Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 157 93. The Chosen Ones (7000+)

While Fisher and Trundle were chatting, Martha was sitting comfortably on the lounge chair downstairs, listening to the beautiful singing coming from the radio.

Ms. Martha prefers Nali's classical music, especially when cooking or sewing sweaters. Without music, her movements seem to slow down. This habit was developed when she was young.


Martha closed her eyes and moved her recliner with enjoyment to the rhythm of the radio. Just when she was slowly feeling tired and wanted to take a nap, there was a small knock at the door.

"Dong dong."

But the sound was too quiet. It wasn't until after knocking several times that Martha sat up and looked in the direction of the door.

Who else can come here at this hour?

Fisher's friend again?

Martha picked up the blanket on her body, then slowly walked to the door, opened the door, and saw a pink-haired girl in a small skirt standing outside.

The girl is quite cute, but her expression is very anxious at this moment. She purses her lips, her eyes are red, her little face is plump, soft and beautiful, like a marshmallow, as if she is about to cry in the next second. Same.

When Ms. Martha opened the door, she was startled. She carefully held her skirt and opened her mouth, but kept silent, as if she was trying to form words.

Martha was very moved by her cute and reserved appearance. She especially liked children. Every time she saw other children of this age, she would imagine that they were the children of her two sons who had died, or perhaps Fisher's children

"Oh, poor thing, why are you here? Are you lost or are you here to find someone?"

"My name is Reina. I'm looking for Fisher because my mother asked me to look for him."


Did your mother ask you to find him?

Ms. Martha opened her mouth, then carefully looked at the hair and appearance of the girl in front of her, and then became even more shocked.

Something was wrong, something was wrong, this girl looked neither like Renee nor any other lady she had ever met, so whose daughter was this Fisher?

Of course, this was just Ms. Martha's suspicion. She didn't dare to confirm it yet, so she had to bring Reina into the room first.

"Oh, God, wait a minute, you come in first. I have to ask that young man, maybe he did something bad one night a few years ago when he drank too much. It's possible to be young and energetic. At that time, I One of my neighbors was like this."

Ms. Martha walked into the room holding the little Reina, muttering something meaningless in a low voice.


When she reached the stairs, she called Fisher's name.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a little girl here. Her mother told her to come here to find trouble! Come over and see if she looks like you..."


When the door was opened and the two gentlemen came out smelling a little drunk, Fisher and Trundle were quickly attracted by the little girl next to Ms. Martha.


As soon as he saw the girl's appearance, Fisher said in surprise. The girl now looked completely human, without the organs of the crab before, and she should still be in a state blessed by Lamastia.

After Rena saw Fisher, her pursed lips gradually turned into grievance. The tears in her eyes became heavier and heavier, and they were about to fall. She hurriedly ran away from Martha crying. Fisher,

"Fischer woo, dad... dad he..."


Her words were unclear. Fisher was slightly stunned and asked her to throw herself into his arms. Reina grabbed his suit and buried her head in his arms, and then looked up pitifully. He turned his head to look at himself, always wanting to say something, but unable to form words because of crying.

Both Martha and Trundle looked at Fisher in great surprise. Only he, with a black line on his face, hugged the little Linna in front of him and explained to them,

"This is a friend's child. Something may have happened to her family, so she came to see me. I will tell Elizabeth about your matter after that. You go back and wait for news."

The last half of the sentence was said to Trundle. The matter between them was almost finished. Fisher would talk to Elizabeth about this matter when she came back.

"If you don't explain to me, we probably won't even dare to ask for your help, because Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth will tear you alive because of this 'illegitimate daughter' before she even listens to you."

Trundle made a joke and looked at the little Reina who was leaning on Fisher's shoulder. I have to say that she was indeed very cute, but she was crying non-stop. She looked lovable at first sight. .

"Don't worry, but I still need your help chasing down clues about that letter. Tell me if you have any information, especially about Prince Dexter."

"Okay, I will ask the party leader and the others to pay attention. Doing such a small thing can get you to help. They will probably wake up Ms. Martha with laughter in their sleep. I will leave now."

