Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Lao Shi appears

The first thousand and thirty-seven chapters of Lao Shi appear

"It's really boring!" Out of the hotel, Li Linger said with a grin. "It's all mean and knee-stricken. I don't think it's a good thing to be a cow!"

"What logic is this!" Zhao Tiezhu said with dissatisfaction, "Is it difficult for me to be a cow x is wrong?"

"Linger doesn't mean this." Lucy said to the side. "What she meant is that you will still be low-key in the future, so that everyone will be interesting when they play, so that people are always holding, how boring!"

"Playing pigs and eating tigers? I will, I have been dressed up last night." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged. "It’s just that my brilliance is too strong, and I can’t cover it."

The ladies expressed their helplessness to Zhao Tiezhu’s cheeks. When Su Yanni just wanted to sneak up on Zhao Tiezhu, his grandfather called and said that she was asked to take Zhao Tiezhu and others to see his institute. Looking at his latest work, it is a porcelain that was burned by Cao Ziyi.

“How is it so fast?” Zhao Tiezhu said strangely. “Is it not a matter of days before it can be made?”

"My grandfather has a secret law!" Su Yanni said proudly.

The group went to the ceramic research institute of Grandpa Su Yanni.

"Grandpa, show us your results." Su Yanni cried before entering the door.

"Well." Su Luo's voice came from the innermost room. Zhao Tiezhu walked in with Su Yanni. At this time, the center of the single room in the collection of porcelain in Suluo was placed with a porcelain more than one meter high. When Zhao Tiezhu looked at the first sight, he could not turn his eyes.

This porcelain has a seven-point image with Cao Ziyi. It looks like Cao Ziyi, but if you look closely, it is not Cao Ziyi. This porcelain has the charm of Cao Ziyi, but it is more beautiful than Cao Ziyi. It’s just beautiful, but hidden. A trace of sorrow, this porcelain seems to be alive in an instant, so that Zhao Tiezhu looked like there was a feeling of distress.

"This... is this what you are doing?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Haha, it’s all right, all right? Haha, this should be the most satisfying piece of my life!" Su Luo said with a big smile.

"Grandpa, what you are doing is really beautiful!" Li Linger looked at the porcelain with his eyes and said, "This is simply the sister of Lin Yiyu's son Yiyi!"

Cao Ziyi smiled and said, "I am not so beautiful."

Several people are looking at this set of porcelain. From the outside, a young man walks in. The young man walks and smiles and says, "Master, the template outside is already laid, let's go out and see."

Everyone looked at the sound, a very handsome but long, average man.

"Old... Lao Shi!!!" Zhao Tiezhu's eyes wide open, looking at the handsome man in front of him, screaming out! With Zhao Tiezhu’s city government, he can make him scream out loud, that is really rare, Zhao Tiezhu is confident, even if Feng sister is pregnant with the son of Guanxi, he will not be so screaming.

"Iron column?" This man, who is called Lao Shi, frowned and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You... how come you are here?"

"Xiao Shi, do you know the iron pillar?" Su Yanni asked curiously at the side. The old Shi in the mouth of Zhao Tiezhu was the little Shi she knew. Su Yanni had never heard of Zhao Tiezhu knowing such a character.

"I came to Yanni, and I came to see you by the way!" Zhao Tiezhu walked a few steps to the old Shi, and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, you still haven't changed."

"Oh, are you looking for Yanni?" Lao Shi’s face had a strange look. "Have you forgotten her?"

"She?" Zhao Tiezhu’s face suddenly turned white, and he couldn’t say a word for a long time.

"Forget it, I made it clear in the past, our relationship has been broken at that time, don't say anything else, let's go early." Lao Shi's face with a little disdain, more There is a trace of desolateness. "She may not think that if you are so fast, you will change your mind."

"Old Shi, it's all in the past. We can't live in memories. Are you saying yes?" Zhao Tiezhu's face slowly returned to normal, taking a deep breath, Zhao Tiezhu continued, "If she can know, I definitely hope that we have all been good!"

"Is it too good? Maybe you have been very good!" Lao Shi looked at a few women around. When he saw Cao Ziyi, Lao Shi suddenly stopped, his face full of unbelievable looks. "Sir...Sru?"

"Hello, my name is Cao Ziyi." Cao Ziyi looked the same, reaching out and saying to Lao Shi.

The old Shi Muran shook hands with Cao Ziyi, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, you... how can you be like Siru?"

"Old Shi, this is really Ziyi. Not Siru!" Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Oh, maybe, Siru has left us, and will never come back. I think too much." Lao Shi’s face is full of desolate, "Iron, I didn’t expect you to find her." A similar woman."

"It's all fate." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, let's talk, I have to go first." After leaving such a sentence, Lao Shi turned and left.

"Iron and Xiao Shi, what is going on?" Su Yanni asked in confusion.

"Oh, I and Lao Shi, when I was in high school, I was a classmate." Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes showed a trace of memories. "Just... oh, things have been a long time in the past. I don't want to say, sorry, Yan Ni, I want to be alone and quiet." Zhao Tiezhu finished, turned away and left the Ceramic Research Institute.

"What is going on?" Looking at Zhao Tiezhu, who was a little lost, Su Yanni’s heart was smashed like never before. She had never felt this way in her life, as if Zhao Tiezhu might leave her at any time.

“Zi Yijie...” Su Yanni looked at Cao Ziyi for help. Cao Ziyi smiled and said, “Catch up.”

"Yeah!" Su Yanni had no choice but to conceal anything at this time. She immediately chased Zhao Tiezhu and ran out, but Su Luo was full of calm.

"Sun daughter, after all, I have grown up!" After a long while, Su Luo sighed.

"Oh, are you growing up?" Cao Ziyi laughed.

"It is true!" Sulu nodded.

Cao Ziyi asked, "Father, I want to learn to make ceramics. Can you teach me?"

"Haha, you want to learn, I am willing to teach, and you two, do you want to learn?" Su Luo asked.

Li Linger and Lucy looked at the distance with considerable concern. When they heard Su Luo’s words, Li Linger said, “That’s good, let’s learn some fur!”

"Well, I have to learn too!" Lucy nodded seriously.

"Okay!" Su Luo took a clap and his face was full of smiles. "I will definitely teach you well."

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