As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 180 - Begone! My Foolish Thoughts!

Kazuya served their early dinner - honey-glazed garlic chicken bites, carrot salad sprinkled with crushed roasted walnuts and tofu soup together with freshly steaming rice on the dining table. The table was right next to the glass-to-ceiling windows of the condominium unit. 

"The night view is beautiful," Himari let out a soft sigh.

The vast garden on the ground was currently basked under the lights of the lamp pole. Not far from the park, the scenery of the lights bounced on the river surface further magnified the dazzling yet comforting view of the area around the complex.

"If you're not tired, let's go for a stroll before I send you home?" suggested Kazuya while he was pouring tea into two cups.

The time was still early, only at a quarter past seven o'clock. It won't be too late for them to enjoy a short yet nice stroll together. 

"Let's go! I don't know when else I'd come here again," Himari agreed without a second thought.

Kazuya laughed, "Didn't I say before? You can come and go here as you please."

Himari shot him a glare. The man just continued laughing. He had even ruffled her hair twice, messing with her thus earning a more dissatisfied look from Himari.

While the couple was having their dinner, Chobi was given a bowl of kibbles by Kazuya. He bought the same-brand kibbles that he saw in Himari's apartment before. The cat was quiet as he was still familiarizing himself with this place.

"I didn't expect that you'd cook for me tonight," Himari grinned as she tasted the dishes made by Kazuya, "En! This chicken is tasty. This salad too. I love the dressing."

Aye, after they started dating, she hadn't even prepared him a good meal. Yet, she was eating his home-cooked dishes right now.

Although the taste wasn't as delicious as the one bought from any restaurant, it was already good enough for a man who rarely cooked like Kazuya. 

Hurm, she had to invite him for dinner at her apartment soon. Maybe she could start by asking what he would like to try.

As Himari kept on thinking while savoring the taste of the dishes, Kazuya kept on looking at her.

The man's gaze and smile softened as the contented expression she made was reflected in his eyes. He clipped a few more of the carrot salad and placed them into her bowl.

"Eat more," Kazuya paused, blinked once then he quietly resumed, "Well, I actually planned to bring you here in the weekend, just right for us to relax but, I would be away at that time."

"En?" Himari tilted her head, "Where are you going?"

Kazuya lowered his gaze, he pressed his lips tight. 

"Eat first," He smiled faintly, "I'll tell you later."

Himari thought it was weird but, she didn't urge him to tell her right now. 

Somehow, for a short moment, his expression didn't look right.

"Ah, I haven't told you about Nanako and Ryota's engagement right? She invites all of us, including Chiharu and Izumi."

Himari quickly changed the topic as she noticed the air around the man suddenly turned gloomy. When Kazuya looked again at her, she smiled softly.

"Their engagement?"

"En," Himari nodded, "It'd be held right after the summer break starts, on a private island. Can you go there as well? Nanako said the banquet is on a small scale, with no more than fifty people. The children can enjoy playing at the beach during our stay there."

Himari began telling Kazuya the details of the engagement party. The man quietly listened to her before he took out his phone and checked the planner.

"It's on the weekend. I guess I don't have any problem unless something crops up at the last minute," concluded Kazuya.

"That's great!" Himari exclaimed in glee. She excitedly continued, "Even though it's a private island, there are places open to the public too. If the children didn't like playing in the private area, we can bring them to the tourist spot."

Even though Himari hadn't been to the island, she already heard of the good things about the tourism there. 

The facilities provided by the conglomerate were excellent. Many water sports enthusiasts gathered at the island in the summer to enjoy the adrenaline rush playing all kinds of sports there. 

"Okay," Kazuya gave her a tender smile, "We can bring the children there."

Since they had discussed going to the beach during summer school break, they could just use this opportunity to implement their plan. Without being said, both Chiharu and Izumi would really be happy.