Trundle was about to leave and said hello to Ms. Martha. After all, Ms. Martha was old. It took her a few seconds to realize that the child was not Fisher's child. Then she said to Trundle, " goodbye".

Fisher didn't plan to send him off, so he explained to Ms. Martha one more time before carrying Reina back to his room.

After placing her on the sofa and wiping her tears with the handkerchief nearby, Fisher asked,

"What's wrong, Reina?"

At this question, more tears welled up in the eyes that she had just wiped, and she couldn't stop them no matter how hard she tried. Instead of wiping her tears, she looked at Fisher and said to him in an inarticulate voice,

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Many humans, for some reason, were looking for us by the river, saying that they would take us back to exchange for money, because we are Ocean demi-humans. My father wanted to let my mother and I go first, so they caught us." I want to contact the Royal Family, but my mother is injured, and the place where the Royal Family lives is too far away for me to go."

"That's why I came here to find you. I heard others talking about your name. I walked a long way to get here."

She covered her face and kept crying. Fisher frowned after hearing this.

Exchange money?

In this case, those who are looking for them should be human bounty hunters. These people are probably mercenaries who take orders from the black market or other places to make a living. As long as they are given money, they can do anything. Many of them are even fugitives. People who have just been released from prison are most likely desperadoes.

By the way, the same group of people used to squat behind the butts of "Sikorima" in the wild every day to wait for excrement. But that's considered relatively benign. Most bounty hunters are scum carrying muskets and ready to exchange the heads required on the order for bonuses.

Someone put a bounty on Ocean Man on the black market, and the price was high. This was the reason why so many bounty hunters were attracted to catch Ocean Man near the Coco River.

But now was not the time to think. Fisher glanced at the sky outside, then stood up, took the cane and fluid sword next to him, and said to Reina,

"I understand. Take me to your mother first. I will understand the situation before going to save your father."

Reina nodded, pursed her lips and tightly grasped Fisher's sleeves. She looked at a loss and could only place all her hopes on Fisher.

Because the Cocoa River is closest to the ocean and has the shallowest channel, there are many complex pipelines constructed under the ground next to it. Some of these pipelines are connected to the sewers, while others have no function at all. Most of them are the result of conflicting plans at different times.

The night is gradually getting brighter, but at this moment, there are many people in the sewers with lights on, carefully searching every part of the pipes, as if there is countless gold buried in these pipes.

It's no wonder that a new big order has been opened in the black market recently, which suddenly hit the nest of these bounty hunters.

Previously, a lucky person brought back the information about the Ocean Asia people near the Coco River and received 20,000 euros. The buyer there placed another order, saying that he could get 150,000 euros by bringing back an Ocean Asia person. , so basically all the bounty hunters in Sanali went out to hunt for treasure near the Coco River for money.

An ordinary demi-human was worth several thousand euros in the slave market. Now if you catch one, you can get 150,000, which is the price of several draconians.

Moreover, the group of ocean demi-humans are not as difficult to catch as the dragon race. Several other teams with good luck have already captured a demi-human that looks like a lobster. I heard that two more have escaped, and the remaining bounty is Hunters are grabbing the three hundred thousand euros.

"McGonagall, look below. They must not be able to go far, let alone a child."

"Fart, it's been a few hours. Who knows how deep they are hiding in the pipe. If they are deeper, they will have to go to Shetou Street. There are all hunters searching there. We can't even drink soup." "

Four heavily armed hunters, holding knives and muskets, walked through the sewers holding lights, talking in low voices while moving forward.

Hearing the voice of the hunter named Mag behind him, the leader chuckled, turned around and took off the odor-proof mask that covered his face.

"Hey, this is why I can be the boss and you can't be the boss. Didn't I shoot the escaping demi-human before? Unlike others, what I shot was not real gunpowder, but the ability to leave behind Marking powder for marking.”

"The escaped demi-human has a very hard shell. I knew that it would be impossible to knock her down with the muskets of those idiots, so I knew where she was going to recover from her injuries. The three hundred thousand yuan belongs to our brothers." ?”

He chuckled evilly and gently threw a stone in his hand. The stone quickly floated in the air, and then flashed a strange fluorescence that swept across the surrounding pipe walls.

