Ascend Another Day

Chapter 291: Tianwei

(There was a small bug in the last chapter. The last paragraph of Jianyuan World was changed to Chuyuan World. Thanks to the book friend Jiugang Parting for your correction.)

Hearing this, Xu Ying's spirit was greatly lifted, and he confessed his crime to Emperor Cangwu, followed Emperor Zhou to dive into the Abyss of Cangwu, and passed through an abyss.

Emperor Cangwu watched them leave, and said to himself, "I also doubt the friend who invited me to the fairy world, but my friends at that time. I rarely have friends. Although I doubt him, I still don't have much defense , until more than 60,000 years ago."

Pao sighed, his emotions fluctuated violently, and suddenly in the heavens and worlds, there were huge bodies rolling at the bottom of the bottom of the abyss, roaring like a cow and a dragon.

Alarmed by the roar, the abyss watchers flew over the abyss, offering sacrifices to Chang Lu.

The thick whip shadows swept towards the restless body in the abyss.

In all the heavens and worlds, every world has such a watcher who monitors the movements of the abyss. The long whips in their hands are also the same. They are made of dragon tendons. After they are sacrificed, the dragon tendons turn into black dragons and twist together, becoming extremely thick, and beat the body to pieces! Gloomy, feeling the pain from his own limbs. \"For 60,000 years, the pain you have inflicted on me...

In the worlds of the heavens, gigantic bodies suddenly protruded from the abyss, high into the sky, like pillars of the sky! Those abyss watchers raised their heads one after another, the long whips in their hands softened, and they were dumbfounded. Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, he felt like the end was coming. The bulky body raised high in the sky suddenly pressed down heavily; \'Boom!\"

In the cosmic starry sky, worlds shook one after another, and the damage caused by the huge slap was clearly visible even in the starry sky!

Emperor Cangwu stood in the secret place of Cangwu and never moved, but tens of thousands of top masters from all heavens and worlds died suddenly at the same time! No matter the soul or the body, they were all smashed to pieces!

Emperor Cangwu raised his head, looked at the crack in the fairy world, and said in a low voice, "Sixty thousand years ago, you appeared in the secret realm of Cangwu, and there were many strange faces with you. You are here as guests in name, You have a smile on your face, your white hair looks so mature; your broad shoulders and loud voice make me unguarded. But Xie was the first to kill me.

Emperor Cangwu showed grief: "I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, why? Wasn't he still a brother in the last engraving? Why did he turn around and stab me in the back? I can't figure it out."

After a while, he murmured: "After betraying me, you should be reused in the fairy world, right? This time, I will destroy your orthodoxy in the mortal world, will you panic? Will you go down to the world yourself? expect.

On Jiuyi Mountain, Feng Xian'er frowned slightly, cast a wink at the fool Ah Fu, pouted her lips, and said: "That woman named Qingzhai has been here for a long time, but she hasn't left yet. Are you trying to steal our Jiuting Mountain?"

Fool Ah Fu said nothing.

Feng Xian'er said: "If she wants to establish an orthodoxy in Jiuyi, I will not tolerate her, I have to compete with her. If I can beat her, it's fine, if I can't beat her, you can help me fight.\ "

The idiot Ah Fu held the dog's tail grass in his mouth, and said casually: "Nine Yi Mountain is originally my sect. We are outsiders.\' Feng Xian'er smiled and said\"Now it is my sect\"

In Nine Yi Taixu Cave Sky, Qing sits on the back of an ancient giant beast. These days, she

Mobilizing the fairy fire to burn one's own realm has already refined away the primordial spirit and knocked down the realm. At this time, a soaring glow circulated in the sky, and the light shone on the girl.

Qing looked up, and saw a white-haired figure appearing in the sunlight, it was a middle-aged fairy with white hair and broad shoulders, looking at Qingzhuang, he said with a smile, "You are cultivating my Hutian Wenxian Sutra? This Taixu Dongtian is my dojo. My disciple in the world, you are the only one left. Since you practice my skills, you are my heir. Chapter 1 Dojo Master Tianwei

Qingzhuang's eyes fell on the white-haired middle-aged immortal, and she frowned slightly: "There is nothing to show courteousness to, either adultery or robbery. This person's tricks are not righteous, and he is not like a kind person." She suddenly soared into the sky, turning into a streamer of light Live too empty. \"Hey! Hello!\"

The jade pot real person quickly raised his hand, but Qing had disappeared without a trace. The real person in Yuhu stamped his feet and said angrily: "You bastard, how can you say that the patriarch is not good when you meet him! Such a truth? You really are a bastard!"

He frowned, and said to himself: "Without even the last disciple, my orthodoxy is about to be wiped out in the world. It's a shame that Cang Wu actually came back to life. At this moment, a man walked into Taixu Cave, looking around. .

Immortal Yuhu's eyes lit up, and he called out: "Who are you? I am Immortal Yuhu Immortal. I saw your celestial spirit covered with precious light soaring to the sky. I am destined to accept you as my disciple. \"Suddenly there was another The girl in Caiyi ran over and smiled at him, "Master Immortal, he is a fool, not sensible. Only then did Master Yuhu notice that there was a big hole in the man's head, and there was no brain in it, it was empty.

