Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1950: Passed the Examination


The rapid sound of horse hooves was heard on the road, the dust was flying, and three fast horses were galloping towards them.

The villagers of Qipai Village who were enjoying the coolness under the tree couldn't help but think of the previous chaos when they saw this scene.

It is said that Chen Xiucai was attacked by his enemies and almost went to jail.

The villagers immediately became nervous and stood up one after another. They looked across the river and saw that the three men were reining in their horses outside the bamboo forest and were about to turn into the bamboo forest.

"Ah! No, something is going to happen again!"

An old man slapped his thigh, his face full of anxiety.

So does everyone else.

Their respect for Chen Xiucai comes from the bottom of their hearts, not just because of Chen Xiucai's character.

Chen Xiucai opened a school in Qipai Village, and Qipai Village reaped real benefits, allowing generations of farmers to see the light of day.

At this moment, I saw one of the three people holding a gong high and banging it hard.

The three of them got off their horses and tied them to the roadside. They beat the gong and shouted as they walked, "Please come out, Mr. Chen. Congratulations on graduating from high school!"

The cry reached the other side.

"High school? What high school?"

"Ouch! I remember San Gouzi said a few days ago that Chen Xiucai went to take the exam again. He has won the exam! He is going to be an official!"

"What kind of official is Xiucai?"

The villagers were all talking, and more and more people were alarmed by the sound of the gong, and trotted to the school to watch the excitement.

Outside the school.

"Good news for your master Chen Taozhenqing. He ranked first in the high school provincial examination, won the first prize in the Guiban, and topped the gold list!"

The three of them smiled and handed over the newspaper.

Chen Xiucai stretched out his hand to take it, his expression was the same as before when he failed, there was not much emotion, he just sighed slightly.

Mrs. Chen came out with Chen Xiucai. The couple had the same mind. They gently held her husband's hand and whispered to the bookboy, "Mingyan, go get the wedding money."


Mingyan went away happily.

It seems that it was expected that Chen Xiucai would go to high school this time, and the Chen family had already made preparations.

The school was soon crowded with people inside and outside, and everyone was beaming with joy and gathered around asking for wedding money.

Not only the villagers of Qipai Village, but also the noble families of Qinggui Town and Jinxian County arrived one after another, and even the county magistrate came to express his congratulations in person.

Even without the relationship of the second assistant, Chen Xiucai, as Jieyuan, is basically certain to pass the Jinshi examination.

The excitement lasted until night.

The next day.

Xinke Xie Yuangong did not stay at home to entertain relatives and friends. Instead, he ordered wine and food to be sent to Qingyang Temple.

In the attic.

The food and drinks are set.

Xiaowu and Yulang were waiting on the side.

"Now we can't call him Chen Xiucai, we have to call him Master Chen."

Qin Sang toasted Chen Zhenqing with a smile.

"Taoist master, please stop ridiculing me. Chen himself knows how much water this Jieyuan has."

Chen Zhenqing took a sip of wine and sighed.

"It's not a bad thing to get through high school. This is the first step to advance. Brother, I can finally show off my ambitions. Why bother?" Qin Sang shook his head slightly.


After not drinking much wine, Chen Zhenqing seemed a little drunk and her eyes were blurry. "Teacher is old. Although he has returned to the court, he sometimes feels that I am not treated as such. Among the teacher's disciples, I am not outstanding and I have been idle for many years. When it comes to being an official or dealing with government affairs, he is far inferior to others and cannot help the teacher in any way."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "I have already thought about it. If I am lucky enough to be named on the gold medal, I will ask him to be sent to the border counties. Once I serve as an official, I will benefit the country. I just hope that a hundred years from now, there will still be people who remember the name Chen Zhenqing. !”

As he said this, he glanced at Yu Lang and Xiao Wu, "Chen will soon take his family to Beijing to take the exam. After this separation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back. The only thing I miss is these disciples."

Yulang's eyes turned red.

Xiao Wu sat quietly next to Qin Sang.

Over the years, they had been getting along with Chen Zhenqing day and night, and this friendship was not so easy to let go of.

Qin Sang saw Chen Zhenqing's thoughts and smiled slightly, "Brother, if you want to say anything, you might as well say it clearly."

"Can Yulang be allowed to take over the school?"

Chen Zhenqing's words shocked Yulang.

"Ah I?"

Yulang didn't expect that the master would hand over the school to him, so he stood up and pointed at himself.

"There are indeed many people who want to succeed Chen, and there are many people with real talent and learning. However, how can they hide their thoughts from me, I am afraid they will not be willing to stay in the countryside and be a wife. Yulang's His character, knowledge, and talents are obvious to all, and he is worthy of being a teacher! If he had not been unwilling to serve as an official, we, the master and the disciple, would have been on the laurel list together and become a good story!"

Chen Zhenqing looked at Qin Sang expectantly.

