Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 199 135. Royal Library

Looking at the illusory words floating in front of him, Fisher got several important key pieces of information.

The whaleman who left this hair crown is a whaleman who is very good at fighting, and she is also a woman, because the personal pronoun used to describe this whaleman in the Asian Girl Completion Manual is "she", and This arrogant whale race once challenged the gods, although I don’t know whether he won or not in the end.

So, could this whale-human God of Destruction be

Jasmine’s mother, right?

Fisher glanced at Jasmine next to him, who was still looking at the golden hair crown. He felt more and more that the suitable candidate must be her mother, because in his mind, Jasmine had told him about her mother's characteristics and His experiences are very consistent with this God of Destruction.

Her mother had been on land before, otherwise she would not have lent her handy weapons to a human; secondly, the whale race probably only knew one god, and that was Lamastia, while the demi-humans Mom completed the manual and said that this whale man had challenged the gods. Jasmine also said that her mother was the only whale man who had ever faced Lamastia.

So, the whale race that left all these traces is actually Jasmine’s mother, the legendary “Ocean Emperor”?

No wonder her mother gave herself such a popular name when she was young. As described in the supplementary manual, when she was young, Jasmine's mother was a whaleman who became very arrogant because of her extraordinary strength.

"Jasmine, is it possible that the person who left these traces here is your mother? After all, your mother has also been to Sangli before and even lent her weapons."

"Huh? It's possible, but if it's my mother, her name should be visible on the things left here. When my mother was young, her name would be engraved in a very ostentatious way."

"Wait, what's your mother's name?"

"It's called [Scophyllum]. The names of all our species of cetaceans are basically given by Lamastia. I heard that the ancestors of many other marine sub-races are also like this..."

Fisher and Jasmine searched the golden armor and crown that were left in place, but found no traces of this whaleman.

It is also possible that she had left behind, because now the armor and hair crown were completely destroyed, and even the original shape was barely maintained. Even if she left traces, they cannot be found now.

Jasmine is not sure whether this is the item left by her mother Scrophulariaceae, and she can only leave a questionable conclusion at the moment.

The two of them searched for a few more minutes, but Fisher, who found nothing new, had no choice but to head towards Lake Nali. After all, Anna and Siatt were still soaking in the water.

Fisher put down the golden armor in his hand and checked the social research progress of the whale race in the completed manual again.

[Progress of research on whale race society: 24%]

[Unlocked stage rewards: Reproductive ability +2, life span +2]

No, can you please stop adding more points to your reproductive capacity? Fisher feels that he can no longer control the current situation. If it is strengthened in the future, he is worried that Fisher will directly issue a declaration of independence and pursue his own. The happiness goes.

Of course, protest is invalid. Essentially, this bonus is for his own good. It should be like this.

He sighed in the water, waved his hand to dispel the illusory fonts that appeared when the Asian girl completed the manual, and then pulled Anna to follow Jasmine in front of him.

The further she swam forward, the dimmer the fluorescence on the stone wall became, and the passage of the cave became extremely narrow. When it came to the exit, Siatt had to rely on Jasmine to push her out of the cave with her hands. She was very worried. It would damage the air mask on her head, so she hugged the air mask tightly and waited for Jasmine to exert strength.

"Hey hey hey."

Jasmine was worried about hurting Siatt, so she pushed Siatt out of the underground cave with great effort. Outside, she saw a wider piece of dark water. The distance from the water was about ten meters. She raised her head and looked through the water. , the stars and moonlight in the sky were so bright, as if they were blinking at them.

"We're here, this should be Lake Nali."

Fisher had been here several times. He came here with Elizabeth when he was studying. Her twentieth birthday was celebrated here. At that time, Fisher was invited to attend her birthday party alone. Here he met some of the most popular people at that time. Influential bosses from all walks of life also visited the museum.

Although he didn't like the atmosphere very much, Fisher's memory was good and he still remembered the general situation here, so he quickly moved closer to the water to find the direction of the library and museum.

He did not surface because there were usually people patrolling around here. Fisher just roughly determined a direction in the water and swam towards that direction.

The libraries and museums of the kingdom are very huge. At night, the two extremely gorgeously decorated huge buildings stand like two imposing giants just north of Lake Narli, a practical distance away from Gedelin's private residence in the south. It was still far away. Standing on the balcony of Gedelin's private house, I could only vaguely see two small black spots on the other side.

Well, Fisher saw this with his own eyes when he attended Elizabeth's birthday party.

It was at that banquet that Fisher discovered an unknown side of Elizabeth.