En, it seemed like he had to bring the dumpling to shop for her new swimsuit later. Chiharu had been pestering him ever since he mentioned going to play at the beach in summer.

After dinner, both of them washed the dishes together under Himari's insistence. At the same time, a certain fat cat was lazily lounging on the floor. It seemed as if Chobi suddenly treated this place as his own home.

"Do you still remember that I wanna show you something?" asked Kazuya while wiping his hands. 

Himari blinked, "En? I thought you wanted to show me your cooking skills? Is there anything else?"

The man curved up a soft smile. He took one of her hands in his and gently tugged at her, asking her to follow him.

"There's indeed another thing. Come. First, let me bring you to see my place."

Kazuya brought Himari to look around the condominium unit, something that she didn't have the chance to do so the other day.

This place was too huge to be lived by one person like Kazuya. Himari couldn't think how did this man live here before he moved into the villa three years ago. 

Didn't he feel lonely?


Even though she didn't want to, she suddenly wondered that maybe this man lived here with his ex-girlfriend before they broke up. After all, it wasn't weird for unmarried couples to live together.

Somehow, Himari felt upset although she understood it was all in the past.

Himari quickly shooed the thoughts away.

Begone, my foolish thoughts!

She inwardly shook her head, trying hard to not think of the disturbing what-if. She focused back on the man's explanation.

"...aside from my bedroom with ensuite washroom, there are two more bedrooms. I turned them into guest bedrooms even though there's no one coming here. En, this one is the laundry room while the room at the end of the hallways is my study."

Kazuya pointed at a lone room, far from where they stood. He glanced at the lady beside him, "The thing that I wanna show you is in the room."

"En? In that room?"

Himari grew more curious over the surprise that this man kept from her.

Both of them walked to the end of the hallway. Kazuya reached out his hand, twisted the doorknob then pushed the door open.

The room was dim as only the moonlight broke through the darkness, gently illuminated the outlines of the study room.

Himari followed Kazuya as the man walked inside the room first. While she was trying to see in the partial darkness, in an instant, bright lights shone all over the room the moment Kazuya pressed on the switch.

"Kazuya, this is..."

Himari turned around, she stared at the man in awe.

"Hehe, are you so surprised?" Kazuya's eyes were soft, so soft like the moonlight.

This room was filled with colorful drawings yet, she found that the man was more dazzling and vibrant than the splash of colors. 

Deeply amused by her baffled look, Kazuya walked away from the wall and stood right in front of her. He raised up a hand and gently traced his fingertips on her face.

"But, these drawings are not my surprise for you. It's this one."

As he spoke, Kazuya pulled Himari to the center of the room. 

An easel board stood alone in the middle of the room, concealed by a layer of white fabric. Himari could vaguely guess that there was a painting behind the cloth.

"You said that it's a pity we couldn't go on a date at the beach," Kazuya slowly lifted up the cloth then pulled it away. The fabric gently fell to the floor, "So, I suddenly thought of making this for you."

Himari's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of the painting.

The painting was drawn in different shades of white and blue. It showed a couple who was having a picnic on a wooden jetty.

The sky was bright, the sea was calm. 

The couple was dancing beside the picnic mat, joyfully enjoying their time together.

The man was twirling the woman, the woman's white skirt billowed in the wind.

There were no intricate lines on the drawing but, its simplicity resonated deep into her heart. To her, she had never seen such a drawing that felt so close to her soul before.


The man's voice was tender as he called out to her name. 

Himari turned to look at the man. A rough yet warm palm was placed behind her back, pulling her closer to him. The shadow of the man fell on her.

Through a layer of faint mist, she saw him smiling ever so gently at her.

"Until now, I still can't say those words to you but, I still want you to know that I am, really so blessed to have you with me right now."

I love you.

He wanted to say those three words but, he was still unable to do so.

With those words, a heavier responsibility came along with them.

Just a bit more...

Just a bit more before he could really let her hear those precious words.

Coming true from his heart.

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