Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 211 147. Demon God Pillar

The moment Erwind finished speaking, Fisher vaguely felt that the water flow around him began to undergo huge changes. He frowned and looked at the ground, only to find a series of green leaves. The branches are spreading along the ground, and from the cracks caused by the battle just now, it can be seen that the entire space of the treasure house is silently occupied by the terrifying branches.

But those are not real trees. If you look carefully, you can see that the twisted dry branches are covered with eyes like cherries.

At the moment when the eye was born, the water on the entire ground began to become extremely viscous, and the treasure hall behind him suddenly collapsed. Fisher looked back and saw that the mother goddess statue made of crystal had started to move at some point.

The mother goddess's head fell, and twisted arms grew from it, pushing it forward.

The entire treasure house seemed to be alive at this moment. Fisher stretched out his fluid sword and tentatively attacked the branches. However, the next moment the branches broke, more branches grew out of them. The branches of flesh and blood come in a seemingly endless stream.

"What surprises me is, why didn't Mr. Fisher read the knowledge in the Soul Replenishment Manual after getting it? In the battle with Black just now, you didn't use any knowledge about souls to help you. If you read With that knowledge, I might be able to continue fighting now.”

"Will you become a lunatic like you after reading?"

Fisher held his belly and watched as the surrounding vegetation continued to grow but very intelligently bypassed the fallen Jasmine next to him. Fisher finally breathed a sigh of relief and focused his attention on the enemy in front of him with all his strength.

I can't kill these things around me, so I can only try to kill Erwind's body.

He suddenly twisted the fluid sword in his hand, but branch-like arms continued to grow under the floor of the treasure house, tightly wrapping around Fisher's body. The branches were extending like maggots attached to the bones. The moment it landed on Fisher's body, it continuously pumped blood from his body.

The many branches around him were pulling Fisher down like a whirlpool of flesh and blood, and the floor of the treasure house was like a whirlpool. Fisher gritted his teeth and looked down, only to see mutilated bodies below constantly waving to him, like bliss. Like hell.

At this moment, the entire underground became part of Erwind's body. As more blood was pumped out, Fisher's face became paler and paler.

"Mr. Fisher, you are a person who lives in the secular world after all. Philon also has this problem. When can you look further ahead and look back at the time of the entire world and the entire society? Look, and you will see that everything else is meaningless except the truth.”

"The fleeting and fragile character and emotions are just a burden to people like you and me. Only the unswerving pursuit of the truth is eternal."

Fisher didn't talk nonsense at all. The fluid sword in his hand suddenly flew out according to his will, instantly passing through countless branches wrapping him, and flew straight to Erwind's body next to him.

The fluid sword continued to rotate in mid-air, and soon cut off the standing Erwind, but in Fisher's sight, his body was suddenly cut into two pieces, with countless blood flowing. , and he was silent again.

But the next moment, a huge beak once again grew on the surrounding branches, looking straight at Fisher in front of him.

"Look, the confinement of the body has nothing to do with me. No matter how hard you try, you can't kill me. This is the power of knowledge. In a place that Mr. Fisher cannot see with the naked eye, you know how the human body is Is it composed? Do you know how people are infected with the epidemic? Hypocritical morals and preaching cannot save people now and in the future."

Fisher looked straight at the person in front of him, his expression unchanged, but the Fluid Sword received the call again and stepped back, sinking straight into the body of the person in front of him, and the violent blade chewed the branches apart one by one. , before Fisher could even take a breath, a violent force hit him on the back from behind.

The headless female statue occupied by the branches suddenly appeared and knocked Fisher away. All the bones in his body screamed at the same time. He gritted his teeth and used the fluid sword to draw a long mark on the ground, and finally stopped him. After getting out of the car, he lay down on the ground quite tiredly, his eyes soaked in blood. He breathed with all his strength and looked up at the huge cave drilled by Anna. Outside was the blue sky of Saint-Nali.

Fisher had no doubt that this was probably the last time he would see such a beautiful sky scene, so at this second, he gasped and greedily recorded the scene in his mind.

Could this be his end, could the Mother Goddess be punishing him for his greed and hesitation?

"Buzz buzz"

"Mr. Fisher, do you still need to take a break?"

The stone walls around the cave in the sky continued to spread flesh-like branches, gradually trying to wrap up the entire space. But at the last moment when the cave was wrapped, Fisher vaguely saw a twinkling star in the sky. Shimmering red stars.

Are there stars during the day too?

But when this idea just came up, above the cave wrapped in flesh and blood, the stars were getting closer and closer, and the sound became louder and louder. A strange sound of bursting air and burning air came from the sky, straight into the sky. The ground smashed into the cave Anna drilled out of on Klein Peak.


The hot, magma-like temperature suddenly roared, and a powerful figure drew out the strange scimitar in mid-air that Fisher had never seen unsheathed.


A huge blast of air exploded in mid-air. Fisher's body was in severe pain, and he frowned slightly. His ears hurt from the sound wave, but fortunately, the terrifying attack was not directed at him. Came by myself.

The next moment, a familiar scorching figure gently landed beside Fisher, and the huge headless mother goddess statue in the distance instantly cracked and fell to the ground.

The entire treasure house was always filled with the smell of blood. Countless branches were cut off and chopped into pieces by scimitars, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.

Fisher opened his eyes in a blur, and when he looked up, he vaguely saw a huge pillar of fire that was as lofty as a mountain peak. The pillar of fire stood on the ground of hell. Under the pillar of fire, countless warriors in uniform knelt down in submission. Clothing of humans and demihumans.

"Great Demon God, give us the noble warrior character and let me defend my homeland. To this end, I will dedicate everything I have."

