Ascend Another Day

Chapter 376: 4th realm

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Xu Ying said with a smile: "Since Brother Dao can point me to Jianggong Cave, then other caves are also very easy to come by."

Daoist Taiqing sighed, and said: "Yuxu Palace in Kunlun, Huangting Mansion in Xuanhuang, Niwan Palace in Chaos, Yujing Palace in Xuandu, Twelve-story Tower in Underworld, these are all extraordinary places. Every place is not inferior to Lihentian. The old Taoist is just the soul of heaven and earth in the land of enlightenment, how can he control these places?"

"Kunlun Yuxu Palace?"

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he didn't know about other places, but he was very familiar with the name of Kunlun Yuxu Palace. @·No fault first launch~~

Kunlun is his ancestral land!

The last time he went to Kunlun, although he did not find Yuxu Palace, the main peak of Kunlun is called Yuxu Peak!

"The Queen Mother of the West lives next to the Jade Everest. If you think about it, she must know the Yuxu Palace! There is also the Underworld Sea. Others may not know about the Underworld Sea Realm, but the Great Emperor Beiyin must know it!"

Xu Ying thought of this and asked, "Brother Dao, do you know where these places are?"

Daoist Taiqing said humanely: "I don't know where I'm going, but when the empress of the underworld confronted the old corpse in Weixu that day, I sensed a different aura coming from Weixu. You can go there and look for it." , there may be unexpected gains."

"The old Weixu corpse?"

Xu Ying was stunned. At that time, he was bitten by the swarm and fell into a coma. He didn't know that there was an existence in Wei Ruins that was more terrifying than the two immortal kings.

"Is there Huangting Mansion in Wei Ruins, or Niwan Palace, or Yujing Palace?"

Without further delay, he immediately asked Taoist Taiqing to resign.

Daoist Taiqing smiled and said, "Why don't you wait a few days, Fellow Daoist Xu?"

Xu Ying shook his head: "My Sixth Secret's injury has not healed, so we can't delay!"

Taoist Fu Taiqing hesitated for a moment, but he didn't force it.

"Brother Dao!"

Xu Ying stopped suddenly, and asked, "My Immortal Cave is enlightened in Lihentian, can I pass it on to others?"

Daoist Taiqing was stunned, and said in a voiceless voice: "Are you going to pass it on to others? This is your unique skill. You have cultivated into the fairy world cave, mobilized the power of the fairy world, and formed a school of your own. No one can compare with you! Do you want to pass it on to others? "

Xu Ying said with a smile: "I comprehended the imprint left by the Taoist ancestor in Lihentian, and found that the Taoist ancestor imprinted what he had learned and realized all his life on the heaven and earth, and turned it into this Taoist field. He spread the Dao to the world, so why should I?" Cherish your own broom? Isn’t it ridiculous and generous?”

Taoist Taiqing settled down, and said with a smile: "The calculation is reasonable. However, if you want to cultivate into the fairy world, you must get a place of enlightenment and enlightenment, and then you can feel the other side of the fairy world. In this world, you Where can I find the second person? If you can find it, spread the word."

Xu Ying was stunned.

Suddenly he discovered that it was impossible for him to teach anyone about his fairy world.

This extinction has really become a unique skill, even if he teaches it all, it is impossible for anyone to learn it!

Xu Ying returned to Penglai, and Penglai had recovered from the plague of insects and corpses, but Xianshan, which was eaten by the plague of insects, would never come back. The immortals are still repairing the Huabiao Tianzhu to complete Penglai's way of heaven.

Xu Ying helped them draw the runes of the Dao of Heaven, and quickly repaired the Huabiao Tianzhu, and asked the witch to resign, saying: "I will go to find the mysteries of the other five secret treasures, witch, what good or bad luck do I have when I go?"

The sorceress smiled and said: "Master Xu, if I really know everything and see the future, how can I be trapped on this mountain? It is because of my inadequacy in Taoism that I can't get down to Penglai, and it is also because I can't count Only in the future can we live in the present.”

Her words had a lot of meaning, and she seemed to be referring to something, but she didn't elaborate.

The witch said with a smile: "Why is the fairy master in such a hurry? Why don't you wait a few more days?"

Xu Ying shook his head and said: "It's important. I'll go look for Kunlun first! I have a third day pass, I can come and go freely, and I'll be back in a few days. It's not troublesome."

