As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 184 - Sometimes, It's Better To Not Be Too Hopeful

The morning car ride to the outskirts of the city was a smooth one. A certain dumpling dressed in pastel yellow was happily singing from the child's car's seat where she was seated. She only stopped when she was thirsty.

"Uncle, does Grandma's studio has lots and lots of shiny things? Really?"

Chiharu smacked her lips after drinking a mouthful of water. The pink water bottle was passed to her brother who sat next to her. Izumi put the bottle inside a compartment of the car.

The dumpling began to ask questions to her uncle who was driving the car.

"Maybe. I've never been there so I don't know," answered Kazuya with a forced smile.

"Hurm, it's better if Teacher Kato comes with us oh," said the dumpling again.

Kazuya smiled faintly, "It's only us three. Next time, we can go out with Teacher Kato again."

This morning, he sent her texts.

[Kazuya: I don't know what should I feel]

[Kazuya: It might sound weird to you but, all these years, I've only been to my mother's studio once]

Her replies came a few minutes later.

[Himari: It's alright if you feel uncomfortable. Don't pretend to act like all is fine]

[Himari: Your mother's the one who invited you and the children there this time]

{Himari: If it's too unbearable, don't force yourself to stay there longer]

[Himari: If you want my hug, we can meet today ;)]

His lady didn't ask him much about the situation with his mother but, he had a feeling this matter would be brought up when they met later. 

Ever since he shared with her a little bit of his troubled past, Kazuya didn't feel adverse to continue sharing it with her. Himari also didn't make light of what he had experienced.

The act made him thought that his lady was thinking of his well-being.

He also had to do the same to her, Kazuya secretly vowed.

To be truthful, from the moment he woke up until now, Kazuya still found it hard to believe that he was bringing the siblings to his mother's studio. 

Although his mother rarely used it because she was often abroad, the studio was still a sacred place for her.

The first and last time he went there...

He was met with harsh words as his appearance was deemed unnecessary and disturbing.

It happened when Kazuya was in middle school. He rode a train and changed into a cab before he finally arrived at the studio. The young him brought a box of cake, bought from a store before he hailed the cab in the nearest town.

The cake was just a simple one but, it was decorated beautifully.

It was Mother's Day. A day that was anticipated by most people no matter what was their age. 

Coincidentally, it fell on the weekend. 

Kazuya went out in secret without telling his brother nor the housekeeper.

The naive him thought he might be able to make his mother happy and touched if he suddenly showed up at the studio where she was working on her newest project.

"I'm busy. Go back. Call Hiroki to come to pick you here. Don't bother other people."

Those were his mother's last words before she slammed the door of her personal office loud. She didn't even bother to look at the cake he brought.

Kazuya stood outside the office room, both perplexed and embarrassed by how he was treated by his own mother. Moreover when the studio's staff tried hard to not look at the young him.

Once again, his wish was shattered.

Well, to be frank, his wish was already hopeless from the beginning.

Soon, his brother arrived on a bike. His elder brother didn't say anything. He just asked him to go back home with him.

Kazuya remembered he cried silently as he rode behind his brother's back. His tears were dried by the wind yet, the hurt was cemented into his heart.

"Kazuya, sometimes, it's better to not be too hopeful."

Once they arrived home later, his elder brother left him some advice. Kazuya was only quiet as he listened to his elder brother.

Never did he expect that a day like this arrived in his lifetime.

A day when he was invited to go there.

Fifteen minutes later, all three of them arrived at the studio. 

The white brick building resembled a western cottage, surrounded by the lush greenery of the open field yard. Various species of flowers bloomed their petals, adding vibrant colors to the tranquil scenery. 

The sound of birds chirping entangled with the rustling of the leaves drifted into their ears as the three of them got out of the car.

"Like Kiki's house!" Chiharu suddenly exclaimed with a finger pointing to the studio.

"Kiki?" Kazuya stared at the dumpling in his arms.

Chiharu grinned, "Kiki's house before she went to the seaside town!"

"Ah," Kazuya's gaze on the white studio was complicated, "Maybe, you're right."

