As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 157 - Your Man Here Is Amazing


Himari woke up with a start. She opened her eyes wide, staring at the slightly familiar ceiling above her head. The lingering sleepiness dispersed in an instant.

Wasn't she just watching the scenery just now? Why did the sky has darkened already?

Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass walls, only the last rays of golden lights with purplish hue shimmered over the horizon.

Himari slowly got up from the long couch.

Something fell from her shoulders, pooling around her waist. She realized that it was actually a throw blanket. 

A faint shadow of someone loomed over her from behind before the sound of a hearty chuckle echoed, startling Himari. 

Kazuya stood tall with one hand over his hip while the other lightly covered his laughing lips, "Why? Are you wondering how many hours you've slept?"

Himari screeched internally yet her voice sounded so timid when she asked, " many hours?"

She suddenly didn't want to look at the clock.

Kazuya shot her a helpless look. How she appeared right now after sleeping for long had really tickled his heart. 

"You've been sleeping for almost three hours, my lady."


Her eyes darted to her wristwatch.

It's already close to seven? No wonder the sky changed to dark!

Himari felt like finding a place to bury herself into.

This was her first time here yet she acted so daringly by having a three-hour sleep?!


What a way to make another funny impression on this sneaky man. She was so sure that this man wouldn't just let this go by without making fun of her.

"Haha, you wake up just in time for dinner. You know your timing well."

As expected, Kazuya didn't let go of the opportunity to tease her. He brushed the stray strand of her hair away from her face. Himari's face reddened. The tips of his fingers felt so warm on her skin.

Kazuya's eyes flickered in amusement, "Go and wash your face. Your street food is already waiting for you."

Himari bit her lower lip. She didn't have the energy to counterattack this crafty man.

Kazuya showed Himari to the guestroom. She timidly thanked him before she disappeared behind the door. The man's low laughter drifted into her ears before the door was closed shut.

"Himari, you really... Ugh..."

Himari knocked her forehead with the back of her hand. She swallowed down her embarrassment. Even without looking in the mirror, she knew her face was still flushed red. 

Pat, pat.

Himari patted her face a few times. She tried to calm herself down by looking around the guestroom. Her step paused on its own.

There was only a queen-sized bed and a three-door closet in this room. From the way how the air felt, Himari assumed this room was really rarely used by anybody.

It was expected since Kazuya himself said he didn't come here often.

Himari entered the washroom. Every inch of the washroom was sparkly clean, showing how well the housekeeper did her job.

There was nothing inside except for a row of clean towels stacked inside a cabinet. Not even a single toothbrush was spotted by her.

This place was so good but, it's a pity because he couldn't spend more time here.

"At least, I'm glad that I didn't drool," Himari made a remark after washing her face.

Except for her slightly reddened eyes as well as unkempt hair, Himari didn't find anything funny on her face.


"Ready? Have a drink first."

Kazuya turned around from where he stood. He held out a glass of plain water to Himari who had just entered the living room again.

"Do you have a hairbrush?" Himari asked after drinking a mouthful of water. Her throat was indeed feeling parched.

"Wait a moment."

Kazuya gestured for her to sit on the couch.

Himari just agreed.

En, she didn't look around this place much, Himari secretly thought. Aside from the living room and the guestroom, she hadn't explored this spacious condominium.

Maybe because her mind was clear after having a long nap, Himari quietly assessed the place.

The walls were painted in light gray color. Although the color complemented with the black-and-white furniture, Himari felt the air was gloomy. It was different from her white-and-pink apartment unit.

Kazuya drew so well, why didn't he decorate the walls with his paintings?

As Himari was thinking, Kazuya returned with a hairbrush. He stood behind the couch and leaned over her, "Dreaming again?"


Himari looked up at the man and shot him a dissatisfied look. Kazuya just gave her a sneaky grin.

"Let me brush your hair," He shook the hairbrush in his hand.

"Are you showing your skills as a babysitter?" Himari raised her brows.

Chiharu had told her that Kazuya was the one who always did her hair. At first, Himari was skeptical but, as she pondered that this man had been taking care of the siblings for three years already, it was inevitable for him to develop such skills.

"Do you want me to simply brush your hair or make a hairdo?" Kazuya asked back.

Himari laughed as she heard how smug this man was.

In the end, she requested him to do her hair.

