Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 247 23. Preference

".I understand, where is Isabel now?"

"They fought in the cabin below the deck. After the conflict, other crew members pulled Shego out. Isabel didn't let anyone else in. She should still be alone in the cabin."

"Well, I'll go talk to her."

"I'll go with you and apologize to her by the way."

After hearing this, Fisher shook his head, glanced at the crew members who were scolded by Pahz, and said with a smile,

"I'll go alone. She is definitely no match for your crew, and she will definitely be beaten badly. The ladies in Nali are as strong as the ladies in Sardinia. This is also to take care of their thinner faces. Don't worry, I It will be taken care of.”

In fact, Alagina was also worried that Isabel would say something embellished to Fisher, so she wanted to go see her with Fisher. She didn't want to create a barrier with Fisher.

But looking at Fisher in front of her, she suddenly didn't believe that Fisher would believe anything just because of other people's words. She believed that he had his own judgment, and she should trust him.

So, she nodded, stood there and did not follow, but said,

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Fisher waved his hand and walked into the cabin below the deck. The corridor under the ship was not wide, and the walls and doors on both sides were all made of iron plates. At the location, standing at the door of the room was Old Jack and the three rat girls who were secretly looking inside.

Old Jack held a lit cigarette in his mouth and nuzzled his lips towards Fisher in the direction of the room, indicating that Isabel was in the room.

Fisher did not respond first, but looked at the cigarette in his mouth and asked with some confusion,

"What brand of cigarette is this? It smells really weird. Where did it come from?"

"I don't know what kind of brand is from the North, as long as it works. Pahz gave it to me. If I want to use it, go to her."

Hearing Old Jack's name for Pahz, Fisher's face looked a little strange, and his original idea of ​​asking that person for one disappeared without a trace. He patted Old Jack's shoulder with no meaning, and said He knocked on the closed cabin door with doubtful eyes.

"Dong dong."

"May I come in?"

Fisher asked, but it was very quiet inside and there was no response at all.

After waiting for a second, he didn't wait any longer and pushed open the door. Fortunately, the door was unlocked, otherwise he would have violently unlocked it.

The space in the cabin is quite spacious. Originally, this cabin was used as a canteen for the crew to eat together. Although it was not a meal, the fruits that Fisher and Pachz had collected on the island were stored in the corner of this cabin. Another small room is frozen with ice cubes generated by the Ice Prince.

But at this moment, broken fruits were scattered everywhere outside the cabin. Even the tables and chairs fixed at the bottom of the room had scratches caused by collisions. Obviously, they were in the process of transporting supplies. Conflict occurred.

Fisher raised his brows slightly, then turned his head and saw Isabel in crew uniform, huddled up with her hands and knees in front of the wall near the door.

At this time, her cheeks were buried in front of her thighs, and her long blond hair hung down to cover her face. However, from the little gap between the blond hair, Fisher could still see the obvious blue color on the exposed cheek. Purple.


After hearing Fisher's voice, her body trembled, but she still did not raise her head and maintained that posture.

"Teacher Fisher."

After confirming that she was in good condition, Fisher walked to sit next to her and asked,

"What's wrong? Why did you get into a fight with others?"

Isabel did not respond, but gently pinched her pants. When the strength of her fingers gradually deepened, she suddenly asked Fisher a question,

"Mr. Fisher, do you hate my sister Elizabeth?"

Fisher didn't expect that she would ask this question suddenly. He was silent for a moment, then leaned against the wall behind her like her, and replied,

"I hate it, but I don't hate it either, but the parts of resentment and not hating are different. This is an extremely contradictory thing. Even I can't get rid of this entanglement."

He didn't look at Isabel, just looked at the broken fruits scattered everywhere on the floor of the restaurant,

"Your sister is undoubtedly a ruthless person. She can raise the butcher's knife mercilessly when dealing with life and enemies, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. This should be the reason why I resent her."

"If I had never fallen in love with her, if she had not lowered her guard and faced my knife when I ran away from her, if she could have resented me because of my neglect over the years, maybe there wouldn't have been any I have such contradictory concerns today. In the final analysis, all her tenderness remains with you and me, and people who enjoy favoritism are not qualified to talk about objectivity and fairness."

