Ascent of Hero on the Dragon Throne

Chapter 1399 Rebuild Their Homelands

"Basil..." Marcia's and Alyssa's eyes welled up with tears. At that moment, they were inconsolable and heartbroken, for they knew that Rocky would be gone forever.

"Hey, come on. Don't fret. I wish that after all this chaos and mayhem, the human race and the spiritual race will learn how to coexist peacefully and create a more powerful world together," Rocky said.

"We will try our very best to fulfill your wish, Basil. We promise you," Marcia faithfully promised.

"Thank you so much. This is it. I'd better get going now." Rocky smiled with ease. Soon after, he glanced at the two women and then walked to Ice Queen's side, taking her up in his arms.

At that moment, the survivors, along with Isis, Sabina, and Bryant, rushed over to him, but it was already too late. All they were able to do was to watch him soar into the sky with Ice Queen beside him.

Both parties were so relieved at that moment, knowing that they could live on with their lives. But of course, nothing was for free, and they had paid a heavy price for their freedom.

Without a doubt, that was a moment that would forever be cherished and embedded in their hearts!

Meanwhile, Rocky set aside all the di


Meanwhile, in the Timber Deity Empire, there was an intense fight for the throne since the former emperor died. In the end, Alyssa was the one who took over the throne and became the only female ruler in the history of the Timber Deity Empire, exceeding everyone's expectation.

A few months later, the Holy Dragon Empire, the Magic Phoenix Empire, and the Timber Deity Empire issued a joint statement after discussion. According to them, they constituted the alliance of united empires in the Wild Spirit Land. Moreover, they had also proposed a plan for the empires that had joined the united empires before to rebuild their homelands. As soon as the plan was launched, it luckily received the support of all the humans and the empires almost instantly.

Not long after, many countries began to rebuild their homelands with the support of the three empires.

But among the three empires, the Holy Dragon Empire was the one that offered the most help. Among all the teams it sent to help rebuild the other empires, a team full of strong and powerful women was particularly eye-catching. As a matter of fact, such a unique team surprised and excited everyone in the Wild Spirit Land.

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