When these people approached, Yang Che recognized at a glance that the old man leading them was Jia Yunzhi.

Jia Yunzhi's eyes were cold. He was dealing with Wei Yongzheng's funeral when he suddenly received news that Zhao Min was killed by a young man. He couldn't believe it at first, but now he saw that this young man was actually the drug-testing boy Yang who had been following Wei Yongzheng. Che, he couldn't help but believe it.

"Did you kill Zhao Min?"

Jia Yunzhi stared at Yang Che, his old eyes showing a sinister look.

Yang Che had already made up his mind when he took action before. At this time, he didn't want to talk nonsense at all and just threw out the flying fire needle.

Jia Yunzhi and the middle-aged people were all shocked. They did not expect that the young man in front of them was so decisive.

With a crisp sound of 'ding', Jia Yunzhi's figure flashed, and after he drew out his long sword to block the flying needle, a small hole was left on the sword.

Yang Che's heart tightened, and he immediately understood that Jia Yunzhi was not easy to deal with.

Jia Yunzhi was also startled by the extremely fast flying needle just now, his old face turned red, and he said angrily: "How dare Wei Yongzheng secretly pass on the inner secret weapon technique to you, damn it!"

As he said that, he swung the long sword in his hand and stabbed Yang Che like lightning.

At the same time, the middle-aged men quickly dispersed, surrounding Yang Che in the middle.

Yang Che's heart beat a little faster. He was suddenly faced with such a scene. He had no experience, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

Seeing Jia Yunzhi's long sword stabbing him, he instinctively jumped back, but suddenly felt a cold feeling behind him. He didn't have time to think about it, so he shrank and rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the back attack of a long sword.

Fortunately, Mr. Wei had taught him some ordinary boxing, kicking and body skills, plus he had special spiritual sense to sense his surroundings. Otherwise, he would have been stabbed to the core by the long knife just now.

All thoughts occurred in an instant. After Yang Che was stunned, he took out the meteor box, took out several flying fire needles, injected his magic power, and threw them around.

Immediately afterwards, several more flying fire needles were thrown out again.


Continuous screams were heard. Several middle-aged people escaped from the first wave of flying fire needles, but were stabbed by the second wave of flying fire needles, and they all screamed.

Not far away, the miners were all dumbfounded.

None of them expected that Yang Che, a skinny young man who usually looked harmless to humans and animals, could actually fight with these masters from the outer sect of the Black Sect without losing.

Jia Yunzhi was extremely angry. He couldn't see through the 'hidden weapons' in Yang Che's hands. He only felt that these hidden weapons were extremely weird and the speed was too fast. He couldn't imagine that a teenage boy could have such an abundance of 'Qi' in his body. ?

‘Ah’, at this moment, one of the middle-aged men was pierced between the eyebrows by Yang Che’s flying fire needle and fell to the ground dead.

Yang Che's consumption was not small. He knew very well that he did not have much magic power in his body. If he used it in such a hurry, he was afraid that he would not be able to kill Jia Yunzhi after it was exhausted.

He gradually calmed down and stared at Jia Yunzhi coldly like a hawk. At the same time, his consciousness sensed any disturbance within a three-foot radius around his body.

No longer abusing his magic power, but relying on the hidden weapon techniques he learned from Mr. Wei, he raised his hand again and shot out the flying fire needle, directly between the eyebrows of the people on the opposite side.

Jia Yunzhi's temples bulged high, he shouted loudly, and suddenly threw the long sword out of his hand, stabbing Yang Che's heart very quickly.

Yang Che could only dodge again, but this time the speed of the long sword was too fast. When he turned around, the long sword touched his chest with a trace of blood and flew away into the distance.

A burning pain came from his chest. Yang Che narrowed his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared. He took out eleven flying fire needles and injected all the magic power into them.

After calming down, he once again used the hidden weapon technique to throw out the flying fire needle, which was obviously more organized than before.

Yang Che controlled these flying fire needles, and five of them shot at Jia Yunzhi one after another.

The other five were shot at the middle-aged people around them who had just escaped a wave of flying fire needles. The last flying fire needle is waiting for the opportunity to move.

The skills of several middle-aged men were obviously not as good as Jia Yunzhi's, and they were the first to be shot between the eyebrows by the faster flying fire needles, killing them almost simultaneously.

But Jia Yunzhi retreated again and again, forcing out almost all of his skills and trump cards, and only managed to dodge four flying fire needles.

Just as he narrowly avoided the fifth flying fire needle, his eyes suddenly blurred. Another flying fire needle appeared out of nowhere, instantly piercing his eyebrows, and there was a strange air flow that was extremely unfamiliar to him. It immediately destroyed his life.

Jia Yunzhi's face was fixed with complex expressions of shock, panic, disbelief, anger, and unwillingness, and then his body softened and fell to the ground.

Yang Che looked at the corpses lying on the ground all around, and his head was a little dizzy. He quickly picked up Jia Yunzhi's long sword, and then used the meteor box to put away all the flying fire needles. He was about to run into the forest to hide when he suddenly saw two A ragged figure walked towards him.

It was actually Hu Lai and Meng Ran.

"Yang Che, thank you. We misunderstood you earlier." Hu Lai whispered, with a trace of shame in his eyes.

Meng Ranze opened his mouth, but no word came out.

Yang Che looked at the two of them and suddenly asked: "Where are Zhang Gu and Liu Song?"

"Liu Song ran away, Zhang Gu... was beaten to death." Hu Lai suddenly said angrily through gritted teeth.

Yang Che looked very calm after hearing this, but he was quite surprised that Liu Song ran away.

There were at least six or seven Wumen masters guarding the only exit of Xingshan Mine. How did Liu Song escape?

He took out some silver coins that he had previously collected from Zhao Min from a leather bag on his waist, distributed them to Hu Lai and Meng Ran, and said: "The person guarding the exit of the mine will probably come over soon. Find a way to escape quickly." Bar."

At this moment, the miners, especially the slaves who were deceived to come here, suddenly became emotional and rushed to the exit of the mine.

Yang Che, who was about to go into the dense forest, couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and suddenly said to Hu Lai and the others: "Hurry up, follow them out."

Yang Che originally planned to go into the forest to find a hidden place, and then get out of the Xingshan Mine after his magic power was restored. However, seeing so many miners rushing to the exit of the mine, and looking up at the dark sky, he knew this was a great opportunity.

Without hesitation, Yang Che mixed into the crowd and was almost pushed forward.

"Stop, what are you doing, what are you doing? All of you go back."

At the exit of the mine, a one-eyed man raised a crossbow, pointed at the crowd, and shouted sternly.

The excited miners were even more excited when they heard the one-eyed man's scolding. Seeing that the exit was right in front of them, they didn't care. The crowd didn't stop at all and rushed to the exit even more frantically.

"Damn it, if you want to die, I'll help you."

The one-eyed man fired his crossbow, and arrows flew out continuously. Several miners at the front of the crowd fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

"He can't kill all of us by himself, rush out." Someone in the crowd shouted.

Yang Che had already squeezed to the front of the crowd, and took advantage of the chaos to throw a flying fire needle directly at the one-eyed man.

The one-eyed man's only remaining good eye suddenly hurt, and he dropped the crossbow, covering his eye with both hands and screaming.

The miners were excited and continued to move forward, quickly breaking through the fence at the exit and coming to the main road.

Yang Che became more cautious, because he knew that there were still six or seven outer sect masters hiding in the dark along this road.

The next section of the road was the real test.

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