Qin Sang is Yu Lang's real master. If Qin Sang refuses, nothing will happen.

At this time, someone seeking medicine entered the Taoist temple.

Qin Sang helped the case stand up and said to Yulang: "I will not interfere as a teacher. Think carefully about whether you can afford it."

Two years later.


The sound of reading is loud in the school.

Waves of cool wind blew through the bamboo forest, taking away some of the heat. Yulang, who had become a master, toured the Meng School and climbed up to the bamboo tower.

There were sounds of arguments coming from the bamboo tower.

It was not a quarrel, but a group of talented people debating the meaning of scripture.

Although Chen Xiucai left, the number of students in the school has not decreased. Even the talented people in the county prefer to come here to recite poems and write ink.

"Brother Yulang is here, come and give us a review!"

Seeing Yulang, everyone crowded around him.

Yulang was in charge of the school. Although he was a master, he was similar in age to most of the people present, so they called each other brothers.

After finally escaping from the crowd, Yulang walked towards the window.

Xiao Wu sat there, holding his chin in his hands, looking out the window.

She exudes a cold temperament that makes people afraid to approach her.

After that incident, Yulang clearly felt that there was always an invisible barrier when the senior sister faced outsiders.

However, the State of Yan did not allow women to take the imperial examination, so the senior sister's old friends left the school one after another, and fewer and fewer remained.

Fortunately, the senior sister did not become disheartened and closed herself off as before and still stayed in the school.

I hope senior sister can come out.

Yulang sighed secretly and took out a letter, "Senior sister, a letter from the master has arrived. The master invited himself to be released and went to Shanyang County, Zhongning Prefecture, Luzhou to serve as an official."

"Shanyang County, which borders Daliang Kingdom?"

Xiao Wu took the letter and read it carefully.

"Well! After the tragic war decades ago, the Yan State and the Daliang State were almost taken advantage of by the surrounding countries. They recognized the situation clearly, agreed to a truce, and recuperated each other. Tonight, the monarchs of the two countries are not warlike people. , although Shanyang County is on the border, there should be no serious problems. Moreover, the master still has the protective jade pendant we gave him. I am going to ask Yu Chenghuang to contact the ghosts and gods of Zhongning Mansion and help him if necessary. "

Hearing that Yu Lang had thought everything over, Xiao Wu said no more.

When school ended, the two of them returned to Qingyang Temple as before, carrying their book boxes and facing the sunset.

When passing Qipai Village, the villagers greeted them warmly, and some asked when Yulang would go to take the exam.

Yulang was hesitant to speak. After walking out of Qipai Village, he hesitated and said: "Sister, I heard the news about Meng Yusu today."


Xiao Wu looked over, his expression unchanged.

"Meng Yusu seems to have gone crazy. The Meng family moved out of Qinggui Town and went somewhere unknown. The master has cured many crazy diseases. The Meng family must have no shame in asking the master for medicine."

Yulang snorted coldly.

After that incident, they did not specifically inquire about Meng Yusu's whereabouts.

It is said that Meng Yusu was taken away by the Yamen that year and never appeared in the school again. I don't know when he was released. He must have suffered a lot.


Xiao Wu responded calmly.

Yulang really wanted to ask his senior sister what she thought of Meng Yusu now, but her lips moved, but she didn't ask in the end.

Return to Qingyang Temple.

The Taoist temple was empty.


Qin Sang was on the ground, sitting cross-legged on the main altar.

Thunder light surrounded him, and electric snakes swam around him.

The most eye-catching thing was that underneath Qin Sang, the inside of the main altar turned transparent, with countless thunders intertwining and lightning flashing inside.

Inside these thunders, there is a spot where the light is the most dazzling. Looking from the outside, only a light spot the size of a dragon's eye can be seen.

The light spots seem to have infinite changes.

And this light spot is the mysterious thunder talisman that Qin Sang has never been able to understand, and it is also the core of the entire main altar!

‘Bah! ’

‘Boom! ’

The main altar and the ground were shaking.

Inside the main altar, there is a world composed of thunder, lightning colliding and devouring each other, a doomsday scene that never stops.

Suddenly, Qin Sang cast a seal, recited a sentence silently, and a bolt of lightning shot out from his fingertips.

Lightning struck the main altar beneath him and penetrated straight into it.

With one move, the whole body was moved. As the lightning broke in, the already chaotic power of thunder completely rioted.

After the lightning struck, it did not disappear.

One end is always connected to Qin Sang's fingertips, and the other end stirs the sea of ​​thunder inside the main altar.

Qin Sang held the lightning bolt in his hand, like a musician strumming the strings. The power in his hand changes regularly, and the lightning fluctuates with it.

In this way, the lightning trembled and slowly moved toward the core of the main altar, gradually approaching the light spot.

Seeing the lightning getting closer and closer to the light spot.

