Assassin Farmer

: 145 more than love is love

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"Big Brother?" Su Shuiyan listened to Lin Sizhen and said the latest news from the "Guangxi Building", he was surprised and said, "How come?"

"Don't believe it?" Lin Siyu smirked at her and sat down, reaching out to caress her already-conceived belly, leaning over and listening to the slight beating that came from inside.

"It was a little surprised." Su Shuizhu subconsciously took his head and stroked him with a slightly rough hair, and his mind still digested the news of the right. "Big brother, why do you want to do this?" It doesn't make sense. It's not far from the emperor, it's not a bustling big city. To the city of Fanluo to be a city owner, it is undoubtedly self-deprecating and decentralized. Could it be...

"Big brother, he... but with the big emperor?" This is the most likely possibility she can think of.

"... forget it, anyway, even if it is true, I can't help him." Su Shui sighed and said low.

"How can I not help? He wants us to buy a house for her in the neighborhood." Lin Si took her waist and patted it, silently appease.

"Buy a house? The city owner... Isn't there a city house?" It is said that in the most central part of the city, the five-acre luxury mansion is the most magnificent mansion in the city.

"That's not the same." Lin Siyi smiled low, got up and took her on the chest, holding her white and delicate soft pancreas, resting on the palm of her hand and gently squatting against the black palms of his hands, the incredible difference between men and women. The difference in the hand.

"If it is out of town, is it not good to live here?" Su Shuiqi frowned in confusion. In the name of the flower garden, it is also considered to be the industry of Jing Wangfu. Isn’t Liang Enzhe planning to live in the flower garden?

"Your elder brother means that I want to learn from us and turn the neighboring town into his other hospital." Lin Siyu slowly said the purpose of Liang Enzhe. Is the three small towns under the city of Luo Luo really so fascinating and fascinating? One by one, I want to squeeze here to build a courtyard.

The old man who had been half-way to his relatives bought Qingtian Town in the name of a rich foreigner a month ago. These days have been drastically opened. Now, his big nephew, Liang Enzhe, wants to take a step. It seems that Luoshui Town can't escape.

"Do you want a hospital?" Oh, spare her. This year's light, the only three towns in the city of Luo Luo have to be bought by their pedestrians?

"What is this big brother?" is simply a waste of money. Well, the house is enough to live, you can buy one here, and build one there.

"This is also good, then the three towns will be united, and they will become a town in the town, and they will be safe." Lin Siyu has always looked at the safety of the house.

Since receiving the news from Liang En Zai, he has a clear idea in his mind, and he can roughly guess the purpose of Liang Enzhao’s initiative to be the owner of the city.

In other words, Liang Enzai originally wanted to build a house belonging to him here, but he also knows that if these three small towns fall into the hands of those who have kinship, for security reasons, they will definitely let The combination of Miyake, this area, will likely become the taboo in the eyes of the city of Fanluo.

Therefore, Liang Enzhao volunteered to come here to be a city owner. At least, during the eight years he was in, they had enough time to completely build this area into a sphere of power that would make him unable to do anything in the future, but it would also make him unable to extract.

"But are the villagers willing?" Su Shui's heart is worried.

“Is it true that it is feasible?”. Fanhua Town is an example. Qingtian Town is another example. Look at the look of the villagers. Only happy is not unhappy.

Lin Shi smiled and helped her get up. "Go, it's almost time. Come back and eat."

Three months after her pregnancy, Yang Jingzhi suggested that she go twice a day and walk back and forth along the promenade for a four-month follow-up.

Although this time is not a twin, it reduces the risk of production, but her belly is not necessarily smaller than the first child, and is similar to the same phoenix.

This made him very worried. The fetus is too large, the mother is so petite, and the production is not very smooth. Therefore, as long as he is at home, a walk that is fixed twice a day must be accompanied by him.

"Auntie, is the branding coming back in the New Year?". Thinking about Jiang Yingyue’s visit yesterday, Su Shuiyan could not help but ask.

"How? Look for him something?" Lin Siqi raised his eyebrows, and it was rare to say the names of other men from his wife's mouth, which made him quite surprised.

Su Shuiyan heard the sourness in his tone and patted his big hand with a funny smile. "Where do you want to go? I know that Yingyun has a good impression on the brand, but she did not expect that she has fallen so deeply." If it is the brand, it does have a special affection for her... Why are the two people honest and relative?" One is to use the busy to send the day, and one simply uses escape to solve the problem.

