Assassin Farmer

: 105 Spring is boundless

"I feel very good? Um?" On the winter morning, Lin Siyu was holding a sweet and soft little woman on a warm bed. It was busy for a few days. It is rare to have a morning.

I didn’t scrape for a few days, I had already drilled the chin of the dense scorpion, and gently rubbed the white cheeks of Su Shui. In these few days, he was so busy that he could barely touch his feet. Only when the night falls, he can return to the room and hold her Enron. Go to sleep.

"Well, Xi Cui is pregnant, Tian Niu is going to marry." The most important thing is that Long Xiyue is like her, and Lingbi comes from another time and space. In these few days, when they get empty every day, they gather together to talk about the pasting time of the past, exchange their childhood, youth, and memories before.

Su Shui-soo caressed his warm chest, and the soft voice conveyed her feelings of relaxation and joy.

"No. It is a winter festival. Labor said that with the first year of the child, sacrifices and sacrifices cannot be simplified. Moreover, there are still full moons for most of the month, and the full moon feast must be prepared early. There is also Chinese New Year, this year. There are a lot more people, and Situ’s letter says that he will come back,...” He began to explain why he had not been on her side to stay with her for a few days. But his words are not finished yet, but he listens -


She couldn't help but laugh. Very weird feeling is not it? A man who looks like a cold iceberg, but his mouth is flowing out of a long list of trivial arrangements for ordinary people.

"How?" He picked up his sword and held her in her arms, seeming to punish her for not focusing.

He was able to interrupt him and laugh at the scene after he had no news. Unforgivable.

He turned over and pressed her under x. Although the doctor confessed that there was no full moon, he couldn't *room, but it was OK to impose a fine penalty.

"Oh... Auntie..." Su Shuizhen suddenly softened in his powerful punishment. He deliberately oppressed her delicate red lips until she breathed in a rush of gas, only to gently release her imprisonment.

"Looking at me again next time will make you heavier." He vomited hot air in her ear. After a word, I finished my mouth and admire her shyness. This little woman is already the mother of two children, and she is still so shy.

"Well, I can't afford it, the babies are about to feed." Su Shui-soo pushed his body, but he couldn't push him away, but he hit him in the second wave.

"Don't feed them." He caressed her after a long night's brewing, which was swollen and full of cockroaches. She is his, even if she shares her softness, it is their common child, and he is jealous.

"Auntie... don't..." She could barely bear the daring ** he had.

Although the two have done more intimate things, yes, it is morning, and the winter is Chen Yang. Through the thin cotton curtains with pink and purple flowers, the interior is clearly seen. The children who sleep in the **** should also wake up quickly and need to change the diapers to feed them. In the outer room, Chunlan Baihe should have been waiting for himself to be summoned.

"Don't move" Lin Sizhen on her, grabbed her rejected hands and stopped to calm down the fire of the lower abdomen. God, he is doing this to punish her for teasing her, obviously punishing himself. I want but can't...

"'s wrong?Where is it uncomfortable?" Su Shui sees him as if he is painfully closing his eyes and panting, nervously stroking his chest. The hot body temperature is hot and she almost exclaims, "Auntie, are you having a fever?"

"No" he replied with a bite. "Woman, don't move any more." His voice was a little hoarse, trapping her hands and motioning her to stop licking his weak will, and the high arrow that was ready to go could not afford her soft touch.

"Auntie..." Su Shuiqi just wanted to ask, but was shocked by the stiffness of the hot belly, and let her instantly understand what he meant. What is not to move. Because of her twisting, his arrogance became harder and hotter.

"Auntie, I... how can I help you?" She moved gently and moved. Has it been for a few months? Since she was pregnant for six months, he has not wanted her anymore. It has been more than two months since I counted the days.

Before pregnancy, I was worried about the child in my stomach. Now I am afraid of hurting her unhealed body.

"You..." He looked at the shameful little wife in front of him, but she understood what the men needed to help at this time?

"I don't know what to do, but... can you teach me? Is it... I don't want you to be so uncomfortable..." She suppressed her inner shame and her cheeks, and braved her courage to look at him. Complex but shining eyes.

Just as she was ashamed to see him, and when he turned his head and wanted to give up the decisive decision that had just emerged, he reached out and grabbed her head. "No proposal by the wife, no husband, should not resist, isn’t it? ?". There was a little smile in his low words.

