過 ご し I spent a night I couldn’t sleep, and my head was blurred. If you are unable to achieve the task of “isolating the mayor by creating an opposition” issued by the chief priest, you will be more likely to be disposed of with the mayor as a solidarity. My stomach started to hurt.


Today is the day when I can finally go to the orphanage to see the situation.


I left the Lesser with several futons, a box full of food and a printed paper board loaded with Franc, Gill, Nicola and Brigitte and left for Hasse.


The Priest and Darmell are still looking at the Lesser with a face that can’t be said, but no longer complains.


“Welcome, Rosemine”


A gray priest and a gray priest greeted me. Four newcomers sing with mimicry and recite the words of greetings.


I got the side clerk to carry my baggage out and I cleared the restless.


When looking around, Nora and Marte’s complexion looked much tired when they were just brought here. Toll and Rick look fine too.


“The townspeople were attacked, but they seemed to be fine. Nora and Marte’s complexion is much better.”


Nora raises his face and asks for permission with an unfamiliar tone that makes it difficult to say “Can I talk to you?” As I whispered, Nora relaxed her expression.


“These guys couldn’t do anything. They couldn’t get in, just wield the sticks and farm tools and just blown away … I was surprised, but I was very relieved. Thank you, Rosemine. I’m glad you came here. “


It seems that I was taught in the last few days that my name is “Rosmain”. I narrowed my eyes because the titles suddenly mixed in the same language as the children in the downtown area were interesting.


Thor who was listening to Nora’s words raised his face and opened his mouth.


“I was also very happy to see that my sister could never take me. And I can always eat it properly. All of them were saying, you are small but amazing, Rosemine! ”


Excitedly speaking, Toll’s wording is still as usual, but his blue eyes are not as carey as before, and we can see respect and favor.


The gray priests crawling side by side hold their heads as if they were saying “Oh” to their language, but in just a few days, they were exposed to caution. The title is taught. I think I’m working very hard to communicate.


“Rick, I think the temple is different, but there is no problem? I think the mayor has more freedom …”


“Safety is more important than freedom. I’m delighted to have a smile back at Marte. Thank you, Rosemine”


Rick looks at Malte, softens his eyes, and laughs smallly as Malte bites.


After all, I want to cherish this smile. It should be no mistake to have taken over these children. I want to find a way to get good results for both resident and orphans.


However, I don’t know what to do to isolate and drive the mayor, and I don’t want to do it.


… I have a stomachache.


The next day I went to see Hasse, it was a meeting with the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce.


Fugo and others will return and an Italian restaurant will be opened, and the date, menu and greetings will be held. In the meantime, Benno will be appointed as the agent and will be contracted to sell the salting-out method to the wax workshop.


“Rosemine, the color of your face is not good. Do you want to cancel today’s meeting?”


franc, who brought the breakfast, looked into my face with anxiety. The complexion seems to be so bad that it would be better to cancel the meeting.


I shook my head.


“I’m going to the meeting. I want to see Lutz.”


“… I understand. Then, I will bring you a book so I’ll take a break.”


“Thank you, Fran”


Francis spoiled me, so I spent time with my heart while reading a book until the meeting time. Reading a book can make you feel at ease because you don’t have to worry about emptying your head or thinking something bad.


And three bells rang.




When Brigitte’s voice resonated, the shoulder was grabbed and pulled back. When you are surprised and blink your eyes, there is a thick pillar in front of you. Apparently it stopped me from hitting.


“Ah, thank you, Brigitte”


“I was surprised because I suddenly headed to the pillar. I think it would be better to postpone the meeting today.”


Apparently, the escort knight appears to be terrible as he cannot keep up with his schedule. But I want to see Lutz because it’s terrible.


franc kissed me in front of me biting my lips.


“Rose Mine, would you like to hold it up? Feelings will not change, so let me carry you at least.”


“Please, please”


I was picked up by Franc from the middle and I reached the director’s office. It seems that the lack of sleep is quite bad. Just being carried around by the francs, he is going to sleep.


そ の If you close your eyes, the poisonous smile of the chief will float, your stomach will hurt, and you will not be able to fall asleep.


When I arrived at the director’s office, the members of the Gilberta Company had already arrived.


