Ascend Another Day

Chapter 310: Righteous leader

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The Heavenly Tribulation had already begun, and the four Great Merchant Qi Refiners were startled. Going through the Tribulation alone is a Super Heavenly Tribulation, and if four people cross the Tribulation together, it will be four times the Super Heavenly Tribulation!

The most frightening thing is that the Heavenly Tribulation is not one for you and one for me, but the fusion of four Heavenly Tribulations. The power of each thunder is probably four times that of the previous one!

In the past, it was still possible to overcome the catastrophe, and the power of the catastrophe was increased by four times, how could it be possible to overcome the catastrophe?

"last blow!"

Although the four of them hadn't communicated at this time, they had the same thoughts and suddenly abandoned other opponents, even if they faced the attacks of Da Zhong and Chu Xiangxiang, they didn't pay attention at all. Baidu Search Deep Space Other Side@…The latest chapters are free to watch

At this moment, the four people with supernatural powers joined together perfectly, and the overwhelming flames rose, and at this moment they turned into mysterious birds flying all over the sky, flapping their wings and singing, rushing towards Xu Ying from all directions!

At this moment, the four people's supernatural powers were raised to the extreme, and after one blow, they immediately

Moment each fled. Drove in different directions!

A mysterious bird appeared under each of them, carrying them in a rapid flight, the speed was not inferior to Xu Ying's Ultimate Intention Freedom Kung Fu!

They escaped thousands of miles and looked back one after another, only to see that the catastrophe in the sky was still forming, the cloud of catastrophe was getting thicker and thicker, and the supernatural powers of the four of them were also concentrated in one place at this moment, and the bright flames shot up into the sky , turned into a mysterious bird that surpasses the world!


The four Great Merchant Qi Refiners were each happy in their hearts, their supernatural powers were perfectly combined, and they merged into one, displaying earth-shattering power, and the power has also increased by more than four times!

The smiles on their faces hadn't fallen yet*, when suddenly Xu Ying raised his hand and grabbed towards the sky, and countless runes of the Dao of Heaven appeared in the Heavenly Tribulation, turning into a cloak of Dao of Heaven!

Dao's cloak fell down that day, wrapping around the Xuanniao Ling Jue Tiandi. The four Great Merchant Qi Refiners each sensed the explosion of their supernatural powers, and also saw the cloak of Heavenly Dao inflate rapidly, and a giant bird soared under the cloak, growing stronger, as if it was about to be blown apart!

However, what made them feel relieved was that the Heavenly Dao cloak did not explode.

The Heavenly Dao cloak was transformed by 70% of the power of the quadruple Super Heavenly Tribulation. If the magical powers of the four of them could break through the cloak, then the four of them would have some success in overcoming the tribulation together.

But their magical powers were far from testing the upper limit of the Heavenly Dao cloak, and their respective magical powers were smothered under the Heavenly Dao cloak.

Xu Ying shook her hand. Then I saw the cloak fly up, merge with the wind and cloud in the sky, and turn into a catastrophe with a radius of thousands of miles.


Thunder exploded in the sky, and a thunder that was brighter than thousands of suns fell from the sky, and it fell straight on the heads of the fleeing Great Merchant Qi Refiners in the west.

That person exploded, vanished into ashes, and ceased to exist! "Kacha!"

Another thunder fell, and the bright light illuminated the entire Shenzhou

, and even other major states can see the light of this thunder. The other side of the deep space is updated in seconds, and the masters will remember:!

Another great merchant Qi refiner was shattered under the sky thunder, no matter what

Cultivation, no matter how supernatural powers, under such a catastrophe, all of them are invincible.

Safeguard yourself!

The light of the third sky thunder suddenly appeared, far away in the starry sky, it can also be seen

To see this light, so bright and dazzling.

And the great merchant qi refiner who was hit by the sky thunder immediately abandoned his body, and his soul fled. His soul was even faster, and even turned into a mysterious bird that ignited a raging fire, bright as a phoenix, controlling the fire And go! . . . .

! However, this sky thunder was divided into two, like a branch on a tree branch. One of the branches thundered across thousands of mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers flashed by, and accurately hit the head of Yuanshen who was fleeing! 3

His human primordial spirit turned into powder in the thunder light, leaving only a bit of indestructible true spirit, swaying slowly, drifting towards the underworld. 3

His physical body had already been completely shattered by the thunder, and all the immortal medicines accumulated by hunting and killing countless Nuo immortals and fellow monks all his life, all disappeared at this moment.

In the end, the great merchant Qi refiner was on the way to escape, and suddenly sacrificed a talisman, and the talisman burned and turned into a portal. The portal is full of ghosts and darkness, it is the underworld!

The great merchant gas refiner threw himself into the portal and escaped into the underworld.

