Ascend Another Day

Chapter 368: Great Terror in Wei Ruins

"Mostly, something went wrong when I was in reincarnation. Maybe this world is a different world, or I changed the timeline during reincarnation, resulting in the current future, which is not the future of my original time and space."

Xiao Tianzun hesitated for a moment, and thought, "Otherwise, if I wake up from death, why would there be so many uncles who call themselves masters?"

His experience in reincarnation is so mysterious that he is still a little dazed and can't believe his own experience.

Wu Qi and Da Zhong were pleasantly surprised. It is for no reason that there is this extremely powerful master nephew, and having a big backer in the Demon Realm naturally has many benefits-

Snake-Zhong followed Xiao Tianzun, Hong Qi said: "Ah Ying is on the top, under the gate of heaven, he guarded the Hunyuan Palace to force the Immortal King, and was seriously injured."

"Ah Ying?" Xiao Tianzun was puzzled.

Wan Qi explained, "When he used to catch snakes, everyone in the village called him Ah Ying."

"Catch a snake?" Xiao Tianzun glanced at him, thinking, "Did you catch me a snake uncle? But why the surname is Niu?

He was puzzled, but there were too many stories that happened to this master, Xiao Tianzun even suspected that in the past 40,000 years, his wife might have counted them.

He flew to the gate of the third day, and saw Xu Ying sitting under the gate, unconscious, with the six secret caves behind him in tatters, wounds all over his body, and flesh and blood wriggling, he should be repairing physical damage.

Wan Qi and Da Zhong were taken aback, seeing that the Six Secret Cave behind Xu Ying was riddled with holes, as if bitten by insects, they couldn't help but feel their hearts popping out one by one.

"Could it be that Ah Ying was bitten like this by a fairy insect?

Mosquito Seven and Da Zhong secretly felt ashamed, they chased the swarm and went to Penglai, but forgot to check on Xu Ying's situation.

Little Tianzun inspected it and said, "It was bitten by the swarm."

He took action to suppress the insect swarm just now, and took away all the fairy insects nearby to suppress it. He thought that there were a group of insect swarms here at that time, and these insects were suppressed, so Xu Ying's life was saved.

Shei Qi and Da Zhong felt agitated, she was uneasy, and said: "I think the flesh and blood on Ah Ying's body is still recovering by itself, you should be in a bad position."

Xiao Tianzun shook his head and said: "His Six Secret Cave was bitten and disabled, and he couldn't function. When the fairy insects came to bite him, he had no resistance but could only fight hard. Now that his physical body is recovering, it should be the Immortal Spirit that is working. Self-healing flesh."

Xie Qi and Da Zhong felt sad, one can imagine how miserable Xu Ying was in that time, unable to make any resistance and being eaten by insects, he could only let the insects bite and devour him, relying on his immortal true spirit to survive Repair broken flesh.

"But there is also an advantage. He was seriously injured at first, and it was the Dao wounds left by the two immortal kings. Now these Dao wounds have also been eaten by insects, so he can be reborn with flesh and blood."

Xiao Tianzun inspected Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm and Hidden Scene Taoism, and couldn't help frowning. Xu Ying's Xiyi Realm and Hidden Scenery Taoism were severely damaged, just like today's ancestral courtyard, mountains and rivers are broken, heaven and earth The avenue is dilapidated and incomplete.

The damage to the hidden scene Taoism is easy to say, and it can be repaired in the future if you think about it. But it is very difficult to repair the damage in Xiyi's domain.

He checked the six secrets of the human body again, and couldn't help frowning.

Xu Ying's six secrets are not optimistic either, the six great caves have been damaged, and the six secrets are no longer what they used to be, so I don't know if they can be practiced. Error-free update @82zw, °C0m

As for the Twelve-story Building, it was also seriously injured by the insect swarm and the immortal king's supernatural powers, so it is not optimistic.

But Xu Ying's soul was even more damaged. His soul was not big in the first place, and the light of the immortal spirit could already be seen in the dilapidated place this time.

"It should have been bitten by the swarm. The teacher hurt me like this to save me."

He felt a complicated feeling in his heart. In his opinion, Xu Ying's ascension to the fairy world was a betrayal, but Xu Ying did everything he could, even risking his life to save him.


Suddenly, I saw immortal light surging in Xu Ying's Yaochi, flowing down from top to bottom. Wherever it passed, the mountains and rivers were reorganized, the way of heaven was refined, the five mountains were restored, and the thirty-three heavenly mountains were restored to their original state. The dojo also returned to normal.

But after a while, the second floor was as bright as new, and Xu Ying's primordial spirit was nourished by the celestial light of Yaochi, and gradually recovered.

Hui Xuannv found him in reincarnation and took away the fairy water of Yaochi from his body.

The reincarnation Xuannv told him that her real body was wandering and struggling in the reincarnation, so as not to be found by the gods and immortals, she wanted to borrow the fairy water from Yaochi to resurrect her.

