Giant Gorge, F1 Level Laboratory.

Mercy Feng Mi stared at the flickering screen in front of her, which was the battle between Kamen Rider and Thorton, and she kept replaying every clip, while looking thoughtful, she was recording something on the tablet from time to time in her hand.

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory opened, and Duca Olon in a dark green military uniform walked in and asked directly:

“Mercy Wind, is there any progress?”


In the face of Ducao’s inquiry, Mercy Feng paused, nodded slightly, and replied: ”

It’s kind of a bonus”

She mobilized the large screen through the tablet, put the scene of Kamen Rider’s several transformations into the same screen, and replied: ”

First of all, the question of his form switching…”

“Based on my observations and the data feedback from Deno III, what can be known is that every change in Kamen Rider’s appearance changes his abilities, And this behavior is not random,”

she said, zooming in on two of the images, including the scene of the emperor riding and Thorton fighting the knife and falling into the downwind at the beginning, and the clip that later turned into the moon rider Dega form and knocked Thorton into the air.

“It can be seen through intuitive comparison that at the beginning of the battle, Kamen Rider was tied up in battle because of the gap between his basic strength and the crocodile, but after turning into this purple form, his strength has increased significantly, and he can suppress the crocodile in turn…”

She also called up the emperor horse to transform into a dragon horse, including the picture of the unparalleled dragon soaring into the sky, and continued:

“For some unknown reason, he chose to move the battlefield, so he changed to this red form, And summon a dragon-shaped creature that can fly to help him achieve his purpose” ”

The dragon here has traces of artificial casting, not like a creature, I personally think that it is one of the weapons placed by Kamen Rider in the dark plane, but Deno III monitored the whole process, but did not detect the fluctuation of wormhole opening, so this statement currently lacks evidence to support”

With that, she brought up several more pictures, including the final arrival of the Dragoon, Mobile Pegasus, Faiz Normal, and Accelerated Form. “After that, he tried to kill the crocodile directly, but

found that the attack did not work” ”

Here’s the interesting place…”

Mercy Wind pointed to a detail on the screen and said: ”

Here, Kamen Rider obviously intends to use this red dragon knight form to directly confront the crocodile, but it is disturbed by the air gluttonous scout, so he chooses to change again”

“This time, this black form summoned a humanoid robot, He has the ability to fly and also has the ability to attack from a long range, which perfectly helps him isolate the effects of gluttony” “After that, his appearance changed a little, perhaps it is more appropriate to

say that it is an upgrade”

“Because in this red-eyed form, his speed has changed drastically, and according to the test, it is enough to reach more than forty times the speed of sound!”

“Kamen Rider used super high speed to strike at the crocodile at high frequency, and even used the time difference to form dozens of energy drills with extremely high energy, and finally the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and finally eliminated the crocodile. Even the dark plane information has been erased, at least to the extent that Deno III cannot detect it.” ”

To sum up, it can be considered that Kamen Rider’s transformation is more like a switch of ability systems, which can not only quickly strengthen his basic attributes such as strength and speed, but also bring some special abilities, such as ‘summoning'”

“Moreover, he can always transform into the form that best fits the current situation when needed, and use the most suitable ability, which also shows that he has quite high combat intelligence, Ability to perfectly control oneself” Saying this, the

pity wind suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes were a little inexplicably admiring: “Moreover, is this his

full form, how many types of his abilities there are, and where is the strongest upper limit…” ”

These are all unknowns”

After listening to Mercy Feng’s report, Ducao Shen was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice:

“So according to your inference, what is the threat level of this Kamen Rider?”

Mercy Feng paused and said with a bitter smile:

“Just the ability data he has displayed so far, in theory, it is no less than some third-generation super soldiers, if it can be stronger…. I’m afraid it’s just…”

“God’s Domain!” Ducao

completed Mercy Feng’s unfinished words, and his thick brows furrowed slightly “If it’s

really a god, then it’s not easy”

If Kamen Rider is just a super soldier, Ducao still has the idea of investigating, but now that the other party may enter the level of God, it is not something he can explore casually.

After all, God cannot be disgraced.

Unless he is ready to be hostile to the other party, rashly investigating a god will only cause the other party’s anger.

And this is exactly what the earth needs to avoid now.

He was silent for a long time, the tiger’s eyes flashing with thoughtful light, and the mercy wind on the side just waited quietly, without making a sound.

Suddenly, he asked Mercy Wind,

“Mercy Wind, do you think Kamen Rider is on our side?”

Mercy Feng hesitated for a moment, but nodded anyway. “So to speak…” “Kamen Rider’s

recorded two shots showed hostility to foreign invading forces such as gluttony and crocodiles, and his actions also directly or indirectly protected a large number of ordinary people from harm, which is in line with the logic of his behavior as a friend…”

“And, according to Kirin’s description, I heard Kamen Rider call Gluttony ‘alien’ when he was on Airport Road, which shows that in Kamen Rider’s underlying psychology, he considers himself an earthling…”

“Combined with his mysterious combat ability and pure combat skills, I deduce…” ”

Kamen Rider is most likely a battle god of an alien civilization who wandered to Earth many years ago and has been living in seclusion in Juxia City as an earthling” ”

Until recently, the appearance of gluttonous scouts and crocodile warriors broke into his range of activities, which led him to attack, just as a lion would attack outsiders who invaded his territory”


“  Ducao interrupted suddenly, his eyebrows raised slightly.

“Do you mean that Kamen Rider took the Great Gap City and even Earth as his territory before attacking the alien civilization?”

“At present, this explanation seems to be the most likely.” ”

Then will he also be hostile to the Super Divine Academy and the Xiongbing Company, after all, we are not pure earthlings, not to mention Rena, the Fierce Sun Female Emperor” ”

I don’t think so, relying on the previous conjecture, the reason why he attacked Gluttony was that Gluttony first ‘invaded’ his territory, but the purpose of our Black Great Wall Plan is to protect the earth, which is highly consistent with his motives for behavior, and he has no reason to attack us”

“Hmm, Understood”

Ducao bowed his head lightly, understanding the meaning of mercy wind.

In Mercy Wind’s conjecture, Kamen Rider is a neutral god living in Giant Gorge City, usually the same as earthlings, and only if he feels threatened, he will strike. Therefore, as long as they are not hostile to Kamen Rider,

the other party will not be aggressive towards them, and the gluttony who intends to invade Earth is destined to be hostile to Kamen Rider.

In this way, Kamen Rider is indeed a friend.

So how should a friendly battle god be treated and is the most appropriate?

Ducao pondered, his eyes flickering, and plans began to unfold in his mind, silent for a long time.

And Mercy Wind looked at Ducao’s familiar look, her expression was a little complicated, her red lips opened, but she didn’t speak, just sighed gently.

I hope that Ducao can think clearly that such a god of mysterious origin and unpredictable means is not something that he can win over or use with some careful means.

Even if you overdo it, I am afraid that it will only cause fire and end up losing both.

For God shall not be disgraced, let alone deceived.

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