As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 22 - Only Good Girls Deserve Cupcakes~

In the end, Himari couldn't get anything from Izumi.

The boy profusely apologized to her, saying he would pay attention more to his belongings. After saying he had to pick Chiharu up at the kindergarten section, he quickly left without giving Himari another chance to ask more.

Her sigh attracted Teacher Ayase's attention. She had just returned from her class.

"Having trouble, Teacher Kato?"

"En, it's nothing," Himari brushed it off with a laugh, "Would you go home now?"

"If only I could," Teacher Ayase shrugged, "I have to discuss the incoming examination with the headteacher. Only then would I be free."

"Hehe, all the best," Himari lifted a fist to the air.

Teacher Ayase laughed seeing her reaction. After she gathered the necessary items, once again she left the teacher's room.

Himari finished her work earlier. She put the strap of her bag on her shoulder then she walked to the pantry.

Like how she put the box this morning, it left untouched until now.

Himari brought out the pastry box. She planned to give it to Izumi but he left too quickly. She could only hope she would be able to find them.

Ah, she forgot that she had his number.

This school allowed its students to bring their personal mobile phones to school under one condition, they shouldn't misuse them during school hours. It was not uncommon for teachers to contact the students using their personal numbers if it was required.

Himari dialed Izumi's number. She stepped out of the teacher's room with a bag over her shoulder and a pastry box in one hand.

"...Teacher Kato?"

Even though he awkwardly left earlier, Izumi still answered the call.

"Izumi, you went too quick. I have something to give to your sister," Himari made no mention of her question from before.

"Something?" The boy sounded so flustered.

"Yes," Himari glanced at the pastry box, "I've promised Chiharu to give her cupcakes. Where are you? Teacher is going to go home now."

"Then... Could Teacher wait at the pavilion? I'll go there as soon as possible," Izumi responded after a brief hesitation.

"Alright," Himari agreed, "See you there. Don't run."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Kato."

Himari didn't know why but she thought she heard Izumi sighing in relief before the call was disconnected.

"Teacher Kato, you're going home?"

"Hehe, Teacher, are you going for a date?"

A group of third-graders walked past Himari. They were all from Class 3-3. A few of them were teasing her.

Himari broke into laughter, "You brats, making fun of your teacher! Go home now! Don't wander around."

"Yes~ Hehehe, see you tomorrow, Teacher Kato," They greeted her in unison before leaving.

Himari slowed her steps once she approached the pavilion near the school gate. She put the box on the wooden bench next to her seat. Tilting her head up, her eyes wandered from one tree to the other.

Nanako texted her last night, inviting her to go for a flower-viewing at the park near the Kaiyo River, one of the longest rivers in the city. The park would always be filled with flocks of visitors during this time of the year.

The cherry blossoms created waves of pink clouds, clustering above them. With the petals gliding in the air, it was truly a magnificent view.

"Teacher~ Teacher Kato~"

The bubbly voice of a little girl shattered Himari's daze.

"Chiharu! Don't run!"

Himari quickly lunged forward when she saw Chiharu stumbling on her little feet. The little girl fell in her arms.

"Chiharu!" Izumi's voice came next, "How many times I've told you not to run?"

"Hehehe~ Sorry, sorry," Chiharu threw a silly smile at her elder brother, "Chiharu doesn't want the cakes to melt. Teacher, you want to give cakes to Chiharu, right? You've promised."

Himari didn't know either she should laugh or cry.

"Chiharu," Himari pulled the little dumpling up, letting her standing properly, "If you run, you would get wound. Doesn't it sting every time you have to take a bath?"

Chiharu pursed her lips. She nodded.

She still remembered the wound she got after falling down the other day. It stung badly when she was taking a shower.

Her little face grimaced.

"If Chiharu is good, Teacher would give you cupcakes," Himari showed her a bright smile, "Only good girls deserve cupcakes~"

"Chiharu will be a good girl!" The little dumpling solemnly made a vow.

Himari laughed in amusement.

Looking at Izumi, she asked, "Would you return home late today too?"

"No," Izumi shook his head, "Uncle said he could get off work earlier. He's already on his way."

It was rare for his uncle to knock off work early. He said he wanted to bring him and Chiharu shopping for new spring clothes.

Izumi didn't care whether he would wear the previous year's spring outfits or not but he wanted Chiharu to have new dresses. His younger sister had always loved cute and frilly gowns.

"Okay. Here it is, you can share it with your brother and uncle. I want to thank you for getting the pretty lamp for me. Thank you, Chiharu."