At that time, Elizabeth asked Fisher to help her open the gifts given to her by others. She never expected that the classmate Kasai whom she had tortured privately, the schoolgirl who had a crush on Fisher, would actually send her a gift. The "gift" was secretly discovered by Fisher.

Kasai sent Elizabeth a small postcard with "I'm sorry" written all over it in her blood, representing her unforgettable apology.

It wasn't until this moment that Fisher knew that Elizabeth had bullied the Cassel junior behind his back.

Fisher didn't have an attack at that time, and it wasn't until he left Lake Nari that he found out that Cassel had dropped out of the Royal Academy a few days later. Later, her whole family moved away from Sangli

Cassel's neighbor told Fisher that Cassell lost dozens of pounds after dropping out of school. The smart school girl was bullied and turned into a lifeless walking zombie. Fisher also didn't know that Elizabeth What exactly was done to her, but just based on speculation, you can tell that the method was very scary.

That was indeed the direct reason for Fisher's decision to stay away from Elizabeth.

Nearly ten years later, Fisher heard that Casse was doing well in the small city of Narli, and Elizabeth also apologized to her, and the story came to an end.

With such a story in mind, Fisher and his party were getting closer and closer to the library. The lights on the shore were quite bright. Well-equipped royal soldiers stood on both sides of the path paved with white stone bricks. The only one who was good at The news was that the Royal Museum was on the other side of the road, and the library they were going to stood directly on the shore of the lake.

There is a balcony in the library facing Lake Nali. Fisher and his party landed directly from here. He entered the balcony of the library first and gently pushed the door of the balcony. There was no obstruction to the door. The ground was pushed away, revealing a dark corridor inside.

"Here we are, this is the entrance to Black's treasure house."

This sentence was said to Anna. As he spoke, he turned around and lightly snapped his fingers. The magic emblems behind her and Siatt instantly extinguished and disappeared, and the air mask above their heads also "popped" like a bubble. It broke apart.

Anna took a deep breath of fresh air, shook the water off her body, and glanced at the dark corridor inside.

Fisher and Jasmine had already walked in first, and Siatt was still shaking the water behind. There was too much hair on her horse's body, so she needed to shake it a few more times, but she didn't dare to make too much noise.

"Do you know exactly how to enter?"

Fisher didn't look back, pointed to his head and said,

"I don't know. Just put your chance on my head. If we can't figure it out, we'll all be finished together."

".How can you be so casual?"

Anna followed Fisher's pace, but saw him raise his index finger and look back, signaling her to speak lower. After Anna's breath calmed down a little, he continued to speak,

"There is no other way. In fact, it doesn't mean much to me whether to open the treasure house or not. If Blake wants to find Jasmine, he is destined to come here. Whether the evidence is obtained or not, to me, It would be easier to kill him directly. The reason why we want to open this treasure house is because there may be clues about Aunt Jasmine in it, and..."

In the darkness, Fisher's gaze was pointed directly at Anna,

"I need to complete the deal with you. So, don't rush me, I'm already doing my best to help you, understand?"

Anna pursed her lips. Although Fisher's words were a bit unpleasant, for some unknown reason, the restlessness in Anna's heart was silently calmed down at the same time.

Hiatt behind him had almost dried up the water and walked into the dark corridor of the library, so Anna had no choice but to keep silent and continue to follow Fisher.

Along the way, Fisher and Jasmine scanned the surrounding lounges and bathrooms. After reaching the end of the corridor, a small door suddenly appeared in Fisher's sight. he

Slowly opening the door, a faint fragrance of books suddenly flowed in along with the night breeze.

A huge room with a height of three floors appeared in Fisher's field of vision. The entire building was surrounded by closed wooden structures. It was the traditional Narli architectural style, probably favored by King Gedelin V during the period. The decoration style used, and Blake's construction of the library probably has the meaning of continuing the history of the epochs.

But when I looked up again at this moment, I saw that the ceiling on the top floor was no longer wooden, but a crystal glass ceiling that had only been widely used in buildings in the past hundred years. It was the same as Fisher's in the healing room. Very similar to the one seen in the Chamber of Secrets.

Looking out at the sky through the glass from here, you can vaguely see bright stars, but unfortunately you can't see the huge and cold full moon.

The lights are turned off on the entire three floors of the Royal Library. The library is private to the royal family. There are generally no guards inside. The security soldiers are basically concentrated at the museum. Maybe they think the treasures collected in those museums are more dry than these. Books are more precious, right?

So, as expected, the entrance to Blake's treasure house is in this huge library, and if it is underground, the entrance is most likely on the first floor.

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