Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 493 110 Crown

Chapter 493 110. Crown

Looking at Hrel who had completed the transformation in front of him, Fisher's heart became uncontrollably hot.

With the addition of the desire for reproduction of the mythical rank, her words seemed not to be a simple word, but a temptation to commit a crime.

The burning fire of desire seemed to have turned into a pillar of fire to completely engulf Fisher.

At this moment, his consciousness was like a small boat struggling to float in the violent ocean.

The captain of the small boat howled in the heavy rain, faced the ocean ups and downs, struggled to support, and then shouted to Fisher,

"I can't hold on anymore!! I'm going to be sunk!!"

At this moment, his consciousness was like the artillery that was pushed to the front line during the war between Shivali and Narli. Facing a steady stream of enemies ahead, the artillery also shouted at Fisher,

"Commander! The enemy's attack is too fierce! I'm going to launch!"

To this extent, it is probably such an urgency.

But fortunately, Fisher was not an out-of-control beast. Faced with Heller's temptation, he was still able to control it.

At least not here.

He thought so.

So on the surface, Fisher looked a little embarrassed and avoided the beautiful Heller who was looking at him at the moment. His words took a long time to come out.

"Yeah, today is the same thing...Easter..."

Heller smiled and remained motionless, just looking at him, gauging his reaction.

"...Didn't I promise to give you a gift tonight? Go get it now."

"Okay, okay, where is it?"

Heller spoke.

"You should have noticed it on that camel, right?"

"No, after all, I'm not very keen on things like sacred objects."

".I didn't say it was a holy object."

Heller didn't panic at all when his lie was exposed, he just smiled naturally and said,

"This shows that we have a good connection and our guess is accurate, my dear."

Fisher didn't reply and just swallowed whole the remaining food that Karasawa left for him.

Then, without even having time to check whether he had eaten enough, he stood up and wanted to go with Heller to the previous house to get the gift prepared for her.

They walked down the stairs side by side and entered the dim but lively Utopia below.

The Utopia is full of residents walking, talking and playing with each other. At this time, thick branches rise one after another from the ground. The branches are connected to the ground, but like a faucet, they are constantly dripping some kind of crystal. of liquid.

The strong aroma of wine and the countless drunken residents throughout the country all indicate what the liquid dripping from it is.

I still remember that Fisher had entered Peach Gong's realm before, where they had seen the "shabby" tributes that Chun had provided to the Elf King - of course, perhaps for the Elf King, tributes without a large number of slaves to sustain his life were useless. It's shabby.

Among the offerings on Chun Shang was a kind of fine wine called "Rumu". I wonder if it is the kind of wine that residents of the Utopia drink now.

It is this kind of wine and excitement that embellishes the festive atmosphere, although Fisher does not know whether the festival in Margaret's original world is celebrated like this.

Seeing others drinking, Heller, who liked to join in the fun, naturally squeezed in and imitated them using pottery to receive two bowls of wine.

"Here, do you want to try it? It smells delicious."

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Fisher stretched out his hand, naturally wanting to take the bowl she was holding in her left and right hands, but to his surprise, Heller only gave him one.

Just when Fisher was looking inquiringly, she raised her free left hand and pointed it at Fisher's free right hand.

"Would you like to see if it's any different from before?"

What else could be different?

What a cunning angel.


Fisher thought so, but his words and actions held her hand very naturally.

He only felt that Heller's bare hands were as soft as before, but at this moment they seemed to be a little more burning like a ball of fire.

The burning heat was transmitted along the link between their hands, reaching Fisher's heart.

"Bang bang. bang."

He let out a sigh of relief, but that wasn't the end yet. She actually twisted her palm slightly until she closed her fingers firmly together.


The murmurs around him seemed to deepen at this moment with the contact of Heller. This may be the result of Fisher's mind moving slightly, but unlike before, he actually seemed a little intoxicated by it at this moment, and just wanted to follow along. The babble fell into an unknown place.

But fortunately, at this moment, Fisher and Heller, who were holding hands and walking towards the original house, finally saw the strange dromedary camel at the edge of the house. The sleepy camel looked at Herrel. Lyle's eyes immediately lit up, and he came over humming a song affectionately.

