Assassin Farmer

: 153 Silk Weaving Workshop

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The Wang family and the couple heard the news that they were a happy event in their family and couldn’t help but feel excited.

"This...but really?" Just taking care of five acres of new land, you can get three or two silver a year, and you can get a harvest after the autumn harvest. Where to find such a good thing.

"Since I came to see you, it is natural." Su Shuiqi nodded with a smile. Wang Jia is a well-known large-scale farmer in Fanhua Town, and a family of six, two old, two big children, the younger son and the younger daughter, all will plant land, in addition to their own three acres of good land, and then assist in care The new five-acre new land in the other hospitals should not be a problem.

"Thank you for thanking my wife for thanking my wife." Wang Jiapo Niang likes not to wipe the eyes from the resort. In the past three years, I have seen other neighbors with the support of the main family, doing small business, business is booming, doing artisan work, orders can not be completed, home farming, there are also channels for sale, only their home, Throughout the ages, relying on a few acres of land to live without mistakes, vegetables can not sell a good price, so that they can discard the land to do something else, but also can not do anything. Now, when I see the main family looking for a door to let them take care of the five-acre new land, how can they not be overjoyed?

Three or two silver coins a year, raising their family of five more than enough. The rest of the food and vegetables are sold again, and they are all surplus. If it is well-maintained, the main family will let their own contractors take care of them every year, and the savings will increase. The younger son and daughter-in-law will not have to worry about it.

"It is I want to thank you. It is not so much energy in the hospital, I entrust you with care, I am very relieved." Su Shui said with a smile. Immediately, he took out two or two silvers from his arms. "It's not unreliable, but there are rules in the hospital. These two are counted as deposits. The remaining ones and twos are harvested. After the autumn harvest, they will be given to you. Okay?" She let Xinzhi handed over the proposed appointment in the morning to the village head and asked him to witness that the two parties also decided to sign the contract.

"Cheng Chengcheng." Wang Jia couple nodded. Pushing his own man to go to the village head and press the fingerprint. I carefully took over the silver of the two white flowers that Sushui took. I thought that the three or two silvers would have to wait for the autumn harvest before they could take it. Who knows that they have not started farming, they will suffer first.

"As for the farm implements, fertilizers and other necessities that need to be taken care of in the farmland, you will go directly to the Xiao General Manager." The farm tools in the other hospitals are all placed in the storage room of the new courtyard. If necessary, go to Xiaoheng for registration. , use it with you. There is no need to self-pad silver.

"Good." The Wang family and the couple nodded their heads. They did not expect that even the consumables such as fertilizers would not be burdened by themselves. Then these three silvers are purely their labor costs. I am full of gratitude. I know that this is the main family's intention to help others.

"Wang Bo, Wang Wei, if you can't eat it... just come to me. I can arrange another person to come over. Don't hold it hard." Before leaving, Su Shuizhen couldn't help but remind him. Seeing that the Wang family is almost forty years old, this time they have added five acres of new land, for fear that their family pressure is too big, but it hurts them.

"Yes. There are counts. The lady is relieved." Wang Jiapo's mother patted her chest and promised. The three acres of good land in their homes are usually handed over to the eldest son, and they are no problem. In addition to farming busy. However, the main family did not say that when they were busy, they would not ask them to harvest the grain of five acres of land. This is where there is anything tired. Usually, her family is busy going fishing on Xiufeng.

"That... Madame, if there is a trick in the other hospital, can you let Xiaojia Xiaomei also try it? She has 13 years of age, and she has done everything in the house." The family man is also a gardener, and there are several silvers in a year. Then let the little daughter go in and make a tea dumpling, should there be this number?

"Hey?" Su Shuiyan heard the words that he wanted to go out, turned his head and looked at Wang Hao, who was looking forward to his face, and then swept to Xiaomei, who was a little shy at the corner.

She never took the initiative to recruit a small villager from the villagers of the "Heyuan". One was afraid that they would say that the main family was deceiving, and they actually let their baby's gimmicks and kides enter the government. Secondly, I am also afraid that my parents who are close to home and who are close to home are always thinking about going home, not doing things seriously, and breaking the rules of other hospitals. At that time, fines and fines are not allowed.

Therefore, she only recruited long-term helpers in Qingtian Town for the operation of the pickles brewing workshop.

Other people who need it are orphans or single-parent families recruited through Yang Xintang.

"Do you want to go by yourself?" Su Shuizhen asked Xiaomei with his head down.

"Yeah." Xiaomei nodded lightly. She had seen the embarrassment of doing things in the main house, and she was dressed better than her existing clothes. Going out is not like swearing. And according to the village head, if you do well, you have the opportunity to study in the school and go to the shops in the city. After she heard it, she wanted to try it. Even if you can't do the wood shopkeeper like Dabaoge, you can be a stable clerk, and a fixed income every month is good.

