Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 338 113.Snow Fox Species

The next day, Fisher got up early. He simply cleaned up the stubble that had grown in the past few days, and also cut his hair with a fluid sword. This was not Saint-Nali, and there was no As a professional barber who specializes in serving people, he can only keep everything simple.

Fortunately, Fisher's foundation was pretty good. Even with his embarrassing technical support, he could still highlight his handsomeness. After cleaning up his stubble and hair, he reached out and poured some cold water on himself. On his face, all the fatigue of the past five days of engraved magic has been washed away, and he has returned to the resolute Nari gentleman of the past.

He took the towel next to him and wiped his face. When he looked up at the mirror in front of him, he saw a strange middle-aged man with thin hair holding his hands and looking at him expressionlessly. The man was wearing A kind of weird robe that Fisher had never seen before, but it was similar to the memorial robe he had seen before in the dragon race. It seemed to be a tradition passed down from the distant Dragon Court era.

For some reason, the moment he saw the strange middle-aged man in front of him, he recognized his identity. The person who had transferred from another world and the author of the Soul Completion Manual, Caleb Uzi.

Fisher faced this bizarre hallucination but did not panic. He just glanced at the Mediterranean hairstyle on the other person's head. For the first time, he realized that this guy was still bald.


Caleb Uzi, who was looking at him in the mirror, said nothing. Fisher continued to wipe his face. As the towel brushed his cheek over and over again, when he looked up again, only the hand holding his hands was left in the mirror. Towels were given by Nari Gentleman.

Yes, since the nosebleed in front of Hedilin yesterday, he has felt that his body has changed more and more drastically. It does not mean that it has become weaker, but that it has become weirder.

Yesterday, he was able to deceive Hedilyn and Emhardt, who knew nothing about magic, with the side effects of engraving magic, but he could not deceive himself in any case. The distorted soul and the increasingly intensifying hallucinations made him sometimes consider using it. The soul is used as a weapon to fight against Erwind, but when the train of thought has been running for a long time, he will break out in cold sweat after realizing it.

Thinking of this, Fisher sighed, rinsed the towel, wrung it out and hung it up before taking out the Asian Girl Completion Manual in his hand. The body of the Completion Manual was slightly warm, and the lines were shining with golden light. The illusory words also appeared before his eyes,

[Slime species research progress: 50%]

[Slime Society Research Progress: 37%]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the first and second stage rewards of biological research, and you have unlocked the first stage rewards of social research progress]

[Physique +5, Reproductive Ability +8, Self Status Checker x2, True Sight Ring]

[Self Status Checker: You will gain an in-depth understanding of various data of your body, but sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing, you understand. 】

[True Sight Ring: Legend has it that it is the proud work of the legendary craftsman Sedes of the North. A far-sighted businessman in the North was deceived by the despicable slime species and went bankrupt. When he came back again, he took this magical counterfeit relic from Sides, which could help the wearer see through the slime's disguise and identify their true identity, hoping to see through the slime's plan. . Unfortunately, when he went bankrupt for the second time not long after, the ring was also sold and its whereabouts are unknown ever since. 】


And the ability to reproduce? If you continue like this, you will drive me crazy before you are driven crazy by the Soul Completion Manual. Or is this the way you, a demi-human girl, use the Soul Completion Manual to induce people to fall?

Fisher's face was filled with black lines as he felt his body suddenly become extremely light and powerful. Now he felt that he could dismantle the entire building with his bare hands. The strong feeling of strength made him sigh in relief. He seemed to be regaining his strength. I have improved a lot in terms of levels, and I feel like I am almost reaching the eleventh level.

And what about the remaining rewards?

He first put on the ring of true vision that seemed useless now. The self-status checker was not a real item, it was just marked on the illusory interface.

Fisher was also a little hesitant about the so-called status tester. At this moment, he was like a terminally ill patient hesitating at the door of the hospital. He actually had a rough idea of ​​whether he had a serious illness, but after all, he didn't. If you confirm it, you can still escape the torture in your heart, right?

But Fisher finally decided to face it. He gently touched the word "use" with his consciousness. The next moment, after the Asian girl completed the manual, a golden light burst out, and the light swept across it quickly. All over his body, illusory words appeared one after another.

[Consumption of own status checker x1]

[Reader data has been obtained, your life data is as follows:]

[Life level: 10, reproduction level: 17, soul strength: 13]

Just when Fisher wordlessly moved his eyes away from the strange reproduction levels, he looked at the extra soul strength with some surprise. If they corresponded one by one according to the levels, did this mean that he His soul strength is much higher than his current life level? And it seems that although he has a little problem reading the Soul Completion Manual, it doesn't seem to be as serious as others like Philon. Why is this?

【Your current status is as follows:】

[Hunger for reproduction: 87%. It's really surprising that your reason can allow you to endure this. It's really admirable. But obviously, your body has reached the limit of endurance. What will happen next is really exciting~]

[Chaotic knowledge (soul): 66%. The soul is the essence of the self. The soul that is led to the truth by knowledge can enhance your abilities in a very short time, but it will also bring side effects that cannot be adapted to the self. 】

[Chaotic knowledge (creation): 3%. Magical creations such as Cardinals are part of creation, and creation represents self-exploration. Whether you should say it is a blessing or a pity, you still don’t understand this. 】

[Crazy cumulative: 37%. You have arrived at the door of madness and are continuing to deteriorate; your abilities will be greatly enhanced, your thoughts will change quietly, and the world will take on another terrifying appearance in your eyes. It’s hard to say whether it’s worth it, but I can see that you don’t regret it, and your humanity is quite clear (laughing)~]

In the past few days, Fisher did not forget to read the cardinal chip that the cardinal left to him. But to his great disappointment, it only recorded dozens of cardinal manufacturing methods, and the complicated drawings and theory gave Fisher, a layman in mechanics, a headache.

