As The Wind Blows Your Scent To Me

Chapter 24 - I Don't Know Whether I Should Mention This Or Not

A few hours later, a dark gray car drove into Himari's neighborhood. The amber and golden color of sunset spilled on the roof, reflecting on the metallic surface. Soon, it stopped in front of a three-story apartment building.

Ring! Ring!

Kazuya glanced at the phone. His brows creased in displeasure.

Without a second thought, he rejected the call.

This was not the time to be bothered by someone unpleasant, even though that someone was his own mother.

Kazuya looked a bit unkempt as he exited the car. He glanced at the apartment and made his way inside.

It was his first time going inside the building. Although this building appeared neat and simple from the outside, it still took him quite some time before he could finally locate Himari's apartment unit.

Ding~ Dong~

After pressing on the doorbell, the door was opened from the inside.

A young lady stood in front of him.

She didn't wear the blouse and skirt as how he had seen her before. Now, a loose-fitting beige-colored cotton dress hung over her petite frame. Her long black hair was tied up into a loose bun with a few strands strayed from her forehead.

"Mr. Hayashi, en, Chiharu is still napping. Would you like to come in for a bit?" Himari made an offer once she saw how haggard this man looked.

"En, I'm sorry for intruding," Kazuya nodded with a smile. He followed her inside.

This apartment was small but it was properly decorated. After walking past the short hallway, Kazuya saw his nephew was diligently doing his homework. Himari had disappeared into the kitchen.

"Uncle," Izumi greeted him. He sounded a bit distant from usual.

"Get ready to leave," Kazuya patted his head. He didn't notice the conflicted look on the boy's face, "We've troubled Teacher Kato for long."

"It's nothing much," Himari returned from the kitchen with a glass of cold barley tea, "Please have a drink, Mr. Hayashi. Aren't you thirsty?"

"Thank you," Kazuya accepted her good gesture.

While downing all of the drink, his eyes quietly swept across the living room.

Two strawberry couches and one low-table were placed over a white and fluffy carpet. There was a white bookshelf in one corner of the room. English books and cooking books filled the entire shelves.

At the windows, white curtains were pulled open to reveal the scenery outside. Two succulents in pink ombre tone pots adorned the windowsill.

All in all, Kazuya could see this apartment was decorated in a white-and-pink theme. He felt like he had stepped inside Chiharu's princess room, although Teacher Kato's apartment was more refined in appearance.

The image of Chiharu's canopy bed filled with plush toys appeared in his mind.

En, should he refrain Chiharu from buying more plush toys? He was afraid there would be no space for her to sleep with all the toys lying on her bed.

Until three years ago, Kazuya didn't even realize taking care of a child was an arduous task.

Two children doubled the effort.

"Is Chiharu inside your room?" Kazuya asked after he couldn't spot his niece even after his eyes wandered around the living room.

"En," Himari nodded.

She took the empty glass from the man. After that, Himari walked to the door of her bedroom. Kazuya followed her but he didn't take a step inside the young teacher's personal space.

"Chiharu, your uncle is here," The young teacher's soft voice echoed as she was waking up the little dumpling on the bed.

Chiharu was sleeping sweetly with Chobi by her side. She pushed Himari's hand away from her shoulders. She murmured something incoherent in her sleep.

"...don't eat... Chiharu's cakes... En, delicious..."

She smacked her lips as if she was tasting a delicacy.

Himari wanted to laugh. She bent down and carefully picked the little dumpling up. Chiharu didn't even wake up as Himari brought her out of the room.

"Give her to me," Kazuya took the sleepyheaded Chiharu from Himari's arms, "She has gained more weight. Even my arms feel numb whenever I carry her for so long."

Himari stifled a chuckle. Chiharu didn't even know her uncle was badmouthing her.

Izumi had been waiting at the door. He didn't even look at his uncle and his little sister. The boy kept his head low.

Himari felt uncomfortable as she recalled the question he threw at her before.

Ever since then, Izumi became quieter than usual.

"Let me send you out," Himari walked to the front. She opened the door after wearing her slippers.

"There's no need," Kazuya refused with an apologetic smile, "Once again, I've troubled you with our personal matter. I'm really sorry, Teacher Kato."