"The company has his concerns." Lin Siyu accompanied her slowly on the quiet promenade at noon. There was snow on the outside of the gallery, reaching for her windproof cloak and pulling the hood of the cloak. I was afraid that she would be cold when she was blowing cold air.

"What concerns? Killer identity? These Yingyun know." She grinned in disapproval.

"..." Lin Siyu looked down at her silently. Could it be that this year, many women who are not afraid of the identity of the killer and who voluntarily marry them as wives?

"Ying Yun, she just likes to sell it." Su Shuizhen thought about it, added.

"Like?" What did the company do to make that woman like it? At that time, he and the Minamata lived together in the Daoshan for several months, and it was possible to understand the situation. But the woman and the brand noodles have not seen a few times, if I have not said a few words, can she be sure that she likes to brand? Hard to understand.

"I think, it should be, or more than you like..." Otherwise, why do you mention the brand every time, or meet him in the house, the always-sounding Jiang Yingyun, will suddenly Points.

"Oh... what about you?" Hearing here, Lin Siyu suddenly looked at her with great interest and asked softly.

"I? What am I?" Su Shui looked up and did not respond for a long time.

Lin Siyu stopped and looked at her calmly. He was so cold that he had a cold face and a smile that made her want to dazzle. "You are like me, I like it... or more than I like it." ..." His soft, magnetic voice, fixed her figure. Blackbird was reluctant to blink because of his smile.

"How?" He gradually gathered a smile, and his eyes raised a deep worry. "Is it uncomfortable?" Damn, he told her to stand in the cold for too long.

"No..." She shook her head, stretched out her free left hand, and put on his cool cheeks. She said softly, "I was just thinking about your problem..." I felt tightly gripped by his right hand. She grinned. "You are nervous?"

In the case that she married him for nearly three years, two children are over the age of one, and there is one in the belly, he will still be nervous about her answer. What does this mean? He cares about her, cares about her heart, is it only him... As in his heart, only her, he is put on the tip of his heart... with her heartache, she loves her, she loves her...

"Stupid" she softly screamed. Then he picked up his toes and his red lips were close to his ear. The exhaled heat almost made him lose his strength.

"Auntie... I love you..."

He trembled. She said... love him... love him... not like it, not a little more than like it, but a lot more than like it... love...

This is a small wife who has always been a shameful child. Even in the cold winter of snow, I said my love to him... Let this winter, no longer cold...


"So, you want to tell me... I love him to express it clearly?" Jiang Yingyun drank a bitter bitter tea and asked with a squint.

"Well... Auntie said that the scent of the brand seems to be the most active of the four of them. In fact, he is just better at hiding than the other three." Su Shuiqi holds the heat that Xinlan gave her. Milk, snoring with a small mouth. The three cows raised in the other hospitals began to produce milk, and several barrels of fresh milk were eaten daily. She and her mother-in-law, two pregnant women, became the biggest consumers of these milk. Fortunately, with the addition of crushed almonds and pure honey milk, there is no longer astringency, otherwise she can't really drink it.

"Thank you for your reminder. But... he is now avoiding me..." Jiang Yingyun grinned bitterly.

It’s time to blame herself. He has always kept her distance. It was her own, could not resist the love of him, and finally took the courage to find him confession, but when he got into his drunkenness, using his drunkenness, the overlord hardened the bow... oh... she lost the girl’s body, She asked for it, but he...should not be that kind of reaction - the first time after waking up, leaving without saying anything... This made her think of it and was annoyed, then she was like a I don’t know the shame, the ji girl who sent it to the door...

"Yingyun..." Su Shuiyan sighed for her. Fall in love with a man who has not fallen in love with her, destined to go alone on a sad road.

"Forget it... I am no longer a little girl. After a year, I am twenty-four... He detests me, it should be..." Even if he returns, he is not necessarily because he likes himself. Under his conditions, it is easy to find a young woman who is a fifteen or six. How can she take this responsibility because she will give it to the drunken person for the first time? Her Jiang Yingyun does not need his responsibility...

"Yingyun..." The first time I saw Jiang Yingyun so low, Su Shuiqi was sour, but I don't know where to sue. She is not a good confidant. She can't think of any way when her friend is sad. She can only relieve her pain with caress.

"I'm fine..." Jiang Yingyun smiled and laughed at himself, then transferred the topic: "Don't say this, go, see two babies..." Since she was so active, he still resisted, then, only Said that the two have no fate. Then, next, she will try to forget him... if I can...

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