Ascend Another Day

Chapter 304: Harvest the world

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There was the sound of water surging in the distance, and a long river was flowing in the air. Chu Xiangxiang, who was magnificent, stood on the waves of the river and came towards this side.

Facing the sea breeze, Zhu Chanchan saw a giant snake poking its head out of the clouds in the sky and slowly going downstream.

Xu Ying is here.

Zhu Chanchan took Fu Hui's human skin and put it in her Xiyi domain, wiped away her tears, with a smile on her face, and looked at Xu Ying who walked down from the head of the seven.

Chu Xiangxiang also fell from the sky, and Changhe disappeared.

On the contrary, Ju Qi was still hanging in the sky, his body hidden in the clouds, looming.

He is too huge. After several years of training, as well as Zhu Chanchan's tempering, coupled with Xu Ying's ancestral law, the immortal medicine Kunlun took and the immortal energy of Cangwuzhiyuan, he has grown so huge that he can hide it. lower body type.

Although he can forcibly shrink his body and turn into a small snake with the thickness of a finger, it will make him feel uncomfortable.

He prefers this relaxed feeling.

The big clock floated down, and where the five-color fairy king flag brushed the clock wall, it still exuded fairy light.

Zhu Chanchan leaned back and said: "You tampered with Seventh Master Zhong without telling me, Chan has failed everyone's expectations, please forgive me."

Juan Qi lowered his head and said with a smile: "In the past, we asked you to make treasures several times, and you helped me without saying anything. You rescued Master Zhong, you raised me and Master Zhong to such a level, and you used us Against the Emperor Zhou. If the grievances are one plus one, two minus one, then it is easy to tell the difference, and we still owe you a favor."

Da Zhong said: "We regard you as a friend, and it is only natural for us to help you."

It thought for a while, and suddenly its hair stood on end, and hurriedly said: "This idea, is it the idea that you imprinted on me and forced it on me?"

Zhuchanchan shook her head and said: "The brand marks on your body have been removed, and when there are brand marks, you will be aware of them."

She looked at Xu Ying, bowed and said: "Chanchan has failed your trust; I will repay you in the future. I killed Emperor Zhou, and there is no place for me in the Yuanshou world. Today, I will leave Yuanshou .”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, "Tianzi Zhou is not dead."

Zhu Chanchan's body was stiff, and she said: "I can't stay in Yuanshou anymore. Gao Jing has been destroyed, he will destroy me no matter what, Ah Ying, Master Zhong, Master Qi..."

A few leaves of the purple grass jelly emerged from the big snake's forehead.

Zhu Chanchan added: "There is also Master Cao. We will see each other again today. However, one day I will definitely return to Yuanshou and kill Ji Man!"

She limped up to Xu Ying, opened her arms, and Xu Ying embraced her, saying, "Take care."

Zhu Chanchan let him go, hugged the big clock, patted it lightly, and the big clock exclaimed in surprise: "You won't leave a brand in my body again, will you?"

"Maybe." Zhu Chanchan smiled, and opened her arms to Pi Qi, who lowered her huge head, and Zhu Chanchan lay on a huge scale near the big snake's mouth, trying to hug the scale with her head sideways, But the scales are too big.

The purple jelly grass came out of the body of the seven, and took off a leaf and gave it to her.

Zhu Chanchan was slightly taken aback, her eyes were red, and she whispered, "Thank you."

She came to Chu Xiangxiang, embraced the girl, and whispered: "Watch him closely, don't be pried away by other vixen."

Chu Xiangxiang said with a low smile, "Don't worry, sister, I won't give any vixen a chance."

Xu Ying called Zhu Chanchan who was about to leave, took out a piece of jade slip, and said with a smile: "You used to kill Zhou Tianzi, so you might not be willing to kill yourself and practice Niwan Gongzu method from scratch. Now you should have time to practice right?"

Zhu Chanchan accepted the jade slips, took a deep look at him, and suddenly jumped up to him with a limp, held his face in his arms and kissed him heavily.

Chu Xiangxiang was startled and angry, and stammered: "Chanchan, you, you... vixen!"

Zhuchanchan giggled, a small boat appeared at the foot, the cloud was born of its own accord, and it carried the woman up into the sky.

"I told you to be careful of vixen!"

Her voice came from the clouds, and soon the boat disappeared without a trace.

Yan Qi suddenly said: "Tell me, is Patriarch Chanchan really greedy?"

Xu Ying said: "It must be greedy. Otherwise, why did we come to such a big Feilai Peak? When we were Zhonglang Generals, we picked up so many treasures. It is impossible to repair Master Zhong. Naturally, she made it." Part of Feilai Peak."

