As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 17 - The Heart Wants What It Wants

It was payday today!

Himari eagerly left once the school ended at three o'clock. Since there was no need for her to stay back, Himari thought to go back to the mall and acquired her long-awaited crystal lamp.

Hehehe, she couldn't wait to decorate her bedroom with the lamp~

The reluctance that she felt at the beginning had completely vanished, leaving only desire to get it.

The heart wants what it wants!

"You look so cheerful today. Do you have a date?"

"Ah, Teacher Masuda!"

Himari looked up from her bag and found Teacher Masuda was standing next to her. There was a soft smile on her lips, added allure to her elegance. Himari had always admired how graceful this Mathematics teacher was in the way she brought herself and dressed.

"I'm going to the shopping mall," Himari chuckled, "Are you going home now too?"

Yuina shook her head, "I have some matters to attend to. Alright, I won't delay you. Have fun."

"You too," Himari smiled at her.

Yuina's slender figure vanished from sight once she exited the teachers' room. She looked like she was in a hurry. Himari couldn't help but wonder about her.

Even though Himari had to often communicate with Teacher Masuda because of their work, she found that this female teacher was as Nanako had described.

Teacher Masuda was nice to everyone but she didn't particularly close to anyone. What left the bad taste in Himari's mouth was when she accidentally heard a few teachers gossiped about the Mathematics teacher.

"Isn't she married? Why doesn't she show us her husband's face yet?"

"Heh, I think she married a wealthy old man. Didn't you see? Sometimes she wears high-end brand clothes? Even though they look low-key, I could still sense how expensive they are!"

"Do you mean, she might be a mistress before?"

The ones who spoke were the young female teachers that Himari rarely interacted with. As she got to learn about their poisonous tongue, it was more the reason for her to not befriend them unless it involved work.

If they could talk maliciously about Teacher Masuda, they might do the same to her and to everyone else.

Even though it was rare but, if Teacher Masuda wanted to keep her private life a secret, it was her own choice. There was no need to badmouth her.

Himari arrived at the mall before the clock struck four o'clock. Because it was not the peak hour, the mall wasn't as bustling with people as on the weekends and after the working hours ended.

Her first destination was the home accessory store!

Himari's heart was brimming with happiness as she stepped inside the beige-colored store. Her feet quickly moved to the aisle where the shelf of the lamps was placed.

Ah! There it was!

The rose quartz crystal lamp appeared in her sight. She didn't know why but she felt as if the soulless rose blossoms were calling for her.

With a cheerful heart, Himari moved even closer to the shelf.

It's mine!

Soon, her dreams shattered.

Before Himari reached the place, two people arrived at the shelf and they exactly stood at where the crystal lamp was!

"You said this is the last one?" A man who wore a black suit over a round neck shirt spoke to the salesgirl beside him.

"Yes. Even though this is put on display, it's in a good condition like the rest," The salesgirl answered him.

"Please pack this up for me, together with the items before."

"Right away, dear customer," The girl carefully put her hands at the base of the lamp and brought it up from the shelf.

Himari was startled.

"Excuse me, is there really no lamp left for this design?" She stopped the salesgirl from leaving.

The two people's short conversation entered her ears.

Himari felt so pitiful if this was really the last product!

The salesgirl gave her an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, miss. This is really the last product in our store. If you want, I could show you the other crystal lamps in different designs."

"That, is there one in the other branches?" Himari asked again.

"No. The other branches no longer have this crystal lamp," The salesgirl patiently answered her.

"Oh, okay..."

Even though there was nothing she could do, Himari still felt disappointed.

She had waited for weeks before she could finally buy it! Huhuhu Q^Q

Himari didn't realize the disheartened look on her face was seen clearly by the man who bought the last crystal lamp.

While she was soothing her saddened heart by thinking that she could use the money that was intended to buy the lamp for buying the cute and delicious desserts downstairs, the man didn't stop looking at her.

"Miss, excuse me?"

