As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 127 - I Wonder What Kind Of Woman He Would Choose In The End

[Riding One's Coattails! Were the Allegations True?]

[The Film Emperor's Non-existent Love Life]

[Fans are Urging to See a Junior of Film Emperor Ishizaki!]

[Ishizaki Ryuu's Love Story?]

The examination period ended yesterday, giving free time to both the students and teachers at the school today before the weekend arrived tomorrow. The students were permitted to have self-study sessions for the entire school hour today without the teachers' interference.

It was a way for the students to recharge their energy after almost a week of the examination period.

Because most people had lots of free time today, the female teachers especially were focusing on the cheap headlines on tabloids regarding Film Emperor Ishizaki Ryuu. All of them were fixating on the love life of the film emperor.

The articles were already foreseen by either his fans or non-fans. This tended to happen every time a scandal regarding the actor broke out.

Because Ishizaki Ryuu had never admitted to being in a relationship with anyone, the tabloids often went crazy with this kind of news. The past of the film emperor was only known so little. 

The fans knew the renowned film emperor came from a poor background and he had to work odd jobs to survive his adolescent days. Because of the hardships he had to endure in his past, more people praised him for being hardworking before he succeeded in his life.

"I wonder what kind of woman would he choose in the end," One female teacher said as she joined a group sitting in the lounge area.

"He has seen so many beauties in almost a decade but, is he really unmoved even after all this time?" Another one chimed in, giving her thoughts away.

"I think he might have dated for some time before but, neither party publicize the relationships. He's not an angel. He's still a man after all."

"I kind of want to see him getting married ah. At his age, he should have a cute little version of him already."

"The day he announces he's getting married, I think the fans would be divided ah."

"Who cares? Celebrities are still humans. They have to be with the person they love."

The conversation drifted to Yuina who was sitting at her desk. Although she didn't have a change in expression, it was still weird to keep hearing about her husband's matter from the female teachers.

Instead of being jealous, Yuina was actually thinking about the what-ifs that could happen once Ryuu really publicized their hidden marriage.

Some fans might feel betrayed by their beloved actor but, if he didn't reveal their marriage, how long should they keep staying in hiding?

With the busy weeks passed by, unknowingly the day Ryuu would return to the country was getting nearer. In another three to four weeks, Yuina could finally meet her husband again.

Her yearning for him deepened as days went by. Yuina was eagerly waiting for his return.

She missed the feeling of seeing him right in front of her.


Yuina's attention was shifted to her phone. Her eyes brightened at the sight of the name that appeared on the screen.

It was Kanna!

Kanna was still in another city for her job as a doctor. Until now, Yuina couldn't see her best friend because of Kanna's busy schedule. She had so much to be done for her job right now.

Yuina opened the unread message.

[Kanna: I'd be in the city for two days starting tomorrow]

[Kanna: Work matters, if not I couldn't return yet]

[Kanna: Wanna meet?]

Of course, Yuina won't say no to it!

She also missed her best friend but, Yuina didn't dare to disturb Kanna who always had long work hours. 

[Yuina: Deal!]

[Yuina: Let me treat you to something good ;)]

Since tomorrow was the weekend, Yuina could freely meet with Kanna whenever her friend decided on the time. She had lots to share with Kanna who she hadn't met for more than two months. 

Exchanging stories by phone was different than meeting face to face. Of course, Yuina had to properly use this chance to catch up with her best friend.

While Yuina was happily thinking of meeting her dear friend, the same couldn't be said to Himari.

As she had discussed with Kazuya last night, she had to meet Jun either she liked it or not. 

Today, another bouquet came. 

The moment Himari received the red roses from the delivery guy, she quietly signed the acceptance form and uploaded a new photo on the forum. Gaining profits without using any capital felt so good. 

Like yesterday, another young man responded, saying he was looking for a red roses bouquet to be gifted to his girlfriend. Himari happily responded and asked him to come and get the flowers. The transaction was finalized in the afternoon.