Lutz, Benno, and Marc were waiting and waiting, so exchange greetings and ask them to go upstairs. At the moment when the three people raised their faces, they all gathered their eyebrows.


“Today we will take you to that room first”


franc tells us that he leads me to the front of the hidden room before talking about business. It is unusual for Francs to say, “After having finished the important story.”


When I looked up at the frantic light by pushing my back lightly, the hurry distorted my face and asked, “I’m sorry for my lack of power.”


As soon as he entered, Lutz put his hands on both cheeks and looked into his face. The green eyes are narrowed, saying, “I won’t forgive you until you speak everything.”


“What happened? You have a terrible face”


“Lutz …”


Sense of security that seems to accept anything, the back of my eyes gets hot and tears and tears flow. I clung to Lutz, crying awfully.


“It’s difficult because the new priest has a new issue. I don’t want to do it, but I have to do it. It just makes me feel bad and dislikes.”


I was afraid when I thought about crying, crying, falling into a person, and heading to death until the letter arrived from the time I took the orphan and the subject was challenged by the priest. He complained that he was unable to sleep because of the poisonous smile of the chief priest.


Talking about what the priest told the priest, whether he wanted to be more resident than an orphan, isolated the mayor of Hasse, and chased away, the reaction in the room was divided into two parts.


Lutz screams, “You can’t do that! That’s right!” Benno and Marc round their eyes, “It ’s a pretty sweet deal”.


“What is a sweet response !? It’s not sweet at all! I’m almost dead!”


When I was angry, Benno sighed, “I calmed down,” and then gave up my shoulder lightly.


“If the chief is attached as a teacher, I think it’s a gentle response, but it’s sweet against Hasse. The mayor, of course, was killed at the time of the first order violation and was made by the lord. Isn’t it strange that all Hasse residents were burned off when they attacked the small shrine? “


“… Eh?”


¡I closed my eyes to words I had never thought of. Aside from the mayor, I don’t know what it is like that all the residents of Hasse are burned down.


“The small temple is a white building that the lord made for the lord’s daughter. Attacking it is equivalent to attacking the lords. How did those who attack the lords?” Will you know what to be treated without thinking? “


I swallow my salmon and saliva.


Earl Bindewald, who was an aristocrat of another territory, was imprisoned for attacking me, the lord’s adoptive daughter. Searching for memories, it seemed that the guilt came out violently, but the most decisive factor was the attack on the lord family.


Even though nobility are executed, the commoner cannot be the target.


The Hasse townspeople attacked the small temple with malicious intent to regain Norah. The commoner is committing a felony enough to catch the nobility.


It was the building that was attacked, and it was as intact as there was no scratch on the door, and the damage was on the side of the townspeople, so I didn’t think anything. However, if the attack on the small temple is regarded as an attack on the lords’ family, as Benno says, it is no surprise that the Hasse townspeople will disappear.


“Once we were publicly known to have attacked the small temple, Hasse was over. We can’t be done without any punishment. Only you and the chief knew you were attacked. It ’s not reported above, so Hasse still exists. ”


The priest decided to leave it as my teaching material and keep it for the time being, so if it was n’t the issue of the priest ’s idea, it ’s already gone. I was amazed at the current situation that it was not strange.


“Did the chief say that it was a good teaching material? I think that’s true. I think it’s true. Originally, it’s not a strange job even if it is extinguished in an instant. How did you fail? It ’s no problem, you ’re good enough, you ’re a merchant who can make an opposition, and that ’s the lord ’s daughter, you ’ll have to learn? ”


Benno argues that criminals don’t need guilt, but I can’t think of it. Looking at me in silence, Marc squinted a little bit to remember something and smiled bitterly.


“I think it’s exactly what my husband is saying. The husband who lost his predecessor who has taught me as an adult has gone through a lot of frustrations. If you can experience it when you are, it would be better to keep it. “


I think that, as the two say, as long as they live as lord’s daughters, such a scheme would be necessary. Just scared to do it.


“Even if I was told that I could do that easily, I couldn’t do it just by thinking of a plan that would fall into a person …”


When shaking his head while clinging to Lutz, Lutz slammed his head.


“If that is the case, change your mindset.”




