Ascend Another Day

Chapter 334: True and False Chutiandu

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The purple-clothed demon Hou Chutian galloped through the air, leaving a purple figure behind, and went straight to the place of enlightenment, thinking: "Li Pingsheng was defeated by me last time. A little weaker. It is not easy for me to defeat him. He challenged me again this time, he must have made up for his weakness! But..."

With purple eyes in his eyes, he looked at the dilapidated Taoist temple: "Here I am! It's not me in the Taoist temple!"

"Since Li Pingsheng is here, I, the devil in purple, have to go out and meet him for a while!"

Xu Ying sighed and walked outside the Taoist temple.

Suddenly, he was startled slightly, and many more messages appeared in his mind, one of which was the cultivation method of one qi transforming the three cleans.

I think it was taught to him by that weird Taoist just now when he pointed to his forehead.

He has just entered the Tao, and his spiritual consciousness is integrated with the Dao Qiguan's heaven and earth avenue, and he has a feeling that the Tao is me.

That feeling of harmony between man and nature is extremely subtle. Xu Ying didn't think there was anything wrong with meeting that weird Taoist in his sea of ​​consciousness before, but now that he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

"I am in the process of entering the Tao. Since the Tao is my state, how did that strange Taoist enter my sea of ​​consciousness?"

This is the weirdest place!

Connected to his spiritual consciousness is the Heaven and Earth Avenue near Daoqiguan, which is also the Demonic Dao.

That strange Taoist was able to transform into three with one, and transform into three with one qi, and connect with his consciousness in the form of Tao!

Only in this way, in the state of Xu Ying's entry into the Tao, can he be taught to transform the three cleans into one qi!

"It's really weird! Could it be that this Taoist is the Dao of the Land of Dao Enlightenment, or something else?"

As Xu Ying walked out, he pondered the one-qi-transformation-three-purity preached by that Taoist.

In this technique, one must practice the innate qi first, Xu Ying pondered carefully, this innate qi is exactly the same as his own tai qi, there is no difference!

"Chu Tiandu!"

When Xu Ying walked out of the Taoist temple, he was startled by a young man's voice. He saw a handsome and handsome young man in white standing outside the Taoist temple, looking at him excitedly, eager to try. It must be Li Pingsheng.

"What are you doing so loudly?" Xu Ying was annoyed.

The white-clothed young man Li Pingsheng laughed and said, "I never thought that the famous purple-clothed devil is actually a young boy!"

Xu Ying tentatively said, "If I say that I'm not Chu Tiandu, you won't believe me, right?"

Li Pingsheng said indifferently: "Chutiandu, you and I have fought each other. Your ever-changing magic skill is already good at changing. You don't want to change your breath to deceive me. Brother Shen Baiyu, you have already verified your identity. Chutiandu, we I have always been curious about one thing, and I hope you can clarify it for me."

He paused, and said, "You used to wear a mask, and you didn't dare to show your true face. Could it be to cover up your dark face?"

Xu Ying became angry from embarrassment, and said in a firm tone: "Li Pingsheng, I am practicing a magic skill, you wait a moment. After I finish practicing, I will deal with you!"

Li Pingsheng laughed loudly, and said: "I didn't expect you, the devil in purple clothes, to be afraid of me and need to sharpen your gun before the battle! Okay, I'll wait for you for a while! Just wait for a while!"

He took out a stick of incense, stuck it on the bark of the nearby tree, and said, "When this stick of incense burns out, I will make a move!"

Xu Ying carefully pondered the one qi transforming the three cleanses, and quickly comprehended this technique thoroughly, and said in surprise: "This magic technique is actually a combat technique, it seems very remarkable!"

He was amazed.

He originally thought that the strange Taoist taught him the magic power of transforming three cleans with one qi, it must be full of devil qi, and when it was in operation, there was great terror, bad human morality, transforming people into practice, and extremely filthy.

However, one qi transforming the three cleansing magic skills is an upright and upright method of combat. To practice this method, one must first cultivate the yin and yang qi into the innate one qi. Once the innate qi is cultivated, and the magic kung fu is activated, one qi can be transformed into three cleanses.