Heller smiled and touched its head, causing Fisher, who was holding a drink next to him, to complain,

"This guy was kissing me before, but now I see you are ignoring me. I really don't know why. Is it just because of eyesight?"

"Is it because I'm cute?"

"It's a female camel."

"Who says that females can't like me, who is cute? If Fisher were a female, I would also like you, because you are very cute."


Heller walked up the stairs leading to the door of the room first, and the replying voice came from inside the room. She only heard her say,

"It's great, they haven't come back, there are only two of us here."

After hearing this, Fisher reached out and fumbled with the small bag placed on the side of the dromedary in front of him, and then used his fingers to draw out the shining gem crown.

In the darkness, the light of the crown was so dazzling. Although he had no forging talent, even the gems on it were thrown in at will, but just like parents have preferences for their children and authors have preferences for their own works, Fei Scheer also felt that he was pretty good at forging.

He touched the uneven gems on the crown with one hand, then walked up the stairs and came to the dim room.

Heller was not in the living room, and faint sounds came from Fisher's room.


Fisher's throat surged for a moment. Holding the wine in his left hand and the beautiful crown in his right hand, he pushed open the half-covered door with his foot, revealing the back of Heller.

Fisher's bed faced the window, revealing the dim light of the moon outside.

The moon was dim and narrow, far different from the moon in his memory in later generations.

This reminds Fisher that this is not the future, but the past.

In the darkness of the room, she turned her face slightly sideways, letting the faint moonlight cast a shadow outline on her beautiful face.

It was at this moment that she raised the pottery bowl filled with wine. As her throat surged, the fine wine hung in the air and fell into her mouth.

After taking a sip of the fine wine, she blushed slightly, turned her head with a smile, and looked at the jeweled crown in Fisher's hand.

"Ah, how did you know that I like this kind of shiny things?"

"Do you like it? I don't know."

"Because I like everything you give me."

Fisher placed the wine glass on the table next to her, then raised the crown in her hand. Looking at the halo hanging crookedly on her head, which was different from other angels, she suddenly felt troubled.

Now that the crown is on, what should we do with the halo?

You can't occupy the magpie's nest and let it squeeze out of the way. It seems that this thing is quite important to the angel.

Fisher, who was undecided, tentatively raised the crown in her hand, and then the crooked halo on her head seemed to sense his movements, and circled around Hrel's head.

As the halo rotated, Fisher suddenly felt a suction, so he let go of the crown in his hand, letting the halo drag the crown to slowly float above her.

The halo seemed to be very happy and excited, spinning around the floating crown, and occasionally bumped it with his body, causing a little light to shine on the surface of the crown.

It wasn't until the halo surrounded the crown like a sun ring and changed to the same slightly skewed appearance on Hrel's head that she turned her head generously and let Fisher take a look at her beauty.

At this moment, Hellel is like a holy angel, the loving mother of believers, the morning light rising in the east, sending down God's grace to the world.

At this moment, Heller was like a beautiful wise king. Those blue-gold eyes seemed to contain the knowledge and mysteries of the entire universe, so profound that Fisher was eager to sink into them to find out.

At this moment, Heller was like an evil demon. That smile as intoxicating as fine wine was an iron hook from hell, tightly grabbing Fisher's soul and asking him to fall with him.

Seeing the dazzling Helaire wearing the crown in front of him, Fisher was speechless for a moment. After a long pause, he continued,

"The prototype of this sacred object was forged by Sorobato, but in the final process, I put gems into it to shape it. I didn't know it would be a crown before..."

At this moment, the desire has subsided slightly, and the next sentence may be sincere,

"But fortunately, it looks good on you."

Hellaire covered her mouth and chuckled. The halo surrounding the crown on her head tightened little by little until it was completely wrapped around the crown. Then, the originally lifeless gems above lit up with dazzling light in turn. It seemed that at this moment, the crown turned into a halo on her head.

On the bed, a bit of jade-like skin was exposed in her loose white robe. It was a jade foot that she stretched out. When Fisher's eyes were pulled away, she spoke softly,

"Thank you, I like your gift very much..."

"As long as you like it."

Before Fisher could finish his words, an extremely soft morning light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. The warm morning light enveloped Fisher like a cloud and pulled him towards Heller himself.

