Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 174 110. Kerken’s thoughts

There are many subdivisions in Sainte-Nali, and most of them were designed with their original uses roughly defined. This is a story from the time when the Griffon Party was in power.

At that time, they followed the plan, with the Golden Palace as the center, and planned a circle of residential areas from high to low according to status and wealth.

Less than four kilometers east of the Golden Palace is Nali Lake, which is the largest saltwater lake in Nali and is also the private domain of the royal family.

In fact, the name of the country of Nali does not come from any classics or legends, but from the largest saltwater lake in Nali.

The ancestors of Gedelin I were sinners who were exiled to Lake Nali by the empire that spanned the entire Western Continent [Central Empire]. They had lived for generations on the border of the Western Continent, which was considered wild at the time.

Until the proud son of heaven, Gedelin I, was born. At the age of only twenty-five, he led the crowd and started a war against the Central Empire.

He marched eastward from Lake Narli, conquered all the small countries along the way, defeated the Central Empire's army, annexed the Central Empire's capital, Saint Cassel, and finally reached Kadu, the origin of magic and religion, where he was granted the title of Gedelin's surname means "God's commandment".

Yes, ancient Nali was once a very large country.

However, precisely because of its huge size, since the death of Gedelin I, the closer the border is to the border, the weaker the central government's control capabilities have become. The Gedelin royal family has also watched helplessly as the territory that their ancestors worked so hard to build was separated piece by piece.

It was not until the time of Godlin V that the Shivali Rebellion, the largest independent war in history, occurred.

Swali has had its own culture and traditions since ancient times. It was also an autonomous alliance country during the Central Empire. However, they succumbed to the majesty of Gedelin I. They were forced to surrender to Narli and lived in the shadow of the country for two years. century.

But since the time of Gedlin III, Nali's control ability has gradually begun to weaken.

Seeing that Nali's control ability was insufficient, various heroes in Shivali gathered together, and were finally unified by a snake-killing farmer during the reign of King Gedelin V, known as the "Empire of the Sun".

The imperial army, which symbolizes the rising of the sun in the east and setting in the west, marched toward Saint-Nali and finally captured the capital of Saint-Nari.

The then king, Gedelin V, was a mediocre coward. Even when his wife and son were caught and insulted by the Sun Knight, he could endure it, and he could also sign a treaty with Shivali recognizing independence with a smile.

The place where the treaty was signed at that time was the area where the Petrus family now lives, called the "Hasselogen District", because the business group family that protected Gedlin V's return to Saint-Nali at that time was the Petrus family.

It was a good night at this time. On the second floor of a three-story villa in Haserogan District, Keken's two wives had just finished washing. They were wearing a semi-sheer gauze nightgown. They had black hair and black eyes and were conservative. The Kadu sisters showed the boldest look in front of their lovers. This is Nali's currently popular husband-killing suit.

It can be seen that the effect is very good, and Kerken's eyes can see straight.

"Hey, where did you buy these clothes?"

Hearing her husband's question, Dora and Laura covered their mouths and chuckled. One of them went to the room and lit a touch of Kadu aromatherapy. A faint aroma instantly filled the tip of the nose, making people's stomachs feel hot.

Kadu likes to make incense, and there are many kinds. There are ceremonial incense specially used for offering sacrifices and worshiping the mother goddess. Of course, there are also private incense used to nourish the body and speed up attack speed.

Although the effect of this functional aromatherapy used at night is not as good as dragon's blood, compared with dragon's blood, the effect of this aromatherapy is relatively mild and will not harm the body. Only gentlemen who know how to flow water will prefer this product.

"These clothes were recommended to us by Mrs. Berlinster. She is a Naliton. The restaurant that she took you to eat before was also recommended by her."

"This dress is really embarrassing, but you can like it."

The two blushing sisters gently reached out and massaged Keken's scalp, waiting for the effects of the aromatherapy to take effect.