Da Zhong said: "But when she rebuilt my body, she didn't seem greedy."

Xun Qi said: "The world in my body is bigger than me, and it consumes a lot of materials."

Chu Xiangxiang said: "When she helped me make treasures, she was never greedy.

Xu Ying stopped the topic, and said with a smile: "Let's put this matter aside for now, and ask her when we meet again in the future. Qi Ye, it's time for us to get down to business."

He Qi was quite puzzled, and asked, "What's the business?"

Xu Ying looked at the land of Shenzhou. The ancient mountains were shrouded in blue mist, looking sacred and ancient.

"What Qi Ye wants to do this time is to challenge the bishops and suzerains of the world's sects with the second knockout period, and justify the name of the Nuo method!"

His eyes fell on the nearest Yinlong Mountain, where there is a sect called Longyinzong, and he said with a smile, "Xu Fu and the six great Nuo ancestors, as well as those anglers and leek guys, brought the world's misunderstandings about Nuo law, it's time to get rid of it. Now, let's pay a visit to Sect Master Long Yin and discuss with him!"

He Qi felt a little uneasy in his heart, and hurriedly followed him, chattering behind him: "Can I really challenge the suzerains of the world? Master Ying, I don't think I'm tough enough. Those suzerains are all very powerful, and they are selected from thousands of choices." talent..."

Xu Ying thought about it: "They came back from Kunlun, this period of time is enough for them to break through and cultivate to the realm of the twelve-storey building. It is a realm higher than Qiye. Qiye is an ancient giant beast, and his blood is more powerful than them. It can make up for the difference in realm, not bullying them."

Yan Qi blinked her eyes and said to herself, "Is that Qi Ye that Ah Ying mentioned, is it me?"

Long Yinzong is in sight, and the five dragon piles of the fairy artifact are hanging on the mountain, emitting Taoist lights.

He Qi was a little timid, and asked: "Ah Ying, why didn't you challenge them? You are in the realm of the Chonglou period, just like them."

"Then it will really become bullying them, and the mystery of the ancestral law will not be revealed."

Xu Ying sighed, depressed, "I'm too strong now."

When they came to the mountain gate of Long Yinzong, Xu Ying and Chu Xiangxiang did not go up the mountain, but stood on the Xiangjiang River floating in the air, and motioned for Qi Qi to come forward and reason.

Heqi mustered up his courage, poked his head down from the cloud, and said in a loud voice: "Sect Master Longyin, Niu Heqi, a qi refiner, has cultivated the ancestral method in the Nuo method and opened the Niwan Palace of the Nuo ancestor. Today, I am here to ask the suzerain for advice. In the name of Nuo Fa. I hope the suzerain will give me some advice!"

As soon as he said this, Long Yinzong was in an uproar, and all the disciples recited it one after another, full of murderous intent.

After this period of development, Long Yinzong has accepted many disciples, and the sect has gradually prospered.

However, the trip to Kunlun made everyone in the world aware of the dangers of the Nuo method. Tao Zhu, the suzerain of Longyin, bravely abolished his own Six Secrets Cave, and allowed himself to return to a Qi refiner, so as not to be harvested by others for his success in cultivation. .

The cooperation between Long Yinzong and the family of Nuo masters also ended because of this. In the past, sects like Long Yinzong had to rely on the big family if they wanted to gain a foothold. After all, Longyinzong only had one suzerain left, and it would be difficult to survive without relying on the big family.

But now, everyone in the world knows that Nuo law is a law that harms people. Even the ancestors of Nuo have harvested the world.

Today, only by relying on these ancient sects can the family of Nuo masters obtain the inheritance of Qi refining and abolish their own inheritance of spreading methods.

Sect Master Tao of Longyin Sect walked out of the clan mansion, looked up, saw the big snake hanging upside down from the clouds, and gasped: "This thing is a Qi refiner?"

Heqi was born with Taoism, his body is hidden in the clouds, and it is difficult to see the end. He has black and white corners on the back of his head, and the yin and yang are derived to form a Taiji diagram, which is amazing.

No wonder Sect Master Tao was shocked by this.

He Qi was polite and polite, and said: "I'm Xia Niu Ju Qi, I practiced in the second knocking period, and opened up the Niwan Palace with the ancestral method. I'm here to ask for advice, and to rectify the name of the Nuo method."

There was a sudden buzzing sound in the back of his head, and the Niwan Palace Dongtian spun out and hung in the sky.

This cave is also much larger than other people's caves, like the moon is very close to the ground, hanging in the sky.

Apart from this Niwan Palace, no other caves were sacrificed behind him to show fairness.

Sect Master Tao looked across and saw a long river floating in the air. On the river was a woman in full dress and a boy in black beside her. He said in his heart, "Xu Ying!"