The sorceress didn't say much.

Xu Ying started the third day pass, and this fairy king-level fairy artifact stood in the air, but when the door opened, a snow-covered area appeared behind the door, and high mountains and snowfields came into view.

This is the beauty of the third day.

This treasure was originally Xu Ying's third pass knocking stage, the Tianguan at the end of the Shenqiao, Xu Ying was defeated, and many immortal kings and **** kings shared the spoils.

Once this treasure is sacrificed, there is nothing but backing.

Yujing, in addition to gaining a great increase in mana and the blessing of immortality, can also go to any world of the heavens and worlds at will. It is a rare escape tool!

At the beginning, Immortal Lord Penglai planned to use this treasure to escape from Xu Ying's attack, but unfortunately, this treasure was refined in Xu Ying's realm, so that he could not escape, so he had to flee to the ancestral court, and only then did he die later. .

Xu Ying walked into the world of ice and snow, looked back, and saw that the third day pass was still standing behind him, facing him or the front, as if he didn't walk into the door just now, but walked out of this door.

"My third knockout stage realm is really amazing!"

Xu Ying couldn't help admiring, put away the treasure, and sailed against the wind, floating in the sky, searching for the whereabouts of Kunlun.

He met a qi refiner in this world, and after asking, he found out that this world was called Zhaoning. Xu Ying's flying speed was fast, but even so, it took him several days to search all over the world, and he still couldn't find Kunlun.

"Kunlun is not in this world."

He opened the door for the third day, and another world appeared behind the door, and Xu Ying walked in.

On the fourth day after Xu Ying's departure from Hate Heaven's Tushita Palace, several beautiful and tall girls came from afar to visit Tushita Palace.

The clothes of these girls are luxurious, mostly made of fur, but they are not vulgar, it's just that the skin is white as a foil.

The leading girl is about twenty years old, and she is even more beautiful. She is dressed in red, with a section of snow-white fluff on the collar of her clothes, red lips, white teeth, and skin that is better than ice and snow. She bowed to Taoist Taiqing and said softly: " Daoist, dare to ask if Mr. Xu Xu is here?"

Daoist Taiqing saw that they were not human at a glance, and said with a smile: "So they are girls from the ancestral court of the demon clan. It's unfortunate that you came here, Mr. Xu just left a few days ago, saying that he has something important to do."

The red-clothed girl frowned slightly, and said, "The Daoist Fayan. We are indeed from the ancestral court of the demon clan. We were also rejoiced when we saw the ancestral court of the Taoist sect died and came back to life. We came to ask Mr. Xu. This Mr. Xu, did you say When will you be back?"

Daoist Taiqing shook his head and said, "I never said that."

The girl in red still didn't give up, and said: "Dare to ask Mr. Xu where he is going and what he wants to do?"

Daoist Taiqing asked three questions and said, "You can go to Penglai to find out."

The girl in red said goodbye and came to Penglai. After some inquiries, she learned that the sorceress was in charge of Penglai, so she ordered the girls under her command to present treasures and said:

"Ask the goddess to make a fortune for the little girl, so where did Mr. Xu go?"

The sorceress accepted her treasure, she was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Why is Miss Ling so polite?"

The girl in red was surprised: "You know me?"

The witch said with a smile: "The ancestral court of the demon clan is located in a corner of the ancestral court. It does not move with the outside world, but it is the supreme holy place in the eyes of all the demon cultivators in the heavens and the world. The contemporary successor of the ancestral court of the demon clan is a girl named Ling Siyi. .”

The girl in red, Ling Siyi, smiled and said, "Penglai Goddess, you really have a clever plan."

The sorceress made a divination and said: "Master Xu you are looking for is now in Guanghe World. If you go there in time, you can still see him. If you are not in time, you can go to Taishi Great World and wait for him."

Ling Siyi bowed to thank her sincerely, and said, "Thank you Goddess. Let's go!"

She flashed away with the girls.

The sorceress patted the few treasures, and said with a smile: "It's fine if the Xu family is running around, and my business will come."

In the Ziwei Remnant Realm, the purple air hanging between the sky and the earth swayed. After a while, someone passed through the purple air in a boat. When the purple air split, one could vaguely see that there was a different cave, another world.

