Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 161 97. The bet with myself

Fisher had basically nothing to do in the next few days, because the academic conference was basically over.

According to the original plan, this morning the Golden Palace sent people to deliver invitations to the princes of Shivali, inviting them to visit the Golden Palace.

The person who came was of high status. He was Prince Rensis, the second son of Gedelin IX.

Fisher met him from a distance. The prince's appearance was inherited from Gedelin's excellent blood, so he was quite handsome. However, his face was a little pale, which was similar to Trundle's. I don't know if he was in poor health. His kidneys were overdrafted, and he looked a little weak standing next to the rosy-faced Lausanne.

He wore a formal dress and handed an invitation letter to Prince Shivali, and Prince Lausanne also agreed to the invitation to the Golden Palace in public. Then the two princes shook hands and the media took pictures.

Fisher was familiar with the process, but wasn't too concerned about it.

What really concerns Fisher is that since Prince Lausanne has been invited to the Golden Palace, it also means that Princess Elizabeth, who is patrolling the army, will be back soon, and she will probably arrive in Saint-Nali tonight.

During the day, Fisher went to the city to meet with Trundle and asked him to help with two things.

The first thing he did was to ask him to use the power of the new party to help investigate the details of the [Healing Room]. Fisher had only heard this name from Milika before. At that time, he thought it was only for Saint-Nali. A beauty spot for ladies, but since Jasmine's aunt sent this box back, it shows that it is not simple in itself.

According to Jasmine, this box originally contained some human candies, which were given to Jasmine. Now of course all those candies have gone into Jasmine's belly, and the content is nothing special.

But since it is related to Muxi, it would be better for Fisher to find someone within the new party to understand the situation in advance.

There is a second thing that requires Trundle's help. He gave all the gold that Shiraki gave him last night to Trundle. Their new party has a special sale of stolen goods. Oh no, the digestion channel can get more than the ordinary market price. Donario, as for the ornaments, Fisher kept them.

Some of those designs are not in line with human tastes, and they probably won’t sell for much, so they might as well leave them all to Renee as gifts.

The benefits you can gain from the new party far outweigh your pure and strong will. Often people who join the new party with pure beliefs will be completely corrupted within a few months. It’s not that the bottom line is weak, but that there are too many things available, and there will always be one that can easily defeat you.

So most of the New Party members are now sanctimonious hypocrites. Except for Trundle, because this guy was almost corrupt before he joined the New Party. He even made a lot of progress after joining the New Party, and at least he will put the "well-being of the people of Nali" into consideration. "This kind of statement has joined the goal of becoming a parliamentarian, which is really gratifying.

As for not asking Trundle to help when he helped Jasmine sell gold before, it was because the New Party now needed its own help, so it responded to requests. Otherwise, the internal channels would not be so easy to open to free people like Fisher.

After telling Trundle the two things, Fisher rested for a long time in the rental house. By the way, he took out the Asian Girl's completed manual and flipped through it. He didn't know it until he flipped through it. Only after flipping through it did he realize that he had some knowledge of the whale The biological research progress of human race has exceeded 20%.

Illusory words emerged and it read,

[Progress of research on whale species: 21%]

[Progress of research on whale race society: 19%]

[Unlocked rewards: Physique +2, Deep Diving Physique, Lake Fairy Poem]

The physical bonus was not much, so Fisher didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he studied the two subsequent rewards in detail. The first was the [Deep Diving Physique] in the literal sense.

[Deep Diving Physique: The strengthened lungs can help you resist the lack of oxygen and pressure in the water, and can also allow you and the Ocean Man to kiss freely in the water, which is very useful~]

Fisher's face was full of dark lines. Now that the Asian girl had completed the manual, he wouldn't be surprised if she said something shocking. If the guess is correct, the author of the Asian Girl Completion Manual must be a guy with a bad taste, and he doesn't know what bad luck he had to get such a treasure.

But compared to other manuals, at least there is no dangerous knowledge recorded in it.

Fisher glanced at the Soul Completion Manual lying quietly next to him. He had only realized how deadly the knowledge recorded on it was before. Now Fisher planned to seal the manual indefinitely and neither continue to study nor destroy it. .

After all, Philon said that this kind of manual will instantly appear in another part of the world as long as it is torn up, and as long as the manual is too far away from him, it will automatically return to his owner, and he can't get rid of it, so Fei Luoen said. Scheer had to carry them with him all the time.

As for the last reward.

