Assassin Farmer

: 073 busy in the New Year

The gratifying warm sun ushered in the first day of the eleventh year of Dahuiguo Fengqing - the first day of the first month.

After the chef cooked a pot of three-color assorted broth made of sesame, bean paste and jujube stuffing in the kitchen, I saw that it was still early, and I got up and came to the South Hospital to prepare all the ripe vegetables in the dish. Pick it up.

After three days of good days, the snow in the south face of the south courtyard has completely disappeared. Except for occasionally a few wet corners, the thin ice has not yet been completely removed. But it does not hinder his next work.

Put the linoleum cloth up and fold it in the corner of Xiaoxi. Of course, the wooden shelves are still in place, and when they are not sure, they will come back to the spring gardens to ravage the vegetables in the courtyard.

The cabbages, small green vegetables, sweet potatoes, radishes, etc., which have already matured in the field, are picked and excavated one by one, and they are respectively contained in the big bamboo basket. As for the rotten leaves, they all stayed in the soil as natural fertilizer, and the yellow leaves that were torn off were thrown into the fence of the chicken coop and the sheepfold.

As for the radish and sweet potato, there are a few left in the kitchen to be eaten, and the rest are collected in the newly built storage cubicle on the side of the chicken house. The small room is made of stone. The door and the top are nailed by wooden boards. The top is covered with broken bricks and covered with a layer of linoleum cloth. Even if it rains and snows, it will not be covered. Therefore, some foods that can be stored for a long time or not will be placed here.

After finishing these activities, it is not very early to see the time, Lin Siyi first returned to the kitchen to wash his hands, ready to squeeze goat milk. As for the dishes that have been empty, I am still waiting for it. Now it is very spring, and the two acres of farmland outside the house should be fully activated. Although the winter wheat has been planted in an acre of land, this is not an acre of land, but sprinkled some rapeseed seeds sporadically, basically idle.

Lin Si was thinking and thinking, and he was busy with his work. I want him to be a killer, but now he is distressed about what to plant, what to collect, what to eat, and at first he really made him uncomfortable. However, as the days go by, and the family is perfected day by day, such annoyance to him, it is synonymous with sweetness and satisfaction. Sometimes he even wanted to thank him for the wind-clear cliff that he did not hesitate to hunt him.


"Chairman's family, Laojiao, Tianjiajia..." Su Shui-soo counted the hand-packed ceremonies that had been packed and prepared for the New Year.

There is a small custom in the town of Fanhua, that is, if the family has an elder, the first month of the first month does not go out.

Therefore, there are no elders like Su Shuiyu and Lin Sizhen, so they can go out and worship at an early age.

They are planning to go to the town of Fanhua today, and to the villagers who have given their own help, but everyone who wants to go to the door to celebrate the early years and congratulations.

As for the hand-to-hand ceremony, hey, Lin Sizhen’s two large fruit baskets are not exactly inside.

A cloth bobbin made of a large red cotton cloth, with a thin black hemp rope passing through the edge of the cotton bobbin, gently pumped with a hand, the cotton bobbin bundled. As for the contents of each package, most of them are eating at home, such as wild eggs, salted fish, fruity cakes, pastry cakes... and a string of fine linens in a cute shape. Dozens of new copper pieces.

Of course, the value of each gift is almost the same. This point, Su Shuiyu still wants to be more thoughtful. Otherwise, if people chatter and learn that they have sent the New Year’s greetings, there is still a distinction between high and low values. Does it cause misunderstanding? The way to return is that my heart is biased.

However, then again, since they moved to the town of Fanhua, they have settled in the village for half a year. There are also some individual farmers in the village who can’t see her. For example, those who saw Lin Siyi mentioning wild animals and going home, did not dare to enter the mountain, they ran to the head of the village to talk about the remarks, that is, the wild animals in the big mountain will not be finished by him. . There are also some mother-in-laws who know that Sushui’s embroidered life has surpassed Hejiapo’s Lin’s and has become the most powerful embroidery in the town of Fanhua, even after becoming the chief embroidered mother of “Yueyun Embroidery”, from time to time. My mother-in-law is a few words in front of me. Whether she wants to leave her relationship with Su Shui-soo is not known. Fortunately, He Jiapo Niang still knows the general, and then stabbed her heart, and she still smiled and was modest. It is not really alienated from Su Shui. After all, in terms of embroidering, Su Shuiyu won too much, and she had to admit it.

So, after screening out a few farmers who were too tight, Su Shui-soo and Lin Si-shen went to the door with two large baskets. I am also very good at it? It is also good to save a few handfuls. Hehe... Su Shuiyan thought with a funny smile. However, this is the real life in the town of flowers. You respect me a foot, I still give you a shot. If you bully me, even if I don't want to report it, I will not care for you. Otherwise, don’t you really bully yourself?


Until the end of time, the two talents returned to the house with two large fruit baskets still full.

