Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 559 37 Meeting the mother-in-law

Chapter 559 37. Meeting the mother-in-law

Just as he and Rafael entered the garden of flowers, an extremely rich floral fragrance entered Fisher's nostrils. This building looks like a primitive garden rather than a man-made building. Everywhere you look, there are all kinds of flowers.

The colorful petals are in full bloom, but to Fisher it doesn't look cluttered. During this time, the sound of some children playing and playing came from nowhere. It sounded very far away, but from the small sound, it could be known that there were many children.

After Rafael and Fisher arrived at this world dominated by flowers, they did not move around rashly. After Fisher looked at it for a while, there was a white dragon in red clothes among the flowers. A woman came up to her. She seemed to be a waiter from the Ten Thousand Flowers Courtyard.

"Lord Rafael."

"Where is mother? I want to see her now."

The waiter glanced at Fisher behind Rafael imperceptibly. There was no surprise in his eyes, but he just replied to Rafael,

"Lord Yaliel is in the ancestral court. She has been waiting for Lord Rafael for a long time."


Rafael was slightly startled when she heard this, then she took a deep breath, paused for a second, then turned to Fisher and said,

"Come with me, Fisher."


The waiter did not follow them, but turned around and headed in another direction after reporting Yaliel's instructions.

"After my father was killed by humans, my mother was the person closest to me. She was a very wise and gentle dragon-like person who supported me when I was in difficulty and helpless. I am the only female among her children, and because of this, I have been training and hunting with my brothers since I was a child. She taught me the gentleness and kindness of women."

Watching the waiter go away, Rafael took Fisher to the gap between the flowers in the other direction. As she walked, she looked at the flowers around and reminisced, and couldn't help but share herself with Fisher. mother.

In fact, humans have thought deeply about what the so-called "partner" means more than once.

In Fisher's view, the mystery of the union of a pair of lives is that it closely connects two originally separate and distant trajectories after a certain point of contact. After that point, their life trajectories will gradually converge, and they will become a whole, supporting each other, trusting each other, and accompanying each other.

Their originally separated past will be reacquainted in a third-party way. When you hear about her past, it will also become your past.

In a traditional country like Kadu, the word "marriage" actually has multiple meanings. It also has another meaning: "to become one".

In Kadu, your partner's parents will become your parents and her sibling will become your sibling.

At this moment, hearing Rafael talk about his mother, Fisher also had some novel experiences.

Although this was not his first time getting married, due to Valentina's family reasons, such a normal experience was lacking in the Holy Marriage. Unexpectedly, Longting made up for it at this moment.

Why is it said to be a “normal experience”?

Because if you think about it carefully, except for Rafael, the families of the other ladies who have a relationship with Fisher either have no relatives or are basically all dead (especially Elizabeth), and then there are people like Jasmine, Whenever he met Fisher, he was certain that he would be stabbed.

"What about your brothers?"

"Two of them are still there, and all the others died in the battle. Those who died in the battle were those who had a good relationship with me. They believed in my ideals and were willing to fight for me, but I failed to protect them."

Speaking of this, Rafael's tone became slightly lower, and she continued,

"When my father was still alive, my mother had a total of thirteen children. After my father left, I led my tribe to migrate to Rimu Valley to establish the Dragon Court. My mother also had eight children; but after several years, She only had three children left, including me. I felt very guilty about this, so I didn’t dare to meet my mother for a long time because I was afraid she would blame me.

"Now she rarely pays attention to Longting's affairs anymore. She only concentrates on cultivating Longting's descendants and handling various symbolic rituals. She basically stays in Wanhuating and never goes out. And I don't dare to do it anymore. Tell her about the difficulties and dangers Long Ting and I are facing, let her worry. Fisher, when I see my mother later, about the upcoming war, don’t tell her to worry about it, just let her take care of herself here. Rest, okay?"

Fisher held her hand and apologized.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this."

She shook her head and said with a smile,

"You don't know, it doesn't matter. This is war, and I will die if I fail. It's no big deal."

Fisher could keenly feel the uneasiness in Rafael's words. It was obvious that this uneasiness was for the incoming Barbatos army. She had fought against Barbatos, and the past of being defeated by him was still vivid in her mind. Failure turned into fear, embedded in the shadow of her heart that she was unwilling to face.