“I feel sick because I think I’m going to fall into the mayor. What if I thought about saving Hassé, who wouldn’t be ridiculous even if I became a charcoal when the priest and you leaked to the lord?”


Lutz smiled at me, looking up with a rounded eye.


“You don’t fall into the Hasse people, save them, because Ehrenfest’s temple head is a saint with real blessings”


Scales fell from the eyes. If you think that you will help the Hasse resident who is not strange at any time, instead of falling into the mayor, you will feel completely different. I felt positive about thinking so that I could manage it.


“The priest told me to isolate the mayor, nurture the opposition, and stabilize the town? If you can achieve the task of the priest, Hasse will end at the expense of the mayor alone. Let’s think together about how to reduce the number of victims alone. ”




Since I started taking an orphan to the small temple and the townspeople may have bad feelings, I started to talk about how to improve it. And peeled off.


“Wait a moment. If the Hasse case has not expired, it will stay the same for a while. Think after the Italian restaurant opens.”


“… Does Benno-san also help me?”


“You can’t refuse if you ask the lord’s adoptive girl. If you refuse, it’s not strange to be killed.”


Saying so, Benno grinned like a fun.


“Instead of cooperating, don’t worry about it later. The Italian restaurant greeting is first. The face doesn’t come out to the public. First, get in shape.”


“Rose Mine is not very dexterous, so if you do two things at the same time, you may end up failing. Let’s try our best in an Italian restaurant.”


Marc laughed and said so.


There are people who say that they will think about difficult problems together, and there are people who worry about their physical condition. When I exhaled, I felt like I was exhaling something that was heavily pressed.


“When I was relieved, I became sleepy”


“It’s time to sleep after a meeting, Abu”


Talking to the contract that there would be a franc, when I got out of the hidden room, I relaxed my mouth so that the franc was a little relieved.


Complete the contract for wax workshop as scheduled. Lutz knows how to salt out, so I decided to go to teach.


“After that, it’s about opening an Italian restaurant …”


It seems that it will be decided to invite to the Italian restaurant after the meeting where only the owners of the big store are gathered in the commercial guild because they gather the husband of the big store. Most of the invitations seem to have returned with attendance.


“What do you do with the menu?”


“Since there is something good for the season …”


Benno laughs amiably, that is, think about me.


“Isn’t it just like getting it out to the lord?

“Why is that?”


“Because people get used to it. If you can afford it, you can be more surprised at the second visit so that you can be delicious little by little?”


I think of a menu while thinking of seasonal vegetables.


Appetizers are made by thinly slicing turnip-like vegetables, soaked in sake and salt for a while, marinated with meryl oil and herbs, tomato-dried pome and steamed chicken millefeuille with dressing. To.


The soup is a minestrone that looks like an ordinary vegetable soup. How about eating a bite and being surprised by the taste of the consomme? I don’t think it’s necessary to make a double consomme because people only drink soup that tastes like salt.


The first main dish is white sauce spaghetti with plenty of seasonal mushrooms. White sauce was popular with lords and other aristocrats, so you should be able to eat it deliciously.


The second main dish is tonkatsu. Pork is easier to get seasonally than veal, so tonkatsu is easier to make. When you want to cut your budget more, you can use chicken cutlet. Breasts can be eaten softly and tasty if they are soaked in salt and sake and seasoned. Fried food is a luxury dish that uses plenty of expensive oil. By the way, tonkatsu is my father’s favorite dish.


Dessert is a new work of Irze, how about a seasonal fruit cuttle curl and a Birne pie that is not an apple pie?


When I raise the menu, I see Benno and Marc writing one after another on the writing board.


Once the menu is decided, it will be a meeting about the day’s actions.


“Is there any problem because Rosemine will come to the first greeting? Time will ring the bell to the temple after the 4th bell rings”


It will be said that it will be troubled if it arrives too early. I wrote on the writing board “After the bell of 4” slowly.


“Are you sure you want to return to the temple with just a greeting?”


“Yes, please love me again”


Three people came home, telling them that they had a bad face, so they should manage their physical condition by the day.


Although things to do did not change, I was able to change my mind and felt better, so that night I was able to sleep well for a few days.


From the day when I woke up cleanly to the day when the Italian restaurant opened, I spent a relatively relaxed time with the recovery of physical condition as the top priority.