He knew Xu Ying. Back then on the Kunlun Divine Bridge, in order to protect Yuan Weiyang from the other side of martial arts, Xu Ying beat up many sect masters, and he was one of them.

"Brother Xu!" Sect Master Tao knew that he was no match for Xu Ying, and said loudly, "Is this big snake your mount? You challenged me with your mount, did you intend to humiliate me, Long Yinzong?"

He made up his mind, and as long as Xu Ying admits it, he sacrificed the five dragon stakes, turned into five great dragons flying around the fairy stakes, and strangled the big snake and Xu Ying together!

Xu Ying said with a smile: "Sect Master Tao misunderstood, Niu Juqi is my friend, he is called a Taoist friend, not a mount. He is indeed a demon clan Qi refiner, and now he is in the second stage of knocking off the stage. You start to argue about the strength of the ancestral method in Nuo method."

Sect Master Tao felt relieved when he heard the words, and looked at Pi Qi again, and said in his heart: "The wonderful and good articles are all in @, and the whole text is updated by hand! It's just a vulgar ancient giant beast. Although it has a big body, it doesn't have a lot of brains. There is no subtle supernatural power. Isn't it easy to grasp? Well, I will reason with him."

He said with a smile: "I have cultivated to the Chonglou stage a few days ago, and I took advantage of the realm."

"No problem."

Xu Ying instructed: "Seventh Master, I have three agreements with you when you make a move this time. First, you must not use the runes of the Dao of Heaven. Second, you must not use the supernatural powers of a qi refiner. Third, you must not use magic weapons."

Tao Zongzhu smiled and said: "Brother Xu, you have so many restraints, how can he argue with me? Brother Niu, I am a guest from afar, you should act first."

He Qi heard Xu Ying's order, and said: "Master Nuo cultivates Taoism, and Taoism has similar supernatural powers to Qi refiners. I am a Taoist myself, so I will fight you physically."

He urged the Niwan Palace Cave Sky behind him to catch the elixir from the Chaos Sea, and suddenly the majestic vitality rushed in, pouring into the body and the golden core. Qi and blood are like a vast ocean, boundless!

As soon as he moved, there was thunder and thunder all over the sky. Sect Master Tao looked, and saw that big snake appeared in real body, much bigger than before, and an extremely thick body like a pillar of the sky swept over, crushing the surrounding air with a loud crash. Burst!

Where the body swept across, lightning strikes continued everywhere, and the momentum was earth-shattering!

"Well done!"

Sect Master Tao yelled violently, and the sky suddenly moved, and black dragons leaned down from the sky, and grabbed Pi Qi!

At the same time, Tao Zongzhu raised his palms, and a Nine Dragon Wall appeared in front of him, showing a shield-shaped structure, with nine dragons swimming in the shield.

In terms of supernatural powers, his supernatural powers have reached the pinnacle of Long Yinzong, even the suzerains of the past dynasties are no more than that.


He Qi swung his tail, and the next moment, his tail crushed the Nine Dragon Wall, smashing away his supernatural power with pure power, and directly swept on Tao Zongzhu.

The extremely thick tail swept across Long Yinzong's sky, and Long Yinzong immediately set off a hurricane, breaking the vegetation on the hill and destroying a piece of the forest.

Even the hundreds of disciples of Long Yinzong were also blown up by the hurricane and could not help themselves to fly into the air, rolling in the barrel-shaped hurricane.

Sect Master Tao was hit so badly that he spurted blood from his mouth, and flew upside down, feeling that he had never flown so fast before.

Boom, dozens of miles away, he smashed through a mountain peak, and rocks flew behind the mountain, it should have smashed through the mountain.

He Qi was startled, and hurriedly opened his mouth to inhale, and sucked the hurricane that was rising from his tail into his abdomen. The hundreds of disciples of Long Yinzong who were swept up by the hurricane saw themselves being swept by the hurricane, and fell into the mouth of the big snake. Go, all hopeless, thinking: "They didn't come to discuss the Nuo method, they came to destroy the family!"

They flew into the mouth of the big snake, the hurricane stopped, but they came to another world, like a cave, full of stars and stars, deep and quiet, containing inexplicable Taoism.

Before they had time to study, they saw the cave opened and sent them out, and everyone returned to Yinlong Mountain, each one in shock.

Suddenly, Sect Master Tao roared in rage, flying towards this side covered in blood, and the five dragon piles hanging above Long Yinzong erupted with immortal light, and the five dragons coiled on the thick tree stump shook their dragon scales one after another, and the dragons The beard flutters and is about to wake up.

"Master Zhong." Xu Ying said softly.