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, he dispersed the lightning on his fingertips and made a 'pop' sound.

At the same time, the main altar suddenly shook wildly.

The power of thunder seemed to have finally found an outlet to vent, and it followed the lightning and poured out of the main altar!

Qin Sang was the first to bear the brunt, but luckily he was prepared.

His body floated in the air, his hands turned into thunder palms, and his palms faced the thunder. The two thunder lights met in his palms, regardless of each other.

Both palms pressed down slowly but firmly, and finally pressed against the main altar, finally suppressing the power of thunder.

The thunder suddenly disappeared, and the earth fell into darkness.

Qin Sang floated down, looked at the main altar, pondered for a while, and murmured: "It still needs some heat."

Then, his lips moved slightly.

on the ground.

Luohou curled up on a huge futon.

It had been sleeping almost all these years, but today it was awakened by Qin Sang.

Taiyi also followed Luohou's example and occupied a side hall for retreat to consolidate his cultivation and was awakened at the same time.

‘Uh-huh! Uh-huh! ’

The two demons escaped into the ground and saluted in unison.

"Greetings, sir!"

"See Sir Envoy!"

Qin Sang nodded and looked at the two demons.

There was basically no restless aura on Taiyi's body.

As for Luohou, it would have taken a long time to seize a new body and temper it from scratch.

With the elixirs given by Qin Sang and collected by the Great Demon of Lianxu, Luohou has made rapid progress during this period. It can be said that he is changing with each passing day. I believe that it will not take long to return to the original state.

"You go down the mountain now and do one thing."

Qin Sang flicked out a flash of lightning.

The electric light exploded in front of the two demons, manifesting a picture, which was mainly composed of light spots.

This is exactly the formation of the altar that Qin Sang calculated by understanding the main altar.

The most eye-catching one represents the main altar, and the rest are the directions of the sub-altars.

"You all work separately and use this formation map to find all the branches!"

Qin Sang said in a deep voice.

His calculation is not completely correct, and there may be omissions. Next, he will let the two demons verify them one by one. He will continue the deduction here.

The reason why it is impossible to reach the 'light point' is because of the lack of formation diagram.

After getting the complete altar formation map, Qin Sang was confident and started to repair the main altar!

Qin Sang waved his sleeves and flew out a few streams of light, "There may be some altars in Yundu Mountain and Muluo Mountain. Luohou, you are not good at escape, so bring Dixingzhou with you. Taiyi, your body is a talisman, By activating the thunder talisman, you should be able to control all the power of the thunder talisman. With these self-defenses, you can cope with any situation unless you encounter a Void Refining monk."

"As you command!"

Seeing that Qin Sang attached so much importance to it, the two demons did not dare to show any signs of neglect. They kept the formation diagram in mind and followed the order.

After flying out of Qingyang Temple, the two demons discussed briefly, one east and one west, and escaped separately.

Qin Sang walked out of the main hall. Yulang was closing the Taoist temple and quickly called Master.

Qin Sang said: "In the past two years, you have been a good example to others, and your temperament has become much calmer than before."

Yulang didn't expect that his master would praise him, and he was almost stunned. He was a little shy and could only giggle, completely destroying his calm temperament.

This apprentice was the one who cared most about Qin Sang among all the apprentices. He stayed with Qin Sang every day since he entered the Immortal Sect, and even specially prepared elixirs for him to take medicinal baths.

To a certain extent, Yulang has benefited from Xiaowu, otherwise he wouldn't be much better than those senior brothers.

The disadvantage is that Yulang basically only deals with mortals.

He has never experienced in the world of immortality, and has never experienced the life-and-death fights and intrigues among immortality cultivators. His experience with Qin Sang is the two extremes.

He has always been under Qin Sang's wings, always has a child's heart, and is distracted by various distractions. If it were not for the support of the medicinal bath, it would be impossible to practice at such a fast speed.

Qin Sang asked him to settle down, which would also be good for Yulang.

"This is a foundation-building pill, which is enough for you to break through. During this time, you can settle down in the school and concentrate on foundation-building."

Qin Sang took out a jade bottle and said, "After you break through, you may have to retreat frequently as a teacher, and Qingyang Temple will be taken care of by you."

Yulang was happy at first, then surprised, and solemnly took the jade bottle, "This disciple will definitely live up to Master's expectations."

"Go ahead."

Looking at this apprentice, Qin Sang was thoughtful.

After building the foundation, it’s time to choose exercises for Yulang.

Yulang's experiences over the years were all seen by Qin Sang. He did not give up Yulang's idea of ​​learning martial arts, but also wanted to see if he could eventually figure out something.

Of course, not now.

After possessing a certain level of cultivation, if Yulang's enthusiasm does not diminish, there will be a glimmer of possibility.

However, since Yulang is obsessed with martial arts, is it more appropriate to take the path of body training? ()

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