"Oh, my God, no wonder that guy Berlingster has so many children. His wife is not good-looking and likes to gamble with money. I used to wonder how they slept together at night. With this dress, you guys I believe it is the angel next to the Mother Goddess, this is really too sexy.”


"Haha, sister, stop him from defiling the Mother Goddess."

The two sisters playfully patted Keken's head with a pillow. Keken was so agitated that he couldn't help but want to launch an attack. However, the phone in the bedroom suddenly rang.

"Ding ding ding~"

Keken's expression froze slightly. When the spell was interrupted, he glanced at his wife beside him, then impatiently walked to the phone and picked up the receiver.

"Hello, who is this? Oh...oh! Mr. Fisher."

Keken's expression changed slightly, and he gently stretched out his index finger in front of his lips to make a silencing gesture. Both wives lay on their sides on the bed knowingly, watching Keken sit down by the window.

Fisher's voice sounded inside, and he asked,

"Keken, are you asleep?"

"No, no, it's still early. Is there something wrong?"

If it were an ordinary person, he would have started to criticize others, but he still respected Fisher, so of course he did not show any impatience.

After a few simple greetings, Fisher bluntly asked about this weekend's charity gala. As Fisher guessed, it was Kerken who was in charge of this matter.

"Yes, I am responsible for this matter. You want it."

"So, I want to donate 100,000 Narios to Bank Petrus. I don't know if I can enter the weekend charity banquet. I have something special to do."

He paused for a moment on the special matter, and Kerken's thoughts gradually dispersed. Among the people who would come then was the prince, and the venue was the healing room. What Fisher was going to do was either related to the prince or to the healing room. related

He himself had an affair with Elizabeth regarding the royal family, so naturally he wouldn't go too far, so the biggest possibility was the healing room.

Behind the Healing Room is the Nali Development Company. If anything happens, he can't be found, and he still follows the formal process of donating to the banquet.

Thinking of this, Keken said,

"Oh, wait a minute, let me think about it."

Smelling the aroma that aroused desire, it was indeed a bit difficult to get down to business now. With difficulty, Keken pushed the window open a little, and faced the night wind to disperse the aroma. He thought for a while before saying,

"Of course one hundred thousand Narios has reached the threshold to enter that banquet, but if it is Mr. Fisher, I suggest only donating fifty thousand Narios. At that time, I can give you a special quota, with your reputation , just need to arrive at the charity banquet. Do you need to conceal your identity?”

Fisher didn't even expect that Kerken would be so successful. He thought about it and said with a smile,

"I need to be more hidden."

"In this case, we only need to donate 70,000 yuan through the internal channels of Petrus Bank. Well, I am not afraid of your ridicule. The amount that actually reaches the charity is only 70% of the original donation amount, and 30% will go to the foundation. You only need to donate 70% of the original amount, which is 70,000 euros."

Kerken held the quill, all the details of how to operate it flashed through his mind, and then said this to Fisher.

The conversation at night was not too long, and both of them spoke straightforwardly.

After Fisher confirmed a few more things with Kerken, the conversation came to an end.

"The day after tomorrow, about Thursday, I will send you an invitation to enter the healing room in the name of Bank Nalibetsui. If you want more privacy, you can also enter with me through my special entrance. , you can bring a female companion or servant with you."

"It's okay, no trouble, just remember to pay 70,000 Narios to this account tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay, no fuss, no fuss, okay, okay, that's it, good night, Mr. Fisher."

After confirming the details with Fisher, Kerken put down the phone and wrote a few words excitedly on the paper, looking very happy.

Behind him, two sisters, Laura and Dora, looked at each other. They were very puzzled by Kerken's behavior, so they asked their husbands with some confusion,

"That scholar Fischer Benavidez?"

After Keken finished recording, he closed the doors and windows, took another deep breath of the aromatherapy placed in the corner of the room, then quickly ran to the two sisters, hugged a lady with one arm and nodded and said,

"That's right, it's the one who came to visit me in the Southern Continent before, the senior of the Royal Academy."