"I see that you're enjoying this," Kazuya chuckled as his hand brushed her hair carefully. He let the silky strand of her hair fell through his fingertips.

"Hahaha, it's been so long since I have someone to do my hair," answered Himari in glee.

Kazuya curled up his lips. After brushing her long hair, he placed down the hairbrush before he skillfully gathered two parts of Himari's dark locks. His fingers deftly braided them then Kazuya carefully tied the connecting part of the braid.

"It's done," Kazuya patted her head, "See if you like it?"

Himari looked at the long mirror hanging beside the bookshelf. Her eyes gleamed in delight.

"This half-bun looks amazing! You're really skilled oh~"

The braided parts were tied together with a hair tie, resting at the lower part of her head. The rest of her hair was left freely, scattering behind her back until the end locks reached above her hip.

"So, another point for me?" Kazuya smirked.

"En, let me think more about that," replied Himari jokingly.

Kazuya rolled his eyes and sighed deeply, "Your man here is amazing. I can be your driver, your food supplier, your sandwich maker and even..."

"Yeah, yeah, my boyfriend is already awesome~" Himari quickly cut him off before Kazuya could continue praising himself. Her cheeks reddened under the bright lights of the condominium, "He could even be my hairstylist. En, en, awesome indeed."

"Heh, as long as you know it," Kazuya shrugged. He deliberately put on an indifferent look on his face as if he wasn't the one bragging earlier.

Himari could only smile at him while nagging at this man inside her mind.


How could he easily say he's her man? Himari was bashful enough to hear it.

Day by day, this man could really unlock another level of shamelessness.

Both of them left the high-rise complex when the sky had completely darkened. The neon lights of the skyscrapers illuminated the entire area as the city was still alive at this hour.

Kazuya brought Himari to a nearby street food lane. Various kinds of street food could be found there. He just let her had everything she wanted.

Himari nonstop chatting and laughing as she enjoyed the food. Kazuya's eyes were soft throughout the time he was with her. From time to time, he helped to rub the oil or sauce from the corner of her lips, earning an abashed look from her.


"Ah, I'm full~" Himari patted her stomach. She could feel her tummy bloated after eating so much.

"If you said you're still hungry, I'd seriously doubt my view of life," responded Kazuya teasingly.

Himari stuck out her tongue. She was too lazy to argue with this man.

Kazuya just ate what Himari chose. From takoyaki1, strawberry and chocolate crepe, yakisoba2 and yakitori3, all of them were mostly eaten by her.

Hurm, it seemed like he had gained another foodie in his home.

"Should we pack something and bring it back to the children?" Himari asked while both of them tidied up the small table that they used to dine at.

"Nah, Aunt Mayu has cooked enough for them," Kazuya had totally thrown the matter of appeasing the sulky Chiharu with food out of his mind, "We can bring them here if you want later."

"Hehe, okay~"

It seemed like Kazuya didn't object to having the children eating street food. It would be fine if it's only occasionally. 

At half-past eight, Kazuya drove Himari to her apartment. As usual, he got out of the car with her just to see her safely entering her home.

"Thank you for today~"

Himari held his hand and smiled brightly at the man. Her skirt swirled around her as she swayed from one foot to the other, showing how happy she was. 

Kazuya was so tempted to squeeze her cheeks again. His pleasant laughter floated in the air.

"Teacher Kato, you misused your home visitation time to go on a date with your man. Aren't you afraid of being reported?" 

Himari grinned. She didn't even look guilty as she replied, "If Mr. Hayashi could be my accomplice, the school won't know about it."

Another laughter escaped from his lips.

"Okay, I'm going upstairs now. Be careful when you're driving," Himari let go of Kazuya's hand and waved at him, "Bye-bye."

Kazuya watched her turned around on her heels and walked away with spring on her steps.

The golden lights of the lamp poles sprinkled over her, basking her under the gleam.

She was so dazzling in his eyes.


His voice was so soft and calm, like the gently flowing stream on a spring night.

Kazuya lightly grasped Himari's arm then turned her around to face him again.

Himari was baffled.

"En, what..."

The man's shadow fell on her. His wide palm softly caressed one side of her face, the warm touch cutting off the rest of her words.

Under the illumination of the lights, the man leaned forward and gently pressed his lips over her forehead.

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