Ascend Another Day

Chapter 287: distraught

When Chu Xiangxiang came to the front, he felt a little lost: "I thought he lied to me to write the runes of the way of heaven on my body, but it turned out that he found a crack in Father God..."

Xu Ying floated up, flying around the body of Emperor Cangwu, looked out, very excited, said: "Look! I think this sealed crack is the way to the fairy world!" Chu Xiangxiang stepped on the river, Ling Bo flew up and came to Xu Ying's side, saying: "Father God said that there is indeed a crack in the fairy world. But that crack has been sealed by the fairy world. He also said that when there was no seal, he could also set foot in the fairy world."

Xu Ying looked up and looked at the sealed crack in time and space. There was a golden light flowing in this crack, and there was fairy light flowing in the light, forming a fairy rune.

These fairy runes sealed the cracks in the fairy world.

He tried to fly towards that crack, but no matter how fast he flew and how far he flew, there was still a distance from the crack in the fairy world.

This scene reminded him of the time when he snatched the enshrined magic-suppressing rune.

At that time, he also tried to fly over Beichenzi's Shenqiao to Yujing City, but he was still unable to fly into Yujing.

Bei Chenzi said that only the immortal soul can set foot in Yujing City, and if you don't become a fairy, you will never be able to get close to Yujing.

And the same is true for the crack leading to the fairy world from Emperor Cangwu. I am afraid that he will not be a fairy and will never be able to approach this crack.

"On Kunlun Mountain, there is also a cave leading to the fairy world, and that cave is also sealed by the fairy world."

Xu Ying suddenly thought that the Queen Mother of the West had told him that when Kunlun Mountain's divine power was at its peak, there were ten caves in the sky, which went straight into the fairy world, like ten wells, which absorbed the energy of the fairy world and turned into fairy water.

The cave of Kunlun is the same as the rift of Cangwu. If you don't become a fairy, you can't get close to it, and you can't fly across.

"But what's weird is that the other side of the sea of ​​darkness, the place where soul medicine can be produced, is also very similar to the cave in Kunlun and the rift in Cangwu's fairy world."

Xu Ying thought about it, "Why is that?" Chu Xiangxiang waved his arms in front of him when he saw that he was suddenly in a daze.

Xu Ying murmured to himself: "The Emperor Beiyin told me that he rushed from the sea to the other side of the dark sea, and he would never reach the other side. Xiangxiang, the other side of the dark sea is so similar to the fairy world, can it explain..."

Chu Xiangxiang quickly discarded other thoughts and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that the fairy world is actually our mortal world.

the other side? "

Xu Ying turned his head, looked straight into her eyes, and said, "If the fairyland is the other side of the mortal world, does it mean that we can also open the fairyland cave like the other side cave of the six secrets of the human body?"

Chu Xiangxiang's heart was bumped by him, his face was hot, he quickly calmed down, and said: "The human body has six secrets, but there are no secrets in the fairy world!"

Xu Ying suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Xiangxiang, what you said makes sense."

He looked up at the crack in the fairy world, and suddenly smiled and said, "However, although I can't find the secret treasure of the fairy world in the human body, I do understand the fairy runes on this seal. Unlocking the runes of the fairy way and stealing the fairy energy doesn't count. Difficult." Xu Ying saw the immortal runes that sealed the cracks in the immortal world, and understood their meaning. These immortal runes were far inferior to those that sealed him, so it was not troublesome to crack them. He was confident that he could break the seal. Chu Xiangxiang was surprised and delighted, then sadly, shook his head and said: "Even if we can break the seal, we can't get close to the crack. If we can't get close, we can't break it."

Xu Ying took out a jade bottle, came to the body of Emperor Cangwu, and said: "If you save your father, he can break the seal."

Chu Xiangxiang was stunned: "You..."

Xu Ying poured the fairy water from the Yaochi into the lips of Emperor Cangwu's corpse, and waited quietly for the fairy water from the Yaochi to take effect.

Chu Xiangxiang was still a little dazed: "Does he not want my body?"