He looked at the girl in colorful clothes, and said with a smile, "My way is that precious light reappears in the sky. Anyone who is destined will come. It turns out that the person who is destined is you. Head, kowtow quickly, and call me Master. The girl in colorful clothes was about to speak, but the fool Pulled her to kneel on the ground, kowtowed again and again, her head banged loudly

Master Yuhu felt relieved: "These two don't seem to be smart. Forget it, I have no morality in the mortal world, and my only disciple also said that my mind is not right. Let's take these two stupid people as disciples." The matter of plotting against Cangwu will still fall on them."

That idiot Ah Fu kowtowed to him, stretched out his hand, and smiled foolishly: "Greetings, greetings, greetings!

Seeing this, Master Yuhu knew that he was not in the Daoist system, and he really wanted to give some greetings to the two new disciples, so he said: "As a teacher, the emperor values ​​me a lot, give me a gourd of Hunyuan elixir, and I will give it to you. "

In the rising sun, a celestial light descended from the sky, and landed in front of the two of them. Feng Xian'er was surprised and delighted, and quickly put away the elixir, her heart beating wildly. Fool Afu scratched his head and said: \"Immortal, clothes, clothes, clothes!\"

Seeing that his clothes were torn and dirty, Master Yuhu thought to himself: "The two disciples of me are really too poor to wear, so let's give each of them a set of Jialan fairy clothes I made. So he Give fairy clothes.

Fool Afu was overjoyed, kowtowed again and again, made a practice movement, and said to him \"Immortal Venerable, Fafa\"

Master Yuhu bestowed the exercises, and said, "My method is even more powerful than the Huguan Wenxianjing left before my ascension. It is called the Hutian Demonstration Sutra. You are so good at learning and practicing as a teacher. There are still tasks to explain to you... \'

Immortal, treasure! Treasure!\" Fool Afu jumped up and laughed.

Master Yuhu frowned, and said in his heart: "My orthodoxy in the mortal world really needs to have the Immortal Artifact of the Sect. Other sects have the Immortal Artifact of the Sect. If I don't have it, I will lose face." He hesitated, Still throwing down a jade pot, the fairy pot floats in mid-air, as if one end is in the fairy world and the other end is in the mortal world, which is extremely miraculous.

Fool Ah Fu smiled and clapped his hands and said \"Bao, Bao\"

Yuhu Zhenren Daoxiao: "As a teacher, I need you to go to the Abyss of Cangwu. When you arrive at the Abyss of Cangwu, you throw this immortal pot, sacrifice it in mid-air, and then shout into the abyss, Cangwu old bastard. Others Yes, you don't have to worry about it.'

The fairy pot fell from the sky and landed in front of Feng Xian'er and the fool A Fu.

Fool Ah Fu suddenly burst out with fairy light in his hand, and it turned into a prison word fairy script, which was printed on the fairy pot. Daoist Yuhu's eyes widened, but he saw that fool holding the fairy pot, carrying the pot of Tianzheng Daojing and a gourd of Hunyuan elixir, grabbing Feng Xian'er's hand and rushing away! \"Bastard\"

The real person in Yuhu was furious, urging the fairy to be ashamed, the fairy pot lost its induction, and moved the fairy clothes, but the next moment the fairy clothes also lost the sensory master, and the master was suppressed by that brainless Ah Fu! After a long while, he cursed angrily, "The untouchables in the lower realm dare to lie to Master Xian's magic weapon. It's just right. Don't let me find you, or I will destroy your nine clans!" Chapter 191

Foolish Ah Fu led Feng Xian'er out of Taixu Cave, Feng Xian'er's heart beat wildly, but saw that foolish Ah Fu threw the elixir, fairy clothes and fairy pot to her, and then lay down on the grave, doing nothing.

Feng Xian'er said worriedly: "We have deceived that fairy so many treasures, in case he descends to the realm

Fool Afu said lightly: "In the fairy world, he is a dragon, in the lower world, he is a worm. He dares to go down to the world..." A fierce light flashed in his eyes, "I have a thousand ways to make him survive or die .\"

The primordial world.

An incomparably ancient **** sat down between the heaven and the earth, with a huge body and thousands of heads and dry arms.

Thousands of heads are like a tower, with one head at the top, three heads at the bottom, and nine heads at the bottom, superimposed like a pagoda.

He stretched out his thousand arms, holding various merit and virtue books, some books said that doing things would bring merit, and some books said that doing things would reduce merit.

The other scriptures of merit and virtue are blank, without any words. He is the **** of heaven and virtue.

It has been more than ten days since this **** came to the world of Chuyuan, and he has been sitting still, causing people in the world of Chuyuan to hear that there is a **** descending to the world, who wants to teach people the heavenly scriptures of merit and virtue. Come and meet this **** of heaven.

