As wild as fire

Chapter 3:I Miss You。。。

"Azrael, stop it! Leave! ... Now!" Blair asked and Azrael glanced at her before he leaves. "Is that you?? B-blair... I m-miss you..please d-don't leave me ever again."-"Damon I'm sorry but I..I" 3 hours ago, "Ugh! My head! What happened?" Damon asked "Young master, does Amara's aunt already came here,? I just saw you, you were in this this bed with Amara, Amara slept sitting beside you. Do you need Dr. Frank?" Adler asked then waiting for Damon's response. " Uh no need (pat Amara's head) I'm okay (cough* Hurts right chest) Ugh!Argh it's so painful!" Damon rep. "Young master! Are you really alright?!" Adler worrying asked "What's happening? Damon? Are you alright? I'll heal you!" She put her hands on Damon's chest and her hand started to glow. "Are you Blair!? Oh m- Blair you're back Madame!" Adler said, "Shh. Keep quiet Adler you'll distract the healing." 9:34 pm "Madame, you can sleep now, young master didn't want to see you awake late at night." Adler asked "I want to asked you, who kill..?" Interrupted "Adler.. Amar- No .. Blair." Damon suffering rising to sit. " No need to sit, I will." Blair started to climb in bed and Adler leave the room.

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