The big bell flew forward, and with a loud bang, it shook the mountains, and suddenly all kinds of Taoist phenomena appeared on the wall of the clock, brilliant fairy light, and from the inside of the bell, it was the rivers, mountains and lakes, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, flowers, birds and insects. Vientiane, such as fish, clouds, sky and sea, has become more real!

As soon as the big clock came out, it looked like a fairy weapon, and it took the first step to suppress the unrecovered Wulong pile!

Tao Zongzhu's angry howl suddenly stopped, he stopped quickly, bowed to salute, and said politely: "Brother Xu, Fellow Daoist Niu's Nuozu skills are really good, Tao only practices Qi method, not Nuo method , it’s hard to compete. Brother Xu, please accept this clock.”

The big clock flew back and stopped suppressing the Wulong Zhuang.

Xu Ying threw a jade slip and said with a smile: "This jade slip records the Niwan Palace's ancestral method, and Sect Master Tao used it to practice."

Sect Master Tao grabbed the jade slip, he was uncertain, his eyes flickered and said: "Brother Xu, do you want to harvest Tao?"

Xu laughed loudly, Ying waved his hand, and left with Juan Qi, Chu Xiangxiang and Da Zhong.

On the Yinlong Mountain, Tao Zongzhu's face was cloudy and uncertain, looking at a method on the jade slips to open the cave of the Nuo ancestor, it was difficult to make a decision.

"Immortal Immortal has gone through the upheaval in Kunlun and is insane. Is he planning to harvest my Long Yinzong?"

He whispered: "He has a good plan. As long as I practice this Laoshizi Niwan Gongzu method, I can harvest all my Longyinzong after thousands of years... But, what if this is not a trap?" Woolen cloth?"

Once this thought popped up, it was irresistible.

Tao Zongzhu stared at this jade slip, as if staring at a monster that could arouse inner demons, there was fear in his eyes, and he was eager to try.

On the second day, news came that Linghuyue, the master of the Yin-Yang Sect entrenched on a large volcano three thousand miles to the southwest of Longyin Sect, was defeated by a big snake, and he lost miserably.

Legend has it that the big snake practiced some kind of ancestral method of Nuo method, and opened the Niwan Palace Nuozu cave. It is so powerful that it can increase its combat power by ten times in an instant, and defeat Linggu, the master of the Yinyang sect of the Immortal School. Use a trick.

"Did Linghuyue get the jade slips?" Sect Master Tao's heart moved slightly, ordering the gatekeeper to guard the mountain gate, he went to the big volcano himself to see Linghuyue.

The distance between Yinyang Gate and Longyin Sect is too close, so they have never dealt with it, but when Sect Master Tao took out the jade slip engraved with the ancestral law, Linghuyue immediately let go of his guard and took out a jade slip as well.

The two looked at each other, and compared the content of the jade slips, they were exactly the same.

"I'm worried that Immortal Immortal wants to harvest my Yin-Yang Sect, so I haven't cultivated." Linghuyue said.

Tao Zongzhu said: "I also have this suspicion, so I haven't practiced the method of exorcising on the jade slips."

The two were discussing how to deal with the jade slips, and there was another news that the Haoyue Sect in Hama Mountain in the north was also challenged by a big snake.

Sect Master Tao and Linghuyue hurriedly set off to Hama Mountain and came to Haoyue Sect, only to see that Xiao Baiqing also had a jade slip in his hand, which was exactly the same as theirs!

The three of them took a deep breath: "How many people does Immortal Immortal want to harvest?"

At this time, another news came that the head of Tiankui Sect in Shiliang Mountain was defeated by a big snake surnamed Niu. The three of them rushed to Shiliang Mountain together, and when they saw the head of Tiankui Sect, another news The Jiuyin leader of Jiuzhe Mountain was defeated by a big snake surnamed Niu.

Tao Zongzhu ordered Gu Yue and others to follow them all the way, and after more than two months of tracking, more than two hundred sect masters, sect masters, and suzerains gathered around them, all of whom were defeated by Niu Duqi's Nuo method.

What's even more exasperating is that the realm of the demon qi refiner is one stage lower than theirs.

Not to mention their defeat, they still had a jade slip presented by Xu Ying in their hands, which engraved the ancestral method of Niwan Palace!

They got the Niwan Palace Ancestral Law, and they said they couldn't practice it, but they all practiced it secretly.

Because, Xu Ying has already proved to them the strength of the ancestral law, if you don't cultivate, other people will be much stronger than you, and they will take advantage of your weakness to annex your sect!

If they don't practice, what awaits them is a dead end!

"The Immortal Immortal has finally become an evil dragon. He will harvest the whole world after thousands of years!"

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