"So, for me, instead of resenting her, rather than resenting her, I would rather resent myself, resent my debt to her, and resent that I didn't discover her mistake earlier."

Isabel pursed her lips, and a few crystal tears slid down her cheeks until they fell to the ground.

"Me too. In the past few days, I often dream about how my sister raised her sword to kill my brother and father, and how ferocious their expressions were when they looked at me. But sometimes I often recall that she was with me. He stayed by my bedside when I had a fever, how he encouraged me to study and study at university, and how he encouraged me to make friends and hang out with people who were not nobles."

"I've been thinking about what I would be like without my sister. Will I be as happy as before and know nothing as before?"

"Mr. Fisher, in the eyes of most scholars and magicians in Nali, you are a very talented person; in my eyes, you are an elusive mountain. But you are obviously such an outstanding person. People, obviously my brothers and their achievements are far less than yours, but they look down on you very much."

"What you don't know is how angry my father and brother were when my sister announced the legendary 'Universal Request' to the entire school during the Griffin Game, as if my sister was their property. , as if they have lost their face by doing so. I have no idea who they want to marry my sister and me to, and what they want in exchange for."

"I was just obscured by my sister's figure in too many invisible ways, so I really don't know what my sister and I are to my father and to Gedelin."

Fisher's eyes were a little vacant, and he seemed to recall the time when Elizabeth stood in front of the whole school and announced the "universal request" with a gentle smile, the seemingly glorious eldest princess,

A fatherless and motherless Nali orphan, a penniless poor boy, has been favored by a princess of a country, which simply meets all the prerequisites for a stereotyped tragedy in the drama.

But Elizabeth did not believe in tragedy. Rules and stereotypes were just shackles to her, so she used her own will to forcibly twist and destroy the railroad tracks leading to tragedy.

As Fisher said, people who enjoy favoritism are not worthy of being objective and impartial. This is the source of the contradiction in thinking.

"So. I just, just resent myself, resent myself for not being able to do anything."

"Actually, just now they, those female Chinese, just said some teasing words, but it was about my family, so I grabbed her and beat her out of control. In fact, it was completely unnecessary. I wanted to do it too much. It’s my fault that I vented my inner frustration.”

She sniffed and then raised her face. At this time, her beautiful cheek was swollen. Her right cheek had swelled at least a small circle compared to her left face. Her left eye was covered with bruises and she couldn't open it at all. Reluctantly, he narrowed his eyes to look at Fisher.

Obviously, the delicate lady of Nali would never be a match for the soldiers of Sardinia, let alone the apple of the eye of the perennially delicate Gedelin.

She was only scratched twice on the face, but nothing happened. Isabel was almost beaten into a pig's head. This was the result of being pulled away by other crew members just after the attack. It is estimated that Isabel will be demolished in a few more blows.

The dazed look on Fisher's face as she looked at Isabel made the tears in her eyes fall even more. She covered her face sadly, but suddenly she touched the swollen wound from the beating, which hurt her. He sniffed while taking in the cold air, not to mention how miserable it was.

"Ouch. Teacher Fisher, please stop looking. It really hurts."

Fisher was a little dumbfounded, and then he took out a jar from his arms, which contained a lot of powder made from magic materials. He got it from the wool of the rich woman Valentina.

"Don't cry. I'll carve a healing spell for you later and it'll be fine in one night."


"I am a student of the Great Magician Hailsen and the youngest senior member of the Narli Magic Association. Do you think what I say is true?"

Seeing Isabel nodding stupidly after being hammered, Fisher wanted to laugh a little. He shook his head, got up, and walked to the door of the room.

"Okay, I will help you carve magic later. As for now, you must have been awakened and realized how vulnerable you are. If you want to do more and not resent yourself in the future, just Work hard, after all, we all have a lot of room for improvement now, right?"

It was unclear whether Fisher said the last sentence to himself or to Isabel. After he finished speaking, he thought for a second and couldn't come up with an answer, so he had to say something more specific to Isabel,

"By the way, if you know you were wrong, go to the crew member who beat you up and apologize."

Isabel pursed her lips in frustration. Although her face hurt badly, she still nodded and said,


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