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"I thought you were going to stay in the emperor and not come back." After learning that Su Shui went home, he found a free day to come to Fanhua Town to visit her, and I looked at the little woman who had not seen it in the past half month. I couldn't help but laugh and joked: "I said that this time is going back and forth most of the time. It's not a dusty servant. How is it getting more and more delicate? To be honest, what does your man give you? ?"

"Have it?". Su Shuiyan listened to Jiang Yingyun and said, he caressed his cheeks and wondered when he was staying in Shuiyuecheng that night, when he was bullied and screamed by the aunt, he said in her ear that this is to keep A good way for women to be young. can you? The liquid that he finally injected into his body is really the secret to keeping the woman's body bright and colorful?

"Right, the sputum, Yang Jingzhi's medical hall opened, what should I send?" Jiang Yingyun asked a rattle to attract the dragon and the phoenix to climb to her, and asked.

"What do you want to send when you want to send it. Is there any jealousy?" Su Shuiqi returned to God, took a blushing cheek, and turned to Jiang Yingyun inexplicably asked.

"There is no jealousy. However, looking at the decoration style of their medical halls, the gifts that I can think of seem to be difficult to use." Jiang Yingyun said with extreme distress.

Back to the flowering town on the 10th, Yang Jingzhi and Qinglan have already purchased a house that can be used as a three-standard standard shop at the West Street of Fanluo City. It is ready to open in the eighth day of April. These days are busy preparing.

The arrangement in the "Qing Yang Medical Center", Jiang Yingyun had seen the Situ Yu who had reported to her before coming to the town of Fanhua, and there was no weird, but incomparable harmony.

A whitewashed white wall, a long and narrow table with drawers stands at the entrance. The table behind the wall is a whole piece of high-ceilinged drawers, which are filled with various herbs. It is said that here is the seat where Qinglan sits. Every time a patient is asked, Qinglan asks the patient about the condition, and records it on a small book. Then he exchanges ten pieces of copper for a wooden number plate and waits on the long wooden chair in the lobby.

Yang Jingzhi is in the room on the left side, and the patient is carefully diagnosed by number. After the diagnosis, write down the prescription and the method of taking the medicine, and then let the patient go to Qinglan to pay for the medicine. If the patient does not want to dispense medicine in the medical center, he can also take the prescription to go to other pharmacies. However, there are only a few special effects medicinal herbs that can only be sold in the “Qing Yang Medical Center”. Because, this is Yang Jingzhi and Qinglan's own self-distribution after excavating the herbs.

As for the suite with a bath room on the right side, it is the dormitory of Yang Jingzhi and Qinglan. In order to facilitate the emergency visit at the door knocking in the middle of the night, they live in the medical hall, and there is no separate house purchase. I plan to wait for the medical hall business to be good, and then expand to the second-in-one Sihe House. That is their vision for the next five years.

Su Shuiyu also left two rooms for them in Lanyuan. When they came to Fanhua Town, they lived there. However, once the medical center is opened, there are fewer leisure days.

According to the meaning of Yang Jingzhi, Lin Sizhen gave her a room in the ancestral hall of Fanhua Town. On the fifth day of each month, Yang Jingzhi and Qinglan sat in the town of Fanhua Town to check the body and see the doctor. In this way, it is convenient for the villagers in Fanhua Town, together with the two towns nearby, Su Shuiyu thinks that there should be many villagers who come here. After all, it is much more convenient than the “Qingyang Medical Center” that rushed to the west of the city.

"What did you plan to send?" Su Shui blinked and asked curiously. In fact, she did not think about what to send, originally wanted to go to the Qingyu Temple in the first day of April, when she was willing to go, go to the Luoluo City Square to go shopping, and see what to buy.

"Flat amount, screen, holding a vase..." Jiang Yingyun turned his head and reported a few of her expectations. In general, these are the first choice for giving gifts, but the arrangement of the Qingyang Medical Center is not practical.

"Is the screen not very good? I remember that the net seems to have been mentioned, I want to buy a screen, it seems to be used in her clinic." Su Shuizhen thought for a moment, said with a smile, "You did not pay attention? In her office By the north window, there is a simple bed, which must be checked for the patient to lie down.

"Yeah. I forgot. Well, let's send the screen. Hey, her clinic is not very big, four screens are enough, choose a fresh color, right, there are groups in the embroidered building. Azure smoke and rain pavilion embroidered, used as a four-screen screen just right. Haha... The problem is solved... Water scorpion, you can't grab it with me. Just tell me a net sound. Don't let her waste money.” Jiang Yingyun brows stretch Laughing and patted Su Shui's shoulder.