He leaned on the bed, raised her, and sat on his two feet gently, and the weak body leaned against him, holding her little hand and holding his huge stagnation. "Like this..." He taught her to release his hot **** by hand.

"Well..." She learned his movements, gently holding the sliding stiffness, and hearing him a plausible ****, turning his head to look at him doubtfully, but did not want to crash into his unfathomable eyes. In addition to the usual quietness and tranquility, there is still a fiery heat. It seems that she has risen violently because of her actions.

Thinking this way, Su Shui went to the heart of his shame, let go of his courage, and helped him solve his physical needs according to the movements he taught her.

He is her husband, he needs it, she does not help, is it because he wants to force him to find other women? No, she doesn't allow it. She will not give him a chance to touch the tenderness of other women. Never will

"Oh..." This time, his **** she did not miss it. Does this mean that he is satisfied with her oysters?

Lin Shi looked at her little wife who suddenly became enthusiastic and brave. The dense sweat on her forehead, the impulse of the lower abdomen for a while, clamoring for her, imagine the scene of her own body sprinting in her body. In her smile, she couldn't help but scream again.

"Well..." He grabbed her little hand with one hand, staring at his stiff, faster and faster, and the other hand holding her white tenderness hanging over her chest.

"Ah... Auntie..." She suddenly felt a rush, almost not falling on him. Holding his stiff little hand tightly, he couldn’t help but continue to rub and accumulate a few months of feelings. After a spurt, he spurted out the milky white ****, sprayed on her hands and body. Even individual splashes on her face...

"A... Auntie..." She sat squatting on his ****, watching his avatar shoot a stream of heat, slowly hanging down in the middle of his leg, never seen this scene Her, really let her return to God.

"Is it ugly?" Lin Si saw her expression. She laughed and took the cloth towel in the low cabinet at the bedside, wiped all the faces on her face, and then gently embraced her.

"No... not... I... I don't know how..." She whispered. The little face hangs lower, nest in his arms, I don't know how to face him. Looking back on my own boldness, the blush on her face is even worse, and her head is buried lower.

"Oh... you said you want to help me." He enjoyed her sweet and fragrant body and automatically retracted into his arms. "Or, do you regret it?" he asked faintly. If Su Shuiqi looked up at this time, he would clearly see his flashing smile in his eyes.

However, she was buried in his arms to reflect on her own waves, only to hear the indifference of his words.

"No, no..." She hurriedly retorted. "I just feel that I am too debauchery. Hehe..." When she said this, she was even more ashamed to be herself. Covering his cheeks, he refused to get up and look at him.

"But I like it." He raised his lips and sighed on her forehead. "I hope that you in front of me are unscrupulous."

"But...but don't you think that's it too arrogant?" She asked lowly. Since I was a child, I have accepted the graceful and decent behaviors of the people, and have not yet accepted the teachings of the mortuary matters that the mother had performed before her big marriage. I came to this time and space and married my life. Therefore, she has no time to know that life is a **, in the squatting thing, what kind of understanding needs to be...

"As long as you do it to me, I am happy." Lin Si licked her earlobe and spit it gently.

"I don't want to let me go?" She blushes and asks again.

"Hey, let's just say, today, you enthusiastically let me be surprised, but also make me happy... leeches, between husband and wife, don't have to think too much. Idealism..."

Just love. He said that idealism is good. Is that right? So, in the future, if she wants to kiss him, can she hold him to kiss? If she wants him not to get up so early, and more than her bed, will he agree?

"How? Don't agree?" He saw her frowning, but she was questioning his words.

Feeding a woman, don't be too tempted. In order to alleviate her rare courage to release the humility of his ****, he gathered all the words in his mind to comfort her, and convinced her face, saying that she was with her. Listen, she actually has this expression

"No, I am thinking of you, can you understand... I want to do anything?" For a long time, she slowly spit out a sentence.

"Oh, yes..." He couldn't understand what she meant, but since it wasn't because he questioned him, he naturally had no opinion.

"So, auntie, I don't want to get up early every day, can I?" She shyly asked for the bottom of her heart. She didn't want to, when she got up every day, she didn't have him around.

"Following the fate", he smiled and stared at her bright eyes, and slowly nodded. The low head slammed her delicate red lips, and the lower abdomen of the lower abdomen had already stood up again.

"Wow..." However, the sudden crying of the baby stopped the affection of the two, and smiled and looked at it. Lin Biao woke up, and the new day had already opened its warm scene...

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