Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 169 105. Ocean Emperor

According to the plan, Fisher planned to stay in the rental house the next day to make preparations.

Last night Fisher slept in bed and Jasmine slept on the sofa. Jasmine got up very early and Fisher a little later.

When Fisher opened his eyes, she was already up, but she didn't get up even if Fisher didn't get up. So when Fisher sat up from the bed, he found her with her hands on her belly, lying down obediently. Sitting on the couch looking at the ceiling.

Her long blue hair was spread out on the sofa, and occasionally one or two strands fell to the ground. The whale's tail also drooped down from the side of the sofa, and she looked calm and well-behaved.

The most eye-catching thing is the beautiful face without makeup, which is as pure and lovely as the jasmine flowers blooming in the sea.

When she saw Fisher waking up, she blinked her eyes in a cute way. She made no other movements at first, but just smiled and said to Fisher,

"Good morning, Mr. Fisher"

".Good morning."

Fisher rubbed the center of his brow. He hadn't rested for a whole day since Jasmine's attack at night. Now after sleeping, he even felt more exhausted than if he hadn't rested. Fisher had experienced this feeling before. , so I really have to do less things like staying up late.

According to today's original arrangement, Fisher still had to stay in the rental house to prepare items, so after getting up, he continued to carve magic in front of the workbench without stopping.

Of course, Fisher didn't spend all day immersed in engraving magic.

He took advantage of Ms. Martha's shopping at noon and went to a restaurant on the street to bring back a roast chicken for Jasmine. He only gave her a little breakfast in the morning, and when he saw that she was not full, he waited until noon. Had a terrible meal.

The whaleman's appetite for food is astonishing, and no ordinary person can afford the cost of their food. It didn't take long for Fisher to know the danger involved.

He finally understood why Jasmine sincerely said "Thank you, Teacher Fisher, for giving me food" before eating.

It was almost evening, and the box of magic materials he dragged back was almost completely consumed, and there was also a small stack of shimmering playing cards on the workbench.

Fisher was quite satisfied after confirming the specific effects of those playing cards, and then put them away one by one.

In this way, half of the preparation work is basically completed, and the rest is left.

Fisher turned his head and looked at the fabric on the table, ready to start making clothes for Jasmine.

"Okay, come here and give it a try."

"Yes Yes!"

After Ms. Martha was almost asleep, Fisher took the white dress to the room with satisfaction.

When she came back, Jasmine had already placed all the items left by Muxi on the table for Fisher to study later. She was still wearing Fisher's white shirt, and her long white legs were exposed, so much so that when she stood up There is a strange feeling that can easily arouse men's desire to attack.

Although the dresses Fisher made for Rafael and Jasmine were not expensive dresses with rich decorations, they were at least fashionable and should be comfortable to wear.

Fisher is still very confident in this regard.

"Thank you, Teacher Fisher, for giving me the clothes."

Jasmine has a good habit of being grateful, so after giving her something, she will say words that are difficult to hear in the human world.

Jasmine slapped her ears and took the dress from Fisher's hand with bright eyes. Then she glanced at Fisher quietly before running to the bathroom to change clothes.

Fisher relaxed and took a sip of water. Not long after, Jasmine poked her head out of the bathroom.

Her big eyes blinked, making Fisher think that his clothes were not made to fit her, so he asked,

"Is it inappropriate?"

After hearing this, Jasmine quickly shook her head, pursed her lips with a rosy face, looked at the floor in front of the bathroom door, struggled for a while and then whispered,

"I always feel a little shy."


Fisher asked this question, looking at Jasmine who had always hidden her body in the bathroom and refused to reveal it, and said,

"Should the clothes I design be made in your size, or is there something you're not used to?"

She tweaked, looked at Fisher carefully and said,

"I always feel that the clothes made by Teacher Fisher are very beautiful, but if I wear them, wouldn't it be a bit too wasteful?"

Fisher was stunned for a second, then asked her to step out of the bathroom so he could take a look.

Jasmine held the door frame and slowly walked out of the bathroom, revealing her complete appearance.

I saw that the light white fabric fit her body perfectly without appearing too tight. Under the soft skirt, her iconic whale tail had room to stretch and was loose. The skirt made her tail look like a bust, showing off her beautiful figure.

She pinched her skirt playfully and looked at Fisher with a slightly red face. She seemed to be too nervous, so she reached out and pushed some of her loose hair behind her ears.

She was a whale-like creature who looked like an ocean princess. Even her dress, which was close to a line drawing, could highlight her beauty.

Fisher stared at her and saw satisfaction, then naturally looked away and praised,

"It's beautiful, Jasmine."

The cherry color on Jasmine's face deepened, her ears on both sides of her face flapped, and her lips were slightly pursed and curved a little, showing a cute look of being very happy after being praised but trying to hold back.