Some of the crowd knelt down on the ground, some of them had high cultivation, they knelt in the air, and some of high status knelt and sat on the treasure chariot, with the treasure chariot turned into the sky, expressing that they listened to the teachings of the God of Heaven and Virtue. God of Heaven and Virtue shook his head, looked at the blank book of merit and virtue, and opened his mouth suddenly, and there were more than a thousand voices overlapping and rumbling, spreading throughout the entire Chuyuan world\"All living beings are born sinful!

The sound of hugging is the sound of the way of heaven, which reaches people's ears, no matter how far it is, it is very clear, \"follow the way of heaven, make meritorious deeds, and use it to cut Mo. , Overwhelming the good fortune of heaven and earth, and walking against the sky, it is for no merit, no virtue and no way! \"When Tianwei, the head of the dojo in Chapter 191, said this, all the Qi refiners who came to the pilgrimage were shocked, and the next moment , Tiande Shangshen's whole body is lit up with heavenly runes, Daowei explodes! \"Boom\"

An unimaginable terrifying atmosphere enveloped the entire Chuyuan world in an instant, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. No matter where you are, whether you are in a holy land with immortal artifacts to suppress luck, or an imperial city that inherits the luck of heaven and earth, you can all feel that invincible feeling. Rival Tiandaowei

, everyone is out of their minds, the vitality in their bodies is disordered, the Taoism is inactive, and there is only fear in their hearts, the fear of the heavenly way! The body of Tiande Shangshang is becoming more and more tall, with the blue sky above his head, and the height is unknown, and the shadow covers the world of the first yuan. \"You are all guilty.\"

His eyes swept towards those qi refiners, and there were countless qi refiners immediately, whether they were beginners who had just cultivated qi harvesting, masters who had refined golden elixir, or masters who had refined qi elixirs, their bodies exploded, flesh and blood exploded, one by one. Skulls and spines were stained with blood, turning into skeletons floating in the mid-air throughout the Chuyuan world. Almost all the qi refiners died at the same time, leaving only a few qi refiners in the ascension period.

During the ascension period, the eyes of these qi refining soils were blood red, and the Taoist phenomena in their bodies were out of control, but they did not explode. But they all know that their own lives are beyond their control and have fallen into the control of this **** of virtue. The eyes of the gods of heaven and virtue fell on them, and the voice came: \"You will help the gods build temples among the people, erect golden bodies, offer incense, collect 9 items for the gods, and wash away your sins. \"Everyone trembled.

Tiande God looked at the blood-stained mountains and rivers with a smile on his face, and was very satisfied in his heart: "Hundreds of millions of living beings in this world will enshrine me from now on, and the air of incense will soon give me supernatural power."

He suddenly saw a young man in black walking towards him, God God's expression moved slightly, and suddenly his face changed drastically: "Xu Ying was about to get up, but he saw the young man in black raised his right hand, and immediately filled the sky with Taoist symbols." Chapter Ninety-one of the text, Tianwei, the master of the dojo, lit up, and instantly turned into a huge heavenly dojo, and locked himself and others in the dojo!

Xu Ying still raised his palm and did not put it down. The majestic incarnation of the Dao of Heaven behind him stood up slowly, with mighty might, rolled down, and pressed down on Tiande Shangshen's body. Under pressure, more than a thousand faces become hideous! \"I am the **** who suppresses me with the way of heaven, dreaming\"\"Boom!

He was crushed to the ground, one arm supporting the ground, his body trembling, and suddenly there was a snap, his arms broke one by one, and the broken bones pierced through his muscles and skin, exposing them outside!

You are nothing but a celestial being...

Tiande Shangshen tried hard to speak. But there was divine blood gushing out of his mouth, he was a bit confused, what Xu Ying used was clearly the method of the Daoists of Heaven, why did he suppress himself? Xu Ying raised his hand, and the God of Heavenly Virtue flew up involuntarily and floated in the sky .

The surface of his body Various runes of the Dao of Heaven brighten up uncontrollably, demonstrating the changes of Dao of Heaven.

Xu Ying's eyes flickered. When he saw these runes of the Dao of Heaven, the corresponding runes of the Dao of Heaven could not help but appear in his mind. Even if there were mistakes in the runes of Dao of Heaven, the correct runes would still appear in his mind.

Behind Xu Ying, the incarnation of Tiandao flicked lightly, and the body of Tiande Shangshen couldn't help spinning.

Soon, Xu Ying checked all the runes of the Dao of Heaven and found the corresponding runes. There were a few runes that did not arouse his memory, probably because he had never known them before. He wrote down these runes, turned around and walked towards the Abyss of Cangwu.

Behind Xu Ying, the Dao of Heaven suddenly distorted, and the runes of the Dao of Heaven on the body of the God of Deity were extinguished one by one, followed by the distortion. A particle bag exploded, each arm was broken, and soon turned into a puddle of mud!

"Brother Ji, let's go to the next heaven." Xu Ying passed by Zhou Tianzi and others. Yin Zhou and Jiang Taishi were in shock. After going to the Heavenly Dao Rune, the body of the **** who was strangled alive is also a treasure, so fellow Taoist Xu doesn't want it; let's take it away. \"Zhou Tianzi whispered to Jiang Taishi, and hurriedly followed Xu Ying.

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