Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1954 Planning

Faced with this question, Qin Sang still gave the same answer.

"Everyone who enters the Taoist temple for consultation will be treated equally."

Yin Heqian looked slightly relaxed, thanked him, and gave orders to come in.

Everyone from the Yin family filed in and lined up in order of severity of symptoms.

The most seriously injured was a young man, his whole body was stiff and his eyes were stained gray-white. He was held in front of Qin Sang, his eyes were dull and his expression was dull.

If this person hadn't still had a breath left, he would have been mistaken for a dead body.

Yin Heqian stood aside, watching Qin Sang treat him, and said in a deep voice the whole story: "Last night, a branch of the Yin family sent a talisman letter to report that a talented junior suddenly disappeared, and it was him..."

Pointing at the young man, Yin Heqian continued, "That branch sent people to search for it on their own, but to no avail. My daughter also took people there, and later found traces in a cave. I received the flying book and realized something was wrong, so I rushed there At that time, my daughter and the others were exploring the cave, and sure enough, an accident occurred. At first I thought they were poisoned, and I tried all kinds of elixirs, but all failed. This gray-white air would initially be parasitic between the eyebrows, and my daughter accidentally contracted it..."

Yin Heqian looked at his daughter.

Yin Qiaoer stepped forward, her appearance had not changed much, and her behavior was much calmer than when she was in Jin County. She saluted Qin Sang and told her feelings.

When first hit, there is only a faint gray air between the eyebrows, and there is no obvious feeling. It will suddenly explode after a period of time.

The onset of symptoms varies from person to person, and may be related to the degree of infection.

After hearing this, Qin Sang stood up and looked directly into the young man's eyes.

The next moment, the young man's eyes slowly moved, his pupils opened, he stared straight at Qin Sang, and his mouth opened slightly.


The young man suddenly screamed, startling everyone.

The scream was more frightening than the most piercing scream, like the scream of an evil spirit. At the same time, he shook his head vigorously. The two people around him changed their support from support to suppression, and almost lost their hands.

The sudden change chilled the hearts of everyone, especially the Yin family members who had also been tricked. Everyone looked panic-stricken, fearing that they would end up with the same fate.

There was a hint of joy in Yin Heqian's eyes. He could tell that the change in the young man was related to Qin Sang, which he had not been able to do before.

This trip can be regarded as an urgent medical treatment.

Yin Heqian knew that even if he brought these people back to the Yin family, it would be difficult to find the root cause of the disease, and he would have to seek help from the outside world.

He also made friends with several alchemy masters.

But this gray energy erupted too quickly, and it was feared that before the invited people arrived, including his daughter, they would already be ill and there would be no way to save him.

When I was anxious, I remembered Taoist Master Qingfeng from Qingyang Temple and came to ask for help.

At this time, Qin Sang stretched out his fingers, cast a spell to imprison the young man, and touched the young man's eyebrows.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath, only to see Qin Sang's fingertips press lightly, and then slowly pull away his hand.

Following his movements, a gray-white light group appeared between the young man's eyebrows.

A ball of light emerged, and the young man's expression suddenly became extremely ferocious and terrifying, his eyes widened, and blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Qin Sang remained unmoved and continued to cast spells.

The light group was gradually forced out of the young man's body, and countless white light filaments appeared on the young man's face. One end of the light filaments was connected to the light group, and the other end was rooted in the young man's body.

Finally, the light group completely separated from the body, and the light threads were torn off. This scene was like tearing off a ferocious mask from the young man's face.

In an instant, the young man regained his composure, tilted his head and fell into a deep sleep.

His breath was still weak and his vitality was severely damaged, but his skin gradually regained some color.

"What is this?"

Yin Heqian looked at the ball of light in Qin Sang's hand with confusion on his face.

The light ball was pulled out, but it was still restless. From time to time, a human face appeared, with distorted features, roaring at Qin Sang, comparable to the most ferocious evil ghost.

"It's just a ghost."

Qin Sang said.

Yin Heqian was stunned. He didn't expect that the thing that made him helpless was actually a Yin spirit.

The Yin spirit can also be regarded as a kind of ghost, born in the evil place, but this Yin spirit is obviously unusual and has never been heard of before. After all, the Yin spirit itself also has all kinds of strange appearances and magical powers.

"This thing is extremely ferocious. It can parasitize in the depths of the soul and merge with the parasitized person's soul. After devouring the host, it may leave the body to find a new host, or it may occupy the magpie's nest and continue to occupy the skin and disguise itself as a host. Even those who are close to it will find it difficult to detect it. However, if you know the details of this thing, it is not difficult to deal with it."

Qin Sang observed and analyzed, "Such a fierce Yin spirit is rare in the world. Generally, only places with great evil can give birth to such Yin spirits."

"Is it a dangerous place? Dad, that might be an ancient battlefield."

Yin Qiaoer interjected.