Fisher looked at the ancient parchment scroll that appeared in his hand at this moment, and opened it. Fisher still recognized the text on it, and it turned out to be in Nali language.

It seemed to be written by someone in his own hand, so it looked a bit sloppy. It read,

“I’m here to make a fortune, I’m here to sing about victory, I’m here to reach the top, I’m here to wait for your return.”

Then it was gone.

Fisher frowned and looked at the parchment, turned it over again, and found that it was just an ordinary parchment.

Apart from the handwriting on it, there is nothing special at all. There is no magic, no hidden mechanisms, and no hidden map.

This made Fisher feel that this reward was a bit unintelligible. In the past, Fisher could roughly guess the idea of ​​the physical items given by the Asian girl after completing the manual, even if the language was different, and even if there was no explanation, this was the only thing that made Fisher Scheer was a little confused and didn't know what it meant.

The Lady of the Lake sounded like a legend, but Fisher had never heard of it.

Fisher first wrote down the only obvious piece of information in the item [The Fairy of the Lake], and then put the item away in the desk drawer.

After roughly settling the matter, Fisher washed his face and tested the [Deep Diving Physique] he had just acquired. He filled the bathtub with water, then buried his face in the bathtub and tried to breathe.

Fisher found that although he could barely breathe in the water, he was not used to it. He would choke on water easily after taking one or two breaths, and then his entire nose and throat would hurt.

It seems that if you want to truly breathe underwater without any hindrance, you still need to practice a lot.

When Fisher was about to practice for the third time, Ms. Martha suddenly broke into the bathroom at an unknown time and pulled her pants out of the bathtub. When Fisher wiped his face, he looked at Ms. Martha's. Only then did I realize that her face had turned pale with fright, and she said with trembling lips,

"Oh, dear, there's something you can't talk about properly. Why are you soaking your face in the bathtub all the time? Did Renee write a letter to break up with you? Or is this a unique way of thinking among you scholars? Oh my God, what if that's the case? Are there any families willing to let their children become scholars?”

"I just want to wash my face."

Fisher didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he couldn't explain it to her, so he could only say that he wanted to get angry.

He went back to the room and wiped his face and hair with a towel, only to find that Ms. Martha was still standing at the door of the room, looking worried that she would not be able to see the cute baby after he and Renee broke up, so he spent a lot of money. Scheer had no choice but to change the subject and said,

"Shouldn't you be playing cards with your neighbors or watering vegetables at this time? Or do you want to take a nap today?"

"Oh! Yes, I just forgot that I was worried that you were crazy or not so clear-headed. I originally made an appointment with Mrs. Sanger to buy some bread, but I met a gentleman at the door and said it was yours. My friend wanted to see you, so I ran back to remind you, but I saw you sticking your butt out and putting your head in the bathtub. Washing your face?"

Fisher paused in his wiping movements, looked at Martha and asked,


"Ah, he's right at the door."

I had just planned to go to the University of Sannereal to study with Jasmine the items sent back by her aunt, but now another friend came to visit me.

Have you been a little too busy during this time? It’s not all about one’s own duties.

After hearing Martha's reminder, Fisher quickly walked downstairs, opened the door and saw a decent gentleman standing at the door. The gentleman was quite young, and Fisher knew this man.

"Mr. Fisher, long time no see!"


I still remember that when he had just taken Rafael away from the Kozenin Circus, he had gone to Keken City, a city run by his descendants, in order to supply supplies on the way. The gentleman in front of him was Keken, the lord of that city.

It's just that Fisher didn't expect that he would see this junior here again. It's not easy to travel between the Western Continent and the Southern Continent. I don't know why he is back now.

"Ha, it's me, nice to see you again, Mr. Fisher."

"It's been a long time since I've seen him. It's been almost half a year."

It wasn't until Fisher spoke again that he realized that he had left Rafael for almost five months, and the memory of the red dragon girl with aromatic steam leaving him seemed like yesterday.

With a little emotion, Fisher led Kerken into the living room. He said hello to Ms. Martha who was about to go out.

Ms. Martha was going out to buy bread with her neighbors, while Fisher and Kerken returned to the room. There was still the black mamba that Trundle had given him before, which was now just in time to entertain this guest.

He still wears two rings on his fingertips. Fisher still remembers that he married two sisters from Kadu, but his current mental state is not good, he looks a little tired, and even the stubble on his face has not healed. Repair, which made Fisher even more confused about the reason for his return.