The next second, something surprising happened. Under the illumination of fluorescent light, a little dark purple trace gradually appeared on the wall of the pipe, extending straight to the end of the pipe.

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm leading you all the way here? Do you think I'm stupid? That's because I've been running along the tracks. Learn from me, brothers."

"Oh my god, with the blessing of the Mother Goddess, you are simply the smartest bounty hunter in the world!"

"Boss, I love you."

Several hunters behind him looked at the traces that gradually spread to the depths of the pipe wall and couldn't help but admire.

The boss smiled slightly, put on the mask, and told the brothers behind him to move forward and keep their voices down, because it seemed from the traces that the last two demi-humans were not far away.

The four men tightened their muskets, and under the leadership of the stone phosphor, they walked slowly and quietly deeper into the pipe. They did not stop until they reached a giant tunnel draining water from the Coco River. The water flow below was quite fast, and the water depth was about one meter. They stopped here and did not move forward rashly.

"Boss, do we want to go down?"

Hearing the inquiry from the person behind him, the leading man gently made a "shh" gesture, and then gently threw the stone. The stone hung in the air and fluoresced again, but this time, it was shining with purple light. It’s no longer the surrounding walls, but the ever-flowing water below.

"Right under the water!"

The boss's pupils shrank, he immediately raised his musket and fired a shot below.


"They're down there!"

After they fired, a huge blue sea crab suddenly emerged from the water. On top of the sea crab, a woman wearing some kind of seaweed clothing was covering her lower abdomen in pain, visible to the naked eye. , where light cyan blood is flowing.

The woman in front of her has long pink hair, and her appearance is about 60% similar to Rena's. However, the crab part of her body is larger and stronger, and some dark blue spots have begun to grow on her face.


She gritted her teeth and patted the big blue crab under her. The blue crab suddenly raised its body and shot a water gun composed of water and foam towards the hunters above.

The ring on the hunter's hand suddenly lit up with a ray of light. After the light lit up, illusory threads burst out from the ring, dragging them to jump down from the pipe. At the same time, they were facing The demihumans and crabs below shoot.

The musket hit the giant crab and created sparks like fireworks. Although it didn't really penetrate, it seemed to cause the giant sea crab great pain.



The woman sitting on the crab lost her balance and almost fell, but there were too many wounds on her body, most of which were caused by musket bullets. At this moment, she was at the end of her strength and just wanted to control the sea beneath her. The crab left here, but countless illusory threads had entangled her and the crab beneath her.

"Ugh, let me go!"

"Hey, isn't that crab down there a demi-human? Why is there only one?"

"How do I know? The other one was hiding in this one's arms and didn't have a marker bullet on it. I don't know where it went."

Seeing that the demi-human below could no longer resist, the hunter boss took a breath and jumped down. He illuminated the female demi-human struggling in the thread with a light, then curled his lips and said,

"No matter, you can take this one back first and kill the other crab. It's too big to take away."

"Don't kill Haru!"

Just when their men were about to take action, a childish voice sounded from the pipe, but when they looked up, a figure suddenly jumped down from the pipe, and in mid-air, a mercury blade like a tail pointed towards the air. Those illusory threads swept away.

He cut off some of the spinners, but many more shot out from the hands of various hunters.


At the same time, countless bee-like light blades jumped out from the other hand of the figure, interrupting the hunter's movement of trying to draw his gun.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and while waiting for the figure to stand on top of the big crab, the four hunters had already fallen into the water at the same time.

The person coming was none other than Fisher.

"Wait a minute! Man! Wait a minute!"

In the water, the hunter quickly stretched out his hand to signal surrender. He reluctantly stood up from the bottom of the water and quickly discussed with Fisher,

"Brother, the hunter's business is nothing more than money! If you can keep up with us and find these two demi-humans, we will admit defeat. In this way, we will share the bounty equally. You will be 150,000 euros each, and the four of us will share the remaining 150,000 euros. Is everything okay?"

They thought Fisher was a bounty hunter who came after hearing the news. Seeing that all four of them were defeated by Fisher, the boss made a quick decision and quickly relaxed the atmosphere.

Fisher glanced at him and had no intention of taking action. He just said,

"You go, you can't take these two demi-humans with you today."