But she hid this emotion very well, and even if it was captured by Fisher, it was only for a second.

".We're here, Fisher."

Soon, they passed through the dense sea of ​​flowers and came to a wide white hall.

At the end of the hall is a wall with neat depressions, and each of the square depressions is lit with a candle. Looking carefully, what seems to be burning in the candle are pieces of dragon scales of different colors. It seems that each dragon scale represents a specific dragon race, and the memory of it is retained here by the candle. Commemorated by future generations.

In front of the wall, there was a dragon-like creature standing quietly staring at the dragon-like creature in front of her. The dragon-like creature was dressed in golden dragon scales. Even though she was wearing extremely simple white clothes and white robes, she still looked dazzling without any jewelry. Shine.

In front of her long golden hair, a graceful but weathered face showed a little sadness.


"Rafael, you're here."

Hearing Rafael's words behind him, the slightly older draconian in front of him also turned to look at her with a smile. A slender golden dragon horn snaked on her head, and when she saw Fisher next to Rafael in the peripheral vision, a golden wave flashed.

"Hello, Aunt Yaliel, I am Fisher Benavidez, this is the first time we meet."

"Mother, this is what I said before, my suitable companion."

The scales on Rafael's body fell down little by little, and the tail behind him swayed slightly. These features all showed the authenticity of her words.

Yalier was stunned for a moment, and then the smile appeared on her face again. She looked at Fisher and said gently,

"Hello, Fisher."

She pointed to the table and chairs next to the candlestick, and then said,

"Please sit down, I've already prepared it."

Rafael was stunned for a moment, and soon learned about the pass that Yalier had prepared in advance.

"A long time ago. Wait, it's Kehir and Fahir."

Yalier covered her mouth and smiled and said,

"They were originally sent by me to watch you. You don't know how naughty you were when you were a child. Except for the ones you couldn't beat, all your brothers were beaten by you. How can you rest assured if I don't let them watch you? Although in the end They were also caught together with you. Although they are now your subordinates and no longer obey my orders, they are willing to tell me if I want to inquire about this kind of thing."

Rafael blushed slightly and shook his ears and tail in embarrassment. By the way, he stretched out his hand to brush the red hair around his ears in a very ladylike manner, as if to restore his image in his mother's mouth.

But he didn’t expect that Fisher beside him nodded in agreement and said to Yaliel,

"Indeed, I saw it early."


Rafael was so angry that she was about to burst into arrogance, but thinking that she was still in front of her mother, she only looked at Fisher angrily, and then said to Yaliel,

"Mother, after Kesillar and I were kidnapped by humans, it was Fisher who rescued us. It was thanks to Fisher that I finally returned to my hometown. He taught me a lot on the road. , helped me a lot.”

"So that's how it is, no wonder."

Yalier glanced at Fisher after hearing this, then she stood up and turned over to receive the drinking water. She did not continue the topic, but asked,

"Is the recent war in Longting going to calm down?"

Rafael was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,

"Ah, it's much better, but I still can't relax."

"That's good."

Yaliel placed two bottles of water filled with unknown leaves in front of Fisher and Rafael. Rafael took the cup and drank directly, while Fisher said He thanked me and took a tentative sip.

Mmm, sweet.

Yaliel, who was watching Rafael drinking water, smiled slightly, and then she looked at Rafael and Fisher in front of her, and suddenly an idea flashed, and she suggested with a smile,

"In that case, why not take advantage of this time to make a baby first?"


Rafael coughed violently, and the tea she drank instantly choked her throat. She slapped her chest while hot steam continued to come out of her body.

"Ahem. Ahem."

Even Fisher, who was raising his glass, was stunned on the spot. He blinked and looked at Yaliel, who was smiling in front of him with a very expectant look. Obviously, these words also gave him a big impact.

"Ahem, mother. Mother! What are you talking about?! Little. Little baby. Little baby?"

"Yes, cute little hybrid dragon baby. You have reached the age where you are ready to have children. Your brother and your sister-in-law had already given birth to four children when he was your age, but you didn't have any. How could this be possible? Okay?"

"Four Me."

Rafael's face turned red. She stretched out her paws and pinched her fingers. She didn't know what to say.

The tail behind her patted Fisher's waist shyly and restlessly, as if asking him to think of something.

