Assassin Farmer

: 144 years off

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The year is approaching, and the flowering hospital has entered the preparation for the New Year after a busy and full autumn harvest.

During this period, there were many things happening in the city of Fanluo.

The most popular towns and towns are relishing their neighbors - Qingtian Town next door, bought by a mysterious wealthy foreigner.

The price and the subsequent rest program can be described as similar to the town of Fanhua.

This incident, let the Luo Luo City commission live for a long time, until the arrival of another fresh event - the town of Fanluo City changed the candidates. Let Luoshu, which has no official news for a long time, have been boiling for a month and have not stopped.

It is said that the city owners of the 31 cities under the Dahui are selected by the great people of Daewoo from the various civil and military ministers. They are selected according to the morality, talents, skills, force, management and other aspects. of.

After all, before the recommendation of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, it was necessary to go through the comprehensive test of the three articles of literature, martial arts, talents and sentiments. The top three winners each year were able to enter the talent pool of the Emperor's evaluation and selection of the city.

Year after year, the talent pool is full. Therefore, after the current emperor Li Wenxiu was enthroned, the primary reform was to shorten the tenure of the city owner from the original fifteen years to eight years, and to extend the annual talent examination to three years. To slow down the backlog of talent pools.

However, the owner of the city of Luoluo was replaced after less than eight years. Oh, it should be said that it was promoted. The city owner of Shuiyuecheng expired, and the remaining three-year career of the city of Luoluo City will be moved to Shuiyuecheng. The reason why it is called promotion is naturally because Shuiyue City is several times more prosperous than Fanluo City. It should be said that the remote and small city of Luoluo, in thirty-one cities, is completely a small town.

This is not. Before the new city owner took office, both inside and outside of Luoluo City were speculating, who was so unlucky, and was dismissed by the emperor to the Luoluo City, which can only be called the bottom?

"So, the rumors of the outside are true? Then you have to congratulate the city owner. It is said that Shuiyue City is more than double the size of the city."

In the front hall of "Yueyun Embroidery House", Jiang Yingyue, the big treasurer, smiled and took the tea for the sake of wine, and the resignation of the former Luoluo City was a respectful way.

"The big treasurer is very polite. This trip comes, one is to resign, the second is, Xi has a ruthless request, I don't know the big treasurer..."

"The city owner is polite, and there is nothing to say, but if you can do it, you must do your best."

"Cough... That Xi is not polite. It is like this... cough... Xiaorui Jingrui has always been obsessed with Yingyun girl. This time the transfer order came, he would not let me come to raise a family. But because of the family He has been given a pro, the other is also a court official, Xi is not good to push. This, if the Yingyun girl is entering the door, it is necessary to grievance. However, the big treasurer assured, Xi must be ..."

When Jiang Yingyue heard this, he knew what Xi Youdao had to say next. It was nothing but a guarantee for his sister. However, this is not what she wants, nor what the little girl wants.

"The city owner, let me insert a sentence, after the sister-in-law has been twenty-four years old, I remember that Xi Gongzi only nineteen this year, at this age..." It would not be to let Yingyun marry as a nanny. Right?

"Cough... I don't know the big treasurer. I have advised him and his mother that I don't know how many times. This is not, I can't really beat him. This is the old face to bring the relatives to the big treasurer."

Is this a relative? Ha really funny, he just wants to sneak a sneak peek at Yingyun and send him a small donkey.

Thinking about this, Jiang Yingyue's heart was more angry, and he didn't worry about it on the spot.

"The city owner, you don't know, in fact, the sister has already had a marriage contract. Otherwise, with her such good conditions, how can she stay in the embroidered building without marriage? You know, I am such a baby sister, reluctant She is married far away. It is not for the man to move to Fanluo City to promise their marriage. This is not the case. The man’s family is also a big family in the north, and he will not move for a while. He has to drag on for so many years. I am harmed. However, I heard that I have now done everything, and I have waited until I have moved here to settle down, so you see..."

"Is it? You can hear about it..." The outside is not the big treasurer of Shengyun Yueyun Embroidery, has been giving his sister a porter? Is it fake?

"Those are rumors, when they are not allowed." Jiang Yingyue waved his hand and signaled that they were actually free to do nothing. The purpose is to lead her perfect sister.

"In this case, Ximou first congratulated the big treasurer here. Hehe... When the child learns, he should also do it."

Xi Youdao naturally does not really want to mention this pro, but just his younger son, this is the time to come and go. Now seeing that Jiang Yingyun has a close relationship with his fiancé, it is natural to be happy to go back and wake up his unbelievable little son. Although Jiangjia is a sister, the wealth that has been hoarded over the years has been quite a lot, but after all, it is a merchant's family, how can he qualify to marry his family.

