Assassin Farmer

: 147 Issey Miyake

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147 Miyake in one (on)

Three years later--

On the southwestern end of Dahui, there is a small town that is no less than the imperial capital of Fengdu. A stranger who has just entered the Luoluo City will find a very strange phenomenon: there is no town under the Luoluo City, and there is only one garden-style mansion made up of three unique private houses.

It is said that this mansion has three famous masters. However, it is the management of the three houses in the handling of the house. In the past three years, no one knows the owner’s long-term other than the aborigines in the mansion. What is the appearance, what is the background of the body, why is Miyake in one...

As for the Fanluo City, which was originally ranked in the end of the 31st city of Dahui, after three years of restructuring and change, it has turned into a prosperous city with one of the best benefits.

Why is this so?

Just for the description of the urban master, there are a number of different answers:

Said handsome and handsome;

Said ****倜傥;

It is said that charm is extraordinary;

It is said to be elegant and outstanding;


In short, the only commonality is that the city owner is a man, and is a charming man who is admired by many women. From the Luo Luo City to the 80-year-old dad, down to the Huangkou children, all of them are the outstanding skills of the masters of the city, elegant and graceful.

In addition, the more and more prosperous changes and developments he brought to the city of Fanluo, even with the three men who did not leave the city's mother-in-law, all praised. It will never fly away because of the mother’s admiration for the city owner.

Because, in the past three years, the achievements of all the people have come to the fore. The townspeople of the city of Luoluo have long since earned the admiration and worship from the heart of the city. Such a kind of worship and admiration that transcends selfishness also makes the city of Luo Luo more and more united.

The so-called benign cycle refers to this:

Prosperity - worship - unity - more prosperous - more worship - more united...


Today's Qingyang Medical Center is the most talked about for the city people after the city of Fanluo.

In the three-year-old glory, Qingyang Medical Center has built a small comprehensive medical clinic with only three pavements, and cooperated with another small medical center in Fanluocheng to become the largest comprehensive medical doctor in the city with a three-in-four courtyard. Pavilion.

This "comprehensive" three-character, although the city people do not understand very well, but after seeing the medical treatment of doctors in the medical center, as well as the medical equipment equipped with the medical center, they also generally understand one or two.

It is said that the four doctors in the Qingyang Medical Center have different pathologies and well-versed medical fields. The patients they receive are also different.

The first entrance to the Qingyang Medical Center is the clinic of the four doctors. From east to west, it is followed by internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, and pediatrics. In the middle of the four clinics is a spacious and bright waiting room with rows of long wooden chairs.

The second entrance to the hospital is the place where the staff inside the medical hall can rest and eat and the medicine library. The last entry is the private courtyard where the owner of the medical center lives.

The southern small town of May has a faint summer.

At noon, it is the busiest Chenguang of Qingyang Medical Center.

At the entrance of the waiting room, a long-shaped drawer table was sitting in front of a 14-year-old alum. After carefully inquiring about the patient's condition, the home page of the medical examination book is marked with the patient's consultation room and the number of the department.

Smiling and took ten copper seeds, and handed the diagnosis to the patient, and led him to sit in the wooden chair of the corresponding area.

"The next" alum girl shook her voice with a crisp voice and greeted the waiting room.

"Hey?" When she saw the coming person, she licked her throat and whispered indefinitely: "Isn't it just leaving in the morning?"

"Qing Qing even you don't welcome me?"

"Oh... no, no, city... Liang Da Ge, please--" As soon as the other party dragged the end of the grievance, the girl who was called Qingqing repeatedly waved. He was greeted into the waiting room and watched him sway to the maternity room.

Hey, Yang Jie should not blame me? The longer he can wait outside, the more people will be jealous.

In case... the simple and good-hearted people who like gossip know... The "he" who is respected by thousands of people is currently in their medical center. Who knows if this already crowded waiting room will be followed? The crowd is leveling...

Qing Qing carefully looked at the group of pregnant women outside the waiting room who were waiting in line to see the doctor. Now they are whispering together, and they must have begun to doubt, oh...

"Hey..." Just sent away a prospective mother who had been pregnant for two months but started to have abdominal pain. Yang Jingzhi’s record has not been finished yet, and she heard a slamming sound.

"Please come in..." Her beautiful voice raised in high and low, and the movements on her hands did not stop. I felt that the person who had arrived had sat down opposite her and asked without saying: "Where is it uncomfortable?" .

Did not hear the description as scheduled, Yang Jingzhi looked up, "you..."

With an incredible pumping sound, her cheeks turned red and quickly turned green. "What are you doing here?"