After Fisher took out the wine bottle, Kerken took the wine glass and poured some wine for both of them. Fisher thought about it and asked about the reason why he returned to the Western Continent.

"You weren't doing well in the Southern Continent before, so why are you suddenly back to the Western Continent now?"

After hearing this, Kerken did not answer Fisher's words first. Instead, he looked around in the room, looking around, as if he was looking for something in Fisher's room.

"What are you looking for?"

Hearing Fisher's question, Kerken touched his head in embarrassment and said,

"Oh, Mr. Fisher, I would like to ask, is the red dragonoid who was traveling with you still here? Or did you sell her?"

Fisher was slightly startled after hearing this, took a sip of wine and responded,


"Then where is she now?"

"I let her go."

"Oh, no wonder, no wonder."

Keken nodded understandingly after hearing this, and after sighing, he seemed to be deep in thought.

Fisher seemed to notice some clues. It seemed that the reason for his return had something to do with Rafael, so he tapped his finger on the table in front of him and asked,

"What happened? You are rushing back from the Southern Continent now. Could it be that the city was attacked by goblins, dragon races or other humans?"

"Attack? Oh, no, no, my city is fine and there is no danger, at least for now. I directly sold my city in the southern continent to others and then brought my two wives back to develop. coming"

"Sold directly, why?"

As mentioned before, the Nali government still needs to issue a special certificate to open up the southern continent, let alone build a city there. It will definitely be a loss for him to sell the city he finally built. It was given to him by his family. From what he said, it didn’t sound like his family’s opinion, so he must have a very special reason for doing this.

"That's it, Mr. Fisher. Last month, many Nali City Lords continued to explore south. You know, there are many mineral deposits buried in the southern forests that we have not discovered. I am also a member of the Nali Southern Continent City Lords Alliance. member, so I learned the news.”

Fisher took a sip of wine and motioned for him to continue.

"Then, when they were pioneering, they had fierce conflicts with many native demi-human tribes. Among them, the most intense conflict was with a dragon race settlement called 'Nanzhi'. They fought back and forth for about a month. Two or three times, we suffered a lot of losses, but in the last battle we also succeeded in killing the leader of the dragon race settlement."

"Lataru and the Lord Buck who were exploring there originally expected that the dragon race would come back with revenge, so they made some preparations in advance to deal with their attack. As a result, they did not look back for revenge for a long time."

Keken got drunk easily after drinking. As a result, he became more and more enthusiastic and excited as he talked.

"When they went there to explore again, they found that the dragon race there actually took the initiative to move and fled further south! Buck and Latalu, the two city lords who led the war, were very happy at the time. They felt that they did not waste any troops. It would be a good thing to drive away the stubborn dragon race who have lived here for generations, but I felt something was wrong when I heard it."

"I inquired about the news, and it seems that a dragon man took them to evacuate on their own initiative. The dragon man who took his people away was definitely not simple. No, not long after they evacuated further south, the dragon man also did something What is even more unexpected is that they actually started a war with other dragon races in the east!"

Fisher raised his eyebrows after hearing this, then smiled and guessed,

"Let me guess, those city lords were eager to go to the southern forests to share the mineral deposits and demi-human slaves. They also thought it was a good thing to fight between several dragon tribe settlements, so they didn't pay to send troops to get involved?"

Keken nodded vigorously after hearing this, resenting the stupidity of those city lords. If they were one tenth as smart as Fisher, they would not ignore his advice at all.

"That's right! That's what I'm worried about. Those short-term bastards think that there is nothing valuable in the east and they don't bother to send troops there. It doesn't matter if the Dongzhi tribe wins. If the dragon man of the Nanzhi tribe wins, I don’t even dare to think about what will happen! According to my intelligence, she has already won over the bat-type demi-humans and the centaur-type demi-humans who live in the seaside valley. I suggested other city lords to send troops, but they told me to pay for it myself! "

Fisher already roughly knew what was going on. He looked at Kerken who drank a little and started talking loudly in front of him, and concluded,

"This is why you sold the city and left the Southern Continent."

"Yes, I just feel that something is not right. Although it seems to be quite normal over there now, a bunch of people have made a lot of money by sharing a lot of minerals and demi-human slaves, which makes me regret it now. The city was sold. But I heard that the dragon man who led the people to leave the tribe was a rare red female, and I subconsciously thought of the dragon man who was with you at that time..."