The devout figure, trembling with fear, knelt on the ground and offered everything he had to the pillar of fire in front of him.

But Fisher didn't hear how the pillar of fire responded, because that horrific scene only lasted for just a second.

A second later, the person who appeared in front of Fisher instead of the pillar of fire was a lazy demon with long red hair. She yawned, and her casual eyes finally revealed after seeing the embarrassed Fisher lying on the ground. A smile visible to the naked eye,

"I haven't seen you for a while. It turns out you didn't practice what I taught you properly and you were beaten like this."

Her expression was lazy and her movements were breathless. On the tail of an arrow raised high behind her, the fireball was as hot as the sun. It was the demon Eliog that Fisher had encountered before.

Perhaps it was precisely because of that night, which we now feel quite casual when talking about it, that the relationship between them became less pure and had an indescribable subtlety.

When they met again at this moment, Fisher showed no surprise. He smiled silently and joked to himself,

"Indeed, after all, I lack a teacher to teach me, so my practice progress is not fast."

"Now you know how good a teacher I am. Tens of thousands of human gold coins come with my security services. You've made a lot of money, Fisher."

"I'll compensate you a little more, but I have no money."

It seemed that the person Eliog was chasing was the Erwind in front of him. He had previously thought that the person who had the completed manual was Black, and he was also confused that Black had left Saint Nali to pursue her even though he had not left.

Eliog smiled slightly but did not answer. He just stood up holding the scimitar. The shape of the scimitar was weird. There were two small silver rings hanging on the back of the blade. Every time he waved the blade, the bells rang. It would all make a crisp sound, and once the bell rang, it would cause a violent explosion. That's why there was such a terrifying explosion when she waved the knife in mid-air just now.

But then again, Eliog's fighting ability can indeed be called terrifying. The entire treasure house was almost shattered by Eliog who descended from the sky, not to mention Erwind's flesh and blood branches. Yes,

"Ah, what a miscalculation. I actually allowed [Demon Pillar] Eliog to grab my tail, a [level 18] advanced demon species. I thought Agares had already asked you to go back."

Fisher was too injured to get up to see how Erwind was doing, and could only hear his voice.

In the distance, Erwind's body has been broken into two sections. You can still see the dark traces burned by the high temperature in the round wound. But the scary thing is that even after being chopped like this, Erwind Wen De is still alive, can still control the body to speak, and can bring the two bodies closer to each other for recovery.

"If I want to go back, I'll have to deal with you, damn sinner."

Eliog's lazy expression became very cold after seeing Erwind, and the fighting spirit in her eyes became more and more intense. She clenched the blade in her hand and pointed it at Erwind in front of her.

Erwind, who was targeted by the terrifying murderous intention, gave a bitter laugh, and his body that was broken into two parts raised his hands at the same time, surrendering to Eliog in a rather comical manner.

"Ah, I really didn't expect that Mr. Fisher is still related to the noble Eliog, and he also brought the [Death Rune] from Agares. Do you demons really want me to die?"

But Eliog was no longer ready to talk nonsense to the person in front of her. She suddenly raised the war blade in her hand. The moment she swung the war blade, a stream of hot magma was grasped tightly like a giant hand. Erwind was still speaking. Erwind's superficial muscles were constantly being burned, but he stretched out his right hand towards Eliog as if he felt no pain.

"Oh, it hurts so much."

Seeing the person in front of him being pinched, Eliog held the knife in his left hand and the dagger-like weapon attached to his waist with his right hand. The moment Eliog's hand touched the dagger , the dagger began to burst out with a strange and ominous rune like an abyss.


But before he drew the knife, Erwind's fingers moved slightly, urging a twisted flesh and blood tentacle on the ground to attack Fisher, who was unable to move on the ground. Fisher's face changed slightly, but he was indifferent to the situation. Eliog shouted,

"kill him!"

Eliog's movements in mid-air were slightly stagnant. After a second of hesitation, she suddenly let go of the dagger, turned around and stretched out her knife to smash the flesh-and-blood tentacle that was attacking Fisher.

"Hey, thank you Eliog for your kindness. I will take my leave today and come back to visit Mr. Fisher later."

The twisted beak of Erwind in front of him, which clearly had no facial features, suddenly showed a human expression of "Sure enough," and he glanced at Fisher lying on the ground with interest.

The next moment, his body slowly disintegrated and shattered, turning into countless tiny flying insects and scattering in an instant. Eliog looked at the small flying insects in front of him and sighed, and then exhaled suddenly, That breath turned into a scorching flame in mid-air, swallowing up those small flying insects in an instant.


The flying insects struggled and turned into ashes in mid-air. At this point, Fisher's restless soul calmed down instantly after completing the manual.

He looked hard at Eliog who was walking towards him, and then asked,

"he died?"

"No, this method cannot kill him."

Eliog squatted next to Fisher, but from the corner of his eye, he saw the whale girl Jasmine lying next to her. She raised her eyebrows slightly where Fisher could not see her.

The next moment, the huge fireball on the devil's tail behind her once again became small and dim. She also yawned at the same time. Under Fisher's surprised gaze, Eliog quickly squatted down and grabbed him. He grabbed Fisher's neck and pulled him into contact with his mouth.


Even Fisher didn't expect her sudden appearance, but now he was in severe pain all over his body and couldn't resist this terrifying demon girl.

Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

Fisher's eyes turned into dead fish eyes and his body remained motionless.

Seeing Fisher completely giving up resistance, Eliog's eyes flashed with joy and satisfaction. The kiss lasted for a long time before she reluctantly put down Fisher in her hand.

Fisher took a breath and felt the ambiguous smell of blood and saltpeter on his lips. He asked,

".what are you doing?"

"Help you treat...oh, and satisfy your cravings."


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