The so-called Sanqing, according to the scriptures handed down to him by the strange Taoist, should refer to the three qi transformed from the innate one qi. Qi is too pure.

Will be three

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Qi is refined into the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, and transformed into three heavenly gods, the first is Taiqing Yuanshi Tianzun, the second is Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, and the third is Taiqing Daode Tianzun.

This is one qi transforming the three cleans.

Sanqing is actually the three primordial spirits of heaven and earth transformed by three qi.

"People in the way of magic really know how to choose names."

Xu Ying praised secretly, and said in his heart, "The real names of the three great heaven and earth primordial spirits should be Yuqing Yuanshi Tianmo, Shangqing Lingbao Demon Venerable, and Taiqing Moral Old Demon. In this way, it makes sense."

He submerged his mind, and the Taiyuan Qi circulated according to the transformation of one qi into three cleans, and he saw three strange zhenqi rising above his head, which were divided into three colors: green, white and yellow.

"This magic skill, without any magic energy, must be a top-level magic skill. Only top-level magic skills can achieve such a back-to-basics effect!" He thought to himself.

At this time, Li Pingsheng's voice came: "It's time! It's time to do it! Chu Tiandu, for you, I practiced the Wujue Lingtian Kungfu!"

When Xu Ying opened his eyes, he saw Li Pingsheng's celestial skills were circulating, and the celestial light soared into the sky, turning into five colors of aura, which were like five colored silks, all of which were composed of immortal runes.

With a slight pumping of the five qi, the space was shaken endlessly, which shows the power!

Xu Ying showed approval: "Li Pingsheng's ability is indeed not bad. I don't know if he has practiced Nuo?"

When Shen Baiyu confronted him, as soon as he lost, he immediately activated the six secrets of the human body to form six caves, and all aspects were astonishingly improved.

But at that time, he was a moment too late to attack, and was directly defeated by Xu Ying's Eight Desolation Sun Refining Furnace magical power.

Li Pingsheng's aura increased wildly, and six bright caves emerged behind him. He saw Shen Baiyu's tragic defeat, so he directly used the six secrets of the human body to let himself face the 'Purple Clothed Demon Lord' in a peak posture!

Seeing this scene, Xu Ying thought to himself: "It seems that Nuo method has indeed spread in all heavens and myriad realms."

Kunlun Divine Mountain is the Kunlun of all heavens and myriad worlds. Qi refiners in Yuanshou world can get Kunlun's Nuo method, and Qi refiners in other worlds can also get it naturally.

What's more, the six Nuo ancestors were eager to spread the Nuo law so that they could harvest more immortal medicines.

Li Pingsheng's breath was raised to the extreme, floating in the sky, condescending, like a fairy king.

Suddenly, the sound of immortality was heard, and five colorful silks swept towards Xu Ying. Li Pingsheng showed excitement, and shouted: "Devil in Purple Cloth, I want to learn about your newly enlightened Eight Desolation Sun Furnace!"

"Okay! Let me do it for you!"

Hearing this voice, Li Pingsheng's expression changed suddenly, and he turned his head hastily to look, only to see Xu Ying appearing on his left at some time, with the fire in his hand bursting out, the terrifying firepower erupted, and a huge furnace that swept across the world and swallowed up the sun and the moon He strikes!

"Isn't Chutian in front of the Taoist temple below? Could it be that his speed is so fast?"

Li Pingsheng's change of moves was incredibly fast, he immediately adjusted the five fairy silks, and the fairy silks rolled back, ready to meet the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace.

"Although I changed half of my moves, I shot first, and the timing was just right... What? Jing\\/Hua/\\Book\\/"

His face changed drastically, and he caught a glimpse of another one on his right, only a few hundred feet away, and it was also using the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace!

The monstrous firepower, incinerating everything, came to him!

"It's not impossible for me to shoot left and right!"

Li Pingsheng gritted his teeth, two of the five fairy silks left and three on the right, facing the two large and eight wilderness furnaces, he said in his heart, "The power of my Wujue Lingtian Kungfu is far superior to other kungfu! This is the patriarch of my Wujuezong. The Immortal Technique handed down by the Five Absolute Immortal Kings—”

He screamed angrily, drummed his cultivation, and met the two Eight Desolation Sun Furnaces on the left and right.

