Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 30 One Year

one year later.

The soldiers were very fast. King Dongyang gathered the soldiers and horses of King Zhenshui and merged them into one place. They conquered Yingnan County in just one year. The army pointed directly at Pingshan County, Zhaoming County and peeked at Xitai County.

After King Dongyang launched an army to attack the puppet emperor, the puppet emperor's court was forced to mobilize troops southward and was unable to suppress the situation. The four northern counties that had shown signs of stability fell into chaos.

If King Dongyang successfully captures the three counties of Pingshan, Xitai and Zhaoming, he will be able to encircle the three counties of the imperial capital.

The false emperor's court has no way out and can basically be declared destroyed.

Pingshan County, Jiangzhou, and Ning County.

A large part of the victims who fled from the north to the south stayed in Jiangzhou. Unexpectedly, just after their peaceful life, Jiangzhou would also be affected by the military disaster and they would have to flee north again.

Not only the victims, but most of the local people in Jiangzhou also chose to leave their homes.

The passing of bandits is like a comb, and the passing of soldiers is like a grate.

For ordinary people, besides running away, how else can they survive when natural or man-made disasters strike?

There is a long queue winding on the avenue.

Qin Sang was sitting on a stone by the roadside with a grass stalk in his mouth. He had worn straw sandals under his feet, and he was wearing coarse cloth with patches all over his body. His face and hands were pitch black, his eyes were dull, and his hair was unknown. It had been a long time since I washed it, and there were strands of it, exuding a rancid smell.

The water monkey Zhou Ning and another man were leaning against the stone, dressed similarly to Qin Sang, and they were three refugees who shared the same fate.

This man's name is Zheng Kun. He has studied martial arts with Bai Jianglan for many years. He was also one of the people Qin Sang met on the boat. Now he joined the Blood Clothes Building like Water Monkey and became Qin Sang's subordinate.

This year, Qin Sang adhered to his principles and did not make many achievements, but his intelligence was accurate. Several key intelligences helped the army break through the border, and his name was also registered with the prince.

In addition, there is a princess covering him. In just one year, he climbed to a high position in the Xueyi Tower. He is now one of the deputy hall masters of the military altar. The position of the hall master has been unresolved and was reserved for Qin Sang.

Qin Sang raised his head and looked at the sun, counting the hours silently. His seemingly dull gaze was actually always focused on the gate of Hening County.

This road leads all the way to Duling County in the south. There are groups of refugees on the road, not only from Hening County, but also from Duling County along the road.

King Dongyang's army was divided into two groups. The army on the west route was led by King Dongyang himself. Under his command were the main force of King Zhenshui and the soldiers and horses recruited from Yingnan County. They had already achieved considerable results in Zhaoyang County.

However, the army on the east route was stopped at the foot of Duling County. They had been facing off against the puppet emperor's defenders for two months and could not advance even an inch.

Duling County has a dangerous terrain and has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. It is known as the throat of Pingshan County and Jiangzhou.

With the capture of Duling County, the entire Jiangzhou can no longer be defended. As the largest and richest state among the three states of Pingshan County, once Jiangzhou changes hands, it means that Pingshan County is not far away from falling.

The puppet emperor mobilized his troops like crazy, and the entire Pingshan County army pressed against Duling County. The army attacked dozens of times, but all failed, with countless casualties, so he thought of a plan to build a plank road to cross Chencang secretly.

The military tents under the city remained unabated, and the siege momentum continued. Late at night, they quietly separated the two armies, dispersed into the mountains and forests, sneaked through the mountain trails, penetrated into the hinterland of Jiangzhou, made a surprise attack on Hening County, and stared at Jiangzhou City.

Hening County is in the hinterland of Jiangzhou. Now the entire Jiangzhou military force is concentrated in Duling County, leaving the state and county empty. Once Hening County is defeated, the defenders in Duling County will be in a dilemma.

There are many mountains and forests in the south of Jiangzhou. Xueyilou has already discovered the route, so the chance of success of the surprise attack is very high.

The strength of the two partial divisions is already very considerable. If the Duling County army insists on not returning for reinforcements and simply continues to replenish its troops, defend Hening County and loot supplies, it will also make them uncomfortable.

Qin Sang took Zhou Ning and Zheng Kun into the refugee team. His mission was to rush to Hening County as quickly as possible, control the situation in Hening County, and strive to cooperate inside and outside when the two groups of surprise troops arrived, and open the gate of Hening County. , and captured Hening County in one fell swoop to avoid chaos.

Hening County was obviously on guard. The Minzhuang and government officials in front of the city gate acted as if they were facing a powerful enemy. Their swords never left their hands. Once unidentified refugees approached, they were shouted away, let alone enter the city.

"It's almost the end of the day, why doesn't that guy Liu Ji come?"

Qin Sang heard Water Monkey complaining and looked down. Water Monkey was thin and had a broken arm. Coupled with his clothes, he couldn't be more miserable. He looked more like a refugee than a refugee.

Since losing his arm, Water Monkey's temperament has become much more stable, so Qin Sang agreed to accept him as his subordinate, but after all, his nature is hard to change, and he still likes to talk a little bit about everything.

Water Monkey knew the rules, so Qin Sang didn't reprimand him, and said: "Wait for another hour, Old Zheng, go and keep an eye on the rich households who are giving porridge. You must enter the city before dark."

Liu Ji is from Xueyilou. His ancestors are from Hening County. He separated from the Liu family when he went out to do business. After joining Xueyilou, he was arranged to return to Hening County to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, and lurked in Hening County with some people.

Qin Sang rushed to Hening County this morning and immediately sent out a coded signal, asking Liu Ji to pick them up into the city. The latest time agreed was Wei Shi.


Zheng Kun grinned, rolled on the ground and got up, hunched over, limping into the queue of homeless people, waiting in line to give out porridge.

Qin Sang felt that sitting on the stone was a bit conspicuous, so he jumped down and sat on the ground, letting the water monkey keep an eye on the city gate while he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He blended into the ranks of refugees and kept traveling day and night, seriously delaying his cultivation.

Qin Sang knew which was lighter and which was more important. Although things were complicated after joining the Blood Clothes Building, he never stopped practicing and barely slept for a whole year.

This year, Qin Sang has been wandering around the battlefield, hiding on the outside and letting Yama collect the souls of the dead.

However, Qin Sang didn't know the depth of the Jade Buddha, so he didn't dare to let the King of Hell go. Every time he collected a certain number of souls, he would take it back.

With a steady supply of soul pills, Qin Sang has made rapid progress and has now reached the peak of the second level. It will not take long to break through the third level of "Netherworld Sutra".

As for the "Ming Wang Gong", Qin Sang tried several times but failed to produce true energy, which confirmed Qin Sang's guess that the "Qi" produced by "Netherworld Sutra" is not the same thing as true energy and internal force.

Since practicing internal strength would take up time to study the Netherworld Sutra, Qin Sang had no choice but to give up.

"Soul Seizing Spear" and "Shadowless Step" have been constantly refined, and now his attainments are not low. In addition, he has also selected several martial arts. He can be regarded as a first-class master without the Yama Luo Banner.

At this time, Qin Sang suddenly heard heavy footsteps approaching him. He opened his eyes alertly and saw a man also disguised as a refugee.

When the man came to his side, Qin Sang frowned and asked in a low voice: "Zhang Wenkui, I didn't ask you to follow General Wang closely, why did you leave privately?"

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