"It's okay," Himari smiled lightly, "Let me send you to the car."

In the end, Kazuya could only accept her offer.

With Chiharu in his arms, he walked out of the little apartment. Izumi followed from behind. Himari brought Chiharu's pink bag in one hand. Her eyes glanced at the small worn-out bunny plush toy keychain that was hanging from one zipper.

She couldn't help but guess that this bunny was precious to Chiharu as the little girl kept it with her even after looking old.

Izumi got inside the car while Kazuya placed Chiharu in the child's car seat. He closed the door and turned around to face Himari.

"Have they made things hard on you?" Kazuya was ashamed when he thought how the little brats of his family had been bothering the young female teacher for these few weeks.

"No," Himari shook her head. As the image of Izumi that was almost crying flashed in her mind, her eyes sank.

"Teacher Kato?"

The change of her expression didn't escape the man's notice as they stood at a close distance.

"En, I don't know whether I should mention this or not," Himari shifted her eyes to the car. She could vaguely see Izumi who was leaning against the seat with his eyes close.

"Yes?" Kazuya glanced at where the teacher was looking at.

Did his nephew or niece do something?

After a brief moment of hesitation, Himari decided to come clean.

"Earlier, didn't you ask me to not tell them that you're going to the hospital?" Himari looked back at the tall man.

A guess crossed over his mind. Kazuya asked in a low voice, "Did Izumi say something?"

Himari nodded, "He mentioned his father and said... that his uncle, you, hid something from him again."

It wasn't obvious but, under the setting sun, a look of disbelief flickered in his eyes.

Kazuya was quiet for a while. He unconsciously clenched one of his fists.

"I'll talk to him," He said after a long stretch of silence, "It's true that I keep some things hidden from him. En, Teacher Kato, could I keep your number? I want to talk more but it's inconvenient right now."

Kazuya had met this young teacher a few times already but he still didn't save her personal number inside his phone. They only talked briefly by using Izumi as the intermediary.

"Sure," Himari thought it was plausible for a student's guardian to have her number thus she agreed easily.

Kazuya took out his phone. He keyed in a string of numbers as Himari recited them. Since Himari didn't bring her phone with her, Kazuya just made a missed call to help her save his number next.

"Then, we'll go home now," Kazuya slipped the phone inside the pocket of his jacket, "See you again, Teacher Kato."

"Be careful on the road, Mr. Hayashi," Himari waved her hand.

Kazuya gave her one last smile before he got inside the car. Soon, the dark gray car left the apartment building.

Himari stood still with her brain muddled with countless thoughts. The uneasiness in her heart increased as she was reminded of Izumi's new workbook and what he blurted out after they entered her apartment earlier.

It seemed like, the matter regarding Izumi's family was more complicated than how it looked on the surface.

Less than half an hour later, the dark gray car entered the yard of the villa. The sky had darkened completely by now.

Chiharu had yet to wake up. Kazuya quietly carried her. Izumi helped to unlock the door.

"Ah, you guys are just back?"

A middle-aged woman appeared from one side of the hallway. Her overall appearance exuded a pleasant vibe.

This woman was Aunt Mayu. She was the helper of the villa. Aunt Mayu would come at seven in the morning and knocked off work around seven in the evening, or even later if the situation called for it.

"I'm sorry for being late, Aunt Mayu," Kazuya smiled apologetically, "You may go home now. Please be careful. It's already dark."

"Hehe, it's not like this old lady couldn't even stand riding my bike in the dark," replied Aunt Mayu jokingly, "I've prepared dinner for you three. Hurry up before the meal gets cold."

"Thank you again."

"See you tomorrow, Aunt Mayu," Izumi was well-behaved as he greeted the old lady.

Aunt Mayu grabbed her bag and walked out of the door. She came by herself every day. Since she lived in an apartment not far from this villa, it was still convenient for her to work as a live-out helper.

"Go and have your bath," Kazuya lowered his eyes to Izumi, "I will talk to you after that."

Izumi shrank his neck as he was feeling guilty. He dashed upstairs without looking back at his uncle.

Kazuya let out a heavy sigh. Faint lines of exhaustion formed around his eyes.

Brother, am I doing it right?

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