As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 155 - Why Are You So Chatty Today?

Himari felt both refreshed and exhausted when she left the spa a little over one hour later.

Because the time was limited, the spa gave her an express facial treatment before proceeding to give her a manicure and pedicure. Both of them were basic as Himari vehemently refused to be given the more expensive treatments.

"Aiya, this is nothing ah! You should relax sometimes, Teacher Kato!"

"We've always come to this spa. This is the best place for us. Please rest assured and relax, Teacher Kato. The staff here are skilled."

Both Mrs. Tahara and Mrs. Hirayama spoke the same points. Himari had to say that she was totally useless in the face of these energetic mothers.

Her defence had been broken through!

"Still, it feels good to have some treatments," Himari laughed as she found the situation funny.

Even though Mrs. Tahara and Mrs. Hirayama appeared a bit eccentric but both of them were good. They didn't look down on Himari who was just a teacher, someone who came from a different and lower social standing than them.

When Himari talked to the two women about their children, Mrs. Tahara and Mrs. Hirayama often nagged about how mischievous were they but, it was clear how much they adored their children.

"Please take care of them, Teacher Kato. Both of us know that parents' good influence is needed for their development but, we hope they could learn from other people as well."

"Yes. We place our children under your care."

Those were their parting words before Himari left. She didn't forget to thank the two women for the spa treatments.??

Ring~ Ring~

Himari was walking on the pedestrian lane when the familiar melody rang in the air. She paused her step, took out her phone and smiled as she answered the call.


Himari let her eyes wandered to the bright sky. Although summer was slowly approaching, the windy breeze was still cool.

"Hello, is this Teacher Kato Himari? I'm Hayashi Izumi's guardian. I believe our appointment is at three o'clock but, I haven't seen you until now. You're late by ten minutes."

Himari rolled her eyes as she listened to Kazuya's formal and strict tone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hayashi but, I think we have to cancel our appointment," Himari deliberately made her voice sounded guilty even though her heart was bursting with laughter inside, "It's like this, my boyfriend wants to meet me now. What to do? Can we reschedule?"

Kazuya clicked his tongue. He pretended to answer in disdain, "I can't believe you couldn't put your personal affairs outside. Do you want me to report you to the principal? I think a bonus deduction would be good to serve as a reminder for you."

"Ha! Do it then, I'm not afraid," Himari replied boldly, "My boyfriend could give me money to compensate for my bonus. He's rich, do you know?"

Kazuya laughed loudly. He could no longer hold back his laughter.??

"Wait... Where are you?" Himari frowned.

When the sound of Kazuya's laugh was transmitted by the phone, she thought she heard the same laugh from her surroundings.

"Hehe, look back," Kazuya laughed again.

Himari turned around. She gasped and almost stumbled as she nearly hit someone behind her. Kazuya quickly held her shoulders when Himari tried to balance her heels.

"You... I almost fell! Don't stand quietly like a ghost!" Himari's face flushed red.

She didn't even notice when did this man had sneakily walked behind her. Himari swore she didn't hear his voice nor his footsteps earlier.

"Haha, I rushed to you," Kazuya lowered his hands from her shoulders. His eyes curved as he smiled at her, "So, would you go to meet your boyfriend, Teacher Kato?"

Himari tried to suppress the sudden violent beating of her heart. She didn't know why but, her heart was pounding furiously right now. The insides of her ears were ringing with the loud sound.

Why did her eyes see that... this man appeared particularly tender and handsome today?

"Well, cough... I love my bonus more than my boyfriend so, I'd meet you, Mr. Hayashi. You're the guardian of Hayashi Izumi, aren't you?"

Once again Kazuya laughed due to her reasonings.

"Cheeky," He chuckled.

Himari darted her eyes away. She could feel heat spreading from her neck to her entire face.

"Are the children waiting in the car?" Himari asked as both of them walked to where Kazuya park the car, "You just leave them by themselves?"

It was not too surprising to find Kazuya here because Himari had already told him where would she meet Mrs. Tahara and Mrs. Hirayama. The only thing that caught her off guard was when this man suddenly appeared right behind her earlier.

