Assassin Farmer

: Fan Waizhi: Flower Marry

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Fan Waizhi: Flower Marry

She is injured. For the first time in 18 years, I was gloriously wounded. And it hurts very much, destroying the innocent palace of the killer organization that intends to take Lin Xi’s life.

However, for her, it was only a small injury that was scratched by the long sword and did not endanger her life. However, she was forced to stay in the bed of the Fengyao Pavilion. And one is three days. As soon as she got a sign of getting up, she came to her ear so that she would rather take a rest.

"You said that you are a girl's house, nothing is strong, Lin Xi is difficult, so many fraternity members are eating dry food? Need you to block the sword?"

"When did the Fengyao Pavilion chief become the killer?"

"Auntie, they will block the sword if they are alone. Do you dare to take your own back and think that your back is King Kong?"

"Woman, don't be forced to raise a good injury, otherwise, I don't guarantee that you will cooperate with you."


Such chanting, let Lin Biao helplessly only have to cooperate in the bed to recover.

The chanting person is not anyone in the fraternity, but the magical obstacle that she appeared in her eyes from the age of ten, and the eldest son of the family.

Xiangjia moved from the Imperial Capital to the big room eight years ago. He was a fan of the family, and he had a pair of children. His son Xiang Shenglin was four years old and his daughter Xiang Ning was one year younger than Lin Biao. After acquaintance, she began to be treated like a sister by Xiang Shengru. It’s just eight years.

At the beginning, she was cold and unwilling to talk about her temper. She did not say anything against his chicken, which led him to become more and more familiar with her. Later, when she wanted to refute, she was already used to his chicken, and could not refuse his kindness and enthusiasm. It is incredible, she eats soft and does not eat hard temper, was stunned by Xiang Sheng.

What makes her weird is that with the qualifications and personalities of Xiang Sheng, there are countless people who are looking for a good match with Xiao Xibi and Xiao Jiabi. Like the 22nd item of this year, there is no woman to accompany her. If there is, she will be alone.

It should be said that in the past eight years, he has never been jealous of her only to enter her.

what does this mean? Lin Biao was in bed, frowning and thinking hard. In fact, he did not cover up. The person he wanted to marry was her, not the other women who were more than a few times quieter than her...

However, does he not feel that his temper is too difficult to get along with? It’s cold and arrogant, not good at words. The most important thing is that she has already been eighteen years old, and she has passed the good old age.

Uh... she sighs softly. She never thought that a woman with such a temperament would have someone to ask, what a normal man likes, shouldn’t she be as gentle and graceful as a mother? Otherwise, it should be a girl who is so cute and beautiful like Jingyu and Haoyue, rather than her woman who plans to do business all the time and enters the rivers and lakes. It's hard to imagine that she will one day be hidden in chrysanthemums, embroidered and painted all day, and her husband and son... shaking her head, it is not the life she wants. Since she took over the post of the Fengyao Pavilion, she will lead the brothers in the pavilion to open up vast worlds...

"Sighing what your wind Yaoge is very good, neither falling nor closing down." Xiang Sheng did not sigh.

Going forward to pick up her horns, sweeping the meal on the low cabinet next to the bed, can't help but sneak down: "I will go away for half a day, you don't need lunch?"

Lin Biao raised his eyes and glanced at him. What was he mad at? She didn't eat because she was full in the morning and she didn't feel hungry.

Since her rehabilitative injury, all three meals have been sent by Lin Biao in person, and she is always eating and not eating. A few days later, she found that she had a thin waist and had flesh. It turns out that there is really no difference between rehabilitating and raising pigs.

I would like to ask a person who spends all day on the bed, without any energy-consuming people, can you eat so much food? Does he think he is raising pigs instead of her?

Retracting his mind and sweeping the expression of Xiang Sheng's eyebrows, Lin Biao slightly sideways, unnaturally explaining. "I am not hungry." The scorpion that has not been opened for a long time is somewhat hoarse.

"Hungry is too late." Xiang Sheng muttered a sentence, then carefully raised her, let her sit up, "How much to fill the stomach, the weather is good today, I will accompany you to go out and walk. Don't think about it." Going to the cabinet to handle the official business, I will not allow it." He glanced at her and blocked her words.

"Xiang Sheng, you are like this... Does the family not say anything?". Lin Biao took a few mouthfuls. There are a lot of industries in Xiangjia. He spent almost all of his days in the backyard of Fengyao Pavilion to accompany her. Is it not going to fall into the tongue?

“What to say?” Xiang Sheng glanced at her strangely. He and Lin Biao, as early as three years ago in the Mid-Autumn Festival, had already nodded their parents. Only when she agreed, they would have to lift the big car to welcome her. of.

"Xiang Sheng, I am not worth it." She finished the last bite, took the silk to clean the corners of the mouth, and faintly stated.

"The value is not worthy of my heart." Xiang Sheng suppressed the anger of his heart, the anger caused by her demeaning self, packed up the food box and helped her get up.

