Chapter 309 Rescue Pokémon

At least stronger than human power.

After a run, Tauros crashed into the Pokémon switch pushed by Team Rockets.


Tauros’ horn pushed directly into the Pokémon switch, and the huge impact force directly embarrassed Jessie from the roof. Such a huge Tackle force could not make her stay on it safely.

Meowth “August 17” and James behind the Pokémon switch were better, they were not affected by Tauros’ impact, because they had run away before Tauros collided, dodging Tauros’ Tackle.

And the Pokémon switch was also flown out by Tauros Tackle. It can be seen that Tauros is powerful and powerful.

“Good job, Tauros!” Ash shouted happily, and Tauros once again made a contribution to him.

The three of Ash hurried to the Pokémon switch to check the machine that Team Rockets used for evil.

Unexpectedly, this is actually a fake Pokémon switch with hundreds of Poké Balls hidden inside, and each Poké Ball has a Pokémon.

The three of Ash quickly moved the Poké Balls out of the fake Pokémon switch.

They didn’t have to think to know that Team Rockets took advantage of this Pokémon swap conference, created a fake Pokémon swap, and then tricked the trainers into getting Pokémon.

Sure enough, it’s the consistent style of Team Rockets.

It’s a pity that their plan this time went bankrupt because they met the three of Ash.

Jessie, who had just been hit to the ground, stood up in spite of the pain, took out her two Poké Balls, threw them out, and shouted: “Go, Arbor, Lickitung, take those Poké Balls out. grab it.”

James, who was standing by, took his Pokémon and shouted, “Go, Weezing, Victreebel, go grab those Poké Balls.”

After the white light flashed, the four Pokémon of Team Rockets appeared directly, facing one of Ash’s Tauros.

Tauros is facing four Pokémon alone, and now he is a little weak.

So Ash and the three quickly released Pokémon again.

Ash takes out his Squirtle, Brock takes out his Onix, Misty is Staryu.

Now it happens to be four on four.

The Poké Ball that Ash and the others took from the Pokémon switch was placed behind them, kept by Pikachu.

I saw James and Jessie order their Pokémon to attack, and they went directly to Ash and their Pokémon.

And Ash and the others were not to be outdone, ordering their Pokémon one by one to release their skills.

Just as the two sides were having a great time fighting, people who hadn’t reacted before, saw that the Team Rockets trio pushed the fake business switch to escape, and they ran farther, then they reacted and quickly. Chase the Team Rockets trio in the back.

Originally, they had no hope, but the sound of the Pokémon battle suddenly sounded in front of them, giving them hope, and 3.9 continued to chase along the escape route of Team Rockets.

I saw that Team Rockets had been stopped by three trainers, and their Poké Ball was behind those trainers.

They also fought chicken blood and rushed directly to James and the others.

Jessie and James and Meowth heard the movement behind them and turned to see that it was the people using their Pokémon switches who were chasing after them.

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