"About you to Luoshui. You agreed in the morning." Liang En carried his hands on the table, his upper body leaned forward slightly, and she was completely petty.

"Don't mention the morning" Yang Jingzhi rushed to drink low. When she mentioned the morning, she couldn't control the hotness on her face. Damn, it’s clear that he’s far from his enchanting man, but he can’t stand him again and again, and she’s not gonna.

On the date of calculation, she and he, since the beginning of her birthday on the night of her birthday two years ago, have not interrupted private contacts.

When I was awake, I repeatedly told myself that he could not touch him. In five years, he would leave here and return to his emperor to be his prince.

But as night falls, he is taken into his arms, and she is deep and deep. However, he will always finalize the next meeting when she is confused, or propose a proposal that will make her awake when she is not likely to agree. For example, accompany him to Luoshui.

Liang Enzai bought Luoshui Town three years ago, that is, after the flowering and Qingtian, the last town in Fanluo City was purchased by him in private and converted into his garden-style private residence.

He told her more than once that there was his future home with her. But she was moved to move, but she did not dare to believe that his responsibility for shoulders was too heavy, and he would let him sit in a remote corner and accompany her through trivial days.

He should be a strategist. He discussed with the public and civil affairs ministers the law of governing the country and the state. He should be the right to hold the military. In the Dahui border, he would negotiate with the external thief or crusade... the life of Liang Enzhe Some future... such a person, who can match it, is not a small woman like her... She and him, shouldn’t have started... but why...

"唉" Liang Enzai sighed deeply, knowing the little woman in front of him, and began to think again.

Isn't his efforts in the past three years not enough? Not enough to convince her that in fact he can give up anything, only to ask her...

"Going" is no longer a word, dragging her out of the obstetrics and gynaecology department.

"Wait... wait... I have a patient, I have a patient..." She couldn't stop his powerful arms from being clamped, and he had to be dragged to the door of the clinic.

"The patient has it every day." That means what you can see.

"But..." I can't always sneak in the middle of the road, let a sick person wait for it.

"Nothing. I used to listen to you too much. You said that you can't open it. Ok, I wait. You said that the medical center is heavy, good, I wait, wait for you to open the day, wait for your day to take the initiative." Look for me... Sorry, you honestly answer me, is there a day?” He simply stood still, not rushing to open the door, but to straighten her little face and let her face him and his problems.

"I..." She paled her face and bit her lip. How should she answer? It is said that she certainly wants to be open, and she will summon the woman who is jealous of him, and he is her. Can... can she?

Liang En's deep eyelids locked her every move and took her pain and choice to the bottom of her eye.

"You should know, I am never afraid of anything, but for you, I am like a hairy boy, I don't know how to make you open, how to let you rely on me, trust me..." His magnetic voice is like a curse So that she can no longer say anything decisive and hurtful.

The two stood face to face, and he stared in deep affection, and she did not dare to look back. If she said that he was not touched by his words, he was deceiving himself. But she still doesn't know how to face it. This kind of Liang Enzao makes her strange and makes her move.

She has never experienced the love of love in her previous life, but she is only immersed in her studies and work. This hard professional of medical science, if you want to learn to have great achievements, the time and energy it takes, the outsiders can hardly imagine.

Therefore, now she, even if she lives more than ordinary people, the increase is nothing more than medical achievements. In the subject of love, she is still a ignorant layman.


How to evolve to the present situation, Yang Jingzhi still does not return to God. I only remember that she and Liang En were in the maternity clinic, and a large group of patients who had been broken into the room, smiled and squeezed out of the clinic. Then he was taken by a carriage outside the medical hall and went all the way to Luoshui. .

"You have a huge group of supporters." Liang Enzhao looked at her with a smile and smiled. "I knew that the effect of confession in the medical hall was so good, I can use it already..."

Yang Jingzhi glanced at him silently. Why can he do this calmly?

Is he not a city owner? Shouldn't he be elegant in front of the city people? How can it be so temperamental?

It seems that... the position of the city owner is not what he wants, but what he is at his fingertips and can't escape.

Yes, he should have been the lord of the lord of the lord, how can he look at the little lord of the city? But if he doesn't care, he has paid a lot in the past three years. Compared with the neighboring city owners, the great changes he brought to the city of Fanluo can be said to be an amazing change.

After all, which one is him? It was the funny and elegant person who first met the palace in the palace many years ago, or led him to the prosperous city of Luo Luocheng, or, when he was privately with her, gentle, naughty, powerful, and could not allow her to avoid resisting him... ...

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