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The sky of the underworld exploded, and the gorgeous sky thunder chased after it. The blazing light penetrated the sky of the underworld, fell from the sky, and chopped at the head of the great merchant Qi refiner.

The great merchant Qi refiner ignored it. Fleeing forward frantically, the front is the endless Wangxiangtai! Browser *search* search: @…fastest update…

He jumped up, and was about to fall into the Wangxiang Terrace, when the thunder from the sky caught up with him.

Over Wangxiangtai, thunder exploded, disturbing the ancient existences hidden in the depths of Wangxiangtai. Immortal light burst out in Wangxiangtai, and clusters of clusters bloomed their spiritual consciousness to explore outwards.

"What happened? Why is the power of the catastrophe so strong?" 2

"Could it be that another evildoer was born, which quadrupled the power of the Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Where is the evildoer? Could it be that person who came back again?"

* In the sky of Yuanshou Shenzhou, the terrifying cloud of robbery finally dissipated, and the sky became clear again. A cloak flew from the sky, and it was automatically tied on Chu Xiangxiang's shoulders. one

Xu Ying looked at the sky, only to see stars moving outside the sky, and the stars went away one after another.

"Five anglers died in a row, and the rest of you should be scared too?" He whispered.

Those moving stars are just the fisherman and Mr. Leek hiding in the dark. He originally planned to wait for an opportunity to attack and kill Xu Ying, but when he saw the four great merchants who were alchemy were buried under the catastrophe one after another, Let them also can't help being frightened. Baidu search Stargate@… Open the search to view the latest chapter

"The world has changed, and it is no longer an era where we can harvest wantonly."

They left one after another, quietly.

"In this case, then integrate into this new era."

"Now there is only one way to go. That is to hide, abolish your own cultivation, and start from scratch. Even if Xu promises to harvest us, it will be in the future."

"We are the pride of each era, the choice and precipitation of history. We have never been eliminated in the past, and we will not be eliminated now, and we will not be eliminated in the future!

"Promise that he will not be able to overcome such a storm!"

Xu Ying, Chu Xiangxiang and others came to Jianmen of Shushan Mountain, and Shi Yuqing, the master of Jianmen, greeted them. When they saw the goddess Chu beside Xu Ying, they felt sore

Chu: "Every time I see him, there are girls with different looks around him..."

Xu Ying presented the jade slips and said with a smile, "Yuqing, this is the ancestral method, you can use it to practice."

Shi Yuqing took the jade slips and said, "The Supreme Elder hasn't returned to Jianmen for a few days. It's windy and rainy outside, and Jianmen has a place to shelter from wind and rain." Created a new sharing group 964669771 Xu Ying felt warm in his heart Meaning, he originally thought that Jiang Jiatian was his home, but later he realized that a home like Jiang Jiatian has eight thousand if not ten thousand. He laughed at himself as a fallen leaf, but it was flying in the wind, and he didn't know where the roots were. …


! Shi Yuqing's words made him feel the warmth of home and friends.

"Yuqing, I want to end this era of cannibalism and give the world a fair world."

Xu Ying said with a smile, "So I spread the ancestral law, hoping to completely solve the fisherman and Mr. Leek."

Shi Yuqing showed hope, and murmured: "Can it really be solved?"

In fact, the Nuo method of fishing and the Nuo method of harvesting leeks hurt her far more than Xu Ying. Xu Ying just felt that this was unfair, so he wanted to seek justice, but Shi Yuqing was a real victim.

Her mentor, Tao Danyang, the former head teacher of Jianmen, is a fisherman with very hot methods. Not only the Nuoxiu of Jianmen was harvested, but also the qi refiners of Jianmen were harvested together, refining them into incarnations outside the body and second souls!

If it wasn't for Xu Ying, she would also be Tao Danyang's next victim: even Tao Danyang still wants to master the sword gate again. Harvest again!

"It can be solved, it should be solved. Xu Ying smiled and said, "On the way, I have already solved five, and there should be more. I will definitely find them."

Shi Yuqing said: "Uncle Shi, there is one more strange thing."

Telling her findings, she said: "Tao Danyang, like many other anglers, was not wiped out when the purge came, but survived. Where were they when the purge came?"

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When Xu Ying heard this, he said without hesitation: "Some of them have telepathy between man and nature.

, established a telepathy relationship with the mysterious gods outside the domain, moved the mountains and rivers to another world, and avoided the big cleansing. Some people hid in Wangxiangtai and avoided cleaning. "

Shi Yuqing shook his head and said: "That's absolutely not the case. Tao Danyang has controlled hundreds of incarnations outside the body, and his elixir consumes a lot, and he will definitely not stop harvesting. But he only appeared after the world was unsealed, and he came here Looking for me, where did he go three thousand years before that?" 2

Xu Ying was stumped by her question, and said with a smile: "Probably went to other worlds. He may have passed through the Cangwu Abyss to seek refuge in other worlds. Tao Danyang is dead, and no one can answer these questions."