At this time, an extremely bright light came from behind him, Li Pingsheng looked back in a hurry, his face was pale.

Only a few hundred feet away from him, the fourth Xu Ying stood there, and the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace was extremely dazzling, flying towards him!

"That **** Chu Tiandu turned out to be quadruplet brothers!"

Li Pingsheng snorted, immediately retracted the five fairy silks, and returned to defense with all his strength, thinking, "His mother is a member of the devil's way!"

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, it's really insidious..."


The three Eight Desolation Sun Furnaces submerged him, no matter what his Five Absolute Soaring Heaven Skills were, and no matter what Five Dao Fairies he was, they were all vulnerable to a single blow!

Li Pingsheng's eyes were full of stars, and the sky was spinning. When he woke up, he saw that he had flown hundreds of miles away and fell down under the bronze pot.

He vaguely remembered that Shen Baiyu was nearby.

"Brother Li, are you awake?"

Hearing Shen Baiyu's voice, he opened his eyes in confusion, and sure enough, he saw Shen Baiyu's face.

Shen Baiyu was smiling, holding a photo mirror in his hand, facing him, not knowing what he was looking at.

Li Pingsheng raised his hand with difficulty, touched his head, and immediately grinned from the pain.

He had a large swelling on his head, almost as big as his head.

Shen Baiyu smiled and said, "Brother Li, touch the other side."

Li Pingsheng touched the right side, and there was also a head-sized meat bun.

"Brother Li touch the back again."

Li Pingsheng wiped the back of his head, and found another bag the size of a head.

On one of his heads, there are three heads, like three mushrooms growing from a diseased mushroom umbrella.

"Brother Li, I have already been reflected in the mirror!"

Shen Baiyu laughed loudly, and ran to the distance in a sickly manner, fearing that he would come after him, and shouted: "I will pass this scene to the monks of all heavens and myriad worlds, and let them see the most dazzling scene of the five unique sects." Star Li Pingsheng, one head and three big!"

Li Pingsheng got up to chase after him, but he became dizzy and fell to the ground. He was seriously injured, and he felt that his head was much heavier than before.

"Come on! Let's hurt each other!"

Li Pingsheng couldn't catch up with him, he gritted his teeth, and said with a sneer, "You think I don't have any black material about you? You were pressed under the mountain by a bronze iron, and only your buttocks were exposed. If this photo is spread, you will be ashamed of Huanjiangu Five thousand!"

At this time, he suddenly noticed that a purple figure was passing by, and he hurriedly looked back, but found no one.

"Did I read it wrong?"

Li Pingsheng was puzzled, "Why is this figure so familiar?"

In front of the Taoist temple, Xu Ying took back the Sanqing Primordial Spirit, and the Sanqing Primordial Spirit flew towards him in the form of three clear qi, and when it came to his Tianling Gai, it turned into Taiyi Yuanqi and fell into his body.

"After coming to Demon Realm, I probably became kind-hearted, but I didn't kill Li Pingsheng."

He sighed, his expression was a little melancholy, if it was the past, Li Pingsheng would already be a corpse.

He tried his hand just now, and he could have turned Li Pingsheng into ashes in an instant, but he still felt compassionate and did not kill him.

"One Qi Hua San Qing is indeed very strong, it is equivalent to three me joining forces! One me is already very remarkable, and three me, it is even more remarkable!"

Xu Ying said in his heart, "It's just that using this kind of combat method will cost a lot. It's equivalent to earning a salary for three people. If you don't pay attention, you may exhaust your cultivation base."

He secretly sighed, he must undo the seal of the first life earlier, in order to remember more ancestral methods, especially the ancestral methods of Yuchi Dongtian!

If he opens up the Yuchi Nuozu Cave, he doesn't have to worry about running out of cultivation!

With Wangchi Nuozu Dongtian, he can be at the peak of his cultivation all the time!

At this moment, a purple figure came into Xu Ying's eyes.