They traveled through time and space in reincarnation to find the real body of the reincarnation Xuannv, and only then did they rescue the empress.

He has not cultivated to the realm of the Yaochi period, and even if he has cultivated to the realm of the Yaochi period, it is impossible to refine the fairy water of the Yaochi. Little Tianzun didn't know that Xu Ying swept away most of the fairy water from the Yaochi of the Queen Mother of the West. A large part of this fairy water Absorbed by the fairyland in his Xiyi domain. Now that Xu Ying was hit hard like never before, the efficacy of fairy water came into being to heal his body.

Xiao Tianzun straightened his waist, looked up at Weixu, his eyes sparkled brightly: "Sure enough, only the teacher can awaken the fighting spirit of these seniors!

In Wei Ruins, the four spirit family murderers, Wuliu Taoist and others fought decisively against the two immortal kings. The two immortal kings suffered dozens of wounds at the moment, but the four spirit family murderers and others were not much better.

But the four murderers of the Ling family and others were so brave that they killed the two immortal kings, showing signs of defeat.

The two Immortal Kings were beaten up like this by a group of unknown people, which discredited them.

Xiao Tianzun picked up his right hand and was about to summon the Celestial Halberd when suddenly a girl grabbed Nalandu's throat with one hand, lifted Nalandu up high, and shouted to the Ninth Immortal King in the eyes of Weixu monsters: "Ah! Baba!

Xiao Tianzun was very surprised: "Hua wrong shadow?"

He even suspected that he was wrong.

Hua Cuoying is a child of the Hua Family in Weixu and the daughter of the Five Absolute Immortal Kings. How could she capture Nalan Du and threaten the Ninth Immortal King? Xiao Tianzun was stunned: "Master Cao?"

Could it be the Grass Master? Pooh! I actually called a plant of grass Lord Grass! If Chu Tiandu and Zhou Yashu heard about it, how would they look at me?

"Abaa!" Hua Cuoying shouted, gesticulating on Nalandu's neck with a murderous look.

Grave Grass controls Huacuoying, and when Fuqi and Dazhong go to suppress the insect swarm, they stay near Xiandao Yaochi, waiting for the opportunity.

Xiao Tianzun suppressed the insect swarms in the nearby heaven and earth, and the insect swarms that besieged Nalandu were also suppressed and taken away by Xiaozun. Nalandu's cultivation base was severely depleted, and this "girl" immediately broke into Yaochi and went straight to Nalandu.

Nalan was hit by this "girl"-dozens of knees in a row, his body trembled in pain, he lost his fighting power, passed out, and became a prisoner on the grave. First update @重量书阁

Grave Grass knows that Xu Ying once pinched Nalandu's neck and threatened the Ninth Immortal King, so he did the same thing, pinching Nalandu's neck to threaten the Ninth Immortal King, but it doesn't understand human language, it can only "Abaa bar"

The battle in the Weixu monster's eyes was extremely fierce, and there was a collision of supernatural powers all the time, which was once transmitted to the ears of the Ninth Immortal King.

The little Tianzun walked towards the Weixu Weiyan, stretched out his hand to grab the side of his body, and said calmly: "This battle is sure to win, so why use hostages to threaten the enemy? The heavenly halberd shot into the sky with a huge beam of light. Then, it fell into his hands the next moment, and the little Tianzun's aura surged, holding this strange weapon, his murderous aura surged, and he rushed towards the strange eyes in the sky!"

In the strange eyes, the two immortal kings were already at a disadvantage, but when they suddenly saw the little Tianzun, they couldn't help being in a state of confusion.

Especially the Ninth Immortal King, while noticing Xiao Tianzun, he also noticed that Hua Cuoying was choking his lover Nalandu's throat, and his mind became even more confused.

At the moment when he was upset, he was immediately seized by Taoist Wuliu, and his sword light pierced through the Dao domain, breaking the Ninth Immortal King's foot!

The Ninth Immortal King fell to the ground, and the Immortal King Yuanshen immediately reached out behind him and tried to send Taoist Wuliu on his way. Unexpectedly, the Lanshan Sword, the Tianlong Double Bronze, the Iron Rod, and the Pengyi Double Knife of the four brothers of the Ling family fell one after another. on him!

The Ninth Immortal King vomited blood profusely, his breath suddenly became fatigued, and it was already difficult for him to compete with the crowd.

Relying on his powerful mana, Xuan Yazi joins forces with Demon God Pan to fight against the Wujue Immortal King, giving Taoist Wuliu and the four fierce spirits a chance. Taoist Wuliu and the four murderers of the Ling family solved the Ninth Immortal King, and immediately joined forces to besiege the Immortal King Wujue.

The eight masters clashed, the rabbits rose and the falcons fell, and the bodies and souls of the five absolute immortal kings were all severely injured.

Have the power to fight again!

The little Tianzun was resurrected, and before he could make a move, the two great immortal kings were defeated.

