On the stone platform.

Uncle Dongyang activated the diamond carving to hide his figure.

Qin Sang waited for a while and felt even more strange when he saw Uncle Dongyang standing there motionless.

It seems that Uncle Dongyang has been here for a long time.

Dongyang Bo's status in Xiaohan Realm's righteous path is similar to that of the alliance leader. This time's destruction of Ye Laomo's plan is of great significance to the war situation. He did not rush over to meet and discuss strategies, but came here alone, which was very strange.

Qin Sang just began to suspect that there might be treasures hidden nearby. Uncle Dongyang found clues from ancient books and prepared to steal the treasures before going there, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

After a long time, Uncle Dongyang still did nothing and just stood there.

If he is waiting for the treasure to be born, he does not need to go to great lengths to deliberately hide it with his natal magic weapon, unless there is a protective spirit beast around the treasure.

Even Tianmudie almost ignored it, which shows how cautious Dongyang Bo is.

Qin Sang ordered Tianmudie to pay attention to Uncle Dongyang's movements, while she kept a distance from him, moved quietly, and observed the surroundings, hoping to explore Uncle Dongyang's purpose.

Meeting an enemy unexpectedly, and the enemy is visible and we are hidden, how can Qin Sang miss this opportunity?

So I immediately put away the fat chicken and waited to see what Uncle Dongyang was planning.

It would be better to take revenge. Even if there is no suitable time to take revenge, if there is a chance to destroy Uncle Dongyang's plan and take away the treasure he is targeting, he can also vent his anger. Qin Sang is happy to do it.

After looking around, Qin Sang found no other figures.

There is only Uncle Dongyang here.

Moreover, except for the presence of ancient forbidden areas on the two hills next to Qin Sang, there were no other abnormalities nearby, and there were no signs that a treasure was about to be born.

As a result, Uncle Dongyang's behavior seemed even more strange.

"What is he waiting for?"

Qin Sang was puzzled and decided to continue spending time with Uncle Dongyang.


A series of blood thunders fell from the sky and struck the mountain top one after another.

There were roars all around, but it couldn't cover up the dead silence and desolation here.

In a place like this, there were two strange people hiding in the dark. They didn't move for a long time, and they didn't know what they were waiting for.

Qin Sang was very patient, but he also began to wonder if he had seen it wrong. The white light is not a Vajra, but a similar magic weapon.

But we can’t let Tianmu Butterfly take a closer look.

Dongyang Bo's cultivation level is higher than his own, and he is not distracted by other things at this time. If someone spies on him, he may find his traces on a whim.

At this moment, a person suddenly flew from a distance.

Qin Sang kept staring at Uncle Dongyang and noticed a slight fluctuation in the white light. Then he noticed the uninvited guest. He turned around and saw a ray of light flying towards here from a distance.

"Uncle Dongyang is waiting for this person."

Qin Sang's heart moved.

Unlike what he expected, Dongyang Bo's purpose was not to hunt for treasure, but to wait for someone.

At this time.

There was an undetectable sigh in the white light, "You are finally here. I thought I had misjudged you before."

Then, the white light restrained itself, and Dongyang Bo restrained the fluctuations of Diamond Diamond, and flew down the rocks, hiding in a more hidden position.

"Could he be Uncle Dongyang's enemy?"

Seeing Uncle Dongyang's movements, Qin Sang's mind quickly went through the Nascent Soul cultivator who entered the Blood Lake.

The people who entered the Blood Lake this time were basically Nascent Souls from the Lesser Cold Region.

Uncle Dongyang was good at dancing, and he only had opponents with competing interests, such as Taoist Priest Chongyi, but this was far from a life-or-death situation. Qin Sang couldn't find an ally even if he wanted to.

When the man flew closer, Qin Sang discovered that this man was not Yuanying, but actually Gong Liangyu, the master of Shangyuan Qingjing Palace.

Qin Sang had seen him in Shiqu Mountain and recognized him at a glance.

"Why is it him?"

Qin Sang's face was full of astonishment.

Shangyuan Qingjing Palace has a profound foundation and ranks among the super sects. Unfortunately, in the past few hundred years, there have been no Nascent Soul monks among its disciples for several generations, which makes it somewhat unworthy of its name.

For this reason, Shangyuan Qingjing Palace had to choose a strong ally to avoid suffering losses when competing for interests with other sects. Because it had a good relationship with Shaohua Mountain, they advanced and retreated together with Shaohua Mountain.

The previous palace lord Tie Guanzi and the current palace lord Gong Liangyu are all like this. When Qin Sang was still in Shaohua Mountain, he met the seniors from Shangyuan Qingjing Palace, and they all called him Master Uncle or Master Uncle.

According to common sense, Gong Liangyu and Dongyang Bo should be very close.

Shangyuan Qingjing Palace and Shaohua Mountain have the same spirit, and I haven't heard of any contradiction. Uncle Dongyang's behavior at this time seemed to want to secretly attack Gong Liangyu, leaving Qin Sang confused and unable to guess Uncle Dongyang's intentions.

Gong Liangyu had no idea that he had fallen into the sight of two Nascent Soul cultivators. He held the wooden carving in one hand and the jade in the other, and flew closer. When he saw the two almost identical twin peaks, his face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

"Finally found!"

He flew down and landed between the two mountains.

Qin Sang quietly retreated some distance away from Gong Liangyu to see what Uncle Dongyang wanted to do.

With Uncle Dongyang's cultivation, there was no need for a plot to kill Gong Liangyu.

Of course, Gong Liangyu is the master of Shangyuan Qingjing Palace, has been inherited by the entire sect, and is a peak master of Jindan, so he must have means to save his life.

However, in a place like Blood Lake, there may be restrictions.

Perhaps this is the reason why Uncle Dongyang chose to take action here.

Seeing the joy on Gong Liangyu's face, Qin Sang couldn't help but lament for him in her heart.

When he landed on the ground, Gong Liangyu was very vigilant, but he couldn't have imagined that there would be two Nascent Souls plotting against him.

"Twin Peaks, this is it!"

Gong Liangyu raised his head and looked at the two peaks around him, which were exactly the same as the description in the message.

"Here we go north for more than ten miles and we will reach the place. After I get the blood sesame grass and conceive a baby, why do I need to look at other people's faces?"

Gong Liangyu seemed to be recalling some unpleasant past events, with a sneer on his lips. He couldn't wait to get on the Escape and gallop towards the north.

Qin Sang didn't move where he was, then he saw the white light where Uncle Dongyang was hiding, and he followed Gong Liangyu and flew away.

After waiting for another moment, Qin Sang set off.

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole stalks behind.

However, Qin Sang couldn't figure out Uncle Dongyang's intentions and couldn't make a decision for a while.

Dongyang Bo killed Gong Liangyu, probably with the intention of annexing Shangyuan Qingjing Palace.

Swallowing Shangyuan Qingjing Palace not only greatly increased the strength of Shaohua Mountain, but also Dongyang Bo obtained the secret skills of Shangyuan Qingjing Palace, making it more difficult to deal with him in the future.

Due to emotions and reasons, Qin Sang could not sit back and watch Dongyang Bo kill Gong Liangyu. Saving the man would not only break Dongyang Bo's wing, but also leave him with a mortal enemy.

Thoughts flashed through his mind one after another, Qin Sang remained calm and stayed far away at the end.

Not long after, Gong Liangyu at the front stopped.

In front of Gong Liangyu, there was an ordinary hill, but there was a cave at the bottom of the hill. The inside was blood red, and blood mist was constantly coming out from inside, which was quite strange.

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