Episode 29: The Lakeshore’s Slime Birth Ceremony

On a lightless night of the new moon, the figures of woman gathering on the lakeside could be seen.

The age of the women varied. Although figures of young girls to mature women could be seen, all of them had a certain something in common.

That is, all of them had swollen, pregnant bellies which appeared to be in their last month of pregnancy.

The Pregnant-Bellied women gathered together in groups, lying on the ground to create a circle shape with their heads all in its centre.

And, after a while had passed, the women’s stomachs abruptly glowed with light.

At the same time, women’s groans could be heard coming from all directions as a sparkling, shining liquid overflowed from their vaginal orifices.

Yes, this was the Lake Country’s rarely seen valuable birth scene of the Slime Birth Ceremony.

Because the slimes that the women had given birth to returned to the lake, the completely dark lake was colourfully illuminated, turning the scene into a fantastical spectacle.

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