"I was a little scared. The dragon man was reorganizing the tribe and expanding at an unimaginable speed. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to come back after a while, so I quickly sold all the things I could sell and returned to the Western Continent. "

"But everyone in the family is complaining that I am incompetent and sold the city I spent a lot of money to buy and ran away. In the past few days, I have been unable to raise my head among the family, just like a coward. Suddenly I remembered You are in Nali and you forgot to come over to visit and congratulate you on the theory you published before."

Fisher took a sip of wine, but his thoughts were moving quickly.

That little dragon was very smart. It was estimated that her father, the clan leader, had been killed when she returned to the tribe, otherwise she would not have allowed the tribe to have a head-on conflict with humans.

She threw the entire forest with the treasure to the Nali City Lords Alliance entrenched in the south. While they were occupying the forest, they moved south to settle down. While they were carving up the forest property, she marched to attack the dragon tribe in the east. If You guessed it right, she probably wanted to integrate all four dragon tribes in the southern continent.

Keken abandoned the city and ran away before the situation developed. In the eyes of his family, he gave up the road they had worked so hard to pave for him. Of course, they would feel angry and puzzled.

As for whether Rafael can set off a storm in the southern continent? She is the crimson dragon queen, so of course she has this ability.

But even if Kerken did the right thing, his reputation as a "coward" would only be vindicated after the situation there becomes more serious.

Fisher was thinking about Rafael's affairs, and drank with Keken to comfort him about the grievances of returning to the Western Continent. As he drank and chatted, the time gradually got later.

Fisher was not drunk at all, but Keken was so drunk that his face was filled with tears. Fortunately, he still had two wives who loved him, otherwise he would have been scolded by his parents and clan to the point of jumping into the river. During this period, he was really under pressure. It was so big that it was even uncomfortable to go anywhere. In the end, he actually came to drink with himself, an old senior with whom he was not very familiar.

No, by the end of the drink, he had begun to lose consciousness.

"Mr. Fisher, it's over. We have done so many things in the Southern Continent for so many years. If that dragon man rises, I can't even imagine what will happen. The Southern Continent will be filled with slaughter! There will be death everywhere. !”


As Keken spoke, he fell down on the table excitedly, and kept spouting nonsense words with unclear meaning in his mouth, as if he was accusing other city lords of their stupidity.

Fisher looked at the dark drink and made no comment for a while.

Because sometimes things in the world are like this. It is precisely because human beings themselves are well aware of the atrocities they have committed against others, so they know that once they give others a chance to breathe, they will usher in brutal revenge. Therefore, human beings continue to deal with the victimized sub-humans. The community raised its butcher's knife to eradicate the root.

But that is a continent of creatures, and there will always be fire that survives with flames, otherwise there would not have been the prophecy of annihilation that made Fisher rush for it.

In the cycle of revenge and hatred, Fisher, as a human, ultimately failed to kill Rafael, the future demihuman who destroyed the world.

Fisher's thoughts are complex and contradictory, including his personal love for Rafael and his foolish attempt to break this cycle.

Well, let’s not shy away from saying that most of them are personal relationships.

But at this moment, the trust in Rafael derived from the personal relationship still made Fisher extend a finger to Kerken.

"Let's make a bet."

"Dora. Kiss"

Kerken was so drunk that he lay on the table and couldn't hear Fisher's words clearly. Instead, he muttered the names of his two wives, looking aggrieved.

Fisher chuckled slightly, but still stared at his reflection in the drink in front of him and said,

"I bet that the dragon man will not commit the crime of genocide. If the bet fails, I will use my life and hers to repay the price of disobeying the prophecy of annihilation because of my kindness."

Keken fell into a deep sleep and made no reply.

So this is probably just a bet between Fisher and himself, or maybe Rafael and other world destroyers.

Then, Fisher shook his head helplessly, drank the wine with his reflection in the glass, then made a bed on the ground with extra quilts and sheets, and dragged him to lie down on it.

Fisher didn't like other people sleeping in his bed, with the exception of Renee and Rafael.

He went outside to wash his face. Ms. Martha was almost asleep after dinner, so he also went downstairs to make something to eat.

Today, Prince Lausanne was invited to hold a banquet in the Golden Palace. Presumably, Elizabeth must have arrived at Saint-Reis. She also did not go to Saint-Reis University to find Jasmine to study the letters sent by her aunt because of Kerken's sudden arrival.

Many things were not progressed, but Fisher was satisfied after learning a little about Rafael's current situation.

Tonight will be as good as this.

This chapter is 6,000 words in one

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