Lin Biao reluctantly sighed, and his advice was once again defeated.

He can always make her unable to continue with the method of four or two.

Perhaps, in the subconscious, she also hopes that he will always stay with her like this. However, this is not realistic, isn't it? He will marry his wife one day soon... and she is not suitable for him...


Since that day, she has stopped mentioning anything about inappropriate and rudeness. He still comes to feed her three meals a day, and she cooperates to raise the sword wound on her back.

Only when he recovered, can he lose the reason for coming over, she thought.

Fortunately, she did not let her know about her injury, otherwise she would have a hard time. This man’s chanting is enough for her to suffer. She is not stupid enough to recruit a few more elders who are entangled in her non-stop. In addition to cockroaches, several others, including her mother-in-law, will definitely let her linger in the distressed tears and gentle shackles.

What is the situation at the moment?

Lin Biao stunned as he was stunned by the enthusiasm of the niece in front of the dressing table, opening his face, applying makeup, pulling hair, putting on a wedding dress, etc... Wedding dress?

When will she marry?

"Mother?" She turned doubtfully and turned to the side of her mother who was smiling at her. "What is going on?" She had thought about celebrating her recovery, but never thought about it. Want this way of celebration.

"Of course, it is married." Su Shuiyu had a voice in the future, and Jiang Yingyun smiled and replied with a smile: "Don't be nervous, Xiang Sheng that kid is doing everything, even we are free." Just stay with you."

"Xiang Sheng?" So, is he arrogant to her? What should she say? She is not married?

Finally, she married and married a man who knew more about her and her sister. The reason is nothing more than that, she does need a man who can take care of him when she is injured and has no regrets, although this reason is not the most important thing in her heart. Yes, what is the relationship? As she set the expected plan to turn a corner, although there is more than a transition she did not expect, the direction is still toward her set goals.

Yes, she, Lin Yao, the chief of the Fengyao Pavilion, will not abandon the organization she has fought for for five years in order to marry this reason. I believe that the man will not be so constrained by her, otherwise he will not marry her.

So, in the mid-autumn of her 18-year-old, she was marrying and marrying into the family.

********'s ** taste, let her start to look forward to this marriage she did not expect.

"Early." Xiang Sheng's low voice was heard in her ear, and she turned around. She was taken into the bare chest by him.

"Is it okay last night?" He glanced at her undressed body, whitening the pink skin, planting the red marks he had earned. This discovery made him very happy.

Lin Biao’s ear is hot in an instant. She didn't mind being swept away by his fiery eyes, but he couldn't open his mouth and describe the record of last night.

"A day off. I will go to the emperor tomorrow to see my father and my aunt." He smiled low, got up and put on his nightgown, and hugged her to the bathroom in the back of the bedroom.

"Emperor?" She frowned. It will take at least six days to get there. "There's no way to go." She could see his next expression. Maybe he would start to intervene in her industry and persuade her to give up the wind Yaoge, just hiding him in the backyard and embroidering him. Clothes to make soup...

"I know. Let's rest assured that you will not be in the past few days, he will sit on your behalf. You can also return to your intact Fengyao Pavilion." Xiang Sheng grinned.

Although it is difficult to understand why Si Tuo does not pass Feng Yaoge to his own eldest son, Shi Yanchen, but instead passed it on to Lin Biao who is a woman. However, this is the resolution of the elders, and Lin Biao himself is also very good, he will not go to interfere.

Lin Biao looked up and looked at Xiang Sheng. He did not take the opportunity to persuade himself to give up the Feng Yao Pavilion. He did not blame himself for disregarding the rules of his wife. He only remembered to hang the affairs of the house... He, this is to support himself. Continue to take charge of the wind Yaoge?

"A fool, it's your hard work, I won't be so ignorant. Besides, you can have this industry to attract your heart. When I am busy, I don't worry that I will be cold." Come to the bathroom. Xiang Sheng put down her, and a little bit of her delicate nose, softly explained: "I knew from five years ago that if you want to marry you, you must even be together with Feng Yaoge. Woman, I have been preparing for so many years, just to let you Marry me without any worries, be my wife, and stand by your wife. You can't deprive me of my heart."

"Xiang Sheng..." She repeatedly whispered his name. She really didn't know that he would pay so much attention to her and attach importance to her loved affairs. This discovery made her feel overwhelmed.

"Maybe, you can rest in bed today without going out..." He hugged her and prevented her from having any room for rejection.

God knows that in order to let her only have him in her heart, in order to let her marry him without protest, how long has he prepared and how long he has endured... even at the expense of her brotherhood members privately laughing that he is unreasonable* ***. Although she does not expect her to fall in love with him, she does not want her to marry him because he is responsible for eating.

Nowadays, she is already his wife. He can eat her brightly and slyly. She swears at her. She doesn’t say that she is seven times. Even if she is on the bed with her on the bed, he is not afraid that she wants to be partial... ...he is actually a very strong man... Of course, the object must be her--the bride who fell in love at first sight eight years ago...

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