"Teacher Kato," Kazuya resumed the formal tone he used before but, his eyes held mischief, "I think that usually, most parents and guardians wouldn't have their children with them. Why must it be an exception when it's my turn? Do you dislike being alone with me?"

While in most schools, the students and the guardians would both be present when the teachers did home visitations, their school didn't cling to the practice.

Most students weren't willing to be with their parents just in case they would be nagged in front of their teachers while the parents thought the appearance of their children would hinder them from questioning the teachers properly. It would save them from being played tricks by their rascals.


Himari shrieked internally because of this man's continuous drama, yet she still answered Kazuya with a polite smile, "It's not like that, Mr. Hayashi. As you know, I'm someone with a boyfriend. I don't want to create unnecessary misunderstandings between us."

This guy could go to a drama audition ah.

Kazuya's eyes lit up with another hint of teasing, "Then, who's more handsome? Is..."

"Ah! Just shut up!"

Before Kazuya could finish his question, Himari erupted and covered his mouth with one of her palms. Her cheeks puffed up in frustration.??

"Why are you so chatty today? Ugh, I really want to tie your mouth right now! Be quiet, okay?"

Without Himari realizing it, Kazuya was stunned by her unexpected action. The man stiffly nodded obediently, so unlike how playful he was a few minutes earlier.

Her palm was so soft... when it touched his lips.

And, there was a sweet scent exuded from her palm. The scent gently brushed his heart, as if tickling him with a light feather. It was quite different from her usual scent but...

Kazuya inwardly shook his head, trying to chase away any bad thoughts that began to materialize in his mind.

He didn't know that it was due to the unexpected spa treatments Himari had to undergo before.??

Himari shot the man a glare. She removed her palm from his mouth. In annoyance, she nagged again, "Did you miss me so much so that's why you talk nonstop?"

The last time both of them met was during Izumi's basketball game on the previous Sunday. If not for the home visitation, Himari doubted she could meet Kazuya this week before the coming basketball match this weekend.

Like before, Himari would join the family of three for the upcoming and final basketball game.

Kazuya coughed. He awkwardly looked away for a moment before once again his eyes fell on his young lady's smiling face. His gaze was resolute with no hint of awkwardness as he asked, "So, what would you do if I say I missed you?"

Another shade of red spread on Himari's cheeks.

In the end, she could only admit defeat in front of this man's brazenness.

Kazuya laughed jovially. He didn't stop ruffling her hair, making Himari more annoyed with him.

There was no one in the car. The child's car's seat where Chiharu always sat was vacant from the dumpling.

"I sent them home first," said Kazuya as he understood Himari's unspoken question. He buckled his seatbelt, "I believe Chiharu is currently having a nap while Izumi is playing mobile game."

Since school ended early this week, Kazuya left the office after lunch. He straightaway brought the children home. Even though Chiharu acted cute because she wanted to follow him to meet Himari, he wasn't affected by his niece's flattery.

Chiharu kicked his right leg before she ran upstairs in frustration. Well, the dumpling's kick didn't hurt him at all.??

Kazuya would just appease her by bringing home her favorite pudding later.

"Where are we going?" Himari found that the road was unfamiliar as Kazuya entered an exit of the expressway.

Kazuya glanced at him. With a smile, he replied, "We're doing a home visitation. You're going to visit an actual home instead of going to a spa or whatnot."

"Ah?" Himari blinked, "Is this another way to the villa?"

She didn't believe that this man would really abide by the school's home visitation guidelines.??

Kazuya let out a low and throaty chuckle. His eyes were soft, "It's my abode. Would you like to visit it?"

Himari was so caught by surprise at the unforeseen chance.

"Your home?" She asked again.

Kazuya smiled, "My home."

To him, it was just a place he used to live in before.??

But, maybe it would be a home for him later?

Kazuya wasn't sure about that. The only thing that he was certain of was, he wanted to bring her to a place where he often used as a retreat.??

The one place that could bring him peace even in solitude.

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