Even Fisher did not accept such a span of thought.

You must know that before he came in, all his thoughts were preparing for his mother-in-law to accept him. Now the topic on this point has not even taken a step forward, and Fisher has not even had time to look at it. Knowing the difficulties and challenges he faced, the words "It's time for you to make a baby" hit Fisher in the face with a "pop".

What does it mean?

Have you passed the test? Does your mother-in-law accept you now?

For a time, thousands of thoughts flowed through Fisher's heart, but he really didn't come up with a suitable word.

"Why are you so shy? Oh, haven't you done this a long time ago?"

"Be me, mother."

"What about the time when Fisher came back? With the interest of our dragon race, you must stay together every day, right? Are you taking birth control?"


Rafael was completely speechless. Although he said before that Rafael has much higher defense than Renee, the problem is, who are you Renee? You have no defense at all. Of course, Rafael is much stronger in comparison.

But she is by no means an elder like her mother who has seen through the vicissitudes of life. Of course, she cannot say these things without changing her face.

"So, anyway, our dragon race can make children very quickly. It only takes a few months to give birth to a child. In this way, I can help you take care of it. What's more, Fisher is a human being. I I have heard before that it is difficult to give birth to a mixed-race child, let alone a child of dragon race and human being. In this case, how can we do it without giving it a try? I am afraid that by then it will be impossible even if I want to."

Yaliel's worries are of course unnecessary, because Fisher's reproduction level has already reached an unknown level.

If you really want to calculate it, if there were no reproduction restrictions of the mythical species, he would have reached the sky in one step under the "destruction" of disasters such as the demi-human mother completing the manual, and he would have just stared at this and that.

In theory, the objective conditions are completely allowed, but when it comes to giving birth to a child, Fisher feels that this matter is still open to discussion.

Think about it rationally, if Elizabeth knew that she had an heir with someone else, if Renee knew that she had an heir with someone else first, if Herel knew that she had an heir with someone else.

The picture was so beautiful, like a firework that was about to explode through the sky, Fisher couldn't even imagine it.

Therefore, since Fisher's reproductive level has increased to a certain level, he has always paid attention to contraception unless there is no such need.

Rafael herself was busy with other things now, so she didn't pay much attention to this matter. Anyway, at that time, she and most of the other women were basically out of their minds (with one exception), and they all let Fisher worry about these things. of.

Going off topic, Fisher glanced at Yaliel who looked expectant in front of him. He just wanted to use the current tense situation as an excuse to avoid this, but then he thought of Rafael's instructions when he came in, so he added The words change in the mouth.

He smiled and nodded and said,

"Okay, I'll try my best."


In an instant, there was the sound of a kettle being boiled by the high temperature next to Fisher. Rafael's face was flushed and his whole body was wrapped in steam.

Facing Yaliel's expectant gaze, Rafael lowered his head, stretched out his hand and gently hammered Fisher's shoulder, while whispering,

"I will work hard too"

In fact, behind Fisher, her tail was already poking wildly at Fisher's back. She was so embarrassed that she did this.

It's just that Fisher's body is already like an iron wall, and it doesn't matter if she moves up and down.

"Okay, that's good. Don't worry, you try it first. I still have some secret medicine passed down from my ancestors. I will bring it back to Fisher later."

Before she finished speaking, Rafael beside her quickly shook his head and raised his hands, saying repeatedly,

"Ha, for Fisher? No, mother. No, I still don't want it, I really don't want it! He has enough, no more."

Yalier was stunned for a moment, then smiled and held her chin, nodded and said,

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, as long as you are satisfied."

"Madam, I'm satisfied! It's better to say that it's a little bit less so."

The atmosphere here was unexpectedly harmonious, and even Fisher didn't expect that he would directly enter the conversation.

Whether Rafael's mother was too liberal or Gelsemium was just too stingy, Fisher couldn't help but wonder.

Of course he felt that Gelsemium was right, and he would not shamelessly ask Gelsemium to learn from Yaliel, otherwise he would really cut himself into pieces if he said these words.

But to be honest, the current atmosphere is very good. The kind and gentle Yaliel quickly made Fisher put down his guard and previous preparations, and then he and Rafael immersed themselves in this rare experience from relatives. In warmth.