"But if it is a long-term appointment, it will take two years. You are sure?" Su Shuiqi asked with a smile. She is not intentionally martyrdom. Just enter the other hospitals to do things, first of all, to follow Chunlan training for a month, and then according to the schedule to each position, rotate once every quarter, one year later, according to their own expertise to determine their final job position.

"Yes." Xiaomei is quite chest-high, but her shame on her face is actually a 13-year-old girl. She is not very courageous.

Wang Wei saw Su Shui-yu asking this question, and he also guessed that he must be able to make it, laughing and apron. "Madam, that's why, it's almost noon, and there is no big dish at home, if you don't dislike it, use lunch. Go back?"

"No, Wang Hao, I have to go to the silk weaving workshop. Since Xiaomei has the heart, you agree. I am of course willing to join her. I will come to Chunlan tomorrow, and she will take you through the formalities. As for the income, the first year, Not many, two hundred bronzes a month, including food and accommodation. If you want to go home, it will be. But the day after the rotation is to stay." Su Shuiyan roughly described the income of the newly entered the hospital, so that they can There are counts in my heart, and one night I can think about it.

"Well, Xiaomei goes. Don't worry, I will never wipe my face with my wife." Wang Yi heard that there were two hundred bronzes a month, and that year, there were two or two. Also included for three meals. Such a good thing, how did you not think of it in the early years?

Su Shuiyu saw that they did not retreat after listening to it. They smiled and nodded to Xiaomei. After saying goodbye to the Wang family, they got on the carriage and went to the silk weaving workshop by Xinzhi.

In the past few days, I was busy with the banquet for the Dragon Boat Festival. I haven't seen the situation of silkworm cocoons for a long time. Today, I saw Auntie went to the city to find the foot of Fengyao Pavilion in the morning, and I had to go to the silk weaving workshop. Lest he come back, he will not rest well and be busy. She can stay at home all day, watching her busy, she will also feel bad. Can not do the net, the cloud of the solitary girders, and occasionally patrol several industrial assemblies. What's more, the silk weaving workshop is still her proposal. Because she also wants the people here to wear clothes woven with silk.


"Madam, how come you? Have you had lunch?". The silk-weaving workshop chef and manager Luo Dayang just made a lunch, and saw Su Shui-soo and Xin Zhi came down from the carriage, and shouted in surprise.

When I heard the voice of Luo Auntie, the old weavers and weavers who were preparing for the meal were happy to run out of the workshop.

"I didn't see you at the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday. Did the scorpions eat it?" Su Shui smirked and nodded to several people.

"Eat after eating, all kinds of tastes have been eaten, there are several delicious dishes, osmanthus brewing also drank an altar, enough to eat..." The old weaver headed the scalp and said with a smile.

"That's good. There are a few boxes of snacks here, which are the cakes and cakes that are branded and Yingyun. Everyone has a taste." Su Shui-yu said that Xinzhi gave the big boxes of cakes that were uploaded by the carriage to Everyone.

"Mrs and girls haven't used any food yet? Don't you mind eating together?" Luo Auntie took the cake and invited him enthusiastically.

"Okay. I just want to come to Auntie to have a meal here. After using the meal, I still want to see the cocoon. Should I be old, is the situation good today?" Su Shui-soo nodded and smiled and asked the old weaver headed. The latest situation of the weaving workshop.

"All good. The first batch of silkworm cocoons have been used. In these few days, we are immersing and softening according to the previous test method. The effect is very good. Miluo and Wenhui have begun to soften the first barrel of silkworm cocoons. Pulling out the warp and weft, although it has not been woven into raw materials, dyed and colored, but it is very good to look at it. After weaving it into silk, it will definitely make a big splash." Should be explained to the end, full of expectations, see everyone laughing.

"Well, let's do it well. We will be able to launch the first batch of 'Guanyuan' quality flat spinning silks before the year." Su Shuiyan couldn't help but smile. These helpers were all confirmed by her personal interview. The silk weave has great interest and embarrassment. I believe that in the near future, Dahui will add a beautiful and comfortable fabric that is full of praise - silk. At present, this relatively simple weaving "Georges" is the first medium-woven fabric that she is currently trial-produced. Of course, as the skills are familiar and refined, she believes that more silk weaving methods will emerge from the silk weaving. At that time, she will expand the silk weaving workshop into a silk workshop integrating weaving, embroidery and ready-to-wear. And positioning is not just a comfortable fabric that can only be enjoyed by high-end doors.

Yingyun and her older sister also said that if they want to expand the silk weaving workshop, they will be the first place to join the store, but the home where she is deeply attached and physically and mentally united. The home of the joint management is also a beautiful home created by everyone.

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