The young man rushed to Lihentian by boat, and went to Tushita Palace to seek an audience. The Taiqing Taoist sent the young man to Penglai to find the sorceress. The young man was awe-inspiring, remembering the rules of the sorceress' fortune-telling, so he prepared gifts, and then came to seek an audience.

"Mr. Nan from Ziwei's ancestral court, if you want to find Mr. Xu, please go to Taishi Great World and wait for him." The sorceress accepted the generous gift and said with a smile.

The young Nanzi said his thanks with a bow and left by boat.

Not long after, an old man and a young man rushed to Penglai. The old man apologized and said with a smile: "Penglai Goddess, I want to inquire about someone."

The carriage rattled up from behind, and the young man opened the curtain on the carriage, only to see a purple blood treasure tree in the carriage, surrounded by fairy roads and fairy sounds. @*~~


The sorcerer's eyes lit up, and she praised: "The ancestral court of the Shangqing Dynasty is rich and powerful, which is admirable. Taoist Yuan can go to Taishi Great World and wait for Mr. Xu."

The old man thanked him and left with the young man, leaving the carriage in the Amitabha Temple.

With trembling hands, the sorceress opened the curtain of the carriage, and invited the purple blood treasure tree down, her voice trembling: "I only heard about such a strange flower in the fairy world. Treasure, follow Mr. Xu to the lower realm, it seems that the bet is right!"

Xu Ying didn't know that the sorceress sold him the news and made a lot of money, and he was still searching for Kunlun's whereabouts in Guanghe World.

"In order to avoid the search of the fairy world, the Queen Mother of the West will definitely hide Kunlun in a certain world, and move Kunlun every once in a while. It is not easy to find Kunlun."

Xu Ying frowned, and raised the third gate again, the gate was opened, and behind the gate was the Great World of Taishi.

Xu Ying walked into this big world, put away the sky gate, and couldn't help but be astonished.

But in front of him, there are holy mountains dotted all over the place, with a thick scent of incense wrapped around the tops of the mountains, and there are streaks of soaring rays of light connecting the sky.

As far as he could see, there was a high mountain where hundreds of rising rays of light gathered together. The vitality of the world was extremely rich, condensed into rain and dew, and kept falling.

He even saw many fairy artifacts floating in the sky above the holy mountains, connecting to the fairy world, and the sunshine of the fairy world could be seen faintly.

"This world is so spectacular!"

Xu Ying couldn't help admiring, and flew up, flew across the sky, and praised, "If the world of Yuanshou didn't have so many disasters, it should be so spectacular, right?"

In the sky, from time to time, there are immortal talismans hanging down. It should be the ancestor of the immortal world who sent messages to the sect and contacted the news.

Xu promised to avoid these holy mountains so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Suddenly, the most spectacular scene in this world came into his eyes, but in the center of the world, a sacred mountain was rooted in the earth, towering into the sky, how high, how wide, and the surrounding geometry, it was really spectacular!

There is Mount Sumeru in the Great World of Taishi!

This mountain has divine power, incense is permeating the air, and one can feel the supreme divine power turbulent in the mountains from a distance.

"This sacred mountain has the breath of heaven!"

Xu Ying was surprised. At this moment, he saw water and fire pervading the top of the mountain, forming a Taiji pattern. A large tripod was suspended in the water and fire, carrying the spirit of incense, continuously forged day and night!

The breath of heaven came from the great cauldron that was tempered by water and fire!

Xu Ying looked at the big and suddenly felt something on a whim.

"This water and fire, this tripod, are transformed by my realm during the refining period!"

He looked towards Mount Sumeru, there might be strong men who besieged and suppressed him in this mountain!

Those who can participate in dividing up Xu Ying's realm must have a special background!

"I don't know which fairy king this person is?"

Xu Ying settled down, with his current strength, Liu Mi only restored the Jiang Palace, without the support of Penglai Heavenly Dao, it is absolutely impossible to confront the Immortal King.

Even with the addition of the three treasures of the Immortal King, they are still no match for the Immortal King. Error-free update@

"But if there are four treasures of the Immortal King..."

Xu Ying looked at the ashram where the water and fire were intertwined, and said silently in his heart, "Even if I'm an immortal king, I can't help it!"

111 It's late at night, good night fellow Taoists Tomorrow, I'm going to struggle a bit, try my best to recover my yang!

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