Assassin Farmer

: 132 The Way of Husband and Wife

Charge section (12 points)

Before noon, Lin Sizhen and Situ Yu returned to the inn with Enron.

Seeing everyone sitting in the lobby and throwing a roll of similar pictures to the blood, Lin Siyu took Sushui to return to the room.

"Retire some time, use lunch to start immediately." Before going upstairs, Lin Sizhen told him.

Situ Wu heard the words, unable to speak straight, "Shi Bo - can't sleep back to sleep? Well said."

Seeing that Lin Shi did not return, Situ Wu had no choice but to touch his nose. Well, it’s a big deal to get on the carriage and sleep. Immediately back to the room to wash the body. After a full time frame, the whole body was stinky and dying.

"If you don't get in the way, you can rest on the road." Lin Siyu shook his head.

He also needs to find Shi Tuo to discuss this matter, who knows if there are any fish that are missing the net waiting for the opportunity. Therefore, one day later, there will be more accidents.

Su Shuiyan saw him insist on this, but had no choice but to agree. See the innkeeper Xiao Er sent hot water, after trying the water temperature, took off his robe for him.

" Take a shower, I am waiting for you outside." She put the laundry on the shelf and took the replaced robes.

"The bucket is very big." Lin Sizhen swept the inn's bath tub. Xu was because it was a couple's suite. The bath tub was enough to accommodate two people at the same time.

"...I...had already washed." Su Shuiyan was irritated by his suggestive words to flush the cheeks on the ground.

"I don't mind washing again." Lin Sily fell to his body and waved at her. "Come here." The low-pitched voice made her chest hot.

"A... aunt..." I have never bathed with him, and Su Shui is so shy that I don't know how to advance or retreat. Reason tells her that she should immediately quit the small room, but his hot eyes made her suddenly unable to move.

She was pulled by Lin Sizhen, her hands reached his thick chest, and his hot body burned so she could not shake, and even dared to look around. Because, he is already naked with her... her face is getting hotter.

"Don't help me back?". Lin Siyu, who was immersed in the tub, asked her with a smile and reminded her.

Yes, she hasn’t been completely removed from his clothes, but she hopes she can help him bathe.

No longer think about it, pick up the bath towel and gently rub his back.

"Today, I went to Yunluo kill." His indifferent voice passed through her enthusiasm and passed to her ears.

The bath towel on the hand slipped and fell into the tub. Suddenly, there was silence in the small room. The previous enthusiasm has gradually subsided in silence.

"...Water, I am a killer." Half a sigh, his very light but very clear voice, came again.

"I know." She paused, soft voice interface. Of course she knows that she has never been afraid of it for this reason. Because he never killed someone before her. It used to be a killer, and now it is a killer. It is completely two concepts.

"You have promised me..." Before she got married, she remembered saying, let him stop doing this job, and he is also a one-off answer.

"Yeah. So I didn't tell you before." It was worried that she was afraid of him.

"...that's why..." She didn't understand. Since I don’t plan to tell, why is it now...

"The way of husband and wife, you know each other." He gently spit out eight words. That is a sentence she once solemnly said, he always remembers in his heart. "I don't want to lie to you, nor will I argue with who they are, why they want to kill them. But, I promise, never kill innocent..."

"Auntie..." Su Shuiyu simply leaned on his shoulder. "You misunderstood what I meant."

"What?" He didn't understand this time.

"The way of husband and wife, you are knowing each other." The words are spit out of this sentence from the previous life, she slowly explained: "It is not required to do anything, but, do not hide it... ...even if it is a good lie, or a deceitful deception, don't...because it is a husband and wife, it is time to be honest with each other and help each other to complete a lifetime. If...because you don’t tell me in the morning, don’t go up the mountain, In case...we can't see each other from here... Auntie, I think I will blame you."

"Sorry..." He dragged her into the water and held it tightly on his chest. "I am afraid that you will not understand me. I am afraid that you will give birth to me. After all, it is dozens of lives. I have long been used to it. You are different, I... I don’t think you can really accept me like that..."

"You don't tell me, how do I know that I can't accept it, can't understand? Auntie, I believe you, you won't be killing innocent people, at least it is no longer." She looked up and looked at him with a burning heart.

Can you choose to believe in the robbing of thieves instead of being robbed and killing them? How do you believe that he will kill innocent people?