The guards who saw her giving the roses away like yesterday teased her but, Himari only smiled at them without saying anything.

When should she meet him?

Himari recalled Kazuya's plans. 

The man said he wanted to bring her and the siblings to a strawberry farm this weekend. Since he hadn't decided on the day, Himari asked if he would like to rest first on the Saturday before going to the farm on Sunday. She could clearly remember the exhaustion lines on his slightly haggard face.

Her suggestion was accepted well by Kazuya. He said he really needed to rest well after being so busy in the past two weeks. Kazuya said he would ask his housekeeper, Aunt Mayu to come and tend to the children tomorrow morning. He was so tempted to wake up until late on Saturday.

Thus, both days of the weekend were impossible. 

"Maybe, this coming Monday?" Himari murmured quietly.


The same situation would occur then. She might still receive a bouquet of roses on Monday morning.

Since she had decided, it should be settled as soon as possible.

Himari rose to her feet, grabbed her phone and walked out of the teachers' office. She went to the end of the hallway. A door that led to the staircase at the back of the building was there. Himari opened the door, stepped on the balcony and closed it behind her back.

The clouds floated freely in the sky, shielding parts of the ground from the sun. A flock of birds flew high above the rooftop, heading in a direction together with their friends and families. The faint sound of the student's chatter got carried away by the passing breeze.

Himari sent a text to Kazuya.

[Himari: Can I call you?]

It was better if she asked him directly instead of just conveying her thoughts through texts.

Before a minute passed, Kazuya's call came. Himari quickly answered it.

"Aren't I disturbing you?" She asked in a low tone.

His voice carried a hint of a smile as Kazuya answered, "I'm playing pool just now. I'm not a busy man today."

His words made her laughed, easing a part of her uncomfortable heart.

"I want to meet him today if it's possible. I don't want to drag this matter any longer. Would it be fine with you?"

Even though she was laughing a moment ago, when Himari asked Kazuya about it, she sounded cautious all of a sudden.

"It's fine with me," Kazuya replied without missing a beat, showing his support to her, "Have you contacted him? I think as long as you say you want to meet him, he would agree."

"En, then, is tonight fine? How about the children? Or, I'd just ask him if we can meet this evening."

Although it was too sudden, Himari hoped Jun would be able to come and see her today. At the same time, she was worried about the siblings. They couldn't possibly follow her and Kazuya meeting Jun but, it was unlikely to leave them alone at home.

"Hehe, relax. Don't worry about them," Kazuya's low voice rang beside her ears, "First, call him and ask to meet. Don't mind about the time and venue. I leave them for you to decide, okay? Everything is fine with me."

Kazuya's calm behavior made Himari felt more at ease.

He didn't ask her much nor tell her everything she should do. He just let her decided everything.

Because this matter involved her and Jun, Kazuya only gave her a few suggestions before leaving the end decisions entirely for her to decide.

"Alright," Himari smiled with her eyes curved softly, "Then, I'll call him first."

"En, tell me later."

"Okay. Bye-bye. Go and continue playing the pool."

Kazuya's laughter echoed from the end of the line. He boasted smugly, "En, I think I wanna go to the gym next. After all, I'm not a busy man."

Himari rolled her eyes.

This man could be so cheeky just because he was no longer as busy as last two weeks.

After hanging the call, Himari checked the blocked contact list on her phone. Ever since she blacklisted Jun's phone number the other day, she had never taken a look at his number again.

She was grateful because even though he had known her number, he didn't use another one to contact her after having his personal number blocked by her.

Himari took a deep breath, tapped on the Call icon then placed the phone next to her ear.

She waited for the call to be connected in bated breaths.

After a few rings, the line was connected. 

A voice sounded from the end of the line, full of surprise and wonder.

"Himari? You... Why do you call me?"

Himari narrowed her eyes. She clenched the phone tightly.

"Jun, we have to talk."

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