Yin Heqian nodded lightly, "Yes, although the location of that cave is now inaccessible, before the founding of the Yan Kingdom, it had gone through many dynasties and had always been a battleground for military strategists. There are countless corpses buried underground. However, There was no abnormality before, but suddenly such a strange evil spirit was born. Could there be some hidden agenda?"

"You have to check it out to find out if there is anything hidden," Qin Sang said lightly, closing his palms together, he imprisoned the Yin spirit into a ball and threw it to Yin Heqian.

Yin Heqian caught the ball and hesitated to speak. He wanted to ask Qin Sang to come out and help with the investigation, but seeing that Qin Sang didn't seem interested, he had to swallow his words.

"Get rid of the Yin spirit. This person's vitality is only seriously injured, and there is nothing serious. Just take medicine to clear the Yin energy and restore his vitality," Qin Sang said, walking towards the second person.

"I would like Taoist Priest to refine some elixirs for them," Yin Heqian said quickly, worried that something might go wrong if he did it himself.

Next, Qin Sang removed the Yin spirits for everyone one by one.

Everyone was able to save their lives, and their expressions were not as solemn as before.

Yin Qiaoer regained some of her lively demeanor and walked to the other side of the altar table, "This must be the Taoist Priest of Yulang Village. He has changed so much that I almost dare not recognize him. Sure enough, he is a genius. After not seeing each other for just a few years, he is already a... He’s a master of foundation building.”

Yulang said he was ashamed.

Yin Qiaoer rolled her eyes, looked at the young man named Shi, and asked curiously: "Who is this fellow Taoist?"

"My surname is Shi."

The young man surnamed Shi took the spirit liquid and immediately suppressed the toxins in his body, and his complexion returned to normal.

"Fellow Taoist Shi should not be a monk from the nearby Yan Kingdom, right? Otherwise, Yin must recognize such a young talent as Taoist Friend."

But Yin Heqian also paced over.

Facing the leader of the clan, Patriarch Yuan Ying, the young man surnamed Shi could still remain neither humble nor arrogant, and replied: "Before the Taoist Master entered Qingyang Temple, I was saved by the Taoist Priest."


Yin Heqian's eyes sparkled, and his expression became more enthusiastic, "It turns out that he is an old friend of the Taoist Priest. Disrespect! Disrespect!"

Qin Sang's origin is mysterious.

Yin Heqian wanted to visit several times but could not find a reason.

After what happened today, Yin Heqian valued Qin Sang even more, but he didn't dare to be too abrupt, and he didn't know what Qin Sang was taboo about.

The next best thing is to make friends with this young man named Shi, which might be a breakthrough.

The young man surnamed Shi secretly glanced at Qin Sang. Seeing that the other party did not respond, he did not mind pulling the tiger skin and coughed lightly: "I am just a person asking for medicine. It is normal for the Yin family master not to recognize me. However, I I have long heard of Master Yin’s illustrious reputation and have admired him for a long time.”

"In front of the Taoist priest, don't talk about your reputation, it will only make people laugh!"

Yin Heqian laughed heartily.

"Indeed, it is not necessarily a good thing for a big tree to attract the wind," the young man surnamed Shi agreed.

Yin Heqian's smile suddenly dropped, and he looked at the young man named Shi, "Fellow Taoist Shi seems to have something in his words?"

"Master Yin thinks too much, and I just feel it. There are endless conspiracies and intrigues in the world. Master Yin is responsible for the rise and fall of the family and has a heavy responsibility. It would be better for me to be as comfortable as a wandering cloud and wild crane." The young man surnamed Shi shook his head and turned around and said, " Xiaowu, Yulang, it’s getting late, it’s time for me to go.”

"Brother Shi, be careful on the road."

Yulang quickly sent the young man named Shi off to the Taoist temple.

The closeness between them was noticed by Yin Heqian.

The words of the young man named Shi flashed through his mind, and Yin Heqian turned to look at the clansmen haunted by ghost spirits, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Yin Qiao'er stood behind him, watching the young man named Shi, thoughtfully, with a flash of doubt in his eyes.

Soon, the Yin spirits in all Yin family members were stripped away.

Qin Sang sat back at the desk and picked up the pen, "Master Yin, is it cash settlement or accounting?"

When asked about the number, Yin Heqian twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Please give me a day of grace, Taoist Master, and I will send you the spiritual stone tomorrow!"

In the ground.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged and fell into meditation, and did not move for a long time.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, he waved his sleeves and opened the restriction, "Come in."

‘Uh-huh! Uh-huh! ’

Two figures escaped into the ground and saluted together. They were Taiyi and Luohou.

The two demons went out to find the altar and returned safely.

Taiyi presented a jade slip, "Master Shijun, this is the location of all thunder altars!"

The content in the jade slip is revealed to be a formation diagram.

It is slightly different from the formation map deduced by Qin Sang, but the difference is not big. The task of the second demon is to correct these errors.