It was a young man dressed in purple, with a handsome appearance, eyes like stars and moons, a straight nose, fair skin, and an outstanding temperament.

Xu Ying sighed, and said, "Are you also here to challenge Chu Tiandu, the purple-clothed devil?"

The young man in purple was exactly Chu Tiandu, he smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said, "That's right. I'm also here to challenge you."

Xu Ying frowned slightly, and said, "You also want to experience my magical powers, the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace?"

The smile on Chu Tiandu's face did not change, and he nodded slightly: "That's right. I really want to see this supernatural power that no one has been able to cultivate for more than 40,000 years."

Xu Ying frowned even tighter, thinking in his mind: "Is it because I'm sorry?"

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Tian didn't kill anyone, that's why so many righteous friends came to challenge me? Do I want to kill a few people to stand up? Let's start with him..."

He shook his head secretly, he came to comprehend the way of the devil, not the leader of the devil, how could he kill the righteous people who are defending the way?

"However, I still need to stand up, otherwise anyone will dare to challenge me!"

Xu Ying's murderous heart sprouted, showing a kind smile, and said: "Okay. Jing/\\Hua\\/Book/\\Ge... M._j_h_s_s_d_.c_o_mNo. Wrong. First. Send~~ You just need to take my one If you don't die, I will let you leave alive."

Chu Tian has made a big move, he is a great master who is famous in the Demon Realm, and he has overwhelmed countless qi refiners in the heavens and myriad realms, and someone dares to say that he will not die after receiving a palm!

What's even more bizarre is that this person still bears the name of his purple-clothed devil, Chu Tiandu!

Xu Ying raised his right hand, the palm of his hand shook slightly, and there was a small furnace in the palm, only three inches in size, in which the sun and the moon moved, shuttling between the fire and the air.

Chu Tian's expression was serious, even more serious than the first time he saw the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace from a distance.

Xu Ying's palm patted lightly, very slowly, but it gave him a feeling that the surrounding space was constantly collapsing into Xu Ying's hand!

He has no way to escape, no way to retreat!

He had an illusion that at the moment he was in the palm of Xu Ying, falling into the Furnace of the Eight Desolation Solar Refining!

This palm definitely surpassed the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace that defeated Shen Baiyu and Li Pingsheng!

Xu Ying's body swayed slightly, the top of his head flew up, and one part was divided into three parts, turning into Sanqing Xu Ying, who cast mana together, making the power of Xu Ying's palm once again crazily increased!

Cold sweat rolled down Chu Tian's forehead, and he felt that he couldn't escape. He watched helplessly as the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace in Xu Ying's palm crushed towards him!


His hair crown suddenly exploded, his aura reached its peak in an instant, and his momentum was pulled to the extreme. With a loud shout, he met Xu Ying's palm with the simplest fist!


Behind him, an incomparably bright halo burst out, turning into six caves, roaring and spinning, making his mana, body, primordial spirit, spiritual consciousness, yin and yang, and strength crazily improved!

Chutian's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and nose spurted blood, his skin exploded, the mountains and rivers behind him exploded, the mountains fell, the water stopped flowing, and the sky behind him split open in an instant, with cracks like spider webs appearing!

He roared his legs trembled, his body was crushed and he slid backwards, he slid out dozens of miles, and bumped into a fairy artifact the size of a mountain, and then he stopped.


Chu Tian gritted his teeth, forced a breath of vitality, rose into the air, and disappeared into the sky.

Xu Ying raised his head in surprise and watched the purple figure.

In the Taoist temple, Hu Zhuojun's confused voice came: "What happened outside? The movement is so loud?"

Xu Ying didn't look back, and said: "A man named Chu Tiandu defeated three great masters here, causing quite a commotion."

Hu Zhuojun's exclamation came from behind: "Chu Tiandu? The purple-clothed **** Hou Chutiandu? Where? Where is he?"

The shocked look on Xu Ying's face still didn't dissipate. Looking at the gradually fading purple air in the air, he said in a low voice, "Zu Fa! What he has on him is my Kunlun's Nuo Zu Dongtian!"

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