"When someone is going to leave, I have to insert a bar." Jiang Yingyue took a pair of "Peony Map" and sent away the satisfied Xia Youdao. He leaned softly on the back of the chair and cursed again and again.

I hope that the ignorant Jingrui will not be here, waiting to see her so-called sister. If so, where can she go to find a man who can match Yingyun?

Hey, so he said, you can't lie. If you scatter, you have to countless lies.

Just, what happened to Yingyun’s girl? She has been busy with her for a while, but she is close to the year, and there are not so many things to do. But she still refused to stop like a gyro. It’s weird.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, I still ran to the town of Fanhua, saying that I was persuading the water to buy shares, and I would like to expand the business of Yueyun Embroidery.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, I have never seen her go to the town of Fanhua. What happened? Could it be quarreling with the otter?

But it is impossible, the scorpion scorpion, although it is already the mother of two children, but the temper is still quiet inside, will never quarrel with people, even if holding a knife to force her to argue, it may not be noisy.

What will it be? Can Yingyun that the head of the mouth is hard like a clam shell, wanting to explore the wind from her mouth, it is harder than going to heaven. Yes, how to forget her...

"Small seven, prepare the carriage, I want to go out." Jiang Yingyue quickly got up, after finishing the whole clothes, he called the assistant to the inner hall and went outside the embroidered building.


The Qingyang Medical Center is very busy recently.

As the year is approaching, there are more and more people who are ill. It was frozen by this cold weather.

Most of them are cold, and the soups specially made by the doctors will be effective immediately.

Therefore, in just a few months, the reputation of the Qingyang Medical Museum spread throughout the city of Luoluo.

Even with Yang Jingzhi and Qinglan, they were busy with almost no bed.

"Big sister, I am here for the first time in three days. I have a quick rest and rest. What emergency do you have to call me up?" Yang Jingzhi yawned and complained again and again.

"The number of frames has been reduced a lot. The older sister will let the cooks make some soup to help you both."

"No, it will make me feel good when I sleep."

"That oh... That girl, the big sister asked, if you know that you have to tell me truthfully, you know what happened to Yingyun this time? How can I not see her not going to the town of flowers, and I am busy in the embroidered building." Stop, there is no chance to ask her a few words. It’s too ridiculous."

Jiang Yingyue sees that Yang Jingzhi is really tired and does not tweak, directly indicating his intention.

"Oh... it should be related to men. But, specifically, I am not very clear. I go to the hospital every month, and I am surrounded by villagers in the nursing room. How can I listen to gossip? Big sister, I am sleepy, go to sleep, Qinglan, entertain Jiang sister for me..."

Related to men? Ying Yun that squatting at her, really interacting with men? Why not bring her to her? Still... just her unrequited love, the Mid-Autumn Festival shows that the man was rejected, so the contrast is so big?

With doubts, Jiang Yingyue stepped into the town of Fanhua for the first time, and now the flower garden. No one is leading, and I don’t know that there is a peach forest at the entrance. She and the small seven and two plus a luxury carriage are trapped in the peach forest for half an hour until they are discovered by the patrolling Meng Yizhi.

"Madam, here is the courtyard of the aunt's aunt, oh, that is the big 丫鬟Xinlan around the aunt's aunt. Xinlan girl--"Meng Yuzhi brought Jiang Yingyue to the gate of the house where Su Shuiyu lived. Xinlan from the hall.

"Men?" Su Shui-yi just listened to Jiang Yingyue's explanation. Some of them were awkward. Then I thought that Jiang Yingyun had a strong interest in the company at the beginning, but nothing happened between the two. Is it true that the man who made Jiang Yingyun’s contrast on Jiang’s sister’s mouth really is the brand? Kesi brand has been out since the Mid-Autumn Festival and has not returned yet.

"Water Margin, you know it? Isn't the big sister just want to meet that person, and he won't say anything outrageous. After all, this marriage of a man and a woman is a matter of mutual affection."

"But... Big sister, I don't know if I guessed it right. If it is... he is not here now, I don't know when it will come back." Su Shuizhen explained it in a difficult way, she understood the brand Not many, I only know that he is similar to the aunt's temper, and he is very clear about the people or things that he doesn't want to be close to. In addition to Aunt Stowe, who can get close to him, it is a dragon and a baby. How would such a man react if he really likes a woman?

After Jiang Yingyue left in disappointment, Su Shuiqi held his chin and sat in front of the window to see the gradually snowing courtyard. However, he still couldn’t figure it out.

Lin Shizhen, after listening to the purpose of Jiang Yingyue’s coming, he quietly left such a sentence that Su Shuiqi screamed: “He is escaping.”

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