He didn't resist, and just obediently moved closer to her on the bed. This short distance was exactly where her fragrance hit her. Amidst her sudden alluring fragrance, her soft fingers began to gently trace Fisher's body, from top to bottom, ending at Fisher's waist.

"You're still wondering, dear"


Wherever her fingers touched, there was a slight itch, like an electric shock. For some reason, the feeling penetrated deeply into his soul, casting a dark shadow in front of his eyes, and the murmurs that began to ring in his ears. Made a companion.

Maybe when his mood fluctuates, the unstable factors in his body will become restless? Is that why he can feel this weird babble and the madness that erodes his sanity?

Fisher doesn't know the answer either. Since he woke up yesterday, his time has been stolen by Heller, the bad angel, until now.

"Yes, you are wondering about the reasons that brought us to this moment. This is the reason that is free from carnal desires. 'This is all just a pleasure, and she treats me as a pleasure', 'I will leave soon' "But she didn't care for her sake' and 'all this was driven by desire'."

As her words rang out, Fisher's heart quickened little by little.

"You don't know, although I hate predicting the future in advance, because there will be fewer surprises. But as far as you are concerned, I don't care whether I know the future in advance or not.

It was indeed the case. She suddenly seemed to not care whether the gift she gave was a surprise. If she had been looking at her for the past four days, she would have known that she would give him the camel and the crown, right?

If she really cared about surprises, why would she make a seven-day appointment with him in advance?

But there are so many secrets about her, and they seem to be buried deep in her heart forever, making her elusive.

The game that was not mentioned in the middle of the sentence, the reason why she helped him

She is truly an evil angel, but undeniably seductive.

In the dizziness and restless darkness, Fisher felt for the first time that he was being suppressed by a woman.

The rest of the world, the noise outside, everything in the Utopia fell silent, as if they had disappeared in the darkness under the moonlight.

It didn't seem to matter at this moment, only those blue-gold dilated pupils and a pleasant fragrance were filling his soul.

The next moment, Fisher felt her lowering her head and kissing his lips, as if she wanted to completely devour Fisher from there.


After the kiss, a silver thread connected the sound, and Heller suddenly spoke with such unclear meaning,

"You will be mine, it was destined from the moment you chose me, my dear."

Fisher didn't have time to reflect on her words, because he was soon pressed down on the moonlight quilt, making a little "squeaking" sound.


Fisher squeezed out a sound between his teeth, but the white robe that the other party slid down along the moonlight waterfall was so easy to silence.

The dazzling beauty bloomed at this moment, but Heller still lowered his head generously and let him look at it.

Under the foreshadowing of a familiar evil smile, Fisher's body was about to burn out at this moment.

But this was not enough. Heller shook his fingers and gently lifted the wine cup next to him. Some of the condescending jade liquid fell into her mouth, but more slid down her body.

The fallen nectar exudes rich deliciousness, making people want to taste it. Well, wine or body?


Fisher struggled unbearably, trying to break free from her grasp, but was unable to break through her defense.

Facing his request, Hellel did not refuse. She only stretched out her hands to him condescendingly, like an angel sending down the gospel from heaven.

At this moment, the crooked crown that seemed to be one with the halo gradually returned to its position, turning into an upright state, dispelling her looseness and spontaneity.

Bathed in the darkness, she smiled slightly and said,

"Give me everything you have, my dear."


Fisher gritted his teeth and couldn't bear it any longer and threw himself forward to ask for it. It was like falling into an intoxicating ocean and he would not stop until he was suffocated.

The night is not yet deep, the festival is still going on outside, and no one can notice a hint of spring quietly blooming in it.

"Mr. Fisher, let me get you a lottery ticket."

At this moment, a little girl ran out of the room panting and holding a basket full of Easter eggs. Who could it be if it wasn't Asuka Karasawa?

She seemed to have been looking for Fisher for a long time just now, because she didn't see him and Heller when she returned to the tower, so she came all the way here.

But when she got a little closer to the house in front of her, a faint sound came from it, causing her feet to dig into the ground like nails.

She opened her mouth, then froze on the spot, gasping for air.

It wasn't until a while passed that she pursed her lips and looked at the red-painted bird eggs in her arms and the smiling Easter bunny in her slit.

The rabbit laughed, but for some reason it seemed that the smile was too deep and the decoration on his face was too heavy, making it look a bit like

Well, clown.

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