The terrain and terrain are also marked on this formation map, which is the work of Er Yao over the years.

Qin Sang looked carefully and saw a total of eighty-eight sixty-four altars, which coincided with the number of Bagua, but the distribution did not follow the rules of Bagua.

The entire altar formation stretches from the edge of Yundu Mountain in the east to the bank of Muluo Mountain in the west, looking at the Fire Domain in the north and the waterfront in the south.

I don't know how many coincidences there are, but it basically matches the area where mortals were active at that time.

Qin Sang tried to reflect the altar array into the main altar, and immediately felt that the altar array was accurate!

Counting the main altar, there are a total of sixty-five thunder altars, and finally all of them have been found!

Qin Sang couldn't wait to understand, and with the formation map as confirmation, it went much smoother, but soon encountered another problem, and realized that if he wanted to truly restore the main altar, he must first restore the entire altar array!

While meditating on the main altar, I repair the sub-altar at the same time. They go hand in hand and complement each other.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it reconstruction.

Among the sixty-four altars, except for the three that he restored, there are only two that are relatively well preserved. Most of them have been lost in the years, and no trace can be found.

Time is still running out, and the resources required to rebuild the fifty-nine sub-altars will be an extremely staggering amount!

Thinking of this, even Qin Sang felt a little stretched.

Fortunately, the main body of the main altar is still there. It only needs to be repaired rather than rebuilt. Otherwise, Qin Sang can't even think about it now. I'm afraid it won't be enough to empty Yundutian.

Letting the two demons go up to rest, Qin Sang fell into deep thought.

Now that we have come to this point, it is imperative to restore the altar formation. I can only leave the mountain and go to Yundu Mountain.

After receiving the news, I left the seclusion almost immediately, flew directly to Yunding City, and successfully met the Lord of Yunding City.

After explaining his purpose, Qin Sang handed over a jade slip with various spiritual materials listed on it.

Even though Qin Sang only listed part of it, the Lord of Yunding City still frowned.

"Is there any difficulty for the city lord?" Qin Sang asked.

The Lord of Yunding City put down the jade slips and said, "Although these spiritual materials listed by the Taoist Priest are not unique treasures, they are all valuable, and the number is not small..."

Taoists often build dozens or hundreds of altars. Except for the main altar, they will definitely not use extremely rare materials.

Qin Sang never thought about collecting them all at once, "There is no need to rush, how much can the city lord take out now?"

The Lord of Yunding City shook his head and said: "If it were some time ago, I would have tried to collect as much as possible for the Taoist Priest, but now it is extremely embarrassing."


Qin Sang's eyes flashed, "Did something happen?"

The Lord of Yunding City said vaguely: "Today is different from the past. Now there is a serious shortage of spiritual materials and elixirs in Yundu Mountain, unless the Taoist Master is willing to pay several times the price in exchange."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "I remember that the Taoist Master is proficient in the art of weapon refining?"


In this regard, Qin Sang does not need to be modest at all.

"Can I refine spiritual treasures?" the Lord of Yunding City asked.

"The city lord should understand that spiritual treasures cannot be obtained overnight. Refining a spiritual treasure requires countless time and energy," Qin Sang reminded.

"It doesn't matter, you can temper the magic weapon and make it into a pseudo-spiritual treasure. As long as the Taoist Master is willing to open a furnace and refine the weapon, you can refine as much as you want. The reward will definitely satisfy the Taoist Master!"

The Lord of Yunding City pressed the jade slip, "These spiritual materials are no problem!"

Even if the Lord of Yunding City didn't say it clearly, Qin Sang could guess that such wealth and wealth must be Yundutian's handiwork!

Based on the foundation of Yundu Mountain, within the sect, there is definitely no shortage of pseudo-spiritual treasures in the hands of monks in the transformation stage.

There are also pseudo-spiritual treasures to be refined, and the more the better, either for consumption or to be prepared for Nascent Soul monks.

In the fire domain, the undercurrent is surging, how can it be hidden from Qin Sang's eyes.

He looked at the copper pillar again and again, but couldn't see anything.

Unexpectedly, this thing was so valuable that not only Luohunyuan was interested, but Yundutian also participated in the fight with great fanfare.

It's not enough to send the God Transformation monks into the Fire Realm. We are preparing to send out the Nascent Soul monks. Are the two major forces going to go into full-scale war?

It’s an opportunity to peek into the background of both parties!

Qin Sang was thoughtful.

For him, it is also a good thing. Taking this opportunity, he can build the branch altar faster.

However, I need to devote some energy to refining weapons.

Refining fake spiritual treasures is no more cumbersome than spiritual treasures. According to the wishes of the city lord of Yunding City, they will provide both the magical treasures and spiritual materials. There is no need to pursue sophistication, as long as the power is better than the magical treasures.

In the battle between Nascent Soul monks, fake spiritual treasures can take advantage.

With Qin Sang's ability, he can do it easily.



I just came back from my hometown and got home late. ()

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