The boss was stunned for a moment, but still smiled reluctantly. He raised his hand and gestured to the other partners with his eyes, and then slowly leaned back.

"Going and doing your life is more important than anything else. Whatever you say is what you say. Let's leave from the waterway behind."

Fisher looked at the other party quietly without making any unnecessary movements.

The man spoke as he walked, and the light was thrown into the water, which gradually made the boss's face blurry.

"Brother, it stands to reason that we discovered these two demi-humans. You and I have done our best to share it equally. I didn't expect you to be so greedy and want to take all the money. You know how much 300,000 yuan is to us?" Money? It’s a number that can cost you your life!”


Above the pipe, Reina's reminder sounded, but before the sound came, Fisher's body had already moved.

Behind him, a hunter took out a very small musket from his arms and pointed it at Fisher. When the fire exploded, Fisher had already dodged away.

But behind him, another strong man shouted, rushed towards the crab and hugged Fisher tightly, preventing him from making any unnecessary movements.

The woman who was tightly tied to the crab made a sound of "Uh-huh" and patted the crab underneath her with her feet. The crab trembled, shaking the person on top of it. As expected, the next moment, many people The bullets were fired in the direction where they originally stood.

"Fuck this son of a bitch and get your money back!"

The boss suddenly stood up from the water, raised his gun and rushed in the direction of the crab, and the strong man who hugged Fisher gritted his teeth and shouted,

"Leave me alone! Shoot! Give the money to my family and take it back!"

But in his arms, Fisher's eyes became colder and colder.

These people want to kill and take the money back!

Thinking of this, Fisher no longer held back.

He suddenly hit the belly of the strong man behind him with his elbow. A huge explosive force burst out from Fisher, making the man behind him spit out a mouthful of blood as if his belly had been hit by a cannonball. The movements of his hands Also relaxed.

"Bang bang!"

In the surrounding waterways, the sound of muskets continued, and Fisher used the weak man behind him as a shield. Countless bullets hit him directly. His body trembled, and he died soon after.

Several hunters had red eyes and wanted to shoot again, but Fisher was very calm and gently turned back to the female demi-human behind him and said,

"Lower your head."


After hearing this, the female demi-human subconsciously followed the instructions. The next moment, Fisher suddenly threw the corpse out of his hand, and the fluid sword in his right hand slashed around like a rotating turbine.


The rotating blade left a continuous and deep mark on the wall. Along the way, the blade instantly passed through the bodies of the hunters like silver light, as if it was unimpeded.

When Fisher indifferently withdrew the fluid sword, the hunters looked at Fisher with disbelief, but soon they could only see their lower bodies still standing in the water, because their upper bodies were no longer protected. Controlled and fell into the water.

They were cut off straight away, without even a single scream coming out.

Fisher had a cold face and stretched out his hand to wipe his face. A stray bullet left a blood mark on his face, but it was not serious.

The crab girl with long pink hair behind her looked at the half-human body standing in the water with her mouth open, her face turned pale with fright.

As the hunters died, the spinners tied to her and the sea crab Haru slowly disappeared.

Fortunately, when she came to the human world, she took the voice-changing conch in advance. If she couldn't understand the human's words and stayed where she was, would she have been cut off by him?


Seeing that the matter subsided, Reina who was above the pipe quickly jumped down from above, fell directly into the water, swam towards the big crab Haru, and threw herself into the arms of the female crab man.

"Reina. That's great. You're okay."

The female crab man also shed tears and kept kissing Rena's forehead.

Fisher did not interrupt this touching reunion, but silently put away the fluid sword in his hand, then squatted down to look at Haru, the giant sea crab holding them.

There is nothing special about the crab, except that its size seems to have expanded countless times, and its overall color is cyan.

Haru's two big eyes looked at the human who was also looking at him, and then he spit out some bubbles from under his mouth.

"Gulu gulu."

"Haru is expressing his gratitude to you."

Fisher turned around and saw the female crab looking at him with a grateful smile. She raised the crab claw on her left hand, gave Fisher a slight salute, and introduced herself,

"You must be Mr. Fisher whom Reina often mentions. I am Rena's mother Shiraki. Thank you for your rescue this time. I'm really sorry that the father of the child suspected that you had ill intentions towards Reina before."