Pan Moshen grabbed the Huntian umbrella, and was about to put the two great immortal kings into the umbrella and turn them into ashes, when suddenly the little Tianzun's face changed drastically, and his figure suddenly accelerated, rushing in front of the seven people!

When he rushed out, the profound kung fu had already been activated to the sixth turn, the six secrets were fully opened, the ancestral dharma caves emerged one by one, the breath was circulating, and it was smooth, and there was no longer the feeling of stagnation in the past.

He came back from the dead this time and experienced reincarnation. Although he failed to learn the Taoism of the goddess of reincarnation, he learned by analogy and made his Taoism more rounded, giving people a feeling of reincarnation.

But even so, he didn't dare to perform the seventh round.

At the seventh turn, the opening is too big, the attack power is strong, but it is also easy to be seized.

Fortunately, he came back from the dead and was even better than before. Now that he is playing the sixth round, his combat power is no less than that of the seventh round.

Moshen Pan, the four murderers of the Ling family, Taoist Wuliu, and Xuan Yazi also sensed the danger in an instant. They didn't care about killing the two immortal kings.

When Xiao Tianzun came to the front, he pushed everyone's aura to the peak!

At this moment, an incomparably terrifying aura surged from the Weixu Sky Eye, and a huge shadow slowly emerged, appearing behind the two immortal kings.

In an instant, the sky and the earth tilted, the avenue twisted, and the sound of countless ghosts crying and howling came, like a plow falling into hell, making people crazy and crazy!

Around the shadow of the human figure, countless shadows floating like tentacles filled the sky like lines.

A strong corpse aura rushed over. @82\\/Small\\/Say nothing wrong first~~

Everyone was infected so that their Dao heart was unstable, each suppressed the demonic nature of Dao heart, and their hearts were full of surprises. They only felt that the corpse aura was playing with Qi's side. Fairy Gushe woke up and looked at the terrifying figure in the eyes of Weixu monster. A slight movement in my heart:

When I sorted out my own karma for Xu Ying that day, I noticed that there were several giants in Wei Ruins that were connected with Xu Ying's karma line. Could it be that this strange person is the most powerful one among them? "

The shadow couldn't see the face clearly at all, the eyes and mouth of the person were like the eyes and mouth cut out of a black paper man.

Its aura is more powerful than the two immortal kings, distorted, strong corpse aura, and even spread to the outside world!

Xiao Tianzun was a little nervous, this aura was too strong, he was resurrected after death, better than before, but facing this shadow, there was no chance of winning!

At this time, a bright moon rose slowly, floated in the air, and hung across the East Ruins.

The bright moon only shines on one person, a goddess like water and snow, stepping on the moonlight and walking towards this side, with a calm face, she said: Get back!

Behind the bright moon, a figure of a female emperor looms faintly. She is in the underworld, her hair reaches the heavens and the world, and she controls the reincarnation of the souls of hundreds of millions of living beings.

That is the real body of Xuannv Reincarnation!

The Queen's voice seemed to have a strange power, and the terrifying shadow receded quickly, and Immortal King Wujue and Immortal King Ninth also immediately took the opportunity to return to Weixu.

Xuan Yazi and the others also breathed a sigh of relief. Before they knew it, they were already sweating profusely, which was more tiring than a life-and-death confrontation with the two immortal kings.

The sense of oppression that the terrifying shadow brought to them was too strong, and it even gave them a sense of surpassing the fairy king. Liu Dao said humanely.

The four murderers of the Ling Family and the others nodded solemnly.

Xiao Tianzun hesitated for a moment, had no choice but to nod, and said: "Uncles, my master is seriously injured and dying, and he is right below. Don't you uncles go and have a look?"

Excitement flashed in Pan Moshen's eyes, and he said excitedly, "Will you die?"

"I won't die!"

Taoist Wuliu raised his hand and grabbed a shoulder pole. Taoist Wuliu inserted his sword into the pole and said lazily, "I once sneaked into the world of Yuanshou and saw him. Even if he is killed, he will never be destroyed Spiritually reborn."

Xuan Yazi nodded and sighed, "That's right."

The four murderers of the Ling family carried their weapons and they all sneered and said, "We went to see it too, he can't die."

Pan Moshen lacked interest, put the Huntian umbrella on the back of his neck, put his hands on the umbrella, got up and left, and said with a smile: "Of course he can't die, so what a fart. We will kill him again when he wakes up the memory of the first life." !"

Xiao Tianzun frowned, and said silently in his heart: "It seems that they can't resolve their resentment towards the teacher for a while. The first update @82小. Said Ziwei Remnant Realm, outside Hunyuan Palace."

The Xuanwu tortoise lay quietly on the ground, recovering from his injuries. On his back, Penglai Xianshan floated in the air, tied by the chains on Chi's body, so it didn't float to the sky.

In the Palace of Heavenly Kings, Shei Qi's voice sounded flattering: "Are you awake? You are already a girl."

Nalan woke up leisurely, and heard these creepy words.

At this time, the bell rang: "Qi Ye, hurry up! Ah Ying is awake!"

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