Shi Yuqing thought about it for a while, and there was indeed such a reason, so she didn't ask further, and asked with a smile: "Where is Master Jin? Still in the sun and not back?"

Xu Ying also missed Jin Buwei a lot. He laughed and said, "It's still in retreat, but counting the time, it should be coming out soon."

Xu Ying stayed at Jianmen for a few days and taught Shi Yuqing the sword technique, then he got up and went to

Go to the next sect and continue to challenge Mingqi.

Unknowingly, half a year has passed, and Xu Ying has already visited the three thousand sects in Yuanshou, some of which have been extinct, presumably the suzerain died in Kunlun.

Xu Ying passed through these sects

At that time, I occasionally saw the sun falling from the sky, shining in the nearby villages. It should be that the patriarchs of these sects in the fairy world were unwilling to choose mortal disciples and planned to continue their own orthodox lineage.

"The immortals in the fairy world still have this method? I thought that the treasures in these sects are now ownerless."

Xu Ying secretly regretted, and suddenly smiled, "Xiangxiang, Seventh Lord, I discovered a strange thing recently."

Chu Xiangxiang asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Xu Ying said leisurely: "Someone sneaked into Niwan, Yongquan, Yujing, Jianggong and other other shores to steal the fairy fire."Browser *search* search: @…fastest update………. .

! Chu Xiangxiang, Yan Qi and the others were stunned: "What are you doing stealing the fairy fire?"

Da Zhong was the first to wake up, and lost his voice: "The person who stole the fairy fire tried to use the fairy fire to refine his own cultivation level! Some people want to re-cultivate the ancestral law!"

Yan Qidao: "Only those who have a very high level of cultivation need to refine their cultivation level with fairy fire, right? It's not too troublesome to wait for the idle qi refiner to cut down the realm."

Xu Ying smiled slightly, and said: "Go to the other side to steal the fairy fire, and use the fairy fire to refine the cultivation realm. There is not one, but many people. They think that stealing the fairy fire is very secret, but my Nuo ancestor The caves have been cultivated to the state of Taiyi, they sneaked into the other side through other caves, and they couldn't hide my induction."

He stepped forward and said, "We can find them one by one and kill them."

He let out a foul breath, and said in a low voice: "The era of fishing and cutting leeks is finally over."

Youzhou countryside.

The woodcutter sacrificed his axe, cut open the mountain wall, and walked in. In the mountain wall is a hidden scene. Don't be fooled. Surprisingly, there is still someone in this hidden scene, a man with honest appearance, looking at the woodcutter in a daze.

The woodcutter tore open the back of his neck, and a ray of light leaked from his body.

That loyal man was just a piece of human skin, and there was actually a hidden scene hidden in the human skin, and the woodcutter walked in.

Only when he came to this place where the hidden scenery was hidden, did he relax, and set up a pill furnace, which was filled with the immortal fire from the six other shores.

"Regardless of whether there are traps in the ancestral law or not, I still need to practice to cultivate! If the surname is Xu, the Heavenly Dao World and the Immortal World will definitely deal with him, and he may not survive to harvest us!"

He sat in the fairy fire, refining his cultivation realm with heart.

The qi refiners going to the other side seal all their acupoints to resist the refining of the fairy fire, so they can persist for a long time. On the other hand, he took the initiative to induce the six great immortal fires* to burn away his cultivation realm, and it didn't take long to burn his cultivation realm from the ascension stage to the second knockout stage.

"Finally, I can practice the ancestral law."

He breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. At this moment, he saw an extra shadow on the ground.

A huge shadow enveloped him.

The woodcutter turned his head abruptly, showing disbelief

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, lost his voice: "

It's you! How did you find this place?"

The shadow opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "It's not difficult. Fellow Daoist. When you are stealing the immortal fire from the other side, I am watching you. What's more, we have met so many times in history, your breath

Very familiar. It's really not hard to find you. "

Three days later, Xu Ying came here and carefully found another incarnation in the Hidden Scenery incarnation.

Soon after, he was standing in front of the woodcutter.

The woodcutter showed a look of unwillingness. Xiang Xu promised: "I would rather die in your hands."

Xu Ying asked, "Who ate you?"

The woodcutter looked then turned into a look of pain, grabbed his hair tightly, and growled: "I don't know! I can't remember! I don't know!"

Xu Ying looked at the back of his neck silently, there was a faint light there.


"What number is this?" he whispered.

Chu Xiangxiang counted very clearly, and said: "It's the seventh one. The first six fishermen also ended up in the same way. When we found them, there was only one human skin left."

Xu Ying raised his head and murmured: "There are reapers harvesting all the anglers, and he is also one of the anglers.

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