Ask The Dao

Chapter 298: Dong Chen

Donghai County, Linyungang.

This is one of the few deep-water ports in Dongchen. Two pieces of land stretch out into the sea like horns, forming an excellent shelter.

It's the one-year trade season. I don’t know how many ships set off from this port to the East China Sea countries and the South, bringing a steady stream of pearl agate and ore yam, which quickly turned into a huge amount of wealth.

It's just that at this time, the real upper-class figures in the port have a haze in their hearts.

Bei Yan went south, although the main attack was on Qing, but Dong Chen was also disturbed.

In addition, the turmoil that occurred in Dongchen was not less than that of Qing Dynasty. For example, when the capital of Qing Dynasty was broken before, Zhengyang Dao masters came out to kill in Dongchen. It is even rumored that even the king of Dongchen was attacked. Panic.

In the Nine Years of the Clouds, the national celebration was turbulent, and the heavy pressure fell on Dongchen.

At this point, no matter how much money he makes, the businessman's face is rarely happy.

"Oh... the rain is coming!"

In a chamber of commerce, Gongsun Xiaobai stared at the sky and sighed.

The Gongsun family is a powerful family in Dongchen. Once Dongchen is precarious, it will inevitably affect its foundation.

"The family has secretly transferred its staff to the south...but I heard that Beiyan has changed its national policy since the death of the previous generation of kings, and began to win over major families, so the family elders are ready to wait and see again..."

This kind of aristocratic family has luxuriant branches and its roots are in Dongchen. Does it mean that you can move away?

Even if Dongchen died, the latecomers had to compromise with them if they wanted to consolidate their rule!

It was Beiyan massacre before and had to leave, right now? But it seems there is a turning point.

"My son! Everything has been done, everyone is on the boat, clear water and healers are ready, and the secret guard of the clan is accompanying..."

A steward came and saluted respectfully.

"Is that so? That's good... Since it's going to the south, the gift must be prepared! The road on King Jing's side has been opened up, and the vassals below cannot ignore..."

Gongsun Xiaobai ordered.

Before the war in the South, trade was affected for a while, but King Jing quickly calmed down and soon recovered, even more prosperous than before.

However, when he thought of King Jing's identity, Gongsun Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Ten years ago, the incident of the east side of the port was immediately vivid.

It can be said that he has friendship with King Jing.

He even went to sea with the other party to Izumo Trade.

Although it was pitted, but now that the Fujiwara family has risen and defeated the Ping family, it can't be regarded as a pit. Instead, it smells like jumping out of the fire pit.

As for later, when the opponent occupied the cloud and took the position of the monarch in the cloud, Gongsun Xiaobai was also a little envious.

Even if he is a family prince, the real strength he possesses may not necessarily have a real county king.

After that, the opponent cut the demon kun, defeated the coalition, and was named Zhendonghai, formally leaving a group of peers behind him, and immediately it was Long Fei nine days, out of control.

By now, impressively, it has unified the south and is called the "king of Jing"! Ning, Yue and other countries all surrender!

"The other party is only twenty-seven years old, isn't it? This is really... how should people talk about it?"

Gongsun Xiaobai dismissed the job and gave a wry smile.

If he had the thought of comparing before, now he has no thoughts.

The king in the south is like the sun that turned out to take away the brilliance of all the young people of this generation, making it almost impossible to look directly at it.

Even if it was him, it was only relying on a little old relationship with Xiong Hei and other subordinates to follow the path of Jing Country and transfer some property and clansmen by the way.

Although his family has roots in the East, it is like a big tree and cannot be moved without authorization, but it is proper for him to take refuge in some side branches.

"When Beiyan destroys Qing Dynasty, it should be Dongchen next, right?"

Gongsun Xiaobai sighed: "I don't know how the family will choose in the end?"

For aristocratic families, all national honors are imaginary, and only their own interests are worth protecting at all costs. It is even more common to bear the burden of humiliation.

Gongsun Xiaobai had already guessed what choice he would make if Beiyan defeated Dongchen.

"However, as the general trend is going down today, King Jing took the lead in unifying the south and took the lead!"

While thinking about it, there were bursts of exclamation outside suddenly: "Ship! There is a boat!"

"It's just a boat, what's the name of the ghost?"

Being interrupted by his thoughts, Gongsun Xiaobai frowned and walked out of the study.

"My son, there are so many boats on the dock!"

A steward came rushing forward with a panic expression: "It's a troop carrier!"


Gongsun Xiaobai's expression froze: "I haven't heard of any actions by the navy?"

"It's not Dongchen's, but the southern warship!"


Gongsun Xiaobai took a breath and hurried out to the dock.

I saw the majestic fleet, like clouds, slowly entering the port, and a group of sturdy soldiers came down and lined up.

Boom! Boom!

Heavy footsteps sounded from outside the dock.

It was a team of Dongchen soldiers, maintaining order: "At the order of the lieutenant, the port is temporarily requisitioned and martial law is enforced. You and others will immediately return to their homes. No mistake!"

‘This news... Why didn’t my family know before? ! ’

Gongsun Xiaobai's eyes widened and he could see clearly that the ship that came was the ship of King Jing from the south!