Create a new picture book, start preparing for the Harvest Festival, “I want paint, my drawing is saying. I will draw one piece for free,” a letter to my mother I tried to write.


…… I was promised not to print a picture of Vilma, but I wasn’t told to let Virma draw a picture. I have not broken my promise. I’m hoofed.


On the day the Italian restaurant opened, we had an early lunch. If you go to an Italian restaurant on a hungry stomach, you will be very embarrassed.


At the end of lunch, ask Monica to dress up like a senior aristocratic lady and insert a gorgeous bowl like a ceremonial occasion.


After the bell of the fourth ring, Fran, who changed into clothes for the downtown area, came to inform the arrival of the carriage.


“Now I’ll go”


“We look forward to your early return”


When I arrived at an Italian restaurant, I saw that there were nearly 20 owners in the hall just past the door. The height of their eyes was just right because they crawled.


Even if the owners lined up in rumors, I was surprised that I was really young, or I was suspected to be the temple chief because the clothes were only senior nobility and they were not wearing the temple chief’s clothes. Do you have eyes that are mixed with doubt in surprise?


“The Goddess of the Wind, the fruitful day of protection of Szessia, the blessings of the encounters guided by the gods”


The head of the guild, who was at the top, hangs his head and greets the nobleman. I lightly put magic on the ring and returned the blessing.


“The goddess of the wind for the new encounter, the blessing of Szteria”


The magical power overflowing from the ring emits a yellow light and is a blessing for greetings.


Probably only the owners of large stores who have received a blessing that can only be handled by aristocrats. Suspicious eyes changed all at once. Facial expression is visibly tightened and power is applied to the body.


“My name is Rosemine, I have been appointed the head of the temple by Aub Ehrenfest”


Talk about making an investment in an Italian restaurant made by Benno from the edge of making a workshop to save the orphanage, and appealing that the printing business will be expanded in the territory by the life of the lord. .


“We are also working with Benno and Gustav to expand our printing industry. Thanks to all of you for your cooperation today, we would like to see other people also cooperate.”


laughing with a smile, I noticed that the glaring eyes that burned to the business soul were directed here. A strong line of sight, like Benno, the guild leader, and the son of guild son and Frida, who thinks where to eat from.


While explaining the tense atmosphere of the merchants, I explain the system that refuses Italian restaurants.


“Our store is an introduction system, and only selected customers are invited. As the temple head and daughter of the lord, I come in and out, it is a store that only trusted customers can enter and exit.


Demands strict adherence, insisting that the system is completely reserved and that the troublesome system that Mr. At first glance refuses is all for me. The owners who knew the fear of the aristocrats screamed and showed their order.


“This menu is an aristocratic dish, and I guarantee the menu and give the recipe. Please enjoy it.”


At the same time as my words, the waiter comes in by pushing the wagon on which the dish was placed. Today’s appetizer is what I ate earlier.


I looked lightly and looked at the owners looking at the dishes being served, and I felt a certain level of response.


“If I am there, I will not understand the taste of the food, so I will take my spare time. Please do not hesitate to do so.”


After finishing the greeting, it is a short break away. They were sent off to Benno and Marc and returned to the temple with a carriage with Franc.


“It was a great success. Everyone was surprised that they were good and wanted to help the temple head, and rubbed against her husband.”


The next day, Lutz, who came to the report, smiled and said laughingly. An Italian restaurant that opened over a period of more than a year. I think it would be good if we proceed smoothly.


“The customer was overjoyed …”


Benno laughs with a complicated face. Lutz and I all looked at Benno as if there was something wrong.


“What happened?”


“Fugo wants to be a court chef. What do you want to be invited by the lord? When the successor has been decided and the education is over, I have been asked to think about the direction.”


“Yes, I was invited directly. But after the Star Festival … Oh!”


I felt that the fugo face of Fugo, who had said that he wanted to think after the star festival was over, was going to collapse because there was a woman who wanted to get married.


It was hard to say that I was touched, and when I was looking for words, Benno laughed as if I had guessed it.


“… Well, that would be true. When other cooks grew up, I became a court chef. The woman was good. I said I would cook.” [19459002 ]


Fugo seems to have been touched. Because long distance love is difficult, it can’t be helped.


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