This place was just how he remembered.

Although the surrounding area appeared unguarded, this place was actually fully equipped with security measures. It even had a basement where the precious gems were stored although from what he heard, the amount was just small.

The more expensive ones would be held by the jewelry house where his mother often collaborated.

"Uncle, Uncle, put me down," Chiharu softly smacked her uncle's chest when Kazuya carried her.

"Don't fall down."

Kazuya slowly lowered the dumpling to the ground. The little one grinned at him as one of her hands grasped his trousers.

"No fall ah," She retorted.

Izumi walked to stand beside his sister. There was a pink sling bag in his hands. He put the strap across the dumpling's petite body.

"Your bag," Izumi squeezed his sister's chubby cheeks.

"Hehe, thank you, Big Brother," Chiharu patted the strawberry-patterned pink bag.

Unnoticed by the three of them, a figure was slowly approaching them without making a sound.

"You've arrived?"

Kazuya was alerted by the familiar cold and indifferent voice. He turned his back stiffly in the direction of the person talking.

A few feet away from where they stood, the frosty cold woman was looking at them. 

The place near them was sheltered by low-hanging branches. Sunlight sneaked through the openings between the leaves, casting both light and shadow on the ground. 

The flow of time appeared to be stagnated at this moment.

Kazuya didn't speak. His brows were frowning at the sight of his mother's appearance.

Instead of seeing her in a formal dress as to how he had always been, his mother was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves folded up paired with a deep burgundy long skirt. Her long hair was tied up into a tight and neat hair bun.

Her current appearance seemed less rigid than usual, toning down the cold vibe exuded from her.

Madam Tokioka didn't show anything on her face as she took in the alarmed look in her son's eyes. She also was quiet as she noticed her son was silently assessing her.

"Grandma~ Chiharu's here."

At the moment the soft voice echoed in the air, the flow of time moved again.

Chiharu left Kazuya. Her small feet brought her running to her grandmother. The dumpling blinked her round eyes a few times, "Grandma, good morning."

Madam Tokioka looked at the little girl beaming with sunshine. 

As it was only known to her, a little part of her heart softened.

Madam Tokioka turned around without answering the greeting.

"Let's go inside. I've prepared some desserts for you," As she walked to the studio, she let those words blew past her shoulders.

"Desserts? Yayy!"

Chiharu wasn't at all discouraged even though her greeting wasn't replied to by her grandmother. She got to hear her favorite words!

There were cakes and cookies for her!

Kazuya was still quiet as he watched his mother and Chiharu who were now heading to the white cottage. He suppressed the desire to sigh heavily as he tried hard to stabilize the complicated thoughts looming inside his mind.

This was not the time to entertain these useless notions.

"Izumi, follow me," Kazuya spoke to his nephew without looking at him.

"Okay, Uncle," Izumi too was quiet as he answered in a low voice.

The two men followed Madam Tokioka and Chiharu from behind.

The sunlight spilled on the back of their heads as they moved out from the shadowy area. The leaves continued swishing as another blow of breeze billowed in the air.

Madam Tokioka keyed in the password of the studio then, she opened the door wide. With a glance, she beckoned to the three of them to walk inside.

"Wear these slippers," She made a gesture to the entryway with a lift of her chin.

"Ah! Bunny slippers!'

Chiharu kicked off her shoes, placed them neatly inside the shoe cabinet then wore the small bunny slippers. She moved her ankles a few times, her eyes beaming with joy.

"Perfect fit!" She exclaimed with a bright smile.

Kazuya and Izumi did the same as they arranged their shoes together. Both of them shared the same feeling as they realized the slippers were in their respective sizes of feet.

"Let's move to the lounge," said Madam Tokioka as she ignored the faint surprise shown by her son and her grandson. Her figure swiftly moved, leaving the entryway.

"Grandma's studio~" Chiharu sang.

Kazuya and Izumi looked at each other before they quietly trailed behind.

This place was quiet as his mother was the only one here. All the staff was nowhere to be seen as today was the weekend.

Kazuya didn't know what should he expect today.

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