It doesn't involve any complicated theories, and the method of making a cardinal is given in no detail. But after reading it comprehensively, you don't know the principle of a cardinal at all. You just need to follow the steps above to make it. No wonder he didn't know anything when he asked the Cardinal. He just had to copy the cat and imitate the tiger. Unfortunately, the Cardinal's manufacturing conditions were too harsh. Before manufacturing, he had to make complicated equipment and prepare materials. After reading it, Fisher felt that he was not satisfied with it. Not helpful at all.

The only help that could be considered was a string of handwritten symbols or words left on the chip drawing, but it seemed that neither he nor Destiny knew what it meant, and Fisher probably couldn't recognize it either. He just felt that the symbols were similar to Caleb Uzi's text is somewhat similar. It says,


Fisher felt that the word looked like a noun, either "cardinal" translated into the words used by the real cardinal, or that it was the name of the real cardinal.

"Why did you stay in the bathroom for so long? Hey, you even shaved your beard, cut your hair, etc. Are you trying to hook up with a girl of the snow fox species again? Let me remind you first, in terms of morality I've already been tolerant of you, but those snow foxes can see your true thoughts. If you expose your eager thoughts and spoil the negotiation, it will be ruined!"

Emhard stood by the window sill, squinted his eyes and glanced up and down at Fisher, who had straightened up and became extremely handsome, and then spoke rather suspiciously.

Fischer shook his head while wiping his palms. Instead of answering Emhardt's question, he asked,

"Did Hedilin come over just now to tell us to go down?"

"Of course, a few minutes ago, I heard that the Swalizi named Balzac had gone down. I don't know if the lion-man has risen or not. You'd better hurry up. Heidilin said that the snow-fox species is very Arrive soon."

Fisher nodded, put on his suit jacket, and took the magic rings and jewelry he had engraved on him one by one. If there is a magician as sensitive as Fisher present, you will find out Fisher wore a layer of high-ring magic that shone with strange fluctuations like armor.

What Emhart said does make sense. This level of magic is completely for fighting. It is easy to think of the terrifying scene of Shivali and Nari using magic to attack each other from a distance on the battlefield, but for Er Erwende, Fisher only felt that dealing with him would be more difficult than winning a war between countries.

Seeing that Fisher couldn't wear the magic on his body, Emhard put other lower-level magic in sacks and prepared to distribute it to other companions for use. Emhardt was a little cautious about Fisher. He curled his lips, and the next second he suddenly looked out the window with emotion.

On the snow-covered road below, several carriages pulled by some strange creatures that looked like deer and horses were slowly heading towards the hotel. The carriages stopped in front of the hotel, and then the maid of the Turan family Under the welcome, several demi-humans with rather short stature wearing heavy clothes got off the carriage.

Those demihumans have short, inverted triangular-shaped ears on their heads, and the furry white tails behind them are even longer, hanging straight from under their clothes to the snow. Their height range is about one meter and four meters. It ranges from 1.6 meters to 1.6 meters, and the leading one is just over 1.5 meters tall and looks a bit miniscule.

The demihuman walking at the front was welcomed by the maid of the Turan family and prepared to walk towards the interior of the hotel. Just as he was about to move, his nose trembled, and then he suddenly raised his head and looked upstairs. He seemed to see someone looking at them through the window, but to his surprise, he only saw a square book above.

"Did I see it wrong?"

The leader of the demihuman race took off the hat and mask on his head, revealing his furry head like a fox. However, the hair didn't look smooth, but rather rough, connecting the eyebrows and ears to the face. There are several small white dots like falling snow in the position, giving the snow fox's fox-like face a bit of a strange feeling.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Behind him, a shorter woman also took off her mask and hat, revealing a snow-white fox-like face. Next to her big cyan eyes, there was originally a white face like falling snow. Her hair turned pink, making her look quite cute.

However, the older-looking snow fox in front just glanced at the female snow fox behind him and scolded her in a somewhat serious tone,

"Zuna, please call me clan leader outside."

The white snow fox species known as "Juna" stuck out her tongue and changed the hand of a small bamboo basket she was carrying. The bamboo basket was covered by a piece of cloth in her hand, but If you observe carefully, you will find that under the cloth, several pairs of watery eyes are looking out very curiously, or in other words, looking at the wheelchair girl who appeared at the door of the hotel.

"Miss Valentina Turan, please convey my most sincere respect to the Turan family for me."

Valentina rubbed the ring on her hand, and then said with a smile,

"Also allow me to express my welcome to you on behalf of my family. Due to special reasons, members of the Turan family cannot leave Snowflake Castle. Please forgive me, Chief Dar."

Patriarch Dar of the Snow Fox species nodded. Just as he was about to enter the hotel with Valentina, he suddenly felt something. He turned to look at Hedilin who was smiling behind Valentina. In Dar's eyes , a faint deep purple aura wrapped around Hedilin's body and was captured by him.

Although it was very light, Dahl could still tell that it represented "unwelcome" smell.

But the next second, when Hedilin found that the other party was looking at her, the smile on her face immediately became brighter, and the faint unwelcome smell disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Valentina asked Dar rather puzzledly,

"What's the problem, Chief Dar?"

Dar turned his head and looked at the strong green smell coming from Valentina's body. This smell represents "friendliness, sincerity and welcome". He shook his head and then said,

"Nothing, let's go in and have a good talk about the mark."

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