Twenty-five handfuls of gifts were delivered with the New Year's greetings, and they also reluctantly accepted the contents of other households who were forced to stuff into the fruit basket. Among them are domestic chicken and duck eggs, homemade knives, pickled cucumbers, mung bean rice cakes, and even a few red plums.

Su Shuiqi joyfully put the red plum branch into the wide-mouth round belly bottle on the flower shelf of the bedroom. Add a bit of spring to the interior.

After taking a clap, I smiled and came to the kitchen, and together with Lin Sizhen, picked up the food that the villagers sent.

"Master ~ ~ Shi Niang ~ ~" far away, I heard Tian Dabao screaming. Obvious people have not arrived.

"Master, teacher, let's come to the New Year." Tian Dabao sneaked into the kitchen with a smile, followed by a string of tails, about six or seven children less than ten years old. Su Shui-hsuan only recognized three of them, Fang Xiaohua, who was only six years old, and Sun Qihe, who is nine years old at Sun Youmao’s family, and the young son of the Shuigen family, the nine-year-old Shuifu. Because he had followed their mother to come to their own home, Su Shuizhen still remembers.

"Lin Master, Lin Shi Niang's New Year," the six children brushed their faces and bowed to Lin Shizhen and Su Shuiqi, and said in their mouths that they had been told by Dabao in advance.

In fact, they originally wanted to call Su Shuiyan's sister. How can there be such a young and beautiful teacher? Ketian Dabao does not do it. As a result, he has become the smallest. Therefore, insist on insisting that they follow their own calls, otherwise they will not let them follow. Of course, they add a surname to the front, so that people can know the difference with themselves. I have to say that the **** brain of Tian Dabao’s head is really dissipated.

"Sister, they have to follow me to New Year, I can't help." Tian Dabao saw Sushui's expression of a strange look, his shoulders shrugged, his hands spread, it seems that he also helplessly explained.

When this words fell, Lin Sizhen immediately appreciated a big burst. Immediately pretend to sit up and take care of the children.

"Happy New Year, let's go to the hall to play." Su Shuiqi smiled back to the ceremony, then waved to several children, indicating that they went to the hall.

"I didn't lie to you? The teacher's family's zero mouth can be more." Tian Dabao deliberately pressed the scorpion and said several other children. Other children nodded in admiration. The eyes of the eye slid into a few cases full of dying. There are a total of seven or eight dishes of dried fruit snacks, and there are many maltose and candied haws that the family refuses to buy from them.

It is said that every household in the first month of the month has to open the gates of the courtyard in order to cross each other's thresholds. Regardless of whether there is a door in the neighborhood, Su Shui-soo is still in the presence of a mother-in-law who has a child, so that Lin Sizhen bought these children when he was last time in the market. Welcome to the snacks.

"Don't breathe, I want to eat whatever I take." Su Shuiyan came to Lin Shizhen from the kitchen to make sugar eggs, seven children, one bowl per person, and gave them to eat. "Come on, beware of hot, just put it on the case and eat it." Su Shuiyan carefully placed the sugar eggs on the coffee table next to the children's chair, and the two children sitting on the raft with Dabao were surrounded. A few cases swallowed up.

"I didn't lie to you? The sugar egg that the master made is the best." After eating the sugar egg, Tian Dabao, who wiped the corner of his mouth, showed off to the children on the side.

"Well," the other children nodded unanimously, and then they all flashed the sparkling black scorpion, staring at the candy on several cases, but they were too embarrassed to reach for it.

"Dabao, quickly give the candy to them to eat." Su Shuiyu, who took six strings of ten strings of copper from the bedroom, heard Tian Dabao’s words, was funny, told him to divide the candy, and at the same time The bronzes of the New Year’s ceremony are given to the children: “Come, take this back and buy some gadgets to play.”

The children looked at each other, seemingly shy but could not bear to miss, their hands were behind them, and their eyes were brightly staring at the copper in Sushui's hands.

Su Shuiqi funnyly stuffed the bronzes into their hands. As for Tian Dabao, he went to his home early in the morning and was left behind by Tian Hao. When he was lunch, he had already prepared ninety-nine copper pieces prepared in advance. The zodiac rabbit sent him to do the ageing ceremony.

“Thank you, Lin Shi Niang.” The youngest Fang Xiaohua’s mouth was sweet, and the other five children also thanked him.

"You're welcome. What do you want to eat? What is the teacher's mother to take?" Su Shuiyan touched the six-year-old Fang Xiaohua and asked with a smile.

"I want to eat candied haws, but my brothers want to eat..."

"Who said that"

"Who told you?"



After the New Year, after eating, drinking, and taking it, Tian Dabao led six children younger than him and continued to go to other villagers in the village.

In the first month, the happiest thing is the children. I can unscrupulously want to go to which one, and what I want to eat, though. Even copper is a gift, can you be unhappy?

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