Himari gave the pastry box to Chiharu. The little dumpling's eyes widened with sparkles.

"Yayy~ Thank you, Teacher Kato~ Hehe, could Chiharu follow Teacher home to play with Chobi?"

Himari blinked.

Why did this dumpling suddenly make a request? Didn't she already meet the fat cat this morning?

"Chiharu, Uncle would arrive soon," Izumi looked embarrassed.

Chiharu blinked her eyes innocently, "Then, Big Brother could go home with Uncle first."

Himari and Izumi, "..."

This little dumpling... was so persistent.

While the two were at a loss under Chiharu's bright and round eyes, Izumi's phone rang.

"Uncle? Are you already here?" Izumi quickly answered the phone. His face changed into an instant, "But... Okay... I get it, wait for a second."

Izumi stared at Himari with troubled eyes. He gave the phone to Himari, "Teacher Kato, my uncle wants to speak to you."

Although she was confused, Himari still took the phone.

"Mr. Hayashi?"

"Teacher Kato, may I ask for a favor?"

Unlike his usual calm voice, the man sounded he was in trouble.

"Yes, what it is?"

"Something happens. I have to go to the hospital. Could you please watch over the children for a little? Shuichi is not here."

Perplexed, Himari blurted out, "Do you get into trouble?"

"It's not me," Kazuya heaved a sigh, "I only told them that I have work to do. Please don't tell them anything else. I'll come to pick them up at your house, could I?"

"Yes, you may..." Himari agreed, "Don't worry. I'll watch over them."

"Thank you, Teacher Kato. I've to hang up now. Really, thank you."

The man abruptly ended the call before Himari could say anything. It really seemed like he was in a hurry and trouble. Even so, she didn't say anything to the siblings as to how he requested.

"Chiharu, your uncle said you could go home with me," Himari smiled at Chiharu, "Let's go now? You could play with Chobi longer."

"Really? Yay~" The little dumpling jumped in joy.

While Chiharu looking so happy, Izumi wore a complicated expression on his face.

"Izumi, are you okay?" Himari was concerned once she saw it.

Izumi stared back at her. He pursed his lips, not saying anything.

Soon, the three of them made their way to the neighborhood where Himari lived. Although Chiharu had experienced walking all the way to the apartment from school, it was impossible for Himari to let the two children walked.

After calling a taxi using an e-hailing app, the group of three went home together.

"Chobi~ Chobi~ Do you miss me?"

"Meow~~ Meow~"

A little dumpling and a big fat cat pounced to each other until the two of them rolling on the floor.

Himari was baffled when Chiharu suddenly lunged forward after she neatly placed her cute little shoes next to the shoe cabinet. She didn't expect her to go running toward Chobi as soon as possible.

"Chobi, do you know, Aya said my ribbon looked cute~ My teacher also said..."

"Meow~ Meow meow! Meow~~"

Despite the barrier of language, the two of them perfectly communicated with one another. Himari really wanted to laugh out loud.

"Izumi, you could take off your school jacket," Himari folded up her sleeves up to her arms, "It won't be comfortable for you to continue wearing it."

"Okay, Teacher..."

While Izumi put his bag down on the carpet, Himari went to the kitchen to get orange juice. As she was busying herself in the kitchen, Izumi slowly entered.

"Teacher Kato?"

"En?" Himari glanced at him, "Do you need anything, Izumi? Wait up. I'd bring cold drinks for you soon."

Despite what she said, Izumi stood rooted on the spot.


Himari stopped the task at hands. His expression became more and more complicated as if he was greatly bothered by a problem.

Izumi opened his mouth with great difficulties, "That, did my uncle say anything else to you, Teacher Kato?"

Himari was taken aback. She masked her thoughts with a chuckle, "He said he has something to do. Since your Uncle Shuichi couldn't get you, he asked me to watch over you for a bit."

"Not that," Izumi shook his head. For once, he looked so stubborn, "Did he mention he's going to the hospital?"

Himari froze.

How did he know?

And, why did he sound so certain despite it was a question thrown to her?

"Didn't he?" Izumi looked again at his teacher.

Himari pursed her lips. She nodded quietly.

Izumi's eyes reddened in an instant.

"Dad... Does something happen to him again?"

"...Your dad?"

Wasn't his father abroad?

Izumi sniffed, "Dad... is in the hospital. Uncle, once again he lied to me..."

Himari was baffled.

It seemed like, she had unexpectedly come across something she shouldn't have known.

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