"Now, I finally know why you and the net energy have become the rebellious." Su Shui screamed and smiled, but because of one side, he became a good friend, and Yang Jingzhi and Jiang Yingyun were so sweet. Do it.


The west side of the pine garden.

"Si Tuo came to the news, everything is well. Let you rest assured." The priest was licked by the spring rain and some wet robes, a little luck, drying the clothes. This was the room that had been sold in the room, and said to Lin Siyu, who was flipping the book before sitting at the table.

"Well. I have been here for a few days." Lin Siyu looked up and wiped some of the thin priests and said, Shen Sheng.

"That's good, I am going back to Guangzhan. I don't know how the group of rabbits have been in control for half a month. I hope I won't break the bank. Oh, now I find that too many children are not good. The head is big." The forehead sighed like a headache.

"I know now? I thought that you should have been taught as early as five years ago." Five years ago, the eldest-year-old eldest brother of the priest was in the Baihualou, and he was so sad that he couldn’t wait to be on the spot. Killed the rabbit scorpion.

"Hey, if I am like you, there is a woman who is a white man who is willing to follow me for a long time, and give birth to a baby for me. Where is the willingness to raise so many rabbits, it is a reminder that I am born to Huafa." The priest, swearing.

The killer, where there will be a white woman who will follow her heart, even if she is willing, her family will oppose it. Although today, he is also a gold basin to wash his hands and withdraw from the ranks of the killers, but the murderousness of the whole body is still habitually not exhausted. If you walk on the street, there will be a walkway in the surrounding area. He wondered if there was a notice on his body: killing the street, and being idle.

What is puzzling is why the same killer and cold ice sling, there is a woman to follow, and is still a graceful and noble Miss Wang Fu. Hey, people are more than people, mad. In this sentence, he is a real life comprehension.

Lin Sizhen naturally guessed what the priest was thinking about in a complicated face. However, he believed that he was still kind, and did not tell the fact that he was a life-saving benefactor. He said that he was listening to them. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that they will kill each other and then collectively rush into the Muroyama, in order to try to see if there will be more water, such a fairy-like woman will treat them and then give up.

"Then I am gone, the brand is back, you say it to him." The voice of the priest did not fall, he jumped out of the pine garden and ran to the Guangshi Building in the center of the city.

"What do you say to me?" Just entered the door and asked, doubtfully.

Lin Shi, who was standing in front of the window and looking away from the priest, did not return and replied: "The priest returned to the Guangshen Building."

"That also needs to talk to me? When is he so a mother-in-law?" The singer was lying on his back, and although the injury had healed, he had lost half of his skill and had not recovered. However, after this life and death, he looked down on everything. The martial arts thing, it is best to be able to recover. It is not good to be a simple farmer here. There is a squadron in the horizontal and vertical protection of the gods, he is still worried about what.

"Also? Who else?" Lin Siyi regained his gaze, closed the window, turned his head and looked at the brand.

"Hey? You don't know it yourself?" The company stared at Lin Siyi and suddenly burst into a very rare smile. "A person has become a soft-spoken, well-known thing in the whole town." ”

Lin Shi heard the warmth of the ear, and then luck caught the shyness of his face.

“What are your plans for the future?” He sat down at the table, poured a cup of tea, turned his head and looked at the brand who was lying in bed and closed his eyes.

"Leave here to be a farmer. How? Don't welcome? Don't worry, I won't pull your hind legs, you will do it, I can do it too." Si Ling closed his eyes and replied fluently.

"Is it OK?" Lin Si picked up his eyebrows. Among the four, the genius is the most active, and if the priest says to stay in the town of the town, he can still believe. Can be branded...

"There is nothing to be sure. At least for the moment, I don't have any plans to go out." The company was lazy and stretched out, leaning up on the bed, slouching, with a very serious tone: "Division Ling, you are also an orphan, naturally know that a person's taste is not good. Nowadays, you don't need to calculate the task all day, prepare for killing, and you don't have to take your day and night to practice martial arts, in order to revenge. After leisure, one person's The days are more lonely than I thought. So... I don't want to leave now."

"Then stay. Here, it was originally for the three of you to live. It doesn't matter how long you want to live." Lin Si said with a cup of tea in the cup, said faintly.

"Oh... say that you and the priest are not recognized by the mother-in-law." The smack whispered, and then both hands were behind his head, closing his eyes and saying low: "I heard that next week will be busy farming? Count me one."

"Reassure, as long as it is a strong man, you must go to the ground." Lin Sizhen is more serious on the surface, but the smile of the flash of his eyes reveals his mood at the moment, very good.

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