"It doesn't matter."

The appearance of the crab man was very beautiful, and the crab organs on her body were exactly the same as Rena's, except that there were many wounds on her body that were still oozing blood, which also made her face extremely pale.

Fisher released a healing magic on her. The healing magic of the cane could at most stop her bleeding, but it could not completely heal her, but it was enough for now.

"Thank you."


Just when Bai Mu was still about to speak, footsteps came from the pipe above. It sounded like other hunters were approaching here.

Bai Mu's expression changed, and Fisher also spoke,

"It's not easy to talk here. We have to get out of here. If we stay here, we will be discovered sooner or later. Can you summon Lamastia and let them help you disguise yourself?"

Bai Mu looked at Reina, who still looked like a human in his arms, and shook his head helplessly.

"This place is too far from the bottom of the sea. We can't pray to Lord Lamastia to hear our voices. We all received blessings in advance before landing. Now my child and her father are both injured. After the blessing is lifted, we will change back to The original appearance is gone, and there is no way to change it back for the time being. Otherwise, you can take Reina and leave first. At worst, Haru and I will go back to the sea first."

"But where is dad? Dad was taken away by them. Dad, he..."

Shiraki gritted his teeth, but there was no other better way now. They couldn't save themselves, let alone Reina's father Lingjiu.

Fisher suddenly remembered that even the ordinary whale race could not summon Lamastia at any time, and only Jasmine and her mother could do so.

But the problem is that Saint-Nali University is very far away from here, and there is no way to do it with Shiraki showing his original crab-like appearance.

"There are gunshots over there, let's go take a look!"

The footsteps in the pipe above were getting closer and closer. Fisher frowned. He suddenly looked at the fluid sword he was holding in his right hand and thought of something.

If this sword is not an item that Rena should have in her bag, then who gave it to her? Can it be put into Rena's bag without anyone noticing?

Fisher recalled how those ocean demi-humans prayed, then he inserted the fluid sword into the water and whispered,

"Lamastia, the origin of life, the master of the ocean, and the god of all forms, I call your name and pray that you will help the creatures in the ocean behind you to tide over the difficulties."

After the prayer was recited, it was still very quiet in the waterway, and nothing happened.

"It's too far from the bottom of the ocean for Lamastia-sama to hear."

"Gulu gulu."

But the next moment Reina spoke, Haru under them suddenly stood up. Fisher looked through its huge body and saw that bubbles were constantly emerging from the water below it, as if it was about to swallow up the entire body. The water surface felt like it was boiling.

"Lord Ramastia?"

Shiraki and Reina's dumb voices sounded. In their shocked eyes, a huge water snake suddenly stood up in the surrounding water. The huge body of the water snake wrapped Haru and several people on it in circles.

Fisher didn't expect that he could actually summon Lamastia with the help of water flow! Could it be that I was chosen by Him for some reason?


Just when Fisher breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head, the water snake opened its mouth, and a stream of water like a waterfall sprayed towards Fisher, soaking his whole body.


Fisher closed his eyes, wordlessly wiped his face that was constantly dripping with water, and looked up at the huge water snake Lamastia, which had no facial features and only had a shape. For some reason, he was actually there at this moment. The joy of revenge could be read on the water snake's face.

What kind of grudge is this guy holding?

Apart from catching Him once in magic and then just studying Jasmine, I didn't do anything too extreme, right? Is it worth His revenge on Himself?

Reina and Shiraki behind them covered their mouths and did not dare to speak. After all, so many things happened today that were beyond their imagination.

After spraying water on Fisher, Lamastia finally felt comfortable and could get things done without delay.

The huge snake body formed by the water flow grabbed them tightly like the palm of a hand and turned them into a water ball. After a few seconds, the water ball slowly turned into a calm water flow. After the water flow fell, there was already water inside the drainage pipe. The huge crab and a few figures were missing.

In the pipe above, several hunters finally climbed down with lights, only to see a few half-body bodies standing on the calm water.

"what happened?"

Several hunters sighed in surprise, but the waterway was very quiet and no one answered their questions.

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