"Thank you, Teacher Fisher, I like your dress very much and I will cherish it."

"It doesn't have to be so grand."

Fisher remembered the first time he gave Rafael a dress. At that time, she was very unaccustomed to wearing it, and she was always tugging at the fabric of her dress. Fortunately, the dress finally arrived. They separate.

However, Rafael's life may not be stable in the following days, and the dress may not die a normal life.

"By the way, your letter was delivered to the Golden Palace. You signed it [Son of the Sea], right?"

Jasmine sat next to Fisher. On the sofa, a big whale tail extended from behind Jasmine towards Fisher. It was only a little distance away from him, but it faintly surrounded Fisher beside her within the scope of her tail. inside.

Under the faint scent of jasmine, she nodded her chin and said,

"Yeah, but I don't know where the letter was sent. Mother's blood tracking magic flew away with the letter."

"Your mother knows magic?"

If the whale race had a certain understanding of magic, Jasmine shouldn't show any unfamiliarity with magic, not to mention Fisher's guess that her mother's status was not low.

"My mother doesn't know how. That magic was given to him by the human who borrowed my mother's relics. Before leaving, he said that he used his own blood as a guide to create this pointing magic, and its effectiveness will last until the end of the world and never disappear. In this way It would be convenient for my mother to ask for the relics from her. But if Isabel’s family borrowed the relics, why have I never heard from her?”

Who can know this?

Fisher thought for a moment, and now the most likely person to borrow her mother's belongings is Prince Dexter.

But this matter should wait until the new party can spy on the information later. Anyway, this is not what Fisher should focus on now. It will be over after Jasmine sends the letter, and it will be time to officially return the relics next year.

"So, why do you call yourself the Son of the Sea?"

Fisher had investigated Jasmine before. She came to Saint-Nelly University as a student to expand enrollment in the second semester of the semester. In other words, she had actually only been in human society for a few months, and she was very familiar with many things about human beings. Not knowing much about her, and coupled with her naturally shy and socially intimidated character, the only sources of information were Milika and Isabel.

When he took her to the Magic Market to buy things, it was her first time in the city of Sanali.

Dexter and the New Party probably deduced from this strange self-identification that the person who sent the letter might be a demi-human.

And the most important thing is that this self-proclaimed statement can prove that Jasmine is the world-destroyer he is looking for.

[Red Dragon Queen] and [Mysterious Son of the Sea] have obvious characteristics when looking for them. Only [Immortal Witch] is troublesome to find. This is all due to a bad woman who likes to talk nonsense and never be honest.

"Ah that"

When asked about this, Jasmine's eyes began to wander, and she said with some embarrassment,

"Because of mother. She was chosen by Master Lamastia. Her duty is to maintain the balance of the overall life of the ocean. Then when she was young, she was very. Well, lively. She liked to say her name to all the ocean races, and It’s [Ocean Emperor]..”

Talking about her mother's dark history, Jasmine's face became redder and redder, and her head lowered lower and lower.

Ocean King?

This term Fisher is a bit familiar. Isn't it the bragging name that little brat Rena called herself when she first called herself?

It turns out that this has some basis in reality?

Fisher thought that the only people who could call themselves such a name were brats like Rena, but who knew it was the name Jasmine's mother used to call herself when she was young.

He could not even imagine how Jasmine's mother traveled around when she was young, loudly calling herself the Ocean Emperor wherever she went, and then leaving behind legends that would last for a long time.

Seeing Fisher's expression of being unable to complain about an abstract story, Jasmine puffed up her cheeks and gently hammered Fisher's shoulder with her hand. The blow was as weak as a gust of wind. It's the same as on myself.

But this was the first time she had made such an over-the-top and intimate move. Fisher glanced at her in surprise, which made her face turn red.

Jasmine belatedly realized that she had made something too intimate, so she quickly turned to look at the hem of her skirt and whispered,



Jasmine's ears flapped again, and she waited for a while before continuing,

"My mother called me [Son of the Sea] when she wrote a letter a long time ago. This time she specifically asked me to write clearly that the person who sent the letter was [Son of the Sea]. It seemed that she wanted that human being to know the current situation. She was also in the letter before. I asked about the current situation of that human being, so she must have a good relationship with the person who borrowed the relic and be friends."

"Friend? Your mother probably only met him once, right?"

"Yeah, but if it wasn't a life she valued, my mother would never lend out her belongings. She doesn't like others touching her things."

"Is this so"

After hearing Jasmine's words, Fisher nodded, but it was hard for him to imagine that Prince Dexter and Jasmine's mother had a good relationship. Or was it that someone else had borrowed the relics, or that Jasmine's mother had been raped by that person? Human beings have deceived, and their original nature is not like that.

Unable to get an answer for the moment, Fisher temporarily focused his attention on the items left by Mignonette on the table, trying to find more clues on them.

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