As for the past, she only needs to see the broken scars on his body that can't be faded. It hurts him too late. How can he care?

Although she has been taught by the family's rigorous rules, she has been unable to enjoy her behavioral norms, but she is not yet guilty. She is very light and heavy, and she has a lot in her heart.

"Water Margin..." After a long silence, Lin Sizhen only scorned her lips and said, "Thank you."

I didn't expect him to reply to her kind words, Su Shuiyan, suddenly dumbfounded, what should I say next? You are welcome? Or should it be?

"Oh, huh..." A string of low laughs escaped from his lips. "I think, I should thank you, it should be God, I will give you to me..." Then, she caught her more radiant and charming. Jiao Lip, "Thank you for marrying me as a wife. Water 潋..."

This man and child are almost four and a half months old, and they are still so sentimental. It should be said that he is actually more old-fashioned than she is.

In the future, she thought that she had long been a transparent shirt and was peeled off by him.

"Auntie, it will be too late to use lunch..." She wanted to remind him of the words that were not early, and finally broke into a charming ****.

"Oh... then don't..." He bit the two cherry reds on her chest and couldn't bear to let go. Pulling her to bathe with him, there is no such thing as ****, just want to simply pull her to talk, afraid that she grieves herself, why not tell her the reason for his early morning mountain, just, think beforehand I will see her panicking, but unexpectedly, it will become such a hot thing. Of course, he is happy to.

"But... you said you are going to start soon..." she said as she said, her hands subconsciously ringing his neck.

"Then go tomorrow..." It is like the wish of the kid to sleep back.


He pulled her up and sat on his waist. The hot **** went straight to her secret place, and she was ashamed that she was going to exclaim, and this stopped her chatteringly. .

"I went in." He whispered softly in her ear.

At the same time as she finished, one stood up and pierced the valley where she was already in the tide. A shallow sigh, a deep exploration, a strong record, more and more deep, until she gasps and soft on him, the whole body is weak, the body squats.

And his arrogance is still standing.

Gently pull her on the horizontal plate at the edge of the tub, hold her delicate waist with one hand, lift her delicate buttocks in one hand, and squeeze into her tightness.

"Ah... um..." She couldn't help but scream again. Then he shyly put his hands on his chin and covered the **** that escaped from his mouth. I was afraid that I couldn't bear the sorrowfulness of the room, and I was listening to the room where the sound insulation was not very good. God, she can almost think of the **** eyes that other people have cast toward her when she goes downstairs.

"Concentrate, woman." Lin Siyu screamed, accompanied by a fierce and powerful slap.

"Ah..." Su Shuiqi couldn't help but exclaim, and then bite his lips, not to let the sounds of the extremely slutty, and often escape the lips.

But he would not let her abuse his exclusive rights - her red lips, pulled her face, kissed her lips, **** lips, tossed and turned, never let her bite again. At the same time, the following is still the next push.

"A... Auntie... I can't stand it..." She gasped as he gasped and let go of her red lips and gasps.

This kind of action was never tried by two people. He was behind her, but she pulled her face to face and kissed. Because of the twisting of the waist, she was able to get deeper into her body, which made her really difficult to withstand.

Sure enough, once again, after violently thrusting, she once again got the ultimate in speechlessness. In a colorful dizziness, she felt that after several quick arrogances, she sent the burning liquid to her. The depths of her body are stirring.

Then, the breath of the breath and the hustle and bustle, gradually calm down...


In the end, the group stayed in Qiyun Town for another night. Because she, she was actually held in her arms by her aunt, and she slept enough for dinner.

Oh, God almost didn't need her to make excuses. The people spontaneously cast their eyes on the singer who was next door to her, Lin Sizhen.

Stuart also smiled and ran to thank her, so that he had a good sleep. Oh, this learned leather kid

To this end, her ear roots have been red for several hours. It was night, she was determined to be more than ever, insisting on a quilt with Lin Siyi, and let him not cross the border, fearing that he would not stop again, which led to the delay of the next day. That would make her really look down on the stairs.

Lin Siyu saw it and laughed. Finally, he hugged her like a rice bran, satisfied to sleep peacefully, **** sleep.

The next morning, the coaching team finally set off on schedule and headed for the town of Fanhua in the southwest.

However, the next itinerary was quiet because of the lack of blood and four people. Only the dragon and phoenix, still full of sleep, sleep and laugh, and carefree and enviable.

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