"Da da da!"

"Rustling. Rustling"

At this moment, under the illumination of the candlelight on the wall, whose specific function Fisher did not know, a burst of rapid footsteps and the sound of shaking branches suddenly came from the sea of ​​flowers outside the ancestral court.

Yaliel got up and went to add water to Fisher and Rafael. Fisher wanted to do it for her, but Yaliel gently refused.

Rafael turned around and saw Kehir anxiously arriving in front of the ancestral court.

"Lord Rafael, yes."

But in the corner of her eye, when Kehir saw Yalier pouring water, her originally anxious tone changed slightly and became calmer.

"Rafael, I hope there is something in the tower that you need to deal with."

Fisher glanced at Ke Xier and saw the dust on her body. If he guessed correctly, this urgent message actually came from the military camp outside Longting, not from the Wishing Tower at all.

But Rafael must have followed through on his order not to worry Yaliel, but Hill kept this in mind.


Rafael was slightly startled when she heard this. She looked at Fisher beside her and Yaliel, who was pouring water behind her and had a puzzled look on her face. She seemed hesitant for a moment.

"What's wrong, Rafael, has something big happened again?"

"Not really, it's just some matters within the Dragon Court. Although it's not serious, I still have to go. I can't leave everything to Jasmine to handle, right?"

"That's right, Rafael. Jasmine has been heartbroken for us, Long Ting, over the years. She had nothing to do with all of this, she just gave it out of kindness and without regrets. You can tell me about this." Remember."

"Ah, of course I remember."

Rafael opened her mouth, the expression on her face looked slightly embarrassed, but she quickly adjusted her expression, stood up and said to Yaliel,

"Then mother, I'll take Fisher away first. We still have things to do. I'll see you another day."

"You just went, why did you take Fisher away? Is it possible that he can help you handle things in front of others? Besides, this is the first time I've met my son-in-law, and you haven't even told me the story between you. Woolen cloth"


Rafael glanced at Fisher, seemingly asking for his opinion.

Fisher glanced at Yaliel in front of him, and then he smiled and said,

"In that case, let me chat with Aunt Yaliel here. It's okay, Rafael."

Yaliel looked at Fisher happily, obviously liking what he said.

Rafael looked at Yaliel and then at Fisher. Such a harmonious scene made her let go of her worries little by little. She finally nodded and said to Yaliel,

"Then mother will ask Fisher to stay with you here. He is very knowledgeable and knows many things. He will not disappoint you. I still have some things to be busy with. I will come back after finishing them."

"Okay, go ahead, Rafael."

Yaliel smiled and nodded, and then watched Rafael follow Kehir out of the ancestral court, and slowly left the Ten Thousand Flowers Courtyard.

Fisher watched Rafael slowly go away, making the atmosphere in the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden become slightly quieter, leaving only the fragrance of flowers for company.

Fortunately, the gentle and considerate mother-in-law Yalier is not such an elder who is good at cold scenes and putting pressure on her. Her eyes slowly moved away from her daughter who was leaving at the end of the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, and then she looked at her with a smile. He turned to Fisher, who was still in front of him.

She gently pushed the tea cup soaked in fragrant leaves in front of Fisher, and then gently drew his eyes and attention back,

"Fisher, have some tea."

"Ah, thank you."

Fisher turned his head to face Yaliel across the table, humbly held the tea she handed him in his hand, and enjoyed the other party's courtesy in a very gentlemanly manner.

Yaliel also had tea in front of her, but she only took a sip and put it down. She put her hands on her thighs and watched Fisher quietly enjoying the tea.

After sizing up Fisher in front of her for a long time, until the tea he was drinking slowly was almost bottomed out, she suddenly said something,

"Fisher, I want to ask your opinion."

"You're welcome, Aunt Yaliel, please tell me, what's the problem?"

"How do you plan to deal with the intimate relationship between you and our priest Jasmine?"

Behind Yalier, all the candles on the wall swayed, as if they were trying to ignite all the elegant floral fragrance.

Fisher's action of putting down the tea cup froze slightly, and he looked blankly at his mother-in-law, whose smile faded and she looked straight at him.

At this moment, Fisher had only one thought in his mind: if, he meant if

If he said he wanted to leave with Rafael now, would his mother-in-law agree?

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