A bad feeling rushed all over the body instantly.

Looking at the soldiers coming to drive the crowd, he waved his hand and returned to the house with everyone.

It didn't take long for a senior manager to come back and salute: "The son...has already inquired clearly. These county soldiers are also very confused, but they just received the military order today to come and join the friendly forces!"


"Yes, the king borrowed troops from Jing Country, and King Jing personally led an army of 100,000, which is right here..."

The steward wiped the sweat from his forehead, trembling and authentic.

"Didn’t King Jing send General Xiang Wuji to the north and lead one hundred thousand troops to assist the Qing Dynasty?" Gongsun Xiaobai is indeed a wise man. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately understood: "Ok... The plan! The monarch...the monarch no longer trusts our family!"

As far as King Dongchen was concerned, all the military officials below could be surrendered, and Beiyan wanted to stabilize his rule, but also to win over the family.

But he alone has nowhere to go!

Therefore, it is quite normal to take over Duan Yu's olive branch.

Duan Yu’s conditions were more lenient than those given to King Wu Yue, and King Dongchen could still continue to maintain the country’s community and act as a blessing, but only recognized a suzerain country.

Give up righteous status and get reinforcements. This business can be done.

However, for Gongsun Xiaobai, it is a very dangerous signal that the monarch's borrowing of troops is such a big event that his family has not heard any wind before.

"The monarch... hasn't trusted our aristocratic family anymore? Or simply doesn't trust the Gongsun family?"

Gongsun Xiaobai felt that he was about to fall into the abyss.

Suddenly, listening to the neat footsteps outside the door, he suddenly realized: "King Jing's Northern Expedition, the situation in the north has changed drastically... I am afraid that my family will have to change some strategies."

At least, he still has some relationship with Duan Yu and must be fully utilized.


Barracks, Donghae County.

"My lord, Pioneer has set up camp, and the prefect and lieutenant of Donghai County are asking to see you outside!"

Qin Feiyu bowed.

"Let them wait!"

Since he was here, Duan Yu didn't care about the attitude of the Dong Chen group.

In front of him, a grand map of Dongchen was laid out, marked with a lot of marks and arrows.

"For the Qing Dynasty, Xiang Wuji led the 100,000 army northward, backed by Tianhe, and had Qing Guo as an ally. He didn't want him to defeat Beiyan, as long as he dragged Yan Kuangtu's main force!"

Duan Yu pointed to the direction of Qing Dynasty.

After the troop movement is over, he will let Yuan Rokuro lead the navy to support flexibly, which is also the meaning of being a supervising army.

This time Jing State sent 300,000 troops, among which there were also high and low.

The one hundred thousand army led by Duan Yu's family is a true direct line, with the best training and equipment. It is also the capital of King Jing directly to defend the throne.

This time, all of them were taken to Dongchen Donghai County, and he personally led them.

And the one hundred thousand army led by Xiang Wuji was the vassal coalition of Jing State and fifty thousand support provided by Yuehou.

In addition, in the end there was Ning Hou Yuechao, who led Ning's 50,000 soldiers, plus 50,000, or 100,000, of the southern Allied forces, crossing the lower reaches of the Tianhe River and entering Dongchen.

The three-way army was expedition to the north, and the second-way was directed at Dongchen, which shows that Duan Yu's true center of gravity is not in Qing Dynasty at all.

At this time, his 200,000 army is in Dongchen, and he can break all tricks with his strength and crush all conspiracy and tricks, and he is fearless.

"At this point, the 200,000 army of lone relatives is to completely punish Dongchen and make Dongchen king completely surrender!"

Once this was done, Duan Yu would definitely claim the emperor outright.

The weight of the ancient righteous name is incredible. Once occupying more than half of the world, and then worshipping the sky and proclaiming the emperor, it will become a sweeping trend, and all rivers will return to the sea.

"How is Dongchen's situation now?"

After thinking about Duan Yu asked again.

"Before, a large number of Zhengyang Dao masters combined with Daxia to assassinate Dongchen's high-level staff. People were panicked... However, Zhengyang Dao master did not personally take action. Dongchen King was only frightened and never injured..."

Qin Feiyu thought for a while, and said, "Now, Beiyan has his own way to attack Wuzhou in the northern part of Dongchen. Once Yan Kuangtu pacifies the Qing Dynasty, it will be difficult for Dongchen to resist! And in Dongchen's country, the situation is also difficult to resist. It's not stable. The aristocratic families have their own ghosts. There are very few people that the Dongchen King can control, but he finally holds a part of the military power!"

"Fortunately, it's not a waste. Otherwise, wouldn't it be too bad for Dongchen to be entrusted to him completely?"

Duan Yu smiled, and looked at the map, with a bottoming in his heart.

"Beijing's main force is celebrating. With Xiang Wuji and a hundred thousand army, it will be difficult to clean up for a while. Our Founder can take this opportunity to chase the North, first ping Dongchen, and then reject the Huren!"

Since the Beiyan swallowed the grassland, it has almost swept the northern land, and its morale is on the rise.

Therefore, if you give a head-on attack and stop his arrogance, the battle can be fought.

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