Dora nodded her chin, turned sideways and asked,

"Why did you help him like this? As far as I know, he is just a scholar. Even if he has a little relationship with Her Highness Elizabeth, after all, they are not even close. In other words, even if he finally became the husband-in-law of Her Highness Elizabeth, he would still help him. If you don’t go to Petrus Bank, you know that the princess’s husband must strictly stay away from the Parliament and other entrepreneurs.”

Keken smiled, reached out and nodded his wife's head, and said with a smile,

"Well, first of all, Fisher himself is an outstanding talent. He previously designed a self-attesting ring for the soul. The magicians from the Magic Association and the Development Company want to design some magic about the soul to make money. , but I couldn’t write it at all. I wrote to Fisher and he didn’t reply. He never cooperates with those commercial companies.”

"Let him owe us a little more favor, and we won't lose anything. If it doesn't work out, we can make a lot of money by asking him for a few magic patents. After all, he is Hailsson's student."

"The most important thing is not this."

As he spoke, Keken sat up excitedly and said to the lady behind him,

"I was afraid that you were worried and didn't tell you. In fact, when I was in the Southern Continent, I led a small column to watch the Nanzhi dragon race fight with the Xizhi tribe."

"What? Watching others fight? Why did you come so far without saying a word to us, and still watch the dragon race fight? Aren't you afraid of being caught by those demi-humans? Really?"

The two wives were a little annoyed at their husbands' concealment and almost reached out to pull his ears.

Because Keken had told the two of them before that the red dragon race of the Nanzhi tribe was very special and should be said to be dangerous.

Even though they knew it was so dangerous, they still went over to take a look. This made the two of them very puzzled.

Facing his wife's question, Kerken smiled and explained,

"Hey, it was very dangerous at that time. I even suspected that the red dragon race had discovered us and was just too lazy to care about us. I stood on the mountain with a telescope and watched the two armies confront each other. You know the battles between the dragon races The ability is already outrageous in a fight, and the red dragon race from the Nanzhi tribe is even more heavyweight."

"She was able to break into the central army of the Xizhi tribe by herself and capture the leader who was supervising the battle. With a wave of her hand, she could knock down a dragon race, and she also captured all the resisting dragon race soldiers. This kind of The monster is not easy to mess with at first glance. With such intelligence and ability, given her a few years, she will probably have the entire Southern Continent in her pocket."

The two ladies were a little worried after hearing this, looked at Kerken and asked,

"Aren't you worried that those city lords didn't listen to your suggestion?"

"Oh, even if she drives all the other stupid pigs out of the Southern Continent, what does it have to do with us? The Western Continent has not been peaceful recently. It will be long before they take care of the Southern Continent after they finish their domestic affairs. It has developed, but I am skeptical about whether the dragon race will attack the Western Continent."

"I have inquired about a lot of information. You don't know that the chariot of the red dragon race is actually Fisher Benavidez's carriage. That carriage is not used as a chariot at all. Her precious one The carriage is so valuable that I have to carry it with me in battles. Don’t you understand, the relationship between that dragon and Fisher is not simple.”

"Taking a step back, we can completely change our identity later on, for example, as businessmen who go to cooperate. As long as we have a good relationship with Fisher, we will always be there in the Southern Continent or that red dragon race. One more chance.”

"I don't care about the job at Petrus Bank that my father arranged for me. What's the point of always chewing on the laurels here? My future is in the Southern Continent. It's only my ability to open Petrus Bank in the Southern Continent. . Just wait and see, although it may take a little longer, but overall I am still confident about the future."

The two wives did not understand Keken's plans and ideas at all, but they always silently supported their husbands. They looked unhappy when they saw Keken reluctantly working under his father's arrangements. It is obvious to all.

So they smiled, touched Keken's body and said,

"I know, the great planner's fragrance is already strong."

"I've been talking for a long time and I haven't even moved my body. Do you still want to have a baby?"

Keken chuckled, gently turned off the bedside table lamp, then roared and headed towards the battlefield.

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