Himari snapped out of her trance. She turned her head, looked up and saw the man.

"I'm sorry. It seems like you really want the lamp," The man was respectful even though he was talking to a stranger.

"Ah, haha, you saw," Himari laughed. It was awkward to have her disappointment being pointed out by an unknown man, "It's nothing. The lamp is just pretty."

"My niece wants me to buy the lamp for someone," The man drew a faint smile, "If not for her, I won't buy it."

"It's okay, ah. Your niece must still be a little child. It suits her more than a grown-up like me," Himari brushed it off.

This man appeared to be in his early 30s. It was easy to assume that the niece he mentioned would be a child.

"Then, I'll leave now," Himari put a hand over the clasp of her sling bag, getting ready to leave.

"En," The man was still looking apologetic to her. He awkwardly nodded at her.

Himari smiled back.

Since what her heart desired had been snatched away, huhu, she would go to mend her heart with desserts.

"Hello, Nanako? Are you free right now?"

While she was leaving the store, Himari made a phone call to Nanako. They could meet even for a short while.

As the young lady's figure disappeared after she walked past the store entrance, Kazuya heaved a sigh.

Chiharu had been pestering him for days, asking about the crystal lamp. Either he wanted to or not, he had to go and buy the lamp before once again, the little ancestor at home nagging him about it.

Taking the opportunity of a short break after the previous meeting ended, Kazuya ventured to the mall.

"Mister, the lamp and the lights have been packed," The salesgirl returned.

"Okay," He followed her to the counter.

Two boxes that were wrapped in gift wrappers and ribbon were placed inside a paper bag with the store's logo. Kazuya nodded in satisfaction as he saw how meticulous and neat the boxes were wrapped. After swiping his card to pay, he immediately left the store.

Ring~ Ring~

Kazuya looked at the caller ID that was displayed on the screen. He let out a faint laugh.


"Uncle~ Have you bought it? Have you bought it?" Chiharu's soft voice penetrated his eardrums as she asked excitedly.

"What would you do if Uncle hasn't bought it?" Kazuya didn't let go of the opportunity to tease the little dumpling.

"Oh~" Chiharu sighed in dejection, "Is this what Uncle Suichi calls incompetence? Uncle, you couldn't even buy a single lamp?"

The corner of his lips twitched. Kazuya's eyes flickered dangerously, "Is that what your Uncle Suichi has been teaching you?"

Did his friend was itching for a beating?

"En," Chiharu paused as if she was thinking. After a short moment, she continued, "Oh! Uncle Suichi also said..."

"Ahhh! Chiharu!"


Kazuya frowned. Why did the call suddenly get disconnected?

He swore he heard Suichi's voice, shouting at Chiharu.

It must be him who hung up the call.

Kazuya shrugged. Since his mission had been fulfilled, it was time to go back. He could give Shuichi a lesson as well.

As he headed to the basement parking lot, his mind drifted back to what Chiharu said to him last night.

"Uncle! You have to! You have to buy the lamp! What if the lamp gets sold out?"

At that time, Chiharu had just changed into her pajamas. She deng deng deng came to his study and nagged him.

"Why are you so persistent about it?" Kazuya propped his chin over one hand, "If it's sold out, you can just buy another lamp for the teacher."

Chiharu vigorously shook her head. Her twin ponytails swung, following her movement.

"Chiharu wants to go to Teacher Kato's house and play with Chobi again. Chiharu wants the lamp as a gift for Teacher Kato, so Chiharu could have more of Teacher Kato's cakes!"

Kazuya almost slipped from his seat once he heard her excuses.

Was it his fault? Did his indulgence to the little dumpling had turned her into a shameless glutton?

Kazuya smiled again, putting the memory of last night away.

He was suddenly a little curious about the Teacher Kato that his foodie niece had been talking about.


Kazuya paused his steps. The face of the young lady from earlier flashed in his mind.

Why did he feel like she was kind of familiar?

Then, he shook his head.

No, he had never met her before.... Right?

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