.

"Wait a minute... Let me brush it off..." Lu Fan was really a little confused.

Himeuchi is my real mother?

Monkey King is my own brother?

This joke is a bit big, right?

Something is wrong!

I'm the same age as Raditz and we were born on the same day.

Are we twin brothers?

No wonder Himeuchi is so nice to me!

Bardock will also send me to Earth to leave planet Vegeta in a spaceship with Goku.

That makes sense.

"I can't think of it, Lu Fan." Rumsey smiled more and more happily, "The way you looked confused just now is so funny." "

Lu Fan: "..."

"Hey, are you really Lu Fan?" Ji Nei found that his body did not seem to have any discomfort, and quickly asked.

"Yes... I'm Lu Fan. Lu Fan nodded, flew to the opposite side of Ji Nei, and asked strangely, "Are you my biological mother?" "

"Hey? You know all about it? Ji Nei was slightly stunned and looked at Lu Fan with some surprise.

Lu Fan silently wiped his sweat.

That's true!

There should be nothing wrong with it!

After all, the dragons of the gods all think so.

This relationship is much more accurate than paternity testing.

"Lu Fan, my child, I really want to die mother!" Ji Nei said, and immediately stepped forward and hugged Lu Fan, feeling the joy of reuniting after a long absence, followed by crying with joy.

Lu Fan was at a loss for a while.

Lu Fan let his mother hug for a long time before he spoke.

"You... Why didn't you tell me earlier? You are my real mother! Lu Fan asked.

"Boy, you don't know this, do you?" Rumsey stepped forward and smiled, "Actually, your parents don't know that you are their biological child, and on the night you sent Kakarot to Earth, your mother felt that you were his own son, and the kid named Raditz looked less and less like it." "

Lu Fan: "..."

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