She was a little confused, according to Emperor Cangwu, Xu Ying would definitely open his mouth, not only to marry her, but also to extort a large amount of dowry before he would take out the fairy water from Yaochi. And this time, Emperor Cangwu went out just to please his son-in-law, and took the risk of using his soul to fight Nuozu to the death.

But now, Xu Ying didn't seem to ask for anything, and just took out the fairy water from Yao Chi and gave it to Emperor Cangwu!

In Emperor Cangwu's physical body, a majestic vitality burst out suddenly, extending to all parts of the body in an instant, penetrating into the abysses of the heavens and worlds!

In those abysses, flames are surging, huge bodies are rolling in the rock formations, and the ancient and dormant divine power is slowly recovering!

At this time, Cangwu Yuanshen, who was far away in the world of Huanglong, also sensed the awakening of his own divine power and the recovery of his physical body! "Xiangxiang, good daughter."

He was inexplicably moved for a moment, with a complicated heart, and said in a low voice, "In the past two days, Xiangxiang must have paid a lot for this..."

His physical body recovered, but his primordial spirit was still in a duel with Nuo, and he couldn't rush to the Cangwu secret realm for a while.

In the secret realm, Xu Ying rescued Emperor Cangwu, but he never woke up.

Chu Xiangxiang smiled and said: "My father Yuanshen is away, and he will not come back for a while. If you call me Xiangxiang, I will call you Aying. I will take you out for a walk!"

She took Xu Ying's hand, ran two steps forward, suddenly jumped up, and jumped into the air with Xu Ying.

Under the feet of the two, the water of the Xiangjiang River flowed, and the river became playful. The waves of the river carried the two of them through the air, and suddenly passed through a crack beside Emperor Cangwu.

The Xiangshui carried the two of them flying through the cracks in time and space, shuttled through the high abyss, and gradually rose out of the abyss.

Outside the abyss is another world, with fields on both sides, and a dragon jumping out of the muddy rice fields, shaking its huge head, shaking off the mud from its body, spreading clouds and rain, and plowing the fields. Next to the farmland, some villagers were burning incense, praying and offering sacrifices.

The Xiangshui drifted in the air with Xu Ying and Chu Xiangxiang, gradually sinking, passing through the alternate rice fields, I saw the countryside of this world, the villagers worshiped various gods, and these gods would follow the villagers' prayers and do things for them. Xu Ying had never seen such a strange scene before, it could be called an exotic scene.

Xiangshui carried them back to Cangwu Secret Realm, passing through another space-time rift.

The two entered a sea, and the Cangwu Abyss appeared at the bottom of this unknown world. A fish as big as a mountain swam past them, with huge deep blue eyes, Chu Xiangxiang brought Xu Ying to the head of the big fish, and the big fish carried them swimming in the abyss, like flying in the sky.


The big fish rushes out of the abyss, swims upwards vigorously, and suddenly jumps out of the sea, turning into a silver-white Chilong, soaring in the sky with its feet on auspicious clouds. On the top of Chilong's head, Chu Xiangxiang opened his arms in excitement to welcome the salty sea breeze.

Chilong plunged into the sea, and then turned into a big fish and dived into the abyss.

After a while, Chu Xiangxiang brought Xu Ying to the top of a mountain, with huge stars above his head, slowly passing by the sky above this world.

After a while, they came to a sea of ​​magma. On both sides of the abyss, billowing magma slid into the abyss like a cataract, making a deafening noise.

Chu Xiangxiang became playful, and led Xu Ying through worlds, seeing all kinds of magnificent scenery.

She had a great time playing, and finally got tired of playing, and lay down on a piece of grass with Xu Ying. The two lay with their heads together, Chu Xiangxiang stretched out his arms, and opened his hands as if to catch the stars in the sky.

"My father God wants to betroth me to you. He wants to be resurrected, and he almost wants to go crazy. I don't want to, so I ran out to meet you in person. You are very happy."

Well, not to be annoying. "

Chu Xiangxiang turned over suddenly, lowered his head, looked at Xu Ying's face, and laughed in a low voice, "I'm ashamed and afraid when you come back with Father God this time, but I think you are still Lovely."

The heads of the two were facing each other, Xu Ying felt that the girl was approaching, a little confused, and hurriedly said: "Xiangxiang, I am proficient in runes of the way of heaven, and I can help you add some runes of the way of heaven that suit you... "

Chu Xiangxiang closed his eyes and lowered his head lower and lower. At this time, I only heard a woman's voice from outside, saying: "Ah Ying, Ah Ying!" Chu Xiangxiang woke up from his confusion and hurriedly got up, Xu Ying also came to his senses, and hurriedly said: "It's bamboo! Chanchan and the others are here. Xiangxiang, take them in."

Chu Xiangxiang hummed, blushing to the neck, shy in his heart, and hurried outside, only to see a huge bronze mountain peak in the abyss of Cangwu, and a big snake meandering down from the mountain peak.

The big snake has two horns, one black and the other white, and yin and yang are rippling between the two horns. A young girl is standing between the two horns. Her skin is snow-white and slightly plump. She wears very loose clothes, but her chest looks a little tight.

Chu Xiangxiang stepped forward, but saw a purple fairy grass on the girl's shoulder, and a simple bronze bell behind her.

"Is it Zhuchanchan? Mr. Xu asked me to come and meet you." Chu Xiangxiang asked.

It was the first time that Zhu Chanchan saw such a beautiful girl, she hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "I am Zhu Chanchan. How do you call this sister?"

Chu Xiangxiang made a brief introduction and invited them to enter the secret realm of Cangwu.

She secretly looked at Xu Ying, Xu Ying's expression was normal, as if she didn't notice that she almost kissed him just now.

When Juan Qi and Da Zhong saw Xu Ying, they hurried over.

The big clock was triumphant, and shouted: "Ah Ying, Ah Ying! Patriarch Chanchan retrained my body, using Kunlun's fairy gold, can you see what is different about me now?"

Xu Ying looked at it carefully for a while, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I can't see anything wrong...

"Ancestor Chanchan is really a good handicraft, repairing the old as before!"

The big bell sighed in admiration, and made a loud clang. The sound of the bell curled up, and the lingering sound continued, and said: "Now my strength can compete with the fairy weapon!"

It exploded with power, and various Dao sounds lingered, showing extraordinary visions, and even immortal runes lit up from its clock wall.

Its power area has increased many times, and there is even a

It's a feeling of lightness, sending and receiving as one wishes, but Xu Ying is still a little unsure about saying that it can compete with immortal artifacts.

One end of the fairy artifact is hidden in the fairy world, and the other end is located in the mortal world. With the power of the fairy world, it is naturally invincible to hit the mortal figures.

Immortal weapon is a kind of qualitative improvement. Adding a few kinds of immortal gold in the body of the big clock can be compared to immortal weapon, which is somewhat empty, not to mention that there may not be immortal gold. He Qi also leaned forward and said happily, "Ah Ying, Grandfather Chanchan also helped me to retrain, can you see the difference?"

Xu Ying looked at it for a long time, and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that Master Qi has grown up a little bit more than before?"

Zhuanqi said excitedly: "Ancestor Chanchan dredged my muscles and tempered my impurities, making me smarter and my aptitude and understanding better!" Xu Ying was suspicious, always feeling that these two guys hadn't changed much.

However, they have become a lot It is really strange that their strength has doubled. The purple jelly grass jumped onto Xu Ying's shoulder and looked down upon these two fellows.

Suddenly, this fairy grass caught a glimpse of Emperor Cangwu who was lying there motionless, his eyes lit up, and he sneaked past.

After a while, the purple fairy grass naturally took root in Emperor Cangwu's body, absorbing nutrients.

Zhuchanchan smiled and said, "Ah Ying, can you see the difference between my Feilai Peak?"

Xu Ying looked at Feilai Peak outside Cangwu Mystery, and exclaimed, "It's taller and bigger than before! Chanchan, where did you get so many materials?"

Zhuchanchan faltered: "This, of course, is a proper way..."

Xu Ying looked at her meaningfully, and said with a smile, "Chanchan, how did you refine the Shenzhou of the other side to reach the other side? Can you teach me?"

—Hives broke out, and I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to write a longer chapter, but I still couldn't concentrate. I went to take traditional